hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.util;
import Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition;
import Jama.Matrix;
import Jama.QRDecomposition;
import hex.DataInfo;
import hex.FrameTask;
import hex.Interaction;
import hex.ToEigenVec;
import hex.gam.MatrixFrameUtils.TriDiagonalMatrix;
import hex.gram.Gram;
import jsr166y.ForkJoinTask;
import jsr166y.RecursiveAction;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Arrays.sort;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils.reverse;
import static water.util.ArrayUtils.*;
public class LinearAlgebraUtils {
* Forward substitution: Solve Lx = b for x with L = lower triangular matrix, b = real vector
public static double[] forwardSolve(double[][] L, double[] b) {
assert L != null && L.length == b.length; // && L.length == L[0].length, allow true lower triangular matrix
double[] res = new double[b.length];
for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
res[i] = b[i];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
res[i] -= L[i][j] * res[j];
res[i] /= L[i][i];
return res;
* Given a matrix aMat as a double [][] array, this function will return an array that is the
* square root of the diagonals of aMat. Note that the first index is column and the second index
* is row.
* @param aMat
* @return
public static double[] sqrtDiag(double[][] aMat) {
int matrixSize = aMat.length;
double[] answer = new double[matrixSize];
for (int index=0; index < matrixSize; index++)
answer[index] = Math.sqrt(aMat[index][index]);
return answer;
public static double[][] chol2Inv(final double[][] cholR, boolean upperTriag) {
final int matrixSize = cholR.length; // cholR is actuall transpose(R) from QR
double[][] cholL = upperTriag?ArrayUtils.transpose(cholR):cholR; // this is R from QR
final double[][] inverted = new double[matrixSize][];
RecursiveAction[] ras = new RecursiveAction[matrixSize];
for (int index=0; index 0)
tempDiag[i-1] = hjIndex*oneO6;
lowDiag[i] = Arrays.copyOf(tempDiag, rowSize);
return lowDiag;
* Given an matrix, a QR decomposition is carried out to the matrix as starT = QR. Given Q, an orthogonal bais
* that is complement to Q is generated consisting of numBasis vectors.
* @param starT: double array that will have a QR decomposition carried out on
* @param numBasis: integer denoting number of basis in the orthogonal complement
* @return
public static double[][] generateOrthogonalComplement(final double[][] orthMat, final double[][] starT, final int numBasis, long seed) {
final int numOrthVec = orthMat[0].length; // number of vectors in original orthogonal basis
final int vecSize = orthMat.length; // size of vector
final double[][] orthMatT = transpose(orthMat);
double[][] orthMatCompT = new double[numBasis][vecSize]; // store transpose of orthogonal complement
double[][] orthMatCompT2 = new double[numBasis][vecSize];
double[][] orthMatCompT3;
double[] innerProd = new double[numOrthVec];
double[] scaleProd = new double[vecSize];
// take the difference between random vectors and qMat
orthMatCompT3 = subtract(generateIdentityMat(vecSize), ArrayUtils.multArrArr(orthMat, orthMatT));
for (int index = 0; index < numBasis; index++) {
System.arraycopy(orthMatCompT3[index], 0, orthMatCompT2[index], 0, vecSize);
for (int index = 0; index < numBasis; index++) {
orthMatCompT[index] = ArrayUtils.gaussianVector(seed + index, orthMatCompT[index]);
genInnerProduct(orthMatT, orthMatCompT[index], innerProd);
for (int basisInd = 0; basisInd < numOrthVec; basisInd++) {
System.arraycopy(orthMatT[basisInd], 0, scaleProd, 0, vecSize);
mult(scaleProd, innerProd[basisInd]);
subtract(orthMatCompT[index], scaleProd, orthMatCompT[index]);
// go through random vectors with orthogonal vector basis subtracted from it, make them orthogonal to each other
return orthMatCompT;
public static double[][] generateIdentityMat(int size) {
double[][] identity = new double[size][size];
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
identity[index][index] = 1.0;
return identity;
public static double[][] generateQR(final double[][] starT) {
Matrix starTMat = new Matrix(starT); // generate Zcs as in 3.3
QRDecomposition starTMat_qr = new QRDecomposition(starTMat);
return starTMat_qr.getQ().getArray();
public static void genInnerProduct(double[][] mat, double[] vector, double[] innerProd) {
int numVec = mat.length;
for (int index = 0; index < numVec; index++) {
innerProd[index] = ArrayUtils.innerProduct(mat[index], vector);
public static void applyGramSchmit(double[][] matT) {
int numVec = matT.length;
int vecSize = matT[0].length;
double[] innerProd = new double[numVec];
double[] scaleVec = new double[vecSize];
for (int index = 0; index < numVec; index++) {
genInnerProduct(matT, matT[index], innerProd);
for (int indexJ = 0; indexJ < index; indexJ++) { // take the difference between random vectors
System.arraycopy(matT[indexJ], 0, scaleVec, 0, vecSize);
mult(scaleVec, innerProd[indexJ]);
subtract(matT[index], scaleVec, matT[index]);
double mag = 1.0/l2norm(matT[index]);
ArrayUtils.mult(matT[index], mag); // make vector to have unit magnitude
public static double[][] expandLowTrian2Ful(double[][] cholL) {
int numRows = cholL.length;
final double[][] result = new double[numRows][];
RecursiveAction[] ras = new RecursiveAction[numRows];
for (int index = 0; index < numRows; index++) {
final int i = index;
final double[] tempResult = MemoryManager.malloc8d(numRows);
ras[i] = new RecursiveAction() {
@Override protected void compute() {
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex <= i; colIndex++)
tempResult[colIndex] = cholL[i][colIndex];
result[i] = Arrays.copyOf(tempResult, numRows);
return result;
public static double[][] matrixMultiply(double[][] A, double[][] B ) {
int arow = A[0].length; // number of rows of result
int acol = A.length; // number columns in A
int bcol = B.length; // number of columns of B
final double[][] result = new double[bcol][];
RecursiveAction[] ras = new RecursiveAction[acol];
for (int index = 0; index < acol; index++) {
final int i = index;
final double[] tempResult = new double[arow];
ras[i] = new RecursiveAction() {
@Override protected void compute() {
ArrayUtils.multArrVec(A, B[i], tempResult);
result[i] = Arrays.copyOf(tempResult, arow);
return ArrayUtils.transpose(result);
* @param A
* @param B
* @param transposeResult: true will return A*B. Otherwise will return transpose(A*B)
* @return
public static double[][] matrixMultiplyTriagonal(double[][] A, TriDiagonalMatrix B, boolean transposeResult) {
int arow = A.length; // number of rows of result
final int bcol = B._size+2; // number of columns of B, K
final int lastCol = bcol-1; // last column of B
final int secondLastCol = bcol-2; // last column
final int kMinus1 = bcol-3; // should be k-2 but we count from 0 and not 1, hence bcol-3 and not bcol-2
final int kMinus2 = bcol-4;
final double[][] result = new double[bcol][];
RecursiveAction[] ras = new RecursiveAction[bcol];
for (int index = 0; index < bcol; index++) { // go through each column of TriDiagonalMatrix B
final int i = index;
final double[] tempResult = new double[arow];
final double[] bColVec = new double[B._size];
ras[i] = new RecursiveAction() { // multiply each column of B with A
@Override protected void compute() {
if (i==0) {
bColVec[0] = B._first_diag[0];
} else if (i==1) {
bColVec[0] = B._second_diag[0];
if (B._first_diag.length > 1)
bColVec[1] = B._first_diag[1];
} else if (i==lastCol) {
bColVec[kMinus1] = B._third_diag[kMinus1];
} else if (i==secondLastCol) {
bColVec[kMinus2] = B._third_diag[kMinus2];
bColVec[kMinus1] =B._second_diag[kMinus1];
} else {
bColVec[i-2] = B._third_diag[i-2];
bColVec[i-1] = B._second_diag[i-1];
bColVec[i] = B._first_diag[i];
ArrayUtils.multArrVec(A, bColVec, tempResult);
result[i] = Arrays.copyOf(tempResult, arow);
return transposeResult?ArrayUtils.transpose(result):result;
public static double[] backwardSolve(double[][] L, double[] b, double[] res) {
assert L != null && L.length == L[0].length && L.length == b.length;
if (res==null) // only allocate memory if needed
res = new double[b.length];
int lastIndex = b.length-1;
for (int rowIndex = lastIndex; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex--) {
res[rowIndex] = b[rowIndex];
for (int colIndex = lastIndex; colIndex > rowIndex; colIndex--) {
res[rowIndex] -= L[rowIndex][colIndex]*res[colIndex];
res[rowIndex] /= L[rowIndex][rowIndex];
return res;
* Impute missing values and transform numeric value x in col of dinfo._adaptedFrame
private static double modifyNumeric(double x, int col, DataInfo dinfo) {
double y = (Double.isNaN(x) && dinfo._imputeMissing) ? dinfo._numNAFill[col] : x; // Impute missing value
if (dinfo._normSub != null && dinfo._normMul != null) // Transform x if requested
y = (y - dinfo._normSub[col]) * dinfo._normMul[col];
return y;
* Return row with categoricals expanded in array tmp
public static double[] expandRow(double[] row, DataInfo dinfo, double[] tmp, boolean modify_numeric) {
// Categorical columns
int cidx;
for(int col = 0; col < dinfo._cats; col++) {
if (Double.isNaN(row[col])) {
if (dinfo._imputeMissing)
cidx = dinfo.catNAFill()[col];
else if (!dinfo._catMissing[col])
continue; // Skip if entry missing and no NA bucket. All indicators will be zero.
cidx = dinfo._catOffsets[col+1]-1; // Otherwise, missing value turns into extra (last) factor
} else {
if ((dinfo._catOffsets[col + 1] - dinfo._catOffsets[col]) == 1)
cidx = dinfo.getCategoricalId(col, 0);
cidx = dinfo.getCategoricalId(col, (int) row[col]);
if (((dinfo._catOffsets[col+1]-dinfo._catOffsets[col]) == 1) && cidx >=0) // binary data here, no column expansion, copy data
tmp[cidx] = row[col];
else if(cidx >= 0) tmp[cidx] = 1;
// Numeric columns
int chk_cnt = dinfo._cats;
int exp_cnt = dinfo.numStart();
for(int col = 0; col < dinfo._nums; col++) {
// Only do imputation and transformation if requested
tmp[exp_cnt] = modify_numeric ? modifyNumeric(row[chk_cnt], col, dinfo) : row[chk_cnt];
exp_cnt++; chk_cnt++;
return tmp;
public static double[][] reshape1DArray(double[] arr, int m, int n) {
double[][] arr2D = new double[m][n];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
System.arraycopy(arr, i * n, arr2D[i], 0, n);
return arr2D;
public static EigenPair[] createSortedEigenpairs(double[] eigenvalues, double[][] eigenvectors) {
int count = eigenvalues.length;
EigenPair eigenPairs[] = new EigenPair[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
eigenPairs[i] = new EigenPair(eigenvalues[i], eigenvectors[i]);
return eigenPairs;
public static EigenPair[] createReverseSortedEigenpairs(double[] eigenvalues, double[][] eigenvectors) {
EigenPair[] eigenPairs = createSortedEigenpairs(eigenvalues, eigenvectors);
return eigenPairs;
public static double[] extractEigenvaluesFromEigenpairs(EigenPair[] eigenPairs) {
int count = eigenPairs.length;
double[] eigenvalues = new double[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
eigenvalues[i] = eigenPairs[i].eigenvalue;
return eigenvalues;
public static double[][] extractEigenvectorsFromEigenpairs(EigenPair[] eigenPairs) {
int count = eigenPairs.length;
double[][] eigenvectors = new double[count][];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
eigenvectors[i] = eigenPairs[i].eigenvector;
return eigenvectors;
public static class FindMaxIndex extends MRTask {
public long _maxIndex = -1;
int _colIndex;
double _maxValue;
public FindMaxIndex(int colOfInterest, double maxValue) {
_colIndex = colOfInterest;
_maxValue = maxValue;
public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int rowLen = cs[0].len();
long startRowIndex = cs[0].start();
for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < rowLen; rowIndex++) {
double rowVal = cs[_colIndex].atd(rowIndex);
if (rowVal == _maxValue) {
_maxIndex = startRowIndex+rowIndex;
@Override public void reduce(FindMaxIndex other) {
if (this._maxIndex < 0)
this._maxIndex = other._maxIndex;
else if (this._maxIndex > other._maxIndex)
this._maxIndex = other._maxIndex;
public static class CopyQtoQMatrix extends MRTask {
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int totColumn = cs.length; // all columns in cs.
int halfColumn = totColumn/2; // start of Q matrix
int totRows = cs[0].len();
for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < totRows; rowIndex++) {
for (int colIndex=0; colIndex < halfColumn; colIndex++) {
cs[colIndex].set(rowIndex, cs[colIndex+halfColumn].atd(rowIndex));
* Computes B = XY where X is n by k and Y is k by p, saving result in new vecs
* Input: dinfo = X (large frame) with dinfo._adaptedFrame passed to doAll
* yt = Y' = transpose of Y (small matrix)
* Output: XY (large frame) is n by p
public static class BMulTask extends FrameTask {
final double[][] _yt; // _yt = Y' (transpose of Y)
public BMulTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, double[][] yt) {
super(jobKey, dinfo);
_yt = yt;
@Override protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row row, NewChunk[] outputs) {
for(int p = 0; p < _yt.length; p++) {
double x = row.innerProduct(_yt[p]);
* Compute B = XY where where X is n by k and Y is k by p and they are both stored as Frames. The
* result will be stored in part of X as X|B. Make sure you allocate the correct memory to your X
* frame. In addition, this will only work with numerical columns.
* Note that there are a size limitation on y Frame. It needs to have row indexed by integer values only and
* not long. Otherwise, the result will be jibberish.
public static class BMulTaskMatrices extends MRTask {
final Frame _y; // frame to store y
final int _nyChunks; // number of chunks of y Frame
final int _yColNum;
public BMulTaskMatrices(Frame y) {
_y = y;
_nyChunks = _y.anyVec().nChunks();
_yColNum = _y.numCols();
private void mulResultPerYChunk(Chunk[] xChunk, Chunk[] yChunk) {
int xChunkLen = xChunk[0].len();
int yColLen = yChunk.length;
int yChunkLen = yChunk[0].len();
int resultColOffset = xChunk.length-yColLen; // start of result column in xChunk
int xChunkColOffset = (int) yChunk[0].start();
for (int colIndex=0; colIndex < yColLen; colIndex++) {
int resultColIndex = colIndex+resultColOffset;
for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < xChunkLen; rowIndex++) {
double origResult = xChunk[resultColIndex].atd(rowIndex);
for (int interIndex=0; interIndex < yChunkLen; interIndex++) {
origResult += xChunk[interIndex+xChunkColOffset].atd(rowIndex)*yChunk[colIndex].atd(interIndex);
xChunk[resultColIndex].set(rowIndex, origResult);
@Override public void map(Chunk[] xChunk) {
Chunk[] ychunk = new Chunk[_y.numCols()];
for (int ychunkInd=0; ychunkInd < _nyChunks; ychunkInd++) {
for (int chkIndex =0 ; chkIndex < _yColNum; chkIndex++) // grab a y chunk
ychunk[chkIndex] = _y.vec(chkIndex).chunkForChunkIdx(ychunkInd);
mulResultPerYChunk(xChunk, ychunk);
* Computes B = XY where X is n by k and Y is k by p, saving result in same frame
* Input: [X,B] (large frame) passed to doAll, where we write to B
* yt = Y' = transpose of Y (small matrix)
* ncolX = number of columns in X
public static class BMulInPlaceTask extends MRTask {
final DataInfo _xinfo; // Info for frame X
final double[][] _yt; // _yt = Y' (transpose of Y)
final int _ncolX; // Number of cols in X
public boolean _originalImplementation = true; // if true will produce xB+b0. If false, just inner product
public BMulInPlaceTask(DataInfo xinfo, double[][] yt, int nColsExp) {
assert yt != null && yt[0].length == nColsExp;
_xinfo = xinfo;
_ncolX = xinfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_yt = yt;
public BMulInPlaceTask(DataInfo xinfo, double[][] yt, int nColsExp, boolean originalWay) {
assert yt != null && yt[0].length == nColsExp;
_xinfo = xinfo;
_ncolX = xinfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_yt = yt;
_originalImplementation = originalWay;
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
assert cs.length == _ncolX + _yt.length;
int lastColInd = _ncolX-1;
// Copy over only X frame chunks
Chunk[] xchk = new Chunk[_ncolX]; // only refer to X part, old part of frame
DataInfo.Row xrow = _xinfo.newDenseRow();
double sum;
for(int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
// Extract row of X
_xinfo.extractDenseRow(xchk, row, xrow);
if (xrow.isBad()) continue;
int bidx = _ncolX;
for (double[] ps : _yt ) {
// Inner product of X row with Y column (Y' row)
sum = _originalImplementation?xrow.innerProduct(ps):xrow.innerProduct(ps)-ps[lastColInd];
cs[bidx].set(row, sum); // Save inner product to B, new part of frame
assert bidx == cs.length;
* Computes A'Q where A is n by p and Q is n by k
* Input: [A,Q] (large frame) passed to doAll
* Output: atq = A'Q (small matrix) is \tilde{p} by k where \tilde{p} = number of cols in A with categoricals expanded
public static class SMulTask extends MRTask {
final DataInfo _ainfo; // Info for frame A
final int _ncolA; // Number of cols in A
final int _ncolExp; // Number of cols in A with categoricals expanded
final int _ncolQ; // Number of cols in Q
public double[][] _atq; // Output: A'Q is p_exp by k, where p_exp = number of cols in A with categoricals expanded
public SMulTask(DataInfo ainfo, int ncolQ) {
_ainfo = ainfo;
_ncolA = ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_ncolExp = numColsExp(ainfo._adaptedFrame,true);
_ncolQ = ncolQ;
public SMulTask(DataInfo ainfo, int ncolQ, int ncolExp) {
_ainfo = ainfo;
_ncolA = ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_ncolExp = ncolExp; // when call from GLRM or PCA
_ncolQ = ncolQ;
@Override public void map(Chunk cs[]) {
assert (_ncolA + _ncolQ) == cs.length;
_atq = new double[_ncolExp][_ncolQ]; // not okay to share.
for(int k = _ncolA; k < (_ncolA + _ncolQ); k++) {
// Categorical columns
int cidx;
for(int p = 0; p < _ainfo._cats; p++) {
for(int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
if(cs[p].isNA(row) && _ainfo._skipMissing) continue;
double q = cs[k].atd(row);
double a = cs[p].atd(row);
if (Double.isNaN(a)) {
if (_ainfo._imputeMissing)
cidx = _ainfo.catNAFill()[p];
else if (!_ainfo._catMissing[p])
continue; // Skip if entry missing and no NA bucket. All indicators will be zero.
cidx = _ainfo._catOffsets[p+1]-1; // Otherwise, missing value turns into extra (last) factor
} else
cidx = _ainfo.getCategoricalId(p, (int)a);
if(cidx >= 0) _atq[cidx][k-_ncolA] += q; // Ignore categorical levels outside domain
// Numeric columns
int pnum = 0;
int pexp = _ainfo.numStart();
for(int p = _ainfo._cats; p < _ncolA; p++) {
for(int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
if(cs[p].isNA(row) && _ainfo._skipMissing) continue;
double q = cs[k].atd(row);
double a = cs[p].atd(row);
a = modifyNumeric(a, pnum, _ainfo);
_atq[pexp][k-_ncolA] += q * a;
pexp++; pnum++;
assert pexp == _atq.length;
@Override public void reduce(SMulTask other) {
ArrayUtils.add(_atq, other._atq);
* compute the cholesky of xx which stores the lower part of a symmetric square tridiagonal matrix. We assume
* that all the elements are positive and it is in place replacement where L will be stored back in the input
* xx.
* @param xx
* @return
public static void choleskySymDiagMat(double[][] xx) {
xx[0][0] = Math.sqrt(xx[0][0]);
int rowNumber = xx.length;
for (int row = 1; row < rowNumber; row++) {
// deals with lower diagonal element
int lowerDiag = row-1;
if (lowerDiag > 0) {
int kMinus2 = lowerDiag - 1;
xx[row][lowerDiag] = (xx[row][lowerDiag] - xx[row][kMinus2])/xx[lowerDiag][lowerDiag];
} else {
xx[row][lowerDiag] = xx[row][lowerDiag]/xx[lowerDiag][lowerDiag];
// deals with diagonal element
xx[row][row] = Math.sqrt(xx[row][row]-xx[row][lowerDiag]*xx[row][lowerDiag]);
* Get R = L' from Cholesky decomposition Y'Y = LL' (same as R from Y = QR)
* @param jobKey Job key for Gram calculation
* @param yinfo DataInfo for Y matrix
* @param transpose Should result be transposed to get L?
* @return L or R matrix from Cholesky of Y Gram
public static double[][] computeR(Key jobKey, DataInfo yinfo, boolean transpose) {
// Calculate Cholesky of Y Gram to get R' = L matrix
Gram.GramTask gtsk = new Gram.GramTask(jobKey, yinfo); // Gram is Y'Y/n where n = nrow(Y)
Gram.Cholesky chol = gtsk._gram.cholesky(null); // If Y'Y = LL' Cholesky, then R = L'
double[][] L = chol.getL();
ArrayUtils.mult(L, Math.sqrt(gtsk._nobs)); // Must scale since Cholesky of Y'Y/n where nobs = nrow(Y)
return transpose ? L : ArrayUtils.transpose(L);
* Solve for Q from Y = QR factorization and write into new frame
* @param jobKey Job key for Gram calculation
* @param yinfo DataInfo for Y matrix
* @param ywfrm Input frame [Y,W] where we write into W
* @return l2 norm of Q - W, where W is old matrix in frame, Q is computed factorization
public static double computeQ(Key jobKey, DataInfo yinfo, Frame ywfrm, double[][] xx) {
xx = computeR(jobKey, yinfo, true);
ForwardSolve qrtsk = new ForwardSolve(yinfo, xx);
return qrtsk._sse; // \sum (Q_{i,j} - W_{i,j})^2
public static double[][] computeQ(Key jobKey, DataInfo yinfo, Frame ywfrm) {
double[][] xx = computeR(jobKey, yinfo, true);
ForwardSolve qrtsk = new ForwardSolve(yinfo, xx);
return xx; // \sum (Q_{i,j} - W_{i,j})^2
* Solve for Q from Y = QR factorization and write into Y frame
* @param jobKey Job key for Gram calculation
* @param yinfo DataInfo for Y matrix
public static double[][] computeQInPlace(Key jobKey, DataInfo yinfo) {
double[][] cholL = computeR(jobKey, yinfo, true);
ForwardSolveInPlace qrtsk = new ForwardSolveInPlace(yinfo, cholL);
return cholL;
* Given lower triangular L, solve for Q in QL' = A (LQ' = A') using forward substitution
* Dimensions: A is n by p, Q is n by p, R = L' is p by p
* Input: [A,Q] (large frame) passed to doAll, where we write to Q
public static class ForwardSolve extends MRTask {
final DataInfo _ainfo; // Info for frame A
final int _ncols; // Number of cols in A and in Q
final double[][] _L;
public double _sse; // Output: Sum-of-squared difference between old and new Q
public ForwardSolve(DataInfo ainfo, double[][] L) {
assert L != null && L.length == L[0].length && L.length == ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_ainfo = ainfo;
_ncols = ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_L = L;
_sse = 0;
@Override public void map(Chunk cs[]) {
assert 2 * _ncols == cs.length;
// Copy over only A frame chunks
Chunk[] achks = new Chunk[_ncols];
for(int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
// 1) Extract single expanded row of A
DataInfo.Row arow = _ainfo.newDenseRow();
_ainfo.extractDenseRow(achks, row, arow);
if (arow.isBad()) continue;
double[] aexp = arow.expandCats();
// 2) Solve for single row of Q using forward substitution
double[] qrow = forwardSolve(_L, aexp);
// 3) Save row of solved values into Q
int i = 0;
for(int d = _ncols; d < 2 * _ncols; d++) {
double qold = cs[d].atd(row);
double diff = qrow[i] - qold;
_sse += diff * diff; // Calculate SSE between Q_new and Q_old
cs[d].set(row, qrow[i++]);
assert i == qrow.length;
* Given lower triangular L, solve for Q in QL' = A (LQ' = A') using forward substitution
* Dimensions: A is n by p, Q is n by p, R = L' is p by p
* Input: A (large frame) passed to doAll, where we overwrite each row of A with its row of Q
public static class ForwardSolveInPlace extends MRTask {
final DataInfo _ainfo; // Info for frame A
final int _ncols; // Number of cols in A
final double[][] _L;
public ForwardSolveInPlace(DataInfo ainfo, double[][] L) {
assert L != null && L.length == L[0].length && L.length == ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_ainfo = ainfo;
_ncols = ainfo._adaptedFrame.numCols();
_L = L;
@Override public void map(Chunk cs[]) {
assert _ncols == cs.length;
// Copy over only A frame chunks
Chunk[] achks = new Chunk[_ncols];
for(int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
// 1) Extract single expanded row of A
DataInfo.Row arow = _ainfo.newDenseRow();
_ainfo.extractDenseRow(achks, row, arow);
if (arow.isBad()) continue;
double[] aexp = arow.expandCats();
// 2) Solve for single row of Q using forward substitution
double[] qrow = forwardSolve(_L, aexp);
assert qrow.length == _ncols;
// 3) Overwrite row of A with row of solved values Q
for(int d = 0; d < _ncols; d++)
cs[d].set(row, qrow[d]);
/** Number of columns with categoricals expanded.
* @return Number of columns with categoricals expanded into indicator columns */
public static int numColsExp(Frame fr, boolean useAllFactorLevels) {
final int uAFL = useAllFactorLevels ? 0 : 1;
int cols = 0;
for( Vec vec : fr.vecs() )
cols += (vec.isCategorical() && vec.domain() != null) ? vec.domain().length - uAFL : 1;
return cols;
static double[] multiple(double[] diagYY /*diagonal*/, int nTot, int nVars) {
int ny = diagYY.length;
for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
diagYY[i] *= nTot;
double[][] uu = new double[ny][ny];
for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
double yyij = i==j ? diagYY[i] : 0;
uu[i][j] = (yyij - diagYY[i] * diagYY[j] / nTot) / (nVars * Math.sqrt(diagYY[i] * diagYY[j]));
if (Double.isNaN(uu[i][j])) {
uu[i][j] = 0;
EigenvalueDecomposition eigen = new EigenvalueDecomposition(new Matrix(uu));
double[] eigenvalues = eigen.getRealEigenvalues();
double[][] eigenvectors = eigen.getV().getArray();
int maxIndex = ArrayUtils.maxIndex(eigenvalues);
return eigenvectors[maxIndex];
static class ProjectOntoEigenVector extends MRTask {
ProjectOntoEigenVector(double[] yCoord) { _yCoord = yCoord; }
final double[] _yCoord; //projection
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] nc) {
for (int i=0;i source = Key.make();
Key dest = Key.make();
Frame train = new Frame(source, new String[]{"enum"}, new Vec[]{src});
int maxLevels = 1024; // keep eigen projection method reasonably fast
boolean created=false;
if (src.cardinality()>maxLevels) {
Log.info("Reducing the cardinality of a categorical column with " + src.cardinality() + " levels to " + maxLevels);
train = Interaction.getInteraction(train._key, train.names(), maxLevels).execImpl(dest).get();
DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(train, null, 0, true /*_use_all_factor_levels*/, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE,
DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, /* skipMissing */ false, /* imputeMissing */ true,
/* missingBucket */ false, /* weights */ false, /* offset */ false, /* fold */ false, /* intercept */ false);
Gram.GramTask gtsk = new Gram.GramTask(null, dinfo).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame);
// round the numbers to float precision to be more reproducible
double[] rounded = new double[gtsk._gram._diag.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rounded.length; ++i)
rounded[i] = (float) gtsk._gram._diag[i];
double [] array = multiple(rounded, (int) gtsk._nobs, 1);
if (created) {
return array;
public static Vec toEigen(Vec src) {
Key source = Key.make();
Key dest = Key.make();
Frame train = new Frame(source, new String[]{"enum"}, new Vec[]{src});
int maxLevels = 1024; // keep eigen projection method reasonably fast
boolean created=false;
if (src.cardinality()>maxLevels) {
Log.info("Reducing the cardinality of a categorical column with " + src.cardinality() + " levels to " + maxLevels);
train = Interaction.getInteraction(train._key, train.names(), maxLevels).execImpl(dest).get();
Vec v = new ProjectOntoEigenVector(toEigenArray(src)).doAll(1, (byte) 3, train).outputFrame().anyVec();
if (created) {
return v;
public static ToEigenVec toEigen = new ToEigenVec() {
@Override public Vec toEigenVec(Vec src) { return toEigen(src); }
public static double[] toEigenProjectionArray(Frame _origTrain, Frame _train, boolean expensive) {
if (expensive && _origTrain != null && _origTrain != _train) {
List projections = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < _origTrain.numCols(); i++) {
Vec currentCol = _origTrain.vec(i);
if (currentCol.isCategorical()) {
double[] actProjection = toEigenArray(currentCol);
for (double v : actProjection) {
double[] primitive_projections = new double[projections.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < projections.size(); i++) {
primitive_projections[i] = projections.get(i);
return primitive_projections;
return null;
public static String getMatrixInString(double[][] matrix) {
int dimX = matrix.length;
if (dimX <= 0) {
return "";
int dimY = matrix[0].length;
for (int x = 1; x < dimX; x++) {
if (matrix[x].length != dimY) {
return "Stacked matrix!";
StringBuilder stringOfMatrix = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < dimX; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < dimY; y++) {
if (matrix[x][y] > 0) {
stringOfMatrix.append(' '); // a leading space before a number
stringOfMatrix.append(String.format("%.4f\t", matrix[x][y]));
return stringOfMatrix.toString();
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