hex.word2vec.WordVectorTrainer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.word2vec;
import water.DKV;
import water.Job;
import water.Key;
import water.MRTask;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.parser.BufferedString;
import hex.word2vec.Word2VecModel.*;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.IcedHashMap;
import water.util.IcedHashMapGeneric;
import water.util.IcedLong;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class WordVectorTrainer extends MRTask {
private static final int MAX_SENTENCE_LEN = 1000;
private static final int EXP_TABLE_SIZE = 1000;
private static final int MAX_EXP = 6;
private static final float[] _expTable = calcExpTable();
private static final float LEARNING_RATE_MIN_FACTOR = 0.0001F; // learning rate stops decreasing at (initLearningRate * this factor)
// Job
private final Job _job;
// Params
private final Word2Vec.WordModel _wordModel;
private final int _wordVecSize, _windowSize, _epochs;
private final float _initLearningRate;
private final float _sentSampleRate;
private final long _vocabWordCount;
// Model IN
private final Key _vocabKey;
private final Key _wordCountsKey;
private final Key _treeKey;
private final long _prevTotalProcessedWords;
// Model IN & OUT
// _syn0 represents the matrix of synaptic weights connecting the input layer of the NN to the hidden layer,
// similarly _syn1 corresponds to the weight matrix of the synapses connecting the hidden layer to the output layer
// both matrices are represented in a 1D array, where M[i,j] == array[i * VEC_SIZE + j]
float[] _syn0, _syn1;
long _processedWords = 0L;
// Node-Local (Shared)
IcedLong _nodeProcessedWords; // mutable long, approximates the total number of words processed by this node
private transient IcedHashMapGeneric _vocab;
private transient IcedHashMap _wordCounts;
private transient int[][] _HBWTCode;
private transient int[][] _HBWTPoint;
private float _curLearningRate;
private long _seed = System.nanoTime();
public WordVectorTrainer(Job job, Word2VecModelInfo input) {
_job = job;
_treeKey = input._treeKey;
_vocabKey = input._vocabKey;
_wordCountsKey = input._wordCountsKey;
// Params
_wordModel = input.getParams()._word_model;
_wordVecSize = input.getParams()._vec_size;
_windowSize = input.getParams()._window_size;
_sentSampleRate = input.getParams()._sent_sample_rate;
_epochs = input.getParams()._epochs;
_initLearningRate = input.getParams()._init_learning_rate;
_vocabWordCount = input._vocabWordCount;
_prevTotalProcessedWords = input._totalProcessedWords;
_syn0 = input._syn0;
_syn1 = input._syn1;
_curLearningRate = calcLearningRate(_initLearningRate, _epochs, _prevTotalProcessedWords, _vocabWordCount);
protected void setupLocal() {
_vocab = ((Vocabulary) DKV.getGet(_vocabKey))._data;
_wordCounts = ((WordCounts) DKV.getGet(_wordCountsKey))._data;
HBWTree t = DKV.getGet(_treeKey);
_HBWTCode = t._code;
_HBWTPoint = t._point;
_nodeProcessedWords = new IcedLong(0L);
// Precompute the exp() table
private static float[] calcExpTable() {
float[] expTable = new float[EXP_TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
expTable[i] = (float) Math.exp((i / (float) EXP_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1) * MAX_EXP);
expTable[i] = expTable[i] / (expTable[i] + 1); // Precompute f(x) = x / (x + 1)
return expTable;
@Override public void map(Chunk chk) {
final int winSize = _windowSize, vecSize = _wordVecSize;
float[] neu1 = new float[vecSize];
float[] neu1e = new float[vecSize];
ChunkSentenceIterator sentIter = new ChunkSentenceIterator(chk);
int wordCount = 0;
while (sentIter.hasNext()) {
int sentLen = sentIter.nextLength();
int[] sentence = sentIter.next();
for (int sentIdx = 0; sentIdx < sentLen; sentIdx++) {
int curWord = sentence[sentIdx];
int bagSize = 0;
if (_wordModel == Word2Vec.WordModel.CBOW) {
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) neu1[j] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) neu1e[j] = 0;
// for each item in the window (except curWord), update neu1 vals
int winSizeMod = cheapRandInt(winSize);
for (int winIdx = winSizeMod; winIdx < winSize * 2 + 1 - winSizeMod; winIdx++) {
if (winIdx != winSize) { // skips curWord in sentence
int winWordSentIdx = sentIdx - winSize + winIdx;
if (winWordSentIdx < 0 || winWordSentIdx >= sentLen) continue;
int winWord = sentence[winWordSentIdx];
if (_wordModel == Word2Vec.WordModel.SkipGram)
skipGram(curWord, winWord, neu1e);
else { // CBOW
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) neu1[j] += _syn0[j + winWord * vecSize];
} // end for each item in the window
if (_wordModel == Word2Vec.WordModel.CBOW && bagSize > 0) {
CBOW(curWord, sentence, sentIdx, sentLen, winSizeMod, bagSize, neu1, neu1e);
// update learning rate
if (wordCount % 10000 == 0) {
_nodeProcessedWords._val += 10000;
long totalProcessedWordsEst = _prevTotalProcessedWords + _nodeProcessedWords._val;
_curLearningRate = calcLearningRate(_initLearningRate, _epochs, totalProcessedWordsEst, _vocabWordCount);
} // for each item in the sentence
} // while more sentences
_processedWords = wordCount;
_nodeProcessedWords._val += wordCount % 10000;
@Override public void reduce(WordVectorTrainer other) {
_processedWords += other._processedWords;
if (_syn0 != other._syn0) { // other task worked on a different syn0
float c = (float) other._processedWords / _processedWords;
ArrayUtils.add(1.0f - c, _syn0, c, other._syn0);
ArrayUtils.add(1.0f - c, _syn1, c, other._syn1);
// for diagnostics only
_nodeProcessedWords._val += other._nodeProcessedWords._val;
private void skipGram(int curWord, int winWord, float[] neu1e) {
final int vecSize = _wordVecSize;
final int l1 = winWord * vecSize;
for (int i = 0; i < vecSize; i++) neu1e[i] = 0;
hierarchicalSoftmaxSG(curWord, l1, neu1e);
// Learned weights input -> hidden
for (int i = 0; i < vecSize; i++) _syn0[i + l1] += neu1e[i];
private void hierarchicalSoftmaxSG(final int targetWord, final int l1, float[] neu1e) {
final int vecSize = _wordVecSize, tWrdCodeLen = _HBWTCode[targetWord].length;
final float alpha = _curLearningRate;
for (int i = 0; i < tWrdCodeLen; i++) {
int l2 = _HBWTPoint[targetWord][i] * vecSize;
float f = 0;
// Propagate hidden -> output (calc sigmoid)
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) f += _syn0[j + l1] * _syn1[j + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = _expTable[(int) ((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
float gradient = (1 - _HBWTCode[targetWord][i] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) neu1e[j] += gradient * _syn1[j + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) _syn1[j + l2] += gradient * _syn0[j + l1];
private void CBOW(
int curWord,
int[] sentence,
int sentIdx,
int sentLen,
int winSizeMod,
int bagSize,
float[] neu1,
float[] neu1e
) {
int winWordSentIdx, winWord;
final int vecSize = _wordVecSize, winSize = _windowSize;
final int curWinSize = winSize * 2 + 1 - winSize;
for (int i = 0; i < vecSize; i++) neu1[i] /= bagSize;
hierarchicalSoftmaxCBOW(curWord, neu1, neu1e);
// hidden -> in
for (int winIdx = winSizeMod; winIdx < curWinSize; winIdx++) {
if (winIdx != winSize) {
winWordSentIdx = sentIdx - winSize + winIdx;
if (winWordSentIdx < 0 || winWordSentIdx >= sentLen) continue;
winWord = sentence[winWordSentIdx];
for (int i = 0; i < vecSize; i++) _syn0[i + winWord * vecSize] += neu1e[i];
private void hierarchicalSoftmaxCBOW(final int targetWord, float[] neu1, float[] neu1e) {
final int vecSize = _wordVecSize, tWrdCodeLen = _HBWTCode[targetWord].length;
final float alpha = _curLearningRate;
float gradient, f = 0;
int l2;
for (int i = 0; i < tWrdCodeLen; i++, f = 0) {
l2 = _HBWTPoint[targetWord][i] * vecSize;
// Propagate hidden -> output (calc sigmoid)
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) f += neu1[j] * _syn1[j + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = _expTable[(int) ((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
gradient = (1 - _HBWTCode[targetWord][i] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) neu1e[j] += gradient * _syn1[j + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (int j = 0; j < vecSize; j++) _syn1[j + l2] += gradient * neu1[j];
* Calculates a new global learning rate for the next round
* of map/reduce calls.
* The learning rate is a coefficient that controls the amount that
* newly learned information affects current learned information.
private static float calcLearningRate(float initLearningRate, int epochs, long totalProcessed, long vocabWordCount) {
float rate = initLearningRate * (1 - totalProcessed / (float) (epochs * vocabWordCount + 1));
if (rate < initLearningRate * LEARNING_RATE_MIN_FACTOR) rate = initLearningRate * LEARNING_RATE_MIN_FACTOR;
return rate;
public void updateModelInfo(Word2VecModelInfo modelInfo) {
modelInfo._syn0 = _syn0;
modelInfo._syn1 = _syn1;
modelInfo._totalProcessedWords += _processedWords;
* This is cheap and moderate in quality.
* @param max - Upper range limit.
* @return int between 0-(max-1).
private int cheapRandInt(int max) {
_seed ^= ( _seed << 21);
_seed ^= ( _seed >>> 35);
_seed ^= ( _seed << 4);
int r = (int) _seed % max;
return r > 0 ? r : -r;
private class ChunkSentenceIterator implements Iterator {
private Chunk _chk;
private int _pos = 0;
private int _len = -1;
private int[] _sent = new int[MAX_SENTENCE_LEN + 1];
private ChunkSentenceIterator(Chunk chk) { _chk = chk; }
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextLength() >= 0;
private int nextLength() {
if (_len >= 0)
return _len;
if (_pos >= _chk._len)
return -1;
_len = 0;
BufferedString tmp = new BufferedString();
for (; _pos < _chk._len && ! _chk.isNA(_pos) && _len < MAX_SENTENCE_LEN; _pos++) {
BufferedString str = _chk.atStr(tmp, _pos);
if (! _vocab.containsKey(str)) continue; // not in the vocab, skip
if (_sentSampleRate > 0) { // sub-sampling while creating a sentence
long count = _wordCounts.get(str)._val;
float ran = (float) ((Math.sqrt(count / (_sentSampleRate * _vocabWordCount)) + 1) * (_sentSampleRate * _vocabWordCount) / count);
if (ran * 65536 < cheapRandInt(0xFFFF)) continue;
_sent[_len++] = _vocab.get(tmp);
_sent[_len] = -1;
return _len;
public int[] next() {
if (hasNext()) {
_len = -1;
return _sent;
return null;
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove is not supported"); } // should never be called
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