hex.genmodel.AbstractMojoWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.genmodel;
import hex.genmodel.algos.isotonic.IsotonicCalibrator;
import hex.genmodel.descriptor.ModelDescriptor;
import hex.genmodel.utils.StringEscapeUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
public abstract class AbstractMojoWriter {
* Reference to the model being written. Use this in the subclasses to retreive information from your model.
private ModelDescriptor model;
private String targetdir;
private StringBuilder tmpfile;
private String tmpname;
private ZipOutputStream zos;
// Local key-value store: these values will be written to the model.ini/[info] section
private Map lkv;
// Inheritance interface: ModelMojoWriter subclasses are expected to override these methods to provide custom behavior
public AbstractMojoWriter(ModelDescriptor model) {
this.model = model;
this.lkv = new LinkedHashMap<>(20); // Linked so as to preserve the order of entries in the output
* Version of the mojo file produced. Follows the major.minor
* format, where minor
is a 2-digit number. For example "1.00",
* "2.05", "2.13". See README in mojoland repository for more details.
public abstract String mojoVersion();
* Override in subclasses to write the actual model data.
protected abstract void writeModelData() throws IOException;
// Utility functions: subclasses should use these to implement the behavior they need
* Write a simple value to the model.ini/[info] section. Here "simple" means a value that can be stringified with
* .toString(), and its stringified version does not span multiple lines.
protected final void writekv(String key, Object value) throws IOException {
String valStr = value == null ? "null" : value.toString();
if (valStr.contains("\n"))
throw new IOException("The `value` must not contain newline characters, got: " + valStr);
if (lkv.containsKey(key))
throw new IOException("Key " + key + " was already written");
lkv.put(key, valStr);
protected final void writekv(String key, int[] value) throws IOException {
writekv(key, Arrays.toString(value));
protected final void writekv(String key, double[] value) throws IOException {
writekv(key, Arrays.toString(value));
protected final void writekv(String key, float[] value) throws IOException {
writekv(key, Arrays.toString(value));
protected final void write(IsotonicCalibrator calibrator) throws IOException {
writekv("calib_min_x", calibrator._min_x);
writekv("calib_max_x", calibrator._max_x);
writeblob("calib/thresholds_x", calibrator._thresholds_x);
writeblob("calib/thresholds_y", calibrator._thresholds_y);
private void writeblob(String filename, double[] doubles) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[4 + doubles.length * 8]);
for (double val : doubles)
writeblob(filename, bb.array());
* Write a binary file to the MOJO archive.
protected final void writeblob(String filename, byte[] blob) throws IOException {
ZipEntry archiveEntry = new ZipEntry(targetdir + filename);
* Write a text file to the MOJO archive (or rather open such file for writing).
protected final void startWritingTextFile(String filename) {
assert tmpfile == null : "Previous text file was not closed";
tmpfile = new StringBuilder();
tmpname = filename;
* Write a single line of text to a previously opened text file, escape new line characters if enabled.
protected final void writeln(String s, boolean escapeNewlines) {
assert tmpfile != null : "No text file is currently being written";
tmpfile.append(escapeNewlines ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeNewlines(s) : s);
private void writelnkv(String key, String value, boolean escapeNewlines) {
assert tmpfile != null : "No text file is currently being written";
tmpfile.append(escapeNewlines ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeNewlines(key) : key);
tmpfile.append(" = ");
tmpfile.append(escapeNewlines ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeNewlines(value) : value);
protected void writelnkv(String key, String value) {
writelnkv(key, value, false);
* Write a single line of text to a previously opened text file.
protected final void writeln(String s) {
writeln(s, false);
* Finish writing a text file.
protected final void finishWritingTextFile() throws IOException {
assert tmpfile != null : "No text file is currently being written";
writeblob(tmpname, toBytes(tmpfile));
tmpfile = null;
// Private
protected void writeTo(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException {
writeTo(zos, "");
public final void writeTo(ZipOutputStream zos, String zipDirectory) throws IOException {
initWriting(zos, zipDirectory);
protected void writeExtraInfo() throws IOException {
// nothing by default
private void initWriting(ZipOutputStream zos, String targetdir) {
this.zos = zos;
this.targetdir = targetdir;
private void addCommonModelInfo() throws IOException {
int n_categoricals = 0;
for (String[] domain : model.scoringDomains())
if (domain != null)
writekv("h2o_version", model.projectVersion());
writekv("mojo_version", mojoVersion());
writekv("license", "Apache License Version 2.0");
writekv("algo", model.algoName().toLowerCase());
writekv("algorithm", model.algoFullName());
writekv("endianness", ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
writekv("category", model.getModelCategory());
writekv("uuid", model.uuid());
writekv("supervised", model.isSupervised());
writekv("n_features", model.nfeatures());
writekv("n_classes", model.nclasses());
writekv("n_columns", model.columnNames().length);
writekv("n_domains", n_categoricals);
if (model.offsetColumn() != null) {
writekv("offset_column", model.offsetColumn());
writekv("balance_classes", model.balanceClasses());
writekv("default_threshold", model.defaultThreshold());
writekv("prior_class_distrib", Arrays.toString(model.priorClassDist()));
writekv("model_class_distrib", Arrays.toString(model.modelClassDist()));
writekv("timestamp", model.timestamp());
writekv("escape_domain_values", true); // Without escaping, there is no way to represent multiline categoricals as one-line values.
* Create the model.ini file containing 3 sections: [info], [columns] and [domains]. For example:
* [info]
* algo = Random Forest
* n_trees = 100
* n_columns = 25
* n_domains = 3
* ...
* h2o_version =
* [columns]
* col1
* col2
* ...
* [domains]
* 5: 13 d000.txt
* 6: 7 d001.txt
* 12: 124 d002.txt
* Here the [info] section lists general model information; [columns] is the list of all column names in the input
* dataframe; and [domains] section maps column numbers (for categorical features) to their domain definition files
* together with the number of categories to be read from that file.
private void writeModelInfo() throws IOException {
for (Map.Entry kv : lkv.entrySet()) {
writelnkv(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());
for (String name : model.columnNames()) {
String format = "%d: %d d%03d.txt";
int domIndex = 0;
String[][] domains = model.scoringDomains();
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < domains.length; colIndex++) {
if (domains[colIndex] != null)
writeln(String.format(format, colIndex, domains[colIndex].length, domIndex++));
* Create files containing domain definitions for each categorical column.
protected void writeDomains() throws IOException {
int domIndex = 0;
for (String[] domain : model.scoringDomains()) {
if (domain == null) continue;
writeStringArray(domain, String.format("domains/d%03d.txt", domIndex++));
protected void writeStringArray(String[] array, String filename) throws IOException {
for (String value : array) {
writeln(value, true);
private static byte[] toBytes(Object value) {
return String.valueOf(value).getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));