hex.tree.TreeHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import hex.Model;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeGraph;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeNode;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeSubgraph;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeGraphConverter;
import hex.schemas.TreeV3;
import water.Keyed;
import water.MemoryManager;
import water.api.Handler;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import static hex.tree.TreeUtils.getResponseLevelIndex;
* Handling requests for various model trees
public class TreeHandler extends Handler {
private static final int NO_CHILD = -1;
public enum PlainLanguageRules {AUTO, TRUE, FALSE}
public TreeV3 getTree(final int version, final TreeV3 args) {
if (args.tree_number < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tree number: " + args.tree_number + ". Tree number must be >= 0.");
final Keyed possibleModel = args.model.key().get();
if (possibleModel == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given model does not exist: " + args.model.key().toString());
else if (!(possibleModel instanceof SharedTreeModel) && !(possibleModel instanceof SharedTreeGraphConverter)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given model is not tree-based.");
final SharedTreeSubgraph sharedTreeSubgraph;
if (possibleModel instanceof SharedTreeGraphConverter) {
final SharedTreeGraphConverter treeBackedModel = (SharedTreeGraphConverter) possibleModel;
final SharedTreeGraph sharedTreeGraph = treeBackedModel.convert(args.tree_number, args.tree_class);
assert sharedTreeGraph.subgraphArray.size() == 1;
sharedTreeSubgraph = sharedTreeGraph.subgraphArray.get(0);
if (! ((Model)possibleModel)._output.isClassifier()) {
args.tree_class = null; // Class may not be provided by the user, should be always filled correctly on output. NULL for regression.
} else {
final SharedTreeModel model = (SharedTreeModel) possibleModel;
final SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput sharedTreeOutput = (SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput) model._output;
final int treeClass = getResponseLevelIndex(args.tree_class, sharedTreeOutput);
sharedTreeSubgraph = model.getSharedTreeSubgraph(args.tree_number, treeClass);
// Class may not be provided by the user, should be always filled correctly on output. NULL for regression.
args.tree_class = sharedTreeOutput.isClassifier() ? sharedTreeOutput.classNames()[treeClass] : null;
final TreeProperties treeProperties = convertSharedTreeSubgraph(sharedTreeSubgraph, args.plain_language_rules);
args.left_children = treeProperties._leftChildren;
args.right_children = treeProperties._rightChildren;
args.descriptions = treeProperties._descriptions;
args.root_node_id = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getNodeNumber();
args.thresholds = treeProperties._thresholds;
args.features = treeProperties._features;
args.nas = treeProperties._nas;
args.levels = treeProperties.levels;
args.predictions = treeProperties._predictions;
args.tree_decision_path = treeProperties._treeDecisionPath;
args.decision_paths = treeProperties._decisionPaths;
return args;
private static String getLanguageRepresentation(SharedTreeSubgraph sharedTreeSubgraph) {
return getNodeRepresentation(sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode, new StringBuilder(), 0).toString();
private static StringBuilder getNodeRepresentation(SharedTreeNode node, StringBuilder languageRepresentation, int padding) {
if (node.getRightChild() != null) {
languageRepresentation.append(getConditionLine(node, padding));
languageRepresentation = getNodeRepresentation(node.getRightChild(), languageRepresentation, padding +1);
languageRepresentation = getNodeRepresentation(node.getLeftChild(), languageRepresentation, padding + 1);
} else {
if (Float.compare(node.getPredValue(),Float.NaN) != 0) {
languageRepresentation.append("Predicted value: " + node.getPredValue());
} else {
languageRepresentation.append("Predicted value: NaN");
return languageRepresentation;
private static StringBuilder getNewPaddedLine(int padding) {
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder("\n");
for(int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
return line;
private static StringBuilder getElseLine(SharedTreeNode node) {
StringBuilder elseLine = new StringBuilder();
if (node.getDomainValues() == null) {
elseLine.append("} else {");
} else {
SharedTreeNode leftChild = node.getLeftChild();
elseLine.append("} else if ( ").append(node.getColName()).append(" is in [ ");
BitSet inclusiveLevelsSet = leftChild.getInclusiveLevels();
if (inclusiveLevelsSet != null) {
String stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = inclusiveLevelsSet.toString();
int inclusiveLevelsLength = inclusiveLevelsSet.toString().length();
if (inclusiveLevelsLength > 2) {
// get rid of curly braces:
stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.substring(1, inclusiveLevelsLength - 1);
String[] inclusiveLevels = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.split(",");
for (String index : inclusiveLevels) {
elseLine.append(node.getDomainValues()[Integer.parseInt(index.trim())] + " ");
} else {
elseLine.append("Missing set of levels for underlying node");
elseLine.append("]) {");
return elseLine;
private static StringBuilder getConditionLine(SharedTreeNode node, int padding) {
StringBuilder conditionLine = new StringBuilder();
if (padding != 0) {
if (node.getDomainValues() == null) {
if (Float.compare(node.getSplitValue(),Float.NaN) == 0) {
conditionLine.append("If ( " + node.getColName() + " is NaN ) {");
} else {
conditionLine.append("If ( " + node.getColName() + " >= " + node.getSplitValue());
if ("RIGHT".equals(getNaDirection(node))) {
conditionLine.append(" or ").append(node.getColName()).append(" is NaN ) {");
} else {
conditionLine.append(" ) {");
} else {
conditionLine.append("If ( " + node.getColName() + " is in [ ");
// get inclusive levels:
SharedTreeNode rightChild = node.getRightChild();
String stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = rightChild.getInclusiveLevels().toString();
int inclusiveLevelsLength = rightChild.getInclusiveLevels().toString().length();
if (inclusiveLevelsLength > 2) {
// get rid of curly braces:
stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.substring(1, inclusiveLevelsLength - 1);
String[] inclusiveLevels = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.split(",");
.forEach(index -> conditionLine.append(node.getDomainValues()[index] + " "));
} else {
conditionLine.append("Missing set of levels for underlying node");
conditionLine.append("]) {");
return conditionLine;
* Converts H2O-3's internal representation of a tree in a form of {@link SharedTreeSubgraph} to a format
* expected by H2O clients.
* @param sharedTreeSubgraph An instance of {@link SharedTreeSubgraph} to convert
* @return An instance of {@link TreeProperties} with some attributes possibly empty if suitable. Never null.
static TreeProperties convertSharedTreeSubgraph(final SharedTreeSubgraph sharedTreeSubgraph, PlainLanguageRules plainLanguageRules) {
final TreeProperties treeprops = new TreeProperties();
treeprops._leftChildren = MemoryManager.malloc4(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
treeprops._rightChildren = MemoryManager.malloc4(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
treeprops._descriptions = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()];
treeprops._thresholds = MemoryManager.malloc4f(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
treeprops._features = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()];
treeprops._nas = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()];
treeprops._predictions = MemoryManager.malloc4f(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
treeprops._leafNodeAssignments = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()];
treeprops._decisionPaths = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()];
treeprops._leftChildrenNormalized = MemoryManager.malloc4(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
treeprops._rightChildrenNormalized = MemoryManager.malloc4(sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size());
// Set root node's children, there is no guarantee the root node will be number 0
treeprops._rightChildren[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getRightChild() != null ? sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getRightChild().getNodeNumber() : -1;
treeprops._leftChildren[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getLeftChild() != null ? sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getLeftChild().getNodeNumber() : -1;
treeprops._thresholds[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getSplitValue();
treeprops._features[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getColName();
treeprops._nas[0] = getNaDirection(sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode);
treeprops.levels = new int[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()][];
if (plainLanguageRules.equals(PlainLanguageRules.AUTO)) {
/* 255 = number of nodes for complete binary tree of depth 7 (2^(k+1)−1) */
plainLanguageRules = sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size() < 256 ? PlainLanguageRules.TRUE : PlainLanguageRules.FALSE;
if (plainLanguageRules.equals(PlainLanguageRules.TRUE)) {
treeprops._treeDecisionPath = getLanguageRepresentation(sharedTreeSubgraph);
treeprops._decisionPaths[0] = "Predicted value: " + sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getPredValue();
treeprops._leftChildrenNormalized[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getLeftChild() != null ? sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getLeftChild().getNodeNumber() : -1;
treeprops._rightChildrenNormalized[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getRightChild() != null ? sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getRightChild().getNodeNumber() : -1;
treeprops._domainValues = new String[sharedTreeSubgraph.nodesArray.size()][];
treeprops._domainValues[0] = sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode.getDomainValues();
List nodesToTraverse = new ArrayList<>();
append(treeprops._rightChildren, treeprops._leftChildren,
treeprops._descriptions, treeprops._thresholds, treeprops._features, treeprops._nas,
treeprops.levels, treeprops._predictions, nodesToTraverse, -1, false, treeprops._domainValues);
if (plainLanguageRules.equals(PlainLanguageRules.TRUE)) fillLanguagePathRepresentation(treeprops, sharedTreeSubgraph.rootNode);
return treeprops;
private static void append(final int[] rightChildren, final int[] leftChildren, final String[] nodesDescriptions,
final float[] thresholds, final String[] splitColumns, final String[] naHandlings,
final int[][] levels, final float[] predictions,
final List nodesToTraverse, int pointer, boolean visitedRoot,
String[][] domainValues) {
if(nodesToTraverse.isEmpty()) return;
List discoveredNodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (SharedTreeNode node : nodesToTraverse) {
final SharedTreeNode leftChild = node.getLeftChild();
final SharedTreeNode rightChild = node.getRightChild();
fillnodeDescriptions(node, nodesDescriptions, thresholds, splitColumns, levels, predictions,
naHandlings, pointer, domainValues);
} else {
StringBuilder rootDescriptionBuilder = new StringBuilder();
rootDescriptionBuilder.append("*** WARNING: This property is deprecated! *** ");
rootDescriptionBuilder.append("Root node has id ");
rootDescriptionBuilder.append(" and splits on column '");
rootDescriptionBuilder.append("'. ");
fillNodeSplitTowardsChildren(rootDescriptionBuilder, node);
nodesDescriptions[pointer] = rootDescriptionBuilder.toString();
visitedRoot = true;
if (leftChild != null) {
leftChildren[pointer] = leftChild.getNodeNumber();
} else {
leftChildren[pointer] = NO_CHILD;
if (rightChild != null) {
rightChildren[pointer] = rightChild.getNodeNumber();
} else {
rightChildren[pointer] = NO_CHILD;
append(rightChildren, leftChildren, nodesDescriptions, thresholds, splitColumns, naHandlings, levels, predictions,
discoveredNodes, pointer, true, domainValues);
private static List extractInternalIds(TreeProperties properties) {
int nodeId = 0;
List nodeIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < properties._leftChildren.length; i++) {
if (properties._leftChildren[i] != -1) {
properties._leftChildrenNormalized[i] = nodeId;
} else {
properties._leftChildrenNormalized[i] = -1;
if (properties._rightChildren[i] != -1) {
properties._rightChildrenNormalized[i] = nodeId;
} else {
properties._rightChildrenNormalized[i] = -1;
return nodeIds;
static String getCondition(SharedTreeNode node, String from) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (node.getDomainValues() != null) {
sb.append("If (");
sb.append(" is in [");
BitSet inclusiveLevels;
if (from.equals("R")) {
inclusiveLevels = node.getLeftChild().getInclusiveLevels();
} else {
inclusiveLevels = node.getRightChild().getInclusiveLevels();
if (inclusiveLevels != null) {
String stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = inclusiveLevels.toString();
int inclusiveLevelsLength = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.length();
if (inclusiveLevelsLength > 2) {
stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.substring(1, inclusiveLevelsLength - 1);
String[] inclusiveLevelsStr = stringToParseInclusiveLevelsFrom.split(",");
for (String level : inclusiveLevelsStr) {
sb.append(node.getDomainValues()[Integer.parseInt(level.replaceAll("\\s", ""))]).append(" ");
} else {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append("]) -> ");
} else {
if (Float.compare(node.getSplitValue(), Float.NaN) == 0) {
String sign;
if ("R".equals(from)) {
sign = " is not ";
} else {
sign = " is ";
sb.append("If ( ").append(node.getColName()).append(sign).append("NaN )");
} else {
String sign;
boolean useNan = false;
String nanString = " or " + node.getColName() + " is NaN";
if ("R".equals(from)) {
sign = " < ";
if (node.getLeftChild().isInclusiveNa()) {
useNan = true;
} else {
sign = " >= ";
if (node.getRightChild().isInclusiveNa()) {
useNan = true;
sb.append("If ( " ).append(node.getColName()).append(sign).append(node.getSplitValue());
if (useNan) {
sb.append(" ) -> ");
return sb.toString();
private static List findPaths(SharedTreeNode node) {
if (node == null)
return new ArrayList<>();
List result = new ArrayList<>();
List leftSubtree = findPaths(node.getLeftChild());
List rightSubtree = findPaths(node.getRightChild());
for (int i = 0; i < leftSubtree.size(); i++){
PathResult leftResult = leftSubtree.get(i);
PathResult newResult = leftResult;
newResult.path.insert(0, getCondition(node, "R"));
for (int i = 0; i < rightSubtree.size(); i++){
PathResult rightResult = rightSubtree.get(i);
PathResult newResult = rightResult;
newResult.path.insert(0, getCondition(node, "L"));
if (result.size() == 0) {
result.add(new PathResult(node.getNodeNumber()));
result.get(0).path.append("Prediction: ").append(node.getPredValue());
return result;
private static void fillLanguagePathRepresentation(TreeProperties properties, SharedTreeNode root) {
List nodeIds = extractInternalIds(properties);
List paths = findPaths(root);
for (PathResult path : paths) {
properties._decisionPaths[nodeIds.indexOf(path.nodeId)] = path.path.toString();
private static void fillnodeDescriptions(final SharedTreeNode node, final String[] nodeDescriptions,
final float[] thresholds, final String[] splitColumns, final int[][] levels,
final float[] predictions, final String[] naHandlings, final int pointer, final String[][] domainValues) {
final StringBuilder nodeDescriptionBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int[] nodeLevels = node.getParent().isBitset() ? extractNodeLevels(node) : null;
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("*** WARNING: This property is deprecated! *** ");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("Node has id ");
if (node.getColName() != null && node.isLeaf()) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" and splits on column '");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("'. ");
} else {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" and is a terminal node. ");
fillNodeSplitTowardsChildren(nodeDescriptionBuilder, node);
if (!Float.isNaN(node.getParent().getSplitValue())) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" Parent node split threshold is ");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(". Prediction: ");
} else if (node.getParent().isBitset()) {
nodeLevels = extractNodeLevels(node);
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" Parent node split on column [");
if(nodeLevels != null) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("]. Inherited categorical levels from parent split: ");
for (int nodeLevelsindex = 0; nodeLevelsindex < nodeLevels.length; nodeLevelsindex++) {
if (nodeLevelsindex != nodeLevels.length - 1) nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(",");
} else {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("]. No categoricals levels inherited from parent.");
} else {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("Split value is NA.");
nodeDescriptions[pointer] = nodeDescriptionBuilder.toString();
splitColumns[pointer] = node.getColName();
naHandlings[pointer] = getNaDirection(node);
levels[pointer] = nodeLevels;
predictions[pointer] = node.getPredValue();
thresholds[pointer] = node.getSplitValue();
domainValues[pointer] = node.getDomainValues();
private static void fillNodeSplitTowardsChildren(final StringBuilder nodeDescriptionBuilder, final SharedTreeNode node){
if (!Float.isNaN(node.getSplitValue())) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append("Split threshold is ");
if (node.getLeftChild() != null) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" < ");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" to the left node (");
if (node.getLeftChild() != null) {
if(node.getLeftChild() != null) nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(", ");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" >= ");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" to the right node (");
} else if (node.isBitset()) {
fillNodeCategoricalSplitDescription(nodeDescriptionBuilder, node);
private static int[] extractNodeLevels(final SharedTreeNode node) {
final BitSet childInclusiveLevels = node.getInclusiveLevels();
final int cardinality = childInclusiveLevels.cardinality();
if (cardinality > 0) {
int[] nodeLevels = MemoryManager.malloc4(cardinality);
int bitsignCounter = 0;
for (int i = childInclusiveLevels.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = childInclusiveLevels.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
nodeLevels[bitsignCounter] = i;
return nodeLevels;
return null;
private static void fillNodeCategoricalSplitDescription(final StringBuilder nodeDescriptionBuilder, final SharedTreeNode node) {
final SharedTreeNode leftChild = node.getLeftChild();
final SharedTreeNode rightChild = node.getRightChild();
final int[] leftChildLevels = extractNodeLevels(leftChild);
final int[] rightChildLevels = extractNodeLevels(rightChild);
if (leftChild != null) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(" Left child node (");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(") inherits categorical levels: ");
if (leftChildLevels != null) {
for (int nodeLevelsindex = 0; nodeLevelsindex < leftChildLevels.length; nodeLevelsindex++) {
if (nodeLevelsindex != leftChildLevels.length - 1) nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(",");
if (rightChild != null) {
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(". Right child node (");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(") inherits categorical levels: ");
if (rightChildLevels != null) {
for (int nodeLevelsindex = 0; nodeLevelsindex < rightChildLevels.length; nodeLevelsindex++) {
if (nodeLevelsindex != rightChildLevels.length - 1) nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(",");
nodeDescriptionBuilder.append(". ");
private static String getNaDirection(final SharedTreeNode node) {
final boolean leftNa = node.getLeftChild() != null && node.getLeftChild().isInclusiveNa();
final boolean rightNa = node.getRightChild() != null && node.getRightChild().isInclusiveNa();
assert (rightNa ^ leftNa) || (rightNa == false && leftNa == false);
if (leftNa) {
return "LEFT";
} else if (rightNa) {
return "RIGHT";
return null; // No direction
public static class TreeProperties {
public int[] _leftChildren;
public int[] _rightChildren;
public String[] _descriptions; // General node description, most likely to contain serialized threshold or inclusive dom. levels
public float[] _thresholds;
public String[] _features;
public int[][] levels; // Categorical levels, points to a list of categoricals that is already existing within the model on the client.
public String[] _nas;
public float[] _predictions; // Prediction values on terminal nodes
public String _treeDecisionPath;
public String[] _leafNodeAssignments;
public String[] _decisionPaths;
private int[] _leftChildrenNormalized;
private int[] _rightChildrenNormalized;
private String[][] _domainValues;
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