hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils.GenCSSplineGamOneColumn Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils;
import hex.DataInfo;
import hex.gam.GAMModel.GAMParameters;
import hex.gam.GamSplines.CubicRegressionSplines;
import hex.genmodel.algos.gam.GamUtilsCubicRegression;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters.MissingValuesHandling;
import hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils.BMulInPlaceTask;
import water.MRTask;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import static hex.genmodel.algos.gam.GamUtilsCubicRegression.locateBin;
public class GenCSSplineGamOneColumn extends MRTask {
int _splineType;
public int _numKnots; // number of knots
public double[][] _bInvD; // store inv(B)*D
public int _initChunks;
public double[][] _ZTransp; // store Z matrix transpose
public double[][] _penaltyMat; // store penalty matrix
public double[] _knots;
double[] _maxAbsRowSum; // store maximum row sum
public double _s_scale;
public GenCSSplineGamOneColumn(int splineType, int numKnots, double[] knots, Frame gamx) {
_splineType = splineType;
_numKnots = numKnots;
CubicRegressionSplines crSplines = new CubicRegressionSplines(numKnots, knots);
_bInvD = crSplines.gen_BIndvD(crSplines._hj);
_penaltyMat = crSplines.gen_penalty_matrix(crSplines._hj, _bInvD);
_initChunks = gamx.vec(0).nChunks();
_knots = knots;
public void map(Chunk[] chk, NewChunk[] newGamCols) {
_maxAbsRowSum = new double[_initChunks];
int cIndex = chk[0].cidx();
_maxAbsRowSum[cIndex] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
int chunkRows = chk[0].len(); // number of rows in chunk
CubicRegressionSplines crSplines = new CubicRegressionSplines(_numKnots, _knots); // not iced, must have own
double[] basisVals = new double[_numKnots];
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < chunkRows; rowIndex++) {
double gamRowSum = 0.0;
// find index of knot bin where row value belongs to
if (chk[1].atd(rowIndex) != 0) { // consider weight column value during gamification. If 0, insert rows of zeros.
double xval = chk[0].atd(rowIndex);
if (Double.isNaN(xval)) { // fill with NaN
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < _numKnots; colIndex++)
} else {
int binIndex = locateBin(xval, _knots); // location to update
// update from F matrix F matrix = [0;invB*D;0] and c functions
GamUtilsCubicRegression.updateFMatrixCFunc(basisVals, xval, binIndex, _knots, crSplines._hj, _bInvD);
// update from a+ and a- functions
GamUtilsCubicRegression.updateAFunc(basisVals, xval, binIndex, _knots, crSplines._hj);
// copy updates to the newChunk row
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < _numKnots; colIndex++) {
gamRowSum += Math.abs(basisVals[colIndex]);
if (gamRowSum > _maxAbsRowSum[cIndex])
_maxAbsRowSum[cIndex] = gamRowSum;
} else { // zero weight, fill entries with zeros and skip all that processing
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < _numKnots; colIndex++)
public void reduce(GenCSSplineGamOneColumn other) {
ArrayUtils.add(_maxAbsRowSum, other._maxAbsRowSum);
public void postGlobal() { // scale the _penalty function according to R
double tempMaxValue = ArrayUtils.maxValue(_maxAbsRowSum);
_s_scale = tempMaxValue*tempMaxValue/ArrayUtils.rNorm(_penaltyMat, 'i');
if (Double.isFinite(_s_scale))
ArrayUtils.mult(_penaltyMat, _s_scale);
_s_scale = 1.0/ _s_scale;
public static double[][] generateZTransp(Frame gamX, int numKnots) {
double[] u = new double[numKnots];
for (int cind = 0; cind < numKnots; cind++)
u[cind] = gamX.vec(cind).mean();
double[][] ZTransp = new double[numKnots - 1][numKnots];
double mag = ArrayUtils.innerProduct(u, u);
u[0] = u[0] - (u[0] > 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(mag); // form a = u-v and stored back in _u
double twoOmagSq = 2.0 / ArrayUtils.innerProduct(u, u);
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numKnots; rowIndex++) { // form Z matrix transpose here
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numKnots; colIndex++) { // skip the first column
if (colIndex > 0)
ZTransp[colIndex - 1][rowIndex] = (colIndex == rowIndex ? 1 : 0) - u[rowIndex] * u[colIndex] * twoOmagSq;
return ZTransp;
public Frame centralizeFrame(Frame fr, String colNameStart, GAMParameters parms) {
_ZTransp = generateZTransp(fr, _numKnots);
return centralizeFrame(fr, colNameStart, parms, _ZTransp);
public static Frame centralizeFrame(Frame fr, String colNameStart, GAMParameters parms, double[][] zTransp) {
int numCols = fr.numCols();
int ncolExp = numCols-1;
DataInfo frInfo = new DataInfo(fr, null, 0, false, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE
, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, MissingValuesHandling.Skip == parms._missing_values_handling,
(parms._missing_values_handling == MissingValuesHandling.MeanImputation) ||
(parms._missing_values_handling == MissingValuesHandling.PlugValues), parms.makeImputer(),
false, false, false, false, null);
for (int index=0; index < ncolExp; index++) {
fr.add(colNameStart+"_"+index, fr.anyVec().makeZero()); // add numCols-1 columns to fr
new BMulInPlaceTask(frInfo, zTransp, numCols, false).doAll(fr);
for (int index=0; index < numCols; index++) { // remove the original gam columns
Vec temp = fr.remove(0);
return fr;
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