water.bindings.pojos.FramesV3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package water.bindings.pojos;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class FramesV3 extends FramesBase {
/* INHERITED: Name of Frame of interest
* public FrameKeyV3 frame_id;
/* INHERITED: Name of column of interest
* public String column;
/* INHERITED: Row offset to return
* public long row_offset;
/* INHERITED: Number of rows to return
* public int row_count;
/* INHERITED: Column offset to return
* public int column_offset;
/* INHERITED: Number of columns to return
* public int column_count;
/* INHERITED: Find and return compatible models?
* public boolean find_compatible_models;
/* INHERITED: File output path
* public String path;
/* INHERITED: Overwrite existing file
* public boolean force;
/* INHERITED: Job for export file
* public JobV3 job;
/* INHERITED: Frames
* public FrameBase[] frames;
/* INHERITED: Compatible models
* public ModelSynopsisV3[] compatible_models;
/* INHERITED: Domains
* public String[][] domain;
/* INHERITED: Comma-separated list of JSON field paths to exclude from the result, used like: "/3/Frames?_exclude_fields=frames/frame_id/URL,__meta"
* public String _exclude_fields;
/** Return the contents of this object as a JSON String. */
public String toString() {
return new Gson().toJson(this);