hex.tree.Score Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import hex.*;
import hex.genmodel.GenModel;
import hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily;
import hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import water.Iced;
import water.Key;
import water.fvec.C0DChunk;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.udf.CFuncRef;
/** Score the tree columns, and produce a confusion matrix and AUC
public class Score extends CMetricScoringTask {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Score.class);
final SharedTree _bldr;
final boolean _is_train; // Scoring on pre-scored training data vs full-score data
final boolean _oob; // Computed on OOB
final Key _kresp; // Response vector key (might be either train or validation)
final ModelCategory _mcat; // Model category (Binomial, Regression, etc)
final boolean _computeGainsLift;
final ScoreIncInfo _sii; // Incremental scoring (on a validation dataset), null indicates full scoring
final Frame _preds; // Prediction cache (typically not too many Vecs => it is not too costly embed the object in MRTask)
final ScoreExtension _ext; // Optional extension to customize scoring (eg. for Uplift)
/** Output parameter: Metric builder */
ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder _mb;
/** Compute ModelMetrics on the testing dataset.
* It expect already adapted validation dataset which is adapted to a model
* and contains a response which is adapted to confusion matrix domain.
public Score(SharedTree bldr, boolean is_train, boolean oob, Vec kresp, ModelCategory mcat, boolean computeGainsLift, Frame preds, CFuncRef customMetricFunc) {
this(bldr, is_train, null, oob, kresp, mcat, computeGainsLift, preds, customMetricFunc);
public Score(SharedTree bldr, ScoreIncInfo sii, boolean oob, Vec kresp, ModelCategory mcat, boolean computeGainsLift, Frame preds, CFuncRef customMetricFunc) {
this(bldr, false, sii, oob, kresp, mcat, computeGainsLift, preds, customMetricFunc);
private Score(SharedTree bldr, boolean is_train, ScoreIncInfo sii, boolean oob, Vec kresp, ModelCategory mcat, boolean computeGainsLift, Frame preds, CFuncRef customMetricFunc) {
_bldr = bldr; _is_train = is_train; _sii = sii; _oob = oob; _kresp = kresp != null ? kresp._key : null; _mcat = mcat; _computeGainsLift = computeGainsLift;
_preds = computeGainsLift ? preds : null; // don't keep the prediction cache if we don't need to compute gainslift
assert _kresp != null || !_bldr.isSupervised();
assert (! _is_train) || (_sii == null);
_ext = _bldr.makeScoreExtension();
@Override public void map(Chunk allchks[]) {
final Chunk[] chks = getScoringChunks(allchks);
Chunk ys; // Response
if (_bldr.isSupervised()) {
ys = _bldr.chk_resp(chks);
} else if (_bldr.isResponseOptional() && _kresp != null) {
ys = _kresp.get().chunkForChunkIdx(chks[0].cidx());
} else {
ys = new C0DChunk(0, chks[0]._len); // Dummy response to simplify code
SharedTreeModel, ?, ?> m = _bldr._model;
Chunk weightsChunk = m._output.hasWeights() ? chks[m._output.weightsIdx()] : null;
Chunk offsetChunk = m._output.hasOffset() ? chks[m._output.offsetIdx()] : null;
// Because of adaption - the validation training set has at least as many
// classes as the training set (it may have more). The Confusion Matrix
// needs to be at least as big as the training set domain.
final String[] domain;
if (m._parms._distribution == DistributionFamily.quasibinomial) {
domain = ((GBMModel) m)._output._quasibinomialDomains;
} else {
domain = _kresp != null ? _kresp.get().domain() : null;
final int nclass = _bldr.nclasses();
_mb = m.makeMetricBuilder(domain);
// If this is a score-on-train AND DRF, then oobColIdx makes sense,
// otherwise this field is unused.
final int oobColIdx = _bldr.idx_oobt();
final double[] cdists = _mb._work; // Temp working array for class distributions
// If working a validation set, need to push thru official model scoring
// logic which requires a temp array to hold the features.
final double[] tmp = _is_train && _bldr._ntrees > 0 ? null : new double[_bldr._ncols];
// Score all Rows
final int[] responseComplements = _ext == null ? new int[0] : _ext.getResponseComplements(m);
final float[] val = new float[1 + responseComplements.length];
for( int row=0; row 2) { // Fill in prediction for multinomial
cdists[0] = GenModel.getPredictionMultinomial(cdists, m._output._priorClassDist, tmp);
} else if (nclass == 2) {
// for binomial the predicted class is not needed
// and it even cannot be returned because the threshold is calculated based on model metrics that are not known yet
// (we are just building the metrics)
cdists[0] = -1;
val[0] = (float)ys.atd(row);
if (responseComplements.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < responseComplements.length; i++) {
val[1 + i] = (float) chks[responseComplements[i]].atd(row);
_mb.perRow(cdists, val, weight, offset, m);
if (_preds != null) {
_mb.cachePrediction(cdists, allchks, row, chks.length, m);
// Compute custom metric if necessary
customMetricPerRow(cdists, val, weight, offset, m);
// scoring chunks are those chunks that make the input to one of the scoring functions
private Chunk[] getScoringChunks(Chunk[] allChunks) {
if (_preds == null)
return allChunks;
Chunk[] chks = new Chunk[allChunks.length - _preds.numCols()];
System.arraycopy(allChunks, 0, chks, 0, chks.length);
return chks;
protected boolean modifiesVolatileVecs() {
return _sii != null || _preds != null;
@Override public void reduce(Score t) {
// We need to satsify MB invariant
@Override protected void postGlobal() {
if(_mb != null) {
ModelMetrics scoreAndMakeModelMetrics(SharedTreeModel model, Frame fr, Frame adaptedFr, boolean buildTreeOneNode) {
Frame input = _preds != null ? new Frame(adaptedFr).add(_preds) : adaptedFr;
return doAll(input, buildTreeOneNode)
.makeModelMetrics(model, fr, adaptedFr, _preds);
// Run after the doAll scoring to convert the MetricsBuilder to a ModelMetrics
private ModelMetrics makeModelMetrics(SharedTreeModel model, Frame fr, Frame adaptedFr, Frame preds) {
ModelMetrics mm;
if ((model._output.nclasses() == 2 && _computeGainsLift) || _ext != null) {
assert preds != null : "Predictions were pre-created";
mm = _mb.makeModelMetrics(model, fr, adaptedFr, preds);
} else {
boolean calculatePreds = preds == null && model.isDistributionHuber();
// FIXME: PUBDEV-4992 we should avoid doing full scoring!
if (calculatePreds) {
LOG.warn("Going to calculate predictions from scratch. This can be expensive for large models! See PUBDEV-4992");
preds = model.score(fr);
mm = _mb.makeModelMetrics(model, fr, null, preds);
if (calculatePreds && (preds != null))
return mm;
static Frame makePredictionCache(SharedTreeModel model, Vec templateVec, String[] domain) {
ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder mb = model.makeMetricBuilder(domain);
return mb.makePredictionCache(model, templateVec);
public static class ScoreIncInfo extends Iced {
public final int _startTree;
public final int _workspaceColIdx;
public final int _workspaceColCnt;
public final int _predsAryOffset;
public ScoreIncInfo(int startTree, int workspaceColIdx, int workspaceColCnt, int predsAryOffset) {
_startTree = startTree;
_workspaceColIdx = workspaceColIdx;
_workspaceColCnt = workspaceColCnt;
_predsAryOffset = predsAryOffset;
public static abstract class ScoreExtension extends Iced {
* Get prediction from per class-probabilities or algo-specific data
* @param cdist prediction array
* @return prediction
protected abstract double getPrediction(double[] cdist);
* Return indices of columns that need to be extracted from Frame chunks in addition to response
* @param m instance of SharedTreeModel
* @return training frame column indices
protected abstract int[] getResponseComplements(SharedTreeModel, ?, ?> m);
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