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package ai.h2o.automl;
import ai.h2o.automl.preprocessing.PreprocessingStepDefinition;
import hex.Model;
import hex.ScoreKeeper.StoppingMetric;
import hex.grid.HyperSpaceSearchCriteria;
import water.H2O;
import water.Iced;
import water.Key;
import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalValueException;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.util.*;
import water.util.PojoUtils.FieldNaming;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* Parameters which specify the build (or extension) of an AutoML build job.
public class AutoMLBuildSpec extends Iced {
private static final ThreadLocal instanceTimeStampFormat = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_Hmmss"));
private final static AtomicInteger amlInstanceCounter = new AtomicInteger();
* The specification of overall build parameters for the AutoML process.
public static final class AutoMLBuildControl extends Iced {
public final AutoMLStoppingCriteria stopping_criteria;
* Identifier for models that should be grouped together in the leaderboard (e.g., "airlines" and "iris").
public String project_name = null;
// Pass through to all algorithms
public boolean balance_classes = false;
public float[] class_sampling_factors;
public float max_after_balance_size = 5.0f;
public int nfolds = 5;
public boolean keep_cross_validation_predictions = false;
public boolean keep_cross_validation_models = false;
public boolean keep_cross_validation_fold_assignment = false;
public String export_checkpoints_dir = null;
public AutoMLBuildControl() {
stopping_criteria = new AutoMLStoppingCriteria();
public static final class AutoMLStoppingCriteria extends Iced {
public static final int AUTO_STOPPING_TOLERANCE = -1;
public static double default_stopping_tolerance_for_frame(Frame frame) {
return HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria.default_stopping_tolerance_for_frame(frame);
private final HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria _searchCriteria = new HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria();
private double _max_runtime_secs_per_model = 0;
public AutoMLStoppingCriteria() {
// reasonable defaults:
set_max_models(0); // no limit
set_max_runtime_secs(0); // no limit
set_max_runtime_secs_per_model(0); // no limit
public double max_runtime_secs_per_model() {
return _max_runtime_secs_per_model;
public void set_max_runtime_secs_per_model(double max_runtime_secs_per_model) {
_max_runtime_secs_per_model = max_runtime_secs_per_model;
public long seed() {
return _searchCriteria.seed();
public int max_models() {
return _searchCriteria.max_models();
public double max_runtime_secs() {
return _searchCriteria.max_runtime_secs();
public int stopping_rounds() {
return _searchCriteria.stopping_rounds();
public StoppingMetric stopping_metric() {
return _searchCriteria.stopping_metric();
public double stopping_tolerance() {
return _searchCriteria.stopping_tolerance();
public void set_seed(long seed) {
public void set_max_models(int max_models) {
public void set_max_runtime_secs(double max_runtime_secs) {
public void set_stopping_rounds(int stopping_rounds) {
public void set_stopping_metric(StoppingMetric stopping_metric) {
public void set_stopping_tolerance(double stopping_tolerance) {
public void set_default_stopping_tolerance_for_frame(Frame frame) {
public HyperSpaceSearchCriteria.RandomDiscreteValueSearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() {
return _searchCriteria;
* The specification of the datasets to be used for the AutoML process.
* The user can specify a directory path, a file path (including HDFS, s3 or the like),
* or the ID of an already-parsed Frame in the H2O cluster. Paths are processed
* as usual in H2O.
public static final class AutoMLInput extends Iced {
public Key training_frame;
public Key validation_frame;
public Key blending_frame;
public Key leaderboard_frame;
public String response_column;
public String fold_column;
public String weights_column;
public String[] ignored_columns;
public String sort_metric =;
* The specification of the parameters for building models for a single algo (e.g., GBM), including base model parameters and hyperparameter search.
public static final class AutoMLBuildModels extends Iced {
public Algo[] exclude_algos;
public Algo[] include_algos;
public StepDefinition[] modeling_plan;
public double exploitation_ratio = -1;
public AutoMLCustomParameters algo_parameters = new AutoMLCustomParameters();
public PreprocessingStepDefinition[] preprocessing;
public static final class AutoMLCustomParameters extends Iced {
// convenient property to allow us to modify our model (and later grids) definitions
// and benchmark them without having to rebuild the backend for each change.
static final String ALGO_PARAMS_ALL_ENABLED = H2O.OptArgs.SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX + "automl.algo_parameters.all.enabled";
// let's limit the list of allowed custom parameters by default for now: we can always decide to open this later.
private static final String[] ALLOWED_PARAMETERS = {
// "ntrees",
private static final String ROOT_PARAM = "algo_parameters";
public static final class AutoMLCustomParameter extends Iced {
private AutoMLCustomParameter(String name, V value) {
_name = name;
_value = value;
private AutoMLCustomParameter(IAlgo algo, String name, V value) {
_algo = algo;
_name = name;
_value = value;
private IAlgo _algo;
private String _name;
private V _value;
public static final class Builder {
private final transient List _anyAlgoParams = new ArrayList<>();
private final transient List _specificAlgoParams = new ArrayList<>();
public Builder add(String param, V value) {
_anyAlgoParams.add(new AutoMLCustomParameter<>(param, value));
return this;
public Builder add(IAlgo algo, String param, V value) {
_specificAlgoParams.add(new AutoMLCustomParameter<>(algo, param, value));
return this;
* Builder is necessary here as the custom parameters must be applied in a certain order,
* and we can't assume that the consumer of this API will add them in the right order.
* @return a new AutoMLCustomParameters instance with custom parameters properly assigned.
public AutoMLCustomParameters build() {
AutoMLCustomParameters instance = new AutoMLCustomParameters();
// apply "all" scope first, then algo-specific ones.
for (AutoMLCustomParameter param : _anyAlgoParams) {
if (!instance.addParameter(param._name, param._value))
throw new H2OIllegalValueException(param._name, ROOT_PARAM, param._value);
for (AutoMLCustomParameter param : _specificAlgoParams) {
if (!instance.addParameter(param._algo, param._name, param._value))
throw new H2OIllegalValueException(param._name, ROOT_PARAM, param._value);
return instance;
private void assertParameterAllowed(String param) {
if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(ALGO_PARAMS_ALL_ENABLED, "false"))
&& !ArrayUtils.contains(ALLOWED_PARAMETERS, param))
throw new H2OIllegalValueException(ROOT_PARAM, param);
public static Builder create() {
return new Builder();
private final IcedHashMap _algoParameterNames = new IcedHashMap<>(); // stores the parameters names overridden, by algo name
private final IcedHashMap _algoParameters = new IcedHashMap<>(); //stores the parameters values, by algo name
public boolean hasCustomParams(IAlgo algo) {
return _algoParameterNames.get( != null;
public boolean hasCustomParam(IAlgo algo, String param) {
return ArrayUtils.contains(_algoParameterNames.get(, param);
public void applyCustomParameters(IAlgo algo, Model.Parameters destParams) {
if (hasCustomParams(algo)) {
String[] paramNames = getCustomParameterNames(algo);
String[] onlyParamNames = Stream.of(paramNames).map(p -> "_"+p).toArray(String[]::new);
PojoUtils.copyProperties(destParams, getCustomizedDefaults(algo), FieldNaming.CONSISTENT, null, onlyParamNames);
String[] getCustomParameterNames(IAlgo algo) {
return _algoParameterNames.get(;
Model.Parameters getCustomizedDefaults(IAlgo algo) {
if (!_algoParameters.containsKey( {
Model.Parameters defaults = defaultParameters(algo);
if (defaults != null) _algoParameters.put(, defaults);
return _algoParameters.get(;
private Model.Parameters defaultParameters(IAlgo algo) {
return algo.enabled() ? ModelingStepsRegistry.defaultParameters( : null;
private void addParameterName(IAlgo algo, String param) {
if (!_algoParameterNames.containsKey( {
_algoParameterNames.put(, new String[] {param});
} else {
String[] names = _algoParameterNames.get(;
if (!ArrayUtils.contains(names, param)) {
_algoParameterNames.put(, ArrayUtils.append(names, param));
private boolean addParameter(String param, V value) {
boolean added = false;
for (Algo algo : Algo.values()) {
added |= addParameter(algo, param, value);
return added;
private boolean addParameter(IAlgo algo, String param, V value) {
Model.Parameters customParams = getCustomizedDefaults(algo);
try {
if (customParams != null
&& (setField(customParams, param, value, FieldNaming.DEST_HAS_UNDERSCORES)
|| setField(customParams, param, value, FieldNaming.CONSISTENT))) {
addParameterName(algo, param);
return true;
} else {
Log.debug("Could not set custom param " + param + " for algo " + algo);
return false;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new H2OIllegalValueException(param, ROOT_PARAM, value);
private boolean setField(D dest, String fieldName, V value, FieldNaming naming) {
try {
PojoUtils.setField(dest, fieldName, value, naming);
return true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// propagate exception iff the value was wrong (conversion issue), ignore if the field doesn't exist.
try {
PojoUtils.getFieldValue(dest, fieldName, naming);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored){
return false;
throw iae;
public final AutoMLBuildControl build_control = new AutoMLBuildControl();
public final AutoMLInput input_spec = new AutoMLInput();
public final AutoMLBuildModels build_models = new AutoMLBuildModels();
private String instanceId;
public String project() {
if (build_control.project_name == null) {
build_control.project_name = instanceId();
return build_control.project_name;
public String instanceId() {
if (instanceId == null) {
instanceId = "AutoML_"+amlInstanceCounter.incrementAndGet()+"_"+ instanceTimeStampFormat.get().format(new Date());
return instanceId;
public Key makeKey() {
// if user offers a different response column,
// the new models will be added to a new Leaderboard, without removing the previous one.
// otherwise, the new models will be added to the existing leaderboard.
return Key.make(project() + AutoML.keySeparator + StringUtils.sanitizeIdentifier(input_spec.response_column));