hex.tree.FriedmanPopescusH Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeNode;
import hex.genmodel.algos.tree.SharedTreeSubgraph;
import water.DKV;
import water.Key;
import water.MRTask;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.rapids.Rapids;
import water.rapids.Val;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.VecUtils;
import java.util.*;
* Calculates Friedman and Popescu's H statistics, in order to test for the presence of an interaction between specified variables in h2o gbm and xgb models.
* H varies from 0 to 1. It will have a value of 0 if the model exhibits no interaction between specified variables and a correspondingly larger value for a
* stronger interaction effect between them. NaN is returned if a computation is spoiled by weak main effects and rounding errors.
* See Jerome H. Friedman and Bogdan E. Popescu, 2008, "Predictive learning via rule ensembles", *Ann. Appl. Stat.*
* **2**:916-954, http://projecteuclid.org/download/pdfview_1/euclid.aoas/1223908046, s. 8.1.
* Reference implementation: https://pypi.org/project/sklearn-gbmi/
* */
public class FriedmanPopescusH {
public static double h(Frame frame, String[] vars, double learnRate, SharedTreeSubgraph[][] sharedTreeSubgraphs) {
Frame filteredFrame = filterFrame(frame, vars);
int[] modelIds = getModelIds(frame.names(), vars);
Map fValues = new HashMap<>();
int numCols = filteredFrame.numCols();
int[] colIds = new int[numCols];
for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
colIds[i] = i;
for (int i = numCols; i > 0; i--) {
List currCombinations = combinations(colIds, i);
for (int j = 0; j < currCombinations.size(); j++) {
int[] currCombination = currCombinations.get(j);
String[] cols = getCurrCombinationCols(currCombination, vars);
int[] currModelIds = getCurrentCombinationModelIds(currCombination, modelIds);
fValues.put(Arrays.toString(currCombination), computeFValues(currModelIds, filteredFrame, cols, learnRate, sharedTreeSubgraphs));
return computeHValue(fValues, filteredFrame, colIds);
static int[] getCurrentCombinationModelIds(int[] currCombination, int[] modelIds) {
int[] currCombinationCols = new int[currCombination.length];
for (int i = 0; i < currCombination.length; i++) {
currCombinationCols[i] = modelIds[currCombination[i]];
return currCombinationCols;
static double computeHValue(Map fValues, Frame filteredFrame, int[] inds) {
if (filteredFrame._key == null)
filteredFrame._key = Key.make();
Frame uniqueWithCounts = uniqueRowsWithCounts(filteredFrame);
long uniqHeight = uniqueWithCounts.numRows();
Vec numerEls = Vec.makeZero(uniqHeight);
Vec denomEls = Vec.makeZero(uniqHeight);
for (long i = 0; i < uniqHeight; i++) {
int sign = 1;
for (int n = inds.length; n > 0; n--) {
List currCombinations = combinations(inds, n);
for (int j = 0; j < currCombinations.size(); j++) {
double fValue = findFValue(i, (int[])currCombinations.toArray()[j], fValues.get(Arrays.toString((int[])currCombinations.toArray()[j])), filteredFrame);
numerEls.set(i, numerEls.at(i) + (float)sign * (float)fValue);
sign *= -1;
denomEls.set(i, (float)fValues.get(Arrays.toString(inds)).vec(0).at(i));
double numer = new Transform(2).doAll(numerEls, uniqueWithCounts.vec("nrow")).result;
double denom = new Transform(2).doAll(denomEls, uniqueWithCounts.vec("nrow")).result;
return numer < denom ? Math.sqrt(numer/denom) : Double.NaN;
private static class Transform extends MRTask {
double result;
int power;
Transform(int power) {
this.power = power;
@Override public void map( Chunk[] bvs ) {
result = 0;
int len = bvs[0]._len;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result += Math.pow(bvs[0].atd(i), 2) * bvs[1].atd(i);
@Override public void reduce(Transform mrt ) {
result += mrt.result;
static double[] getValueToFindFValueFor(int[] currCombination, Frame filteredFrame, long i) {
int combinationLength = currCombination.length;
double[] value = new double[combinationLength];
for (int j = 0; j < combinationLength; j++) {
value[j] = filteredFrame.vec(currCombination[j]).at(i);
return value;
static double findFValue(long i, int[] currCombination, Frame currFValues, Frame filteredFrame) {
double[] valueToFindFValueFor = getValueToFindFValueFor(currCombination, filteredFrame, i);
String[] currNames = getCurrCombinationNames(currCombination, filteredFrame.names());
FindFValue findFValueTask = new FindFValue(valueToFindFValueFor, currNames, currFValues._names, 1e-5);
Frame result = findFValueTask.doAll(Vec.T_NUM, currFValues).outputFrame();
if (result.numRows() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("FValue was not found!" + Arrays.toString(currCombination) + "value: " + Arrays.toString(valueToFindFValueFor));
} else {
return result.vec(0).at(0);
static class FindFValue extends MRTask {
double[] valueToFindFValueFor;
String[] currNames;
String[] currFValuesNames;
double eps;
FindFValue(double[] valueToFindFValueFor, String[] currNames, String[] currFValuesNames, double eps) {
this.valueToFindFValueFor = valueToFindFValueFor;
this.currNames = currNames;
this.currFValuesNames = currFValuesNames;
this.eps = eps;
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] nc) {
int count = 0;
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < cs[0].len(); iRow++) {
for (int k = 0; k < valueToFindFValueFor.length; k++) {
int id = ArrayUtils.find(currFValuesNames, currNames[k]);
if (Math.abs(valueToFindFValueFor[k] - cs[id].atd(iRow)) < eps) {
if (count == valueToFindFValueFor.length) {
} else {
count = 0;
static String[] getCurrCombinationNames(int[] currCombination, String[] names) {
String[] currNames = new String[currCombination.length];
for (int j = 0; j < currCombination.length; j++) {
currNames[j] = names[currCombination[j]];
return currNames;
static String[] getCurrCombinationCols(int[] currCombination, String[] vars) {
String[] currCombinationCols = new String[currCombination.length];
for (int i = 0; i < currCombination.length; i++) {
currCombinationCols[i] = vars[currCombination[i]];
return currCombinationCols;
static int findFirstNumericalColumn(Frame frame) {
for (int i = 0; i < frame.names().length; i++) {
if (frame.vec(i).isNumeric())
return i;
return -1;
static Frame uniqueRowsWithCounts(Frame frame) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("(GB ");
String[] cols = frame.names();
sb.append(" [");
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) sb.append(",");
sb.append("] ");
int i = findFirstNumericalColumn(frame);
if (i == -1) {
frame.add("nrow", Vec.makeOne(frame.numRows()));
return frame;
sb.append(" nrow ").append(i).append(" \"all\")");
Val val = Rapids.exec(sb.toString());
return val.getFrame();
static Frame computeFValues(int[] modelIds, Frame filteredFrame, String[] cols, double learnRate, SharedTreeSubgraph[][] sharedTreeSubgraphs) {
// filter frame -> only curr combination cols will be used
filteredFrame = filterFrame(filteredFrame, cols);
filteredFrame = new Frame(Key.make(), filteredFrame.names(), filteredFrame.vecs());
Frame uniqueWithCounts = uniqueRowsWithCounts(filteredFrame);
Frame uncenteredFvalues = new Frame(partialDependence(modelIds, uniqueWithCounts, learnRate, sharedTreeSubgraphs).vec(0));
VecUtils.DotProduct multiply = new VecUtils.DotProduct().doAll(uniqueWithCounts.vec("nrow"), uncenteredFvalues.vec(0));
double meanUncenteredFValue = multiply.result / filteredFrame.numRows();
for (int i = 0; i < uncenteredFvalues.numRows(); i++) {
uncenteredFvalues.vec(0).set(i, uncenteredFvalues.vec(0).at(i) - meanUncenteredFValue);
return uncenteredFvalues.add(uniqueWithCounts);
static Frame partialDependence(int[] modelIds, Frame uniqueWithCounts, double learnRate, SharedTreeSubgraph[][] sharedTreeSubgraphs) {
Frame result = new Frame();
int nclasses = sharedTreeSubgraphs[0].length;
int ntrees = sharedTreeSubgraphs.length;
for (int treeClass = 0; treeClass < nclasses; treeClass++) {
Vec pdp = Vec.makeZero(uniqueWithCounts.numRows());
for (int i = 0; i < ntrees; i++) {
SharedTreeSubgraph sharedTreeSubgraph = sharedTreeSubgraphs[i][treeClass];
Vec currTreePdp = partialDependenceTree(sharedTreeSubgraph, modelIds, learnRate, uniqueWithCounts);
for (long j = 0; j < uniqueWithCounts.numRows(); j++) {
pdp.set(j, pdp.at(j) + currTreePdp.at(j));
result.add("pdp_C" + treeClass , pdp);
return result;
public static double[] add(double[] first, double[] second) {
int length = Math.min(first.length, second.length);
double[] result = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[i] = first[i] + second[i];
return result;
static Frame filterFrame(Frame frame, String[] cols) {
Frame frame1 = new Frame();
frame1.add(cols, frame.vecs(cols));
return frame1;
static int[] getModelIds(String[] frameNames, String[] vars) {
int[] modelIds = new int[vars.length];
Arrays.fill(modelIds, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < frameNames.length; j++) {
if (vars[i].equals(frameNames[j])) {
modelIds[i] = j;
if (modelIds[i] == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Column " + vars[i] + " is not present in the input frame!");
return modelIds;
static List combinations(int[] vals, int combinationSize) {
List overallResult = new ArrayList<>();
combinations(vals, combinationSize, 0, new int[combinationSize], overallResult);
return overallResult;
private static void combinations(int[] arr, int len, int startPosition, int[] result, List overallResult) {
if (len == 0) {
for (int i = startPosition; i <= arr.length-len; i++){
result[result.length - len] = arr[i];
combinations(arr, len - 1, i + 1, result, overallResult);
* For each row in ``X`` a tree traversal is performed.
* Each traversal starts from the root with weight 1.0.
* At each non-terminal node that splits on a target variable either
* the left child or the right child is visited based on the feature
* value of the current sample and the weight is not modified.
* At each non-terminal node that splits on a complementary feature
* both children are visited and the weight is multiplied by the fraction
* of training samples which went to each child.
* At each terminal node the value of the node is multiplied by the
* current weight (weights sum to 1 for all visited terminal nodes).
* @param tree tree to traverse
* @param targetFeature the set of target features for which the partial dependence should be evaluated
* @param learnRate constant scaling factor for the leaf predictions
* @param grid the grid points on which the partial dependence should be evaluated
* @return Vec with the resulting partial dependence values for each point of the input grid
static Vec partialDependenceTree(SharedTreeSubgraph tree, int[] targetFeature, double learnRate, Frame grid) {
Vec outVec = Vec.makeZero(grid.numRows());
int stackSize;
SharedTreeNode[] nodeStackAr = new SharedTreeNode[tree.nodesArray.size() * 2];
Double[] weightStackAr = new Double[tree.nodesArray.size() * 2];
Arrays.fill(weightStackAr, 1.0);
double totalWeight;
SharedTreeNode currNode;
double currWeight;
for (long i = 0; i < grid.numRows(); i++) {
stackSize = 1;
nodeStackAr[0] = tree.rootNode;
weightStackAr[0] = 1.0;
totalWeight = 0.0;
while (stackSize > 0) {
// get top node on stack
stackSize -= 1;
currNode = nodeStackAr[stackSize];
if (currNode.isLeaf()) {
outVec.set(i, outVec.at(i) + weightStackAr[stackSize] * currNode.getPredValue() * learnRate);
totalWeight += weightStackAr[stackSize];
} else {
// non-terminal node:
int featureId = ArrayUtils.find(targetFeature, currNode.getColId());
if (featureId >= 0) {
// split feature in target set
// push left or right child on stack
if (grid.vec(featureId).at(i) <= currNode.getSplitValue()) {
// left
nodeStackAr[stackSize] = currNode.getLeftChild();
} else {
nodeStackAr[stackSize] = currNode.getRightChild();
stackSize += 1;
} else {
double left_sample_frac;
// split feature complement set
// push both children onto stack
currWeight = weightStackAr[stackSize];
// push left
nodeStackAr[stackSize] = currNode.getLeftChild();
left_sample_frac = currNode.getLeftChild().getWeight() / currNode.getWeight();
weightStackAr[stackSize] = currWeight * left_sample_frac;
// push right
nodeStackAr[stackSize] = currNode.getRightChild();
weightStackAr[stackSize] = currWeight * (1.0 - left_sample_frac);
if (!(0.999 < totalWeight && totalWeight < 1.001)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Total weight should be 1.0 but was " + totalWeight);
return outVec;
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