hex.glm.RegressionInfluenceDiagnosticsTasks Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.glm;
import hex.DataInfo;
import water.Job;
import water.MRTask;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static hex.glm.GLMUtils.removeRedCols;
import static hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils.matrixMultiply;
import static water.util.ArrayUtils.*;
* Classes defined here implemented the various pieces of regression influence diagnostics described in this doc:
* https://h2oai.atlassian.net/browse/PUBDEV-8638. Hence, whenever I refer to the document, I mean the one in the
* http link.
public class RegressionInfluenceDiagnosticsTasks {
public static class RegressionInfluenceDiagBinomial extends MRTask {
final double[] _beta;
final double[][] _gramInv; // could be with standardized or non-standardized predictors, not scaled with obj_reg
final Job _j;
final int _betaSize;
final int _reducedBetaSize;
final GLMModel.GLMParameters _parms;
final DataInfo _dinfo;
final double[] _stdErr;
final boolean _foundRedCols;
final double[] _oneOverStdErr;
public RegressionInfluenceDiagBinomial(Job j, double[] beta, double[][] gramInv, GLMModel.GLMParameters parms,
DataInfo dinfo, double[] stdErr) {
_j = j;
_beta = beta; // denormalized beta
_betaSize = beta.length;
_reducedBetaSize = gramInv.length;
_foundRedCols = !(_betaSize == _reducedBetaSize);
_gramInv = gramInv; // not scaled by parms._obj_reg
_parms = parms;
_dinfo = dinfo;
_stdErr = stdErr;
_oneOverStdErr = Arrays.stream(_stdErr).map(x -> 1.0/x).toArray();
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] nc) {
if (isCancelled() || _j != null && _j.stop_requested()) return;
double[] dfbetas = new double[_betaSize];
double[] dfbetasReduced = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
double[] row2Array = new double[_betaSize];
double[] row2ArrayReduced = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
double[] xTimesGramInv = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
DataInfo.Row r = _dinfo.newDenseRow();
for (int rid = 0; rid < chks[0]._len; ++rid) {
_dinfo.extractDenseRow(chks, rid, r);
genDfBetasRow(r, nc, row2Array, row2ArrayReduced, dfbetas, dfbetasReduced, xTimesGramInv);
if (_j != null)
private void genDfBetasRow(DataInfo.Row r, NewChunk[] nc, double[] row2Array, double[] row2ArrayRed,
double[] dfbetas, double[] dfbetasRed, double[] xTimesGramInv) {
if (r.response_bad) {
Arrays.fill(dfbetas, Double.NaN);
} else if (r.weight == 0) {
Arrays.fill(dfbetas, 0.0);
} else {
r.expandCatsPredsOnly(row2Array); // change Row to array
if (_foundRedCols) {
removeRedCols(row2Array, row2ArrayRed, _stdErr);
genDfBeta(r, row2ArrayRed, xTimesGramInv, dfbetasRed, nc);
} else {
genDfBeta(r, row2Array, xTimesGramInv, dfbetas, nc);
private void genDfBeta(DataInfo.Row r, double[] row2Array, double[] xTimesGramInv, double[] dfbetas, NewChunk[] nc) {
double mu = _parms.linkInv(r.innerProduct(_beta)+r.offset); // generate p hat
// generate residual
double residual = r.response(0)-mu;
double oneOverMLL = gen1OverMLL(row2Array, xTimesGramInv, mu, r.weight); // 1.0/(oneOverObjReg-hjj)
genDfBetas(oneOverMLL, residual, row2Array, dfbetas, r.weight);
for (int c = 0; c < _reducedBetaSize; c++) // copy dfbetas over to new chunks
* implement operations on and in between equation 5, 6 of the document
public void genDfBetas(double oneOverMLL, double residual, double[] row2Array, double[] dfbetas, double weight) {
double resOverMLL = oneOverMLL*residual*weight;
int count=0;
for (int index=0; index<_betaSize; index++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(_stdErr[index])) {
dfbetas[count] = resOverMLL * _oneOverStdErr[index] * ArrayUtils.innerProduct(row2Array, _gramInv[count]);
* Generate 1.0/(1.0-hjj) for each data row j. Implement equation 8 of the document for binomial family.
public double gen1OverMLL(double[] row2Array, double[] xTimesGramInv, double mu, double weight) {
for (int index = 0; index< _reducedBetaSize; index++) { // form X*invGram
xTimesGramInv[index] = ArrayUtils.innerProduct(row2Array, _gramInv[index]);
double hjj = weight*mu*(1-mu)*ArrayUtils.innerProduct(xTimesGramInv, row2Array);
return 1.0/(1.0-hjj);
* generate DFBETAS as in equation 4 of the document.
public static class RegressionInfluenceDiagGaussian extends MRTask {
final double[] _oneOverSqrtXTXDiag;
final double[] _betas; // Exclude redundant columns if present
final int _betaSize;
final Job _j;
public RegressionInfluenceDiagGaussian(double[][] xTx, double[] betas, Job j) {
_betas = betas;
_betaSize = betas.length;
_j = j;
_oneOverSqrtXTXDiag = new double[_betaSize];
for (int index = 0; index< _betaSize; index++)
_oneOverSqrtXTXDiag[index] = 1.0/Math.sqrt(xTx[index][index]);
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] ncs) {
if (isCancelled() || (_j != null && _j.stop_requested()))
double[] betaDiff = new double[_betaSize];
int numCols = chks.length;
double[] row2Array = new double[numCols]; // contains new beta and var estimate of ith row
int len = chks[0]._len;
for (int index=0; index {
final double[][] _cholInv; // XTX inverse: store cholInv without redundant predictors, not scaled by parms._obj_reg
final double[] _xTransY; // store XTY of full dataset
final double[] _xTransYReduced; // same as xTransY, but changed when there is redundant columns
final int _betaSize;
final int _reducedBetaSize;
final int _newChunkWidth;
final Job _j;
final DataInfo _dinfo;
final double[][] _xTx; // not scaled by parms._obj_reg
final double _weightedNobs;
final double _sumRespSq;
final boolean _foundRedCols;
final double[] _stdErr; // used to tell which predict is redundant
public ComputeNewBetaVarEstimatedGaussian(double[][] cholInv, double[] xTY, Job j, DataInfo dinfo, double[][] gram,
double nobs, double sumRespSq, double[] stdErr) {
_cholInv = cholInv;
_xTransYReduced = xTY; // if redundant columns present, is reduced
_betaSize = stdErr.length;
_reducedBetaSize = cholInv.length;
_foundRedCols = !(_betaSize == _reducedBetaSize);
_newChunkWidth = _betaSize+1; // last one is for estimated variance
_j = j;
_dinfo = dinfo;
_xTx = gram;
_weightedNobs = nobs-_reducedBetaSize; // intercept already included in gram/chol
_sumRespSq = sumRespSq; // YTY
_stdErr = stdErr;
_xTransY = new double[_betaSize];
if (_foundRedCols) { // shrink xTransY
int count=0;
for (int index=0; index<_betaSize; index++)
if (!Double.isNaN(stdErr[index]))
_xTransY[index] = _xTransYReduced[count++];
} else {
System.arraycopy(_xTransYReduced, 0, _xTransY, 0, _reducedBetaSize);
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] nc) {
if (isCancelled() || (_j != null && _j.stop_requested()))
return; // timeout
double[] newBeta = new double[_betaSize];
double[] newBetaRed = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
double[] row2Array = new double[_betaSize];
double[] row2ArrayRed = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
double[][] tmpDoubleArray = new double[_reducedBetaSize][_reducedBetaSize];
double[] tmpArray = new double[_betaSize];
double[] tmpArrayRed = new double[_reducedBetaSize];
final int chkLen = chks[0]._len;
DataInfo.Row r = _dinfo.newDenseRow();
for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex
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