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package hex.tree.xgboost;
import hex.DataInfo;
import hex.tree.xgboost.matrix.DenseMatrixFactory;
import hex.tree.xgboost.matrix.MatrixLoader;
import hex.tree.xgboost.matrix.SparseMatrixFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.VecUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import static water.H2O.technote;
import static water.MemoryManager.malloc4f;
public class XGBoostUtils {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(XGBoostUtils.class);
public static void createFeatureMap(XGBoostModel model, Frame train) {
// Create a "feature map" and store in a temporary file (for Variable Importance, MOJO, ...)
DataInfo dataInfo = model.model_info().dataInfo();
assert dataInfo != null;
String featureMap = makeFeatureMap(train, dataInfo);
private static String makeFeatureMap(Frame f, DataInfo di) {
// set the names for the (expanded) columns
String[] coefnames = di.coefNames();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
assert(coefnames.length == di.fullN());
int catCols = di._catOffsets[di._catOffsets.length-1];
for (int i = 0; i < di.fullN(); i++) {
sb.append(i).append(" ").append(coefnames[i].replaceAll("\\s*","")).append(" ");
if (i < catCols || f.vec(i-catCols).isBinary())
else if (f.vec(i-catCols).isInt())
return sb.toString();
* convert an H2O Frame to a sparse DMatrix
* @param di data info
* @param frame H2O Frame - adapted using a provided data info
* @param response name of the response column
* @param weight name of the weight column
* @return DMatrix
* @throws XGBoostError
public static MatrixLoader.DMatrixProvider convertFrameToDMatrix(DataInfo di,
Frame frame,
String response,
String weight,
String offset,
boolean sparse) {
assert di != null;
int[] chunks = VecUtils.getLocalChunkIds(frame.anyVec());
final Vec responseVec = frame.vec(response);
final Vec weightVec = frame.vec(weight);
final Vec offsetsVec = frame.vec(offset);
final int[] nRowsByChunk = new int[chunks.length];
final long nRowsL = sumChunksLength(chunks, responseVec, Optional.ofNullable(weightVec), nRowsByChunk);
if (nRowsL > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("XGBoost currently doesn't support datasets with more than " +
Integer.MAX_VALUE + " per node. " +
"To train a XGBoost model on this dataset add more nodes to your H2O cluster and use distributed training.");
final int nRows = (int) nRowsL;
final MatrixLoader.DMatrixProvider trainMat;
// In the future this 2 arrays might also need to be rewritten into float[][],
// but only if we want to handle datasets over 2^31-1 on a single machine. For now I'd leave it as it is.
float[] resp = malloc4f(nRows);
float[] weights = null;
float[] offsets = null;
if (weightVec != null) {
weights = malloc4f(nRows);
if (offsetsVec != null) {
offsets = malloc4f(nRows);
if (sparse) {
LOG.debug("Treating matrix as sparse.");
trainMat = SparseMatrixFactory.csr(frame, chunks, weightVec, offsetsVec, responseVec, di, resp, weights, offsets);
} else {
LOG.debug("Treating matrix as dense.");
trainMat = DenseMatrixFactory.dense(frame, chunks, nRows, nRowsByChunk, weightVec, offsetsVec, responseVec, di, resp, weights, offsets);
return trainMat;
* Counts a total sum of chunks inside a vector. Only chunks present in chunkIds are counted.
* If a weights vector is provided, only rows with non-zero weights are counted.
* @param chunkIds Chunk ids to consider during the calculation. Chunks IDs not listed are not included.
* @param vec Vector containing given chunk identifiers
* @param weightsVector Vector with row weights, possibly an empty optional
* @param chunkLengths Array of integers where the lengths of the individual chunks will be added. Initialization to an array of 0's is expected.
* @return A sum of chunk lengths. Possibly zero, if there are no chunks or the chunks are empty.
public static long sumChunksLength(int[] chunkIds, Vec vec, Optional weightsVector, int[] chunkLengths) {
assert chunkLengths.length == chunkIds.length;
for (int i = 0; i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
final int chunk = chunkIds[i];
if (weightsVector.isPresent()) {
final Chunk weightVecChunk = weightsVector.get().chunkForChunkIdx(chunk);
assert weightVecChunk.len() == vec.chunkLen(chunk); // Chunk layout of both vectors must be the same
if (weightVecChunk.len() == 0) continue;
int nzIndex = 0;
do {
if (weightVecChunk.atd(nzIndex) != 0) chunkLengths[i]++;
nzIndex = weightVecChunk.nextNZ(nzIndex, true);
} while (nzIndex > 0 && nzIndex < weightVecChunk._len);
} else {
chunkLengths[i] = vec.chunkLen(chunk);
long totalChunkLength = 0;
for (int cl : chunkLengths) {
totalChunkLength += cl;
return totalChunkLength;
* convert a set of H2O chunks (representing a part of a vector) to a sparse DMatrix
* @return DMatrix
* @throws XGBoostError
public static DMatrix convertChunksToDMatrix(
DataInfo di, Chunk[] chunks, int response, boolean sparse, int offset
) throws XGBoostError {
int nRows = chunks[0]._len;
DMatrix trainMat;
float[] resp = malloc4f(nRows);
float[] off = null;
if (offset >= 0) {
off = malloc4f(nRows);
try {
if (sparse) {
LOG.debug("Treating matrix as sparse.");
trainMat = SparseMatrixFactory.csr(chunks, -1, response, offset, di, resp, null, off);
} else {
trainMat = DenseMatrixFactory.dense(chunks, di, response, resp, null, offset, off);
} catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(technote(11,
"Data is too large to fit into the 32-bit Java float[] array that needs to be passed to the XGBoost C++ backend. Use H2O GBM instead."));
int len = (int) trainMat.rowNum();
if (off != null) {
off = Arrays.copyOf(off, len);
resp = Arrays.copyOf(resp, len);
return trainMat;
public static FeatureProperties assembleFeatureNames(final DataInfo di) {
String[] coefnames = di.coefNames();
assert (coefnames.length == di.fullN());
int numCatCols = di._catOffsets[di._catOffsets.length - 1];
String[] featureNames = new String[di.fullN()];
boolean[] oneHotEncoded = new boolean[di.fullN()];
int[] originalColumnIndices = di.coefOriginalColumnIndices();
for (int i = 0; i < di.fullN(); i++) {
featureNames[i] = coefnames[i];
if (i < numCatCols) {
oneHotEncoded[i] = true;
return new FeatureProperties(di._adaptedFrame._names, featureNames, oneHotEncoded, originalColumnIndices);
public static class FeatureProperties {
public String[] _originalNames;
public Map _originalNamesMap;
public String[] _names;
public boolean[] _oneHotEncoded;
public int[] _originalColumnIndices;
public FeatureProperties(String[] originalNames, String[] names, boolean[] oneHotEncoded, int[] originalColumnIndices) {
_originalNames = originalNames;
_originalNamesMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < originalNames.length; i++){
_originalNamesMap.put(originalNames[i], i);
_names = names;
_oneHotEncoded = oneHotEncoded;
_originalColumnIndices = originalColumnIndices;
public int getOriginalIndex(String originalName){
return _originalNamesMap.get(originalName);
public Integer[] mapOriginalNamesToIndices(String[] names){
Integer[] res = new Integer[names.length];
for(int i = 0; i