hex.word2vec.Word2VecModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.word2vec;
import hex.Model;
import hex.ModelCategory;
import hex.ModelMetrics;
import hex.word2vec.Word2VecModel.Word2VecOutput;
import hex.word2vec.Word2VecModel.Word2VecParameters;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.parser.BufferedString;
import water.util.IcedHashMap;
import water.util.IcedHashMapGeneric;
import water.util.IcedLong;
import water.util.RandomUtils;
import java.util.*;
public class Word2VecModel extends Model {
public Word2VecModel(Key selfKey, Word2VecParameters params, Word2VecOutput output) {
super(selfKey, params, output);
assert(Arrays.equals(_key._kb, selfKey._kb));
public ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder makeMetricBuilder(String[] domain) {
throw H2O.unimpl("No Model Metrics for Word2Vec.");
public double[] score0(Chunk[] cs, int foo, double data[], double preds[]) {
throw H2O.unimpl();
protected double[] score0(double data[], double preds[]) {
throw H2O.unimpl();
public Word2VecMojoWriter getMojo() {
return new Word2VecMojoWriter(this);
* Converts this word2vec model to a Frame.
* @return Frame made of columns: Word, V1, .., Vn. Word column holds the vocabulary associated
* with this word2vec model, and columns V1, .., Vn represent the embeddings in the n-dimensional space.
public Frame toFrame() {
Vec zeroVec = null;
try {
zeroVec = Vec.makeZero(_output._words.length);
byte[] types = new byte[1 + _output._vecSize];
Arrays.fill(types, Vec.T_NUM);
types[0] = Vec.T_STR;
String[] colNames = new String[types.length];
colNames[0] = "Word";
for (int i = 1; i < colNames.length; i++)
colNames[i] = "V" + i;
return new ConvertToFrameTask(this).doAll(types, zeroVec).outputFrame(colNames, null);
} finally {
if (zeroVec != null) zeroVec.remove();
private static class ConvertToFrameTask extends MRTask {
private Key _modelKey;
private transient Word2VecModel _model;
public ConvertToFrameTask(Word2VecModel model) { _modelKey = model._key; }
protected void setupLocal() { _model = DKV.getGet(_modelKey); }
public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) {
assert cs.length == 1;
assert ncs.length == _model._output._vecSize + 1;
Chunk chk = cs[0];
int wordOffset = (int) chk.start();
int vecPos = _model._output._vecSize * wordOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < chk._len; i++) {
ncs[0].addStr(_model._output._words[wordOffset + i]);
for (int j = 1; j < ncs.length; j++)
* Takes an input string can return the word vector for that word.
* @param target - String of desired word
* @return float array containing the word vector values or null if
* the word isn't present in the vocabulary.
public float[] transform(String target) {
return transform(new BufferedString(target));
private float[] transform(BufferedString word) {
if (! _output._vocab.containsKey(word))
return null;
int wordIdx = _output._vocab.get(word);
return Arrays.copyOfRange(_output._vecs, wordIdx * _output._vecSize, (wordIdx + 1) * _output._vecSize);
public enum AggregateMethod { NONE, AVERAGE }
public Frame transform(Vec wordVec, AggregateMethod aggregateMethod) {
if (wordVec.get_type() != Vec.T_STR) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a string vector, got " + wordVec.get_type_str() + " vector.");
byte[] types = new byte[_output._vecSize];
Arrays.fill(types, Vec.T_NUM);
MRTask> transformTask = aggregateMethod == AggregateMethod.AVERAGE ?
new Word2VecAggregateTask(this) : new Word2VecTransformTask(this);
return transformTask.doAll(types, wordVec).outputFrame(Key.make(), null, null);
private static class Word2VecTransformTask extends MRTask {
private Word2VecModel _model;
public Word2VecTransformTask(Word2VecModel model) { _model = model; }
public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) {
assert cs.length == 1;
Chunk chk = cs[0];
BufferedString tmp = new BufferedString();
for (int i = 0; i < chk._len; i++) {
if (chk.isNA(i)) {
for (NewChunk nc : ncs) nc.addNA();
} else {
BufferedString word = chk.atStr(tmp, i);
float[] vs = _model.transform(word);
if (vs == null)
for (NewChunk nc : ncs) nc.addNA();
for (int j = 0; j < ncs.length; j++)
private static class Word2VecAggregateTask extends MRTask {
private Word2VecModel _model;
public Word2VecAggregateTask(Word2VecModel model) { _model = model; }
public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) {
assert cs.length == 1;
Chunk chk = cs[0];
// skip words that belong to a sequence started in a previous chunk
int offset = 0;
if (chk.cidx() > 0) { // first chunk doesn't have an offset
int naPos = findNA(chk);
if (naPos < 0)
return; // chunk doesn't contain an end of sequence and should not be processed
offset = naPos + 1;
// process this chunk, if the last sequence is not terminated in this chunk, roll-over to the next chunk
float[] aggregated = new float[ncs.length];
int seqLength = 0;
boolean seqOpen = false;
BufferedString tmp = new BufferedString();
chunkLoop: do {
for (int i = offset; i < chk._len; i++) {
if (chk.isNA(i)) {
writeAggregate(seqLength, aggregated, ncs);
Arrays.fill(aggregated, 0.0f);
seqLength = 0;
seqOpen = false;
if (chk != cs[0])
break chunkLoop; // we just closed a sequence that was left open in one of the previous chunks
} else {
BufferedString word = chk.atStr(tmp, i);
float[] vs = _model.transform(word);
if (vs != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < ncs.length; j++)
aggregated[j] += vs[j];
seqOpen = true;
offset = 0;
} while ((chk = chk.nextChunk()) != null);
// last sequence doesn't have to be terminated by NA
if (seqOpen)
writeAggregate(seqLength, aggregated, ncs);
private void writeAggregate(int seqLength, float[] aggregated, NewChunk[] ncs) {
if (seqLength == 0)
for (NewChunk nc : ncs) nc.addNA();
for (int j = 0; j < ncs.length; j++)
ncs[j].addNum(aggregated[j] / seqLength);
private int findNA(Chunk chk) {
for (int i = 0; i < chk._len; i++)
if (chk.isNA(i)) return i;
return -1;
* Find synonyms (i.e. word-vectors with the highest cosine similarity)
* @param target String of desired word
* @param cnt Number of synonyms to find
public Map findSynonyms(String target, int cnt) {
float[] vec = transform(target);
if ((vec == null) || (cnt == 0))
return Collections.emptyMap();
int[] synonyms = new int[cnt];
float[] scores = new float[cnt];
int min = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
synonyms[i] = i;
scores[i] = cosineSimilarity(vec, i * vec.length, _output._vecs);
if (scores[i] < scores[min])
min = i;
final int vocabSize = _output._vocab.size();
for (int i = cnt; i < vocabSize; i++) {
float score = cosineSimilarity(vec, i * vec.length, _output._vecs);
if ((score <= scores[min]) || (score >= 0.999999))
synonyms[min] = i;
scores[min] = score;
// find a new min
min = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < cnt; j++)
if (scores[j] < scores[min])
min = j;
Map result = new HashMap<>(cnt);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
result.put(_output._words[synonyms[i]].toString(), scores[i]);
return result;
* Basic calculation of cosine similarity
* @param target - a word vector
* @param pos - position in vecs
* @param vecs - learned word vectors
* @return cosine similarity between the two word vectors
private float cosineSimilarity(float[] target, int pos, float[] vecs) {
float dotProd = 0, tsqr = 0, csqr = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
dotProd += target[i] * vecs[pos + i];
tsqr += Math.pow(target[i], 2);
csqr += Math.pow(vecs[pos + i], 2);
return (float) (dotProd / (Math.sqrt(tsqr) * Math.sqrt(csqr)));
void buildModelOutput(Word2VecModelInfo modelInfo) {
IcedHashMapGeneric vocab = ((Vocabulary) DKV.getGet(modelInfo._vocabKey))._data;
BufferedString[] words = new BufferedString[vocab.size()];
for (BufferedString str : vocab.keySet())
words[vocab.get(str)] = str;
_output._vecSize = _parms._vec_size;
_output._vecs = modelInfo._syn0;
_output._words = words;
_output._vocab = vocab;
void buildModelOutput(BufferedString[] words, float[] syn0) {
IcedHashMapGeneric vocab = new IcedHashMapGeneric<>();
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
vocab.put(words[i], i);
_output._vecSize = _parms._vec_size;
_output._vecs = syn0;
_output._words = words;
_output._vocab = vocab;
public static class Word2VecParameters extends Model.Parameters {
public String algoName() { return "Word2Vec"; }
public String fullName() { return "Word2Vec"; }
public String javaName() { return Word2VecModel.class.getName(); }
@Override public long progressUnits() {
return isPreTrained() ? _pre_trained.get().anyVec().nChunks() : train().vec(0).nChunks() * _epochs;
static final int MAX_VEC_SIZE = 10000;
public Word2Vec.WordModel _word_model = Word2Vec.WordModel.SkipGram;
public Word2Vec.NormModel _norm_model = Word2Vec.NormModel.HSM;
public int _min_word_freq = 5;
public int _vec_size = 100;
public int _window_size = 5;
public int _epochs = 5;
public float _init_learning_rate = 0.025f;
public float _sent_sample_rate = 1e-3f;
public Key _pre_trained; // key of a frame that contains a pre-trained word2vec model
boolean isPreTrained() { return _pre_trained != null; }
Vec trainVec() { return train().vec(0); }
public static class Word2VecOutput extends Model.Output {
public int _vecSize;
public int _epochs;
public Word2VecOutput(Word2Vec b) { super(b); }
public BufferedString[] _words;
public float[] _vecs;
public IcedHashMapGeneric _vocab;
@Override public ModelCategory getModelCategory() {
return ModelCategory.WordEmbedding;
public static class Word2VecModelInfo extends Iced {
long _vocabWordCount;
long _totalProcessedWords = 0L;
float[] _syn0, _syn1;
Key _treeKey;
Key _vocabKey;
Key _wordCountsKey;
private Word2VecParameters _parameters;
public final Word2VecParameters getParams() { return _parameters; }
public Word2VecModelInfo() {}
private Word2VecModelInfo(Word2VecParameters params, WordCounts wordCounts) {
_parameters = params;
long vocabWordCount = 0L;
List> wordCountList = new ArrayList<>(wordCounts._data.size());
for (Map.Entry wc : wordCounts._data.entrySet()) {
if (wc.getValue()._val >= _parameters._min_word_freq) {
vocabWordCount += wc.getValue()._val;
Collections.sort(wordCountList, new Comparator>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry o1, Map.Entry o2) {
long x = o1.getValue()._val; long y = o2.getValue()._val;
return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1);
int vocabSize = wordCountList.size();
long[] countAry = new long[vocabSize];
Vocabulary vocab = new Vocabulary(new IcedHashMapGeneric());
int idx = 0;
for (Map.Entry wc : wordCountList) {
countAry[idx] = wc.getValue()._val;
vocab._data.put(wc.getKey(), idx++);
HBWTree t = HBWTree.buildHuffmanBinaryWordTree(countAry);
_vocabWordCount = vocabWordCount;
_treeKey = publish(t);
_vocabKey = publish(vocab);
_wordCountsKey = publish(wordCounts);
//initialize weights to random values
Random rand = RandomUtils.getRNG(0xDECAF, 0xDA7A);
_syn1 = MemoryManager.malloc4f(_parameters._vec_size * vocabSize);
_syn0 = MemoryManager.malloc4f(_parameters._vec_size * vocabSize);
for (int i = 0; i < _parameters._vec_size * vocabSize; i++) _syn0[i] = (rand.nextFloat() - 0.5f) / _parameters._vec_size;
public static Word2VecModelInfo createInitialModelInfo(Word2VecParameters params) {
Vec v = params.trainVec();
WordCounts wordCounts = new WordCounts(new WordCountTask().doAll(v)._counts);
return new Word2VecModelInfo(params, wordCounts);
private static Key publish(Keyed keyed) {
return keyed._key;
// wraps Vocabulary map into a Keyed object
public static class Vocabulary extends Keyed {
IcedHashMapGeneric _data;
Vocabulary(IcedHashMapGeneric data) {
_data = data;
// wraps Word-Count map into a Keyed object
public static class WordCounts extends Keyed {
IcedHashMap _data;
WordCounts(IcedHashMap data) {
_data = data;
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