water.bindings.pojos.GLMModelV3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package water.bindings.pojos;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class GLMModelV3 extends ModelSchema {
/* INHERITED: The build parameters for the model (e.g. K for KMeans).
* public GLMParametersV3 parameters;
/* INHERITED: The build output for the model (e.g. the cluster centers for KMeans).
* public GLMModelOutputV3 output;
/* INHERITED: Compatible frames, if requested
* public String[] compatible_frames;
/* INHERITED: Checksum for all the things that go into building the Model.
* public long checksum;
/* INHERITED: Model key
* public ModelKeyV3 model_id;
/* INHERITED: The algo name for this Model.
* public String algo;
/* INHERITED: The pretty algo name for this Model (e.g., Generalized Linear Model, rather than GLM).
* public String algo_full_name;
/* INHERITED: The response column name for this Model (if applicable). Is null otherwise.
* public String response_column_name;
/* INHERITED: The Model's training frame key
* public FrameKeyV3 data_frame;
/* INHERITED: Timestamp for when this model was completed
* public long timestamp;
/** Return the contents of this object as a JSON String. */
public String toString() {
return new Gson().toJson(this);