hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils.GamUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils;
import hex.Model;
import hex.gam.GAM;
import hex.gam.GAMModel;
import hex.gam.GAMModel.GAMParameters;
import hex.glm.GLMModel;
import hex.quantile.Quantile;
import hex.quantile.QuantileModel;
import water.DKV;
import water.Key;
import water.MemoryManager;
import water.Scope;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.TwoDimTable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;
import static hex.gam.GamSplines.ThinPlateRegressionUtils.calculateM;
import static hex.gam.GamSplines.ThinPlateRegressionUtils.calculatem;
import static hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils.GAMModelUtils.*;
public class GamUtils {
// allocate 3D array to store various information;
public static double[][][] allocate3DArrayCS(int num2DArrays, GAMParameters parms, AllocateType fileMode) {
double[][][] array3D = new double[num2DArrays][][];
int gamColCount = 0;
for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < num2DArrays; frameIdx++) {
if (parms._gam_columns_sorted[frameIdx].length == 1) {
int numKnots = parms._num_knots_sorted[frameIdx];
array3D[gamColCount++] = allocate2DArray(fileMode, numKnots);
return array3D;
public static double[][][] allocate3DArray(int num2DArrays, GAMParameters parms, AllocateType fileMode) {
double[][][] array3D = new double[num2DArrays][][];
for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < num2DArrays; frameIdx++) {
if (parms._bs_sorted[frameIdx] != 2) { // cs spline
array3D[frameIdx] = allocate2DArray(fileMode, parms._num_knots_sorted[frameIdx]);
} else { // I-splines
int totBasis = parms._num_knots_sorted[frameIdx] + parms._spline_orders_sorted[frameIdx] - 2; // I-spline order=NBSplineTypeII order
array3D[frameIdx] = allocate2DArray(fileMode, totBasis);
return array3D;
* This function is used to remove the dimension change due to centering for I-splines
public static void removeCenteringIS(double[][][] penaltyMatCenter, GAMParameters parms) {
int numGamCol = parms._bs_sorted.length;
for (int index=0; index() {
public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
if (coeffMags[o1] < coeffMags[o2]) return +1;
if (coeffMags[o1] > coeffMags[o2]) return -1;
return 0;
return indices;
public static boolean equalColNames(String[] name1, String[] standardN, String response_column) {
boolean name1ContainsResp = ArrayUtils.contains(name1, response_column);
boolean standarNContainsResp = ArrayUtils.contains(standardN, response_column);
boolean equalNames = name1.length==standardN.length;
if (name1ContainsResp && !standarNContainsResp) // if name1 contains response but standardN does not
equalNames = name1.length==(standardN.length+1);
else if (!name1ContainsResp && standarNContainsResp) // if name1 does not contain response but standardN does
equalNames = (name1.length+1)==standardN.length;
if (equalNames) { // number of columns are correct but with the same column names and column types?
for (String name : name1) {
if (name==response_column) // leave out the response columns in this comparison. Only worry about predictors
if (!ArrayUtils.contains(standardN, name))
return false;
return true;
} else
return equalNames;
public static void copy2DArray(double[][] src_array, double[][] dest_array) {
int numRows = src_array.length;
for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < numRows; colIdx++) { // save zMatrix for debugging purposes or later scoring on training dataset
System.arraycopy(src_array[colIdx], 0, dest_array[colIdx], 0,
public static void copy2DArray(int[][] src_array, int[][] dest_array) {
int numRows = src_array.length;
for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < numRows; colIdx++) { // save zMatrix for debugging purposes or later scoring on training dataset
System.arraycopy(src_array[colIdx], 0, dest_array[colIdx], 0,
public static void copyCVGLMtoGAMModel(GAMModel model, GLMModel glmModel, GAMParameters parms, String foldColumn) {
// copy over cross-validation metrics
model._output._cross_validation_metrics = glmModel._output._cross_validation_metrics;
model._output._cross_validation_metrics_summary =
"GLM cross-validation metrics summary");
int nFolds = glmModel._output._cv_scoring_history.length;
model._output._glm_cv_scoring_history = new TwoDimTable[nFolds];
if (parms._keep_cross_validation_predictions)
model._output._cross_validation_predictions = new Key[nFolds];
for (int fInd = 0; fInd < nFolds; fInd++) {
model._output._glm_cv_scoring_history[fInd] = copyTwoDimTable(glmModel._output._cv_scoring_history[fInd],
// copy over hold-out predictions
if (parms._keep_cross_validation_predictions) {
Frame pred = DKV.getGet(glmModel._output._cross_validation_predictions[fInd]);
Frame newPred = pred.deepCopy(Key.make().toString());
model._output._cross_validation_predictions[fInd] = newPred.getKey();
// copy over cross-validation models
if (parms._keep_cross_validation_models)
model._output._cross_validation_models = buildCVGamModels(model, glmModel, parms, foldColumn);
// copy over fold_assignments
if (parms._keep_cross_validation_predictions) {
Frame cvPred = DKV.getGet(glmModel._output._cross_validation_holdout_predictions_frame_id);
Frame newPred = cvPred.deepCopy(Key.make().toString());
model._output._cross_validation_holdout_predictions_frame_id = newPred.getKey();
if (parms._keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment) {
Frame foldAssignment = DKV.getGet(glmModel._output._cross_validation_fold_assignment_frame_id);
Frame newFold = foldAssignment.deepCopy((Key.make()).toString());
model._output._cross_validation_fold_assignment_frame_id = newFold.getKey();
public static Key[] buildCVGamModels(GAMModel model, GLMModel glmModel, GAMParameters parms, String foldColumn) {
int nFolds = glmModel._output._cross_validation_models.length;
Key[] cvModelKeys = new Key[nFolds];
for (int fInd=0; fInd ignoredCols = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(gamParams._ignored_columns));
gamParams._ignored_columns = ignoredCols.toArray(new String[0]);
} else {
gamParams._ignored_columns = new String[]{foldColumn};
int maxIterations = gamParams._max_iterations;
gamParams._max_iterations = 1;
// instantiate GAMModels
GAMModel gamModel = new GAM(gamParams).trainModel().get();
gamParams._max_iterations = maxIterations;
// extract GLM CV model run results to GAMModels
copyGLMCoeffs(cvModel, gamModel, gamParams, model._nclass);
copyGLMtoGAMModel(gamModel, cvModel, parms, true);
cvModelKeys[fInd] = gamModel.getKey();
return cvModelKeys;
public static GAMParameters makeGAMParameters(GAMParameters parms) {
GAMParameters gamParams = new GAMParameters();
final Field[] field1 = GAMParameters.class.getDeclaredFields();
final Field[] field2 = Model.Parameters.class.getDeclaredFields();
setParamField(parms, gamParams, false, field1, Collections.emptyList());
setParamField(parms, gamParams, true, field2, Collections.emptyList());
gamParams._nfolds = 0;
gamParams._keep_cross_validation_predictions = false;
gamParams._keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment = false;
gamParams._keep_cross_validation_models = false;
gamParams._train = parms._train;
return gamParams;
public static void setParamField(Model.Parameters parms, Model.Parameters glmParam, boolean superClassParams,
Field[] gamFields, List excludeList) {
// assign relevant GAMParameter fields to GLMParameter fields
Field glmField;
boolean emptyExcludeList = excludeList == null || excludeList.size() == 0;
for (Field oneField : gamFields) {
try {
if (emptyExcludeList || !excludeList.contains(oneField.getName())) {
if (superClassParams)
glmField = glmParam.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField(oneField.getName());
glmField = glmParam.getClass().getDeclaredField(oneField.getName());
glmField.set(glmParam, oneField.get(parms));
} catch (IllegalAccessException|NoSuchFieldException e) { // suppress error printing, only cares about fields that are accessible
public static void keepFrameKeys(List keep, Key ... keyNames) {
for (Key keyName:keyNames) {
Frame loadingFrm = DKV.getGet(keyName);
if (loadingFrm != null) for (Vec vec : loadingFrm.vecs()) keep.add(vec._key);
public static void setDefaultBSType(GAMParameters parms) {
parms._bs = new int[parms._gam_columns.length];
for (int index = 0; index < parms._bs.length; index++) {
if (parms._gam_columns[index].length > 1) {
parms._bs[index] = 1;
} else {
parms._bs[index] = 0;
public static void setThinPlateParameters(GAMParameters parms, int thinPlateNum) {
int numGamCols = parms._gam_columns.length;
parms._m = MemoryManager.malloc4(thinPlateNum);
parms._M = MemoryManager.malloc4(thinPlateNum);
int countThinPlate = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < numGamCols; index++) {
if (parms._bs[index] == 1) {
int d = parms._gam_columns[index].length;
parms._m[countThinPlate] = calculatem(d);
parms._M[countThinPlate] = calculateM(d, parms._m[countThinPlate]);
public static void setGamPredSize(GAMParameters parms, int csOffset) {
int numGamCols = parms._gam_columns.length;
int tpCount = csOffset;
int csCount = 0;
parms._gamPredSize = MemoryManager.malloc4(numGamCols);
for (int index = 0; index < numGamCols; index++) {
if (parms._gam_columns[index].length == 1) { // CS
parms._gamPredSize[csCount++] = 1;
} else { // TP
parms._gamPredSize[tpCount++] = parms._gam_columns[index].length;
// This method will generate knot locations by choosing them from a uniform quantile distribution of that
// chosen column.
public static double[] generateKnotsOneColumn(Frame gamFrame, int knotNum) {
double[] knots = MemoryManager.malloc8d(knotNum);
try {
Frame tempFrame = new Frame(gamFrame); // make sure we have a frame key
double[] prob = MemoryManager.malloc8d(knotNum);
assert knotNum > 1;
double stepProb = 1.0 / (knotNum - 1);
for (int knotInd = 0; knotInd < knotNum; knotInd++)
prob[knotInd] = knotInd * stepProb;
QuantileModel.QuantileParameters parms = new QuantileModel.QuantileParameters();
parms._train = tempFrame._key;
parms._probs = prob;
QuantileModel qModel = new Quantile(parms).trainModel().get();
System.arraycopy(qModel._output._quantiles[0], 0, knots, 0, knotNum);
} finally {
return knots;
// grab all predictors to build a smoother
public static Frame prepareGamVec(int gam_column_index, GAMParameters parms, Frame fr) {
final Vec weights_column = (parms._weights_column == null) ? Scope.track(Vec.makeOne(fr.numRows()))
: fr.vec(parms._weights_column);
final Frame predictVec = new Frame();
int numPredictors = parms._gam_columns_sorted[gam_column_index].length;
for (int colInd = 0; colInd < numPredictors; colInd++)
predictVec.add("weights_column", weights_column); // add weight columns for CV support
return predictVec;
public static String[] generateGamColNames(int gamColIndex, GAMParameters parms) {
String[] newColNames = null;
if (parms._bs_sorted[gamColIndex] == 0)
newColNames = new String[parms._num_knots_sorted[gamColIndex]];
newColNames = new String[parms._num_knots_sorted[gamColIndex]+parms._spline_orders_sorted[gamColIndex]-2];
/* StringBuffer nameStub = new StringBuffer();
int numPredictors = parms._gam_columns_sorted[gamColIndex].length;
for (int predInd = 0; predInd < numPredictors; predInd++) {
String stubName = parms._gam_columns_sorted[gamColIndex][0]+"_";
if (parms._bs_sorted[gamColIndex]==0)
stubName += "cr_";
else if (parms._bs_sorted[gamColIndex]==2)
stubName += "is_";
stubName += "tp_";
for (int knotIndex = 0; knotIndex < newColNames.length; knotIndex++) {
newColNames[knotIndex] = stubName+knotIndex;
return newColNames;
public static String[] generateGamColNamesThinPlateKnots(int gamColIndex, GAMParameters parms,
int[][] polyBasisDegree, String nameStub) {
int num_knots = parms._num_knots_sorted[gamColIndex];
int polyBasisSize = polyBasisDegree.length;
String[] gamColNames = new String[num_knots+polyBasisSize];
for (int index = 0; index < num_knots; index++)
gamColNames[index] = nameStub+index;
for (int index = 0; index < polyBasisSize; index++) {
gamColNames[index+num_knots] = genPolyBasisNames(parms._gam_columns_sorted[gamColIndex], polyBasisDegree[index]);
return gamColNames;
public static String genPolyBasisNames(String[] gam_columns, int[] oneBasis) {
StringBuffer polyBasisName = new StringBuffer();
int numGamCols = gam_columns.length;
int beforeLastIndex = numGamCols-1;
for (int index = 0; index < numGamCols; index++) {
if (index < beforeLastIndex)
return polyBasisName.toString();
public static Frame buildGamFrame(GAMParameters parms, Frame train, Key[] gamFrameKeysCenter, String foldColumn) {
Vec responseVec = train.remove(parms._response_column);
List ignored_cols = parms._ignored_columns == null?new ArrayList<>():Arrays.asList(parms._ignored_columns);
Vec weightsVec = null;
Vec offsetVec = null;
Vec foldVec = null;
if (parms._offset_column != null)
offsetVec = train.remove(parms._offset_column);
if (parms._weights_column != null) // move weight vector to be the last vector before response variable
weightsVec = train.remove(parms._weights_column);
if (foldColumn != null)
foldVec = train.remove(foldColumn);
for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < parms._gam_columns_sorted.length; colIdx++) { // append the augmented columns to _train
Frame gamFrame = Scope.track(gamFrameKeysCenter[colIdx].get());
train.add(gamFrame.names(), gamFrame.removeAll());
if (ignored_cols.contains(parms._gam_columns_sorted[colIdx]))
if (foldColumn != null)
train.add(foldColumn, foldVec);
if (weightsVec != null)
train.add(parms._weights_column, weightsVec);
if (offsetVec != null)
train.add(parms._offset_column, offsetVec);
if (responseVec != null)
train.add(parms._response_column, responseVec);
return train;
public static Frame concateGamVecs(Key[] gamFrameKeysCenter) {
Frame gamVecs = new Frame(Key.make());
for (int index = 0; index < gamFrameKeysCenter.length; index++) {
Frame tempCols = Scope.track(gamFrameKeysCenter[index].get());
gamVecs.add(tempCols.names(), tempCols.removeAll());
return gamVecs;
* move CS spline smoothers to the front and TP spline smoothers to the back for arrays:
* gam_columns, bs, scale, num_knots.
* The array knots have already been moved with CS spline/I-spline in the front and TP splines in the back
public static void sortGAMParameters(GAMParameters parms, int csGamCol, int isGamCol) {
int gamColNum = parms._gam_columns.length; // all gam cols regardless of types
int csIndex = 0;
int isIndex = csGamCol;
int tpIndex = csGamCol+isGamCol;
parms._gam_columns_sorted = new String[gamColNum][];
parms._num_knots_sorted = MemoryManager.malloc4(gamColNum);
parms._scale_sorted = MemoryManager.malloc8d(gamColNum);
parms._bs_sorted = MemoryManager.malloc4(gamColNum);
parms._gamPredSize = MemoryManager.malloc4(gamColNum);
parms._spline_orders_sorted = MemoryManager.malloc4(gamColNum);
for (int index = 0; index < gamColNum; index++) {
if (parms._bs[index] == 0) { // CS spline
setGamParameters(parms, index, csIndex++);
} else if (parms._bs[index] == 2) {
setGamParameters(parms, index, isIndex);
parms._spline_orders_sorted[isIndex++] = parms._spline_orders[index];
} else { // thin plate spline
setGamParameters(parms, index, tpIndex++);
public static void setGamParameters(GAMParameters parms, int gamIndex, int splineIndex) {
parms._gam_columns_sorted[splineIndex] = parms._gam_columns[gamIndex].clone();
parms._num_knots_sorted[splineIndex] = parms._num_knots[gamIndex];
parms._scale_sorted[splineIndex] = parms._scale[gamIndex];
parms._gamPredSize[splineIndex] = parms._gam_columns_sorted[splineIndex].length;
parms._bs_sorted[splineIndex] = parms._bs[gamIndex];
// default value of scale is 1.0
public static void setDefaultScale(GAMParameters parms) {
int numGamCol = parms._gam_columns.length;
parms._scale = new double[numGamCol];
for (int index = 0; index < numGamCol; index++)
parms._scale[index] = 1.0;
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