hex.gam.GamSplines.ThinPlateRegressionUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.gam.GamSplines;
import water.MRTask;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static hex.gam.GAMModel.GAMParameters;
import static water.util.ArrayUtils.maxValue;
* This class contains functions that perform different functions for generating the thin plate regression splines
* and the polynomial basis functions
public class ThinPlateRegressionUtils {
* For thin plate regression, given d (number of predictors for a smooth), it will return m where (m-1) is the
* maximum polynomial degree in the polynomial basis functions. The formula used is m = ceiling of (d+1)/2+1
* @param d : integer denoting number of predictors for thin plate regression smooth.
* @return m : integer denoting the maximum polynomial degree + 1 for polynomial basis function.
public static int calculatem(int d) {
return ((int) Math.floor((d+1.0)*0.5))+1;
public static int calculateM(int d, int m) {
int topComb = d+m-1;
return hex.genmodel.utils.MathUtils.combinatorial(topComb, d);
* This method, given number of predictors in the smooth d, number of polynomials in the polynomial basis m, will
* generate a list of integer array specifying for each predictors the degree that predictor will have. For instance,
* if for a predictor, the degree is 0, a constant 1 is used. If for a particular predictor, the degree is 2,
* predictor*predictor is used.
* @param d
* @param m
* @return
public static List findPolyBasis(int d, int m) {
int polyOrder = m-1;
int[] possibleDegree = new int[polyOrder];
for (int index = 1; index < m; index++) // generate all polynomial order combinations
possibleDegree[index-1] = index;
Integer[] basisPolyOrder = new Integer[d]; // store one combination
List totPolyBasis = new ArrayList<>(); // store all combination
for (int degree : possibleDegree) {
ArrayList oneCombo = new ArrayList<>();
findOnePerm(degree, possibleDegree, 0, oneCombo, null);
mergeCombos(oneCombo, basisPolyOrder, possibleDegree, totPolyBasis);// merge all combos found for all possibleDegree
return findAllPolybasis(totPolyBasis);
* For each list in onePolyBasis, we still need to find all the permutations for that list. In addition, we need to
* add the combination for the 0th order as well. For instance, if the list contains {0,0,1}, we need to add to that
* the lists {0,1,0} and {1,0,0} as well.
* @param onePolyBasis
* @return
public static List findAllPolybasis(List onePolyBasis) {
int listSize = onePolyBasis.size();
List allPermutes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int index = 0; index < listSize; index++) {
Integer[] oneBasis = onePolyBasis.get(index);
int[] freqTable = generateOrderFreq(oneBasis); // find polynomial basis order and count
List> basisPermuations = new ArrayList<>();
List prefix = new ArrayList<>();
findPermute(freqTable, prefix, oneBasis.length, basisPermuations);
addPermutationList(allPermutes, basisPermuations);
// add the list of all zeros
Integer[] allZeros = new Integer[onePolyBasis.get(0).length];
for (int index = 0; index < allZeros.length; index++)
allZeros[index] = 0;
allPermutes.add(0, allZeros); // add all zero degree to the front
return allPermutes;
public static void addPermutationList(List onePolyBasis, List> permute1Basis) {
for (List onePermute : permute1Basis) {
Integer[] oneCombo = onePermute.toArray(new Integer[0]);
public static void findPermute(int[] freqMap, List prefix, int remaining,
List> basisPerm) {
if (remaining == 0) { // done with choosing all permutation
} else {
for (int index=0; index < freqMap.length; index++) {
int val = freqMap[index];
if (val > 0) {
ArrayList newPrefix = new ArrayList<>(prefix);
findPermute(freqMap, newPrefix, remaining-1, basisPerm);
freqMap[index] = val;
public static int[] generateOrderFreq(Integer[] oneBasis) {
int maxVal = maxValue(oneBasis);
int[] mapFreq = new int[maxVal+1];
for (int val : oneBasis)
return mapFreq;
public static void mergeCombos(ArrayList oneCombo, Integer[] basisOrder, int[] polyBasis, List polyBasisSet) {
for (int[] oneList : oneCombo) {
Arrays.fill(basisOrder, 0);
expandCombo(oneList, polyBasis, basisOrder);
* Given a combo found by findOnePerm say for d = 5, m = 4, for degree = 1 to m-1 (3 in this case). The basis poly
* is {3,2,1}. The returned list of combo are: {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 2}, {1,0,0}, {0,1,1}, {0,0,3}}.
* However, we need to convert this list back to the perspective of the predictors. In this case, we have 5
* predictors. This function will translate the list from findOnePerm to the perspective of the predictors. For
* instance, for degree = 1, we need to have one predictive to have degree of 1 and hence the list should be
* {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}. For degree = 2, we can have one predictor taking degree of 2 or two predictors each taking
* degree 1. The same applies to the other degrees. Hence, this function will return the following list:
* {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 3, 0, 0}, {1, 2, 0, 0, 0} and {1, 1, 1, 0, 0}}.
* @param oneList
* @param polyBasis
* @param basisOrder
public static void expandCombo(int[] oneList, int[] polyBasis, Integer[] basisOrder) {
int expandIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < polyBasis.length; index++) {
int count = 0;
if (oneList[index] == 0) {
basisOrder[expandIndex++] = 0;
} else {
while (count < oneList[index]) {
basisOrder[expandIndex++] = polyBasis[index];
* For a fixed degree specified as totDegree, specified a set of combination of polynomials to achieve the totDegree.
* For instance, if degreeCombo = {1,2,3} and the totDegree is 1. There is only one way to achieve it by the array
* {1,0,0}. If totDegree = 2, there are two arrays that will work: {0,1,0} or {2,0,0}. If totDegree = 3, there will
* be 3 arrays that will work {3,0,0}, {1,1,0}, {0,0,1}.
* @param totDegree : integer representing degree of polynomial basis
* @param degreeCombo : degrees allowed for polynomial basis
* @param index
* @param allCombos
* @param currCombo
public static void findOnePerm(int totDegree, int[] degreeCombo, int index, ArrayList allCombos,
int[] currCombo) {
if (totDegree == 0) {
if (currCombo != null)
} else if (totDegree >= 0 && index < degreeCombo.length){
int totPass = totDegree / degreeCombo[index];
int degreeCount = 0;
if (currCombo == null)
currCombo = degreeCombo.clone();
while (degreeCount <= totPass) {
setCombo(currCombo, index, degreeCount);
findOnePerm(totDegree - degreeCount * degreeCombo[index], degreeCombo, index + 1,
allCombos, currCombo);
public static void setCombo(int[] currCombo, int index, int degreeCount) {
currCombo[index] = degreeCount;
int combSize = currCombo.length;
for (int tempIndex = index+1; tempIndex < combSize; tempIndex++)
currCombo[tempIndex] = 0;
public static double[][] generateStarT(double[][] knots, List polyBasisDegree, double[] gamColMeanRaw,
double[] oneOColStd, boolean standardizeTPSmoothers) {
int numKnots = knots[0].length;
int M = polyBasisDegree.size();
int d = knots.length;
double[][] knotsDemean = new double[d][numKnots];
for (int predInd = 0; predInd < d; predInd++)
for (int index = 0; index < numKnots; index++) {
knotsDemean[predInd][index] = standardizeTPSmoothers
? (knots[predInd][index]-gamColMeanRaw[predInd])*oneOColStd[predInd]
: (knots[predInd][index]-gamColMeanRaw[predInd]);
double[][] starT = new double[numKnots][M];
for (int rowInd = 0; rowInd < numKnots; rowInd++) {
for (int polyBasisInd = 0; polyBasisInd < M; polyBasisInd++) {
Integer[] oneBasis = polyBasisDegree.get(polyBasisInd);
double polyBasisVal = 1.0;
for (int predInd = 0; predInd < d; predInd++) {
polyBasisVal *= Math.pow(knotsDemean[predInd][rowInd], oneBasis[predInd]);
starT[rowInd][polyBasisInd] = polyBasisVal;
return starT;
public static void fillRowOneValue(NewChunk[] newChk, int colWidth, double fillValue) {
for (int colInd = 0; colInd < colWidth; colInd++)
public static void fillRowArray(NewChunk[] newChk, int colWidth, double[] fillValue) {
for (int colInd = 0; colInd < colWidth; colInd++)
public static boolean checkRowNA(Chunk[] chk, int rowIndex) {
int numCol = chk.length;
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numCol; colIndex++) {
if (Double.isNaN(chk[colIndex].atd(rowIndex)))
return true;
return false;
public static boolean checkFrameRowNA(Frame chk, long rowIndex) {
int numCol = chk.numCols();
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numCol; colIndex++) {
if (Double.isNaN(chk.vec(colIndex).at(rowIndex)))
return true;
return false;
public static String genThinPlateNameStart(GAMParameters parms, int gamColIndex) {
StringBuffer colNameStub = new StringBuffer();
for (int gColInd = 0; gColInd < parms._gam_columns_sorted[gamColIndex].length; gColInd++) {
return colNameStub.toString();
public static String[] extractColNames(String[] src, int srcStart, int destStart, int length) {
String[] distanceColNames = new String[length]; // exclude the polynomial basis names
System.arraycopy(src, srcStart, distanceColNames, destStart, length);
return distanceColNames;
public static int[][] convertList2Array(List list2Convert, int M, int d) {
int[][] polyBasisArr = new int[M][d];
for (int index = 0; index < M; index++) {
List oneList = Arrays.asList(list2Convert.get(index));
polyBasisArr[index] = oneList.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).toArray();
return polyBasisArr;
* Generate knots for thin plate (TP) smoothers. Sort the first predictor column, take quatiles out of the sorted first
* column and grab the corresponding rows of second, third, ... predictor columns.
* @param predictVec H2OFrame containing predictor columns used to build the TP smoothers.
* @param parms GAMParameter
* @param predIndex integer denoting GAM column specificationm in parms._gam_columns
* @return array of knot values for predictor columns specified in parms._gam_columns[predIndex]
public static double[][] genKnotsMultiplePreds(Frame predictVec, GAMParameters parms, int predIndex) {
Frame sortedFirstDim = predictVec.sort(new int[]{0}); // sort with first GAM Columns
double stepProb = 1.0 / parms._num_knots[predIndex];
long rowSteps = (long) Math.floor(stepProb * sortedFirstDim.numRows());
int numPred = parms._gam_columns[predIndex].length;
double[][] knots = new double[numPred][parms._num_knots[predIndex]];
long nrow = sortedFirstDim.numRows();
long nextRow = 1;
long currRow = 0;
for (int knotIndex = 0; knotIndex < parms._num_knots[predIndex]; knotIndex++) {
currRow = knotIndex*rowSteps;
nextRow = (knotIndex+1)*rowSteps;
while (currRow < nrow && currRow < nextRow) { // look for knots that do not contains NAs
if (!checkFrameRowNA(sortedFirstDim, currRow)) {
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numPred; colIndex++) {
knots[colIndex][knotIndex] = sortedFirstDim.vec(colIndex).at(currRow);
sortedFirstDim.remove(); // remove sorted frame
parms._num_knots[predIndex] = knots[0].length;
return knots;
* this class performs scaling on TP penalty matrices that is done in R.
public static class ScaleTPPenalty extends MRTask {
public double[][] _penaltyMat;
double[] _maxAbsRowSum; // store maximum row sum per chunk
public int _initChunks; // number of chunks
public double _s_scale;
public ScaleTPPenalty(double[][] origPenaltyMat, Frame distancePlusPoly) {
_penaltyMat = origPenaltyMat;
_initChunks = distancePlusPoly.vec(0).nChunks();
public void map(Chunk[] chk, NewChunk[] newGamCols) {
_maxAbsRowSum = new double[_initChunks];
int cIndex = chk[0].cidx();
_maxAbsRowSum[cIndex] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int numRow = chk[0]._len;
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRow; rowIndex++) {
double rowSum = 0.0;
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < chk.length; colIndex++) {
rowSum += Math.abs(chk[colIndex].atd(rowIndex));
if (rowSum > _maxAbsRowSum[cIndex])
_maxAbsRowSum[cIndex] = rowSum;
public void reduce(ScaleTPPenalty other) {
ArrayUtils.add(_maxAbsRowSum, other._maxAbsRowSum);
public void postGlobal() { // scale the _penalty function according to R
double tempMaxValue = ArrayUtils.maxValue(_maxAbsRowSum);
_s_scale = tempMaxValue*tempMaxValue/ArrayUtils.rNorm(_penaltyMat, 'i'); // symmetric matrix
ArrayUtils.mult(_penaltyMat, _s_scale);
_s_scale = 1.0 / _s_scale;
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