water.bindings.pojos.FieldMetadataV3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package water.bindings.pojos;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class FieldMetadataV3 extends FieldMetadataBase {
/* INHERITED: Field name in the Schema
* public String name;
/* INHERITED: Type for this field
* public String type;
/* INHERITED: Type for this field is itself a Schema.
* public boolean is_schema;
/* INHERITED: Schema name for this field, if it is_schema, or the name of the enum, if it's an enum.
* public String schema_name;
/* INHERITED: Value for this field
* public Object value;
/* INHERITED: A short help description to appear alongside the field in a UI
* public String help;
/* INHERITED: The label that should be displayed for the field if the name is insufficient
* public String label;
/* INHERITED: Is this field required, or is the default value generally sufficient?
* public boolean required;
/* INHERITED: How important is this field? The web UI uses the level to do a slow reveal of the parameters
* public Level level;
/* INHERITED: Is this field an input, output or inout?
* public Direction direction;
/* INHERITED: Is the field inherited from the parent schema?
* public boolean is_inherited;
/* INHERITED: Is the field gridable (i.e., it can be used in grid call)
* public boolean is_gridable;
/* INHERITED: For enum-type fields the allowed values are specified using the values annotation; this is used in UIs to tell the user the allowed values, and for validation
* public String[] values;
/* INHERITED: Should this field be rendered in the JSON representation?
* public boolean json;
/* INHERITED: For Vec-type fields this is the set of other Vec-type fields which must contain mutually exclusive values; for example, for a SupervisedModel the response_column must be mutually exclusive with the weights_column
* public String[] is_member_of_frames;
/* INHERITED: For Vec-type fields this is the set of Frame-type fields which must contain the named column; for example, for a SupervisedModel the response_column must be in both the training_frame and (if it's set) the validation_frame
* public String[] is_mutually_exclusive_with;
/** Return the contents of this object as a JSON String. */
public String toString() {
return new Gson().toJson(this);