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package ai.platon.pulsar.protocol.browser.driver
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.*
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.AppConstants.DEFAULT_BROWSER_MAX_ACTIVE_TABS
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_DRIVER_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_MAX_ACTIVE_TABS
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.ImmutableConfig
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.VolatileConfig
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.metrics.MetricsSystem
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.BrowseEventHandlers
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.fetch.driver.*
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.fetch.privacy.BrowserId
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.WebPage
import ai.platon.pulsar.protocol.browser.BrowserLaunchException
import ai.platon.pulsar.protocol.browser.emulator.WebDriverPoolExhaustedException
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.AppSystemInfo
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.IllegalApplicationStateException
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
* Created by vincent on 18-1-1.
* Copyright @ 2013-2023 Platon AI. All rights reserved
class LoadingWebDriverPool constructor(
val browserId: BrowserId,
val priority: Int = 0,
val driverPoolManager: WebDriverPoolManager,
val driverFactory: WebDriverFactory,
val immutableConfig: ImmutableConfig
): AutoCloseable {
companion object {
var CLOSE_ALL_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(60)
var POLLING_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(60)
val instanceSequencer = AtomicInteger()
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
val id = instanceSequencer.incrementAndGet()
private val registry = MetricsSystem.defaultMetricRegistry
* The max number of drivers the pool can hold
* */
val capacity get() = immutableConfig.getInt(BROWSER_MAX_ACTIVE_TABS, DEFAULT_BROWSER_MAX_ACTIVE_TABS)
* The browser who create all drivers for this pool.
* */
private var _browser: Browser? = null
* The consistent stateful driver
* */
private val statefulDriverPool = ConcurrentStatefulDriverPool(driverPoolManager.browserManager, capacity)
* Standby drivers and working drivers
* */
private val activeDrivers: Collection get() = statefulDriverPool.standbyDrivers + statefulDriverPool.workingDrivers
val meterClosed = registry.meter(this, "closed")
val meterOffer = registry.meter(this, "offer")
* Retired but not closed yet.
* */
private var isRetired = false
private val closed = AtomicBoolean()
val isClosed get() = closed.get()
val isActive get() = !isClosed && !isRetired && AppContext.isActive
private val launchEventsEmitted = AtomicBoolean()
private val _numCreatedDrivers = AtomicInteger()
private val _numWaitingTasks = AtomicInteger()
* Number of created drivers, should be equal to numStandby + numWorking + numRetired.
* */
val numCreated get() = _numCreatedDrivers.get()
val numWaiting get() = _numWaitingTasks.get()
* Number of drivers on standby.
* */
val numStandby get() = statefulDriverPool.standbyDrivers.size
* Number of all possible working drivers
* */
val numAvailable get() = numStandby + numDriverSlots
* Number of drivers at work.
* */
val numWorking get() = statefulDriverPool.workingDrivers.size
* Number of retired drivers.
* */
val numRetired get() = statefulDriverPool.retiredDrivers.size
* Number of closed drivers.
* */
val numClosed get() = statefulDriverPool.closedDrivers.size
* Number of active drivers.
* */
val numActive get() = numWorking + numStandby
* Number of available slots to allocate new drivers
* */
val numDriverSlots get() = capacity - numActive
* The last active time of the pool.
* */
var lastActiveTime: Instant =
private set
* The idle timeout of the pool.
* */
val idleTimeout get() = immutableConfig.getDuration(BROWSER_DRIVER_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofMinutes(20))
* The idle time of the pool.
* */
val idleTime get() = Duration.between(lastActiveTime,
* Check if the pool is idle. If there is no working driver and the idle time is longer than the idle timeout,
* the pool is idle. If the pool is idle, it should be closed.
* */
val isIdle get() = (numWorking == 0 && idleTime > idleTimeout)
class Snapshot(
val numActive: Int,
val numStandby: Int,
val numWaiting: Int,
val numWorking: Int,
val numDriverSlots: Int,
val numRetired: Int,
val numClosed: Int,
val isRetired: Boolean,
val isIdle: Boolean,
val idleTime: Duration,
val lackOfResources: Boolean = AppSystemInfo.isCriticalResources
) {
fun format(verbose: Boolean): String {
val status = if (verbose) {
"active: %d, standby: %d, waiting: %d, working: %d, slots: %d, retired: %d, closed: %d",
numActive, numStandby, numWaiting, numWorking, numDriverSlots, numRetired, numClosed
} else {
"%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d (active/standby/waiting/working/slots/retired/closed)",
numActive, numStandby, numWaiting, numWorking, numDriverSlots, numRetired, numClosed
val time = idleTime.readable()
return when {
lackOfResources -> "[Lack of resource] | $status"
isIdle -> "[Idle] $time | $status"
isRetired -> "[Retired] | $status"
else -> status
override fun toString() = format(false)
* Allocate [capacity] drivers
* */
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun allocate(conf: VolatileConfig) {
repeat(capacity) {
runCatching { put(poll(priority, conf, POLLING_TIMEOUT.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) }.onFailure {
warnInterruptible(this, it)
* Retrieves and removes the head of this free driver queue,
* or returns {@code null} if there is no free drivers.
* @return the head of the free driver queue, or {@code null} if this queue is empty
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun poll(): WebDriver = poll(VolatileConfig.UNSAFE)
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun poll(conf: VolatileConfig): WebDriver = poll(0, conf, POLLING_TIMEOUT.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun poll(conf: VolatileConfig, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): WebDriver = poll(0, conf, timeout, unit)
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun poll(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig, timeout: Duration): WebDriver {
return poll(priority, conf, timeout.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class, InterruptedException::class)
fun poll(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): WebDriver {
val driver = pollWebDriver(priority, conf, timeout, unit)
if (driver == null) {
val snapshot = takeSnapshot()
val message = String.format("Driver pool is exhausted | %s", snapshot.format(true))
throw WebDriverPoolExhaustedException("Driver pool is exhausted ($snapshot)")
return driver
* Poll a [WebDriver]. If it's the browser is not launched yet, launch it and emit launch events
* */
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class)
suspend fun poll(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig, event: BrowseEventHandlers?, page: WebPage): WebDriver {
val timeout = driverFactory.driverSettings.pollingDriverTimeout
// NOTE: concurrency note - if multiple threads come to the code snippet,
// only one goes to pollWithEvents, others wait in poll
val notEmitted = launchEventsEmitted.compareAndSet(false, true)
return if (notEmitted) {
pollWithEvents(priority, conf, event, page, timeout)
} else {
poll(priority, conf, timeout)
fun put(driver: WebDriver) {
lastActiveTime =
private fun offerOrDismiss(driver: WebDriver) {
require(driver is AbstractWebDriver)
if (driver.isWorking) {
} else {
if (isActive) {
logger.warn("The driver is not working unexpectedly, mark it as retired and close it")
* Force the page stop all navigations.
* Mark the driver pool be retired, but not closed yet.
* */
fun retire() {
isRetired = true
override fun close() {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
fun forEach(action: (WebDriver) -> Unit) = activeDrivers.forEach(action)
fun firstOrNull(predicate: (WebDriver) -> Boolean) = activeDrivers.firstOrNull(predicate)
fun cancel(url: String): WebDriver? {
return activeDrivers.lastOrNull { it.navigateEntry.pageUrl == url }?.also {
require(it is AbstractWebDriver)
* Cancel all the fetch tasks, stop loading all pages, the execution will throw a CancellationException.
* */
fun cancelAll() {
// mark each driver be canceled, so the execution will throw a CancellationException
override fun toString(): String = takeSnapshot().format(false)
* Take an imprecise snapshot
* */
fun takeSnapshot(): Snapshot {
return Snapshot(
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, WebDriverPoolExhaustedException::class)
private suspend fun pollWithEvents(
priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig, event: BrowseEventHandlers?, page: WebPage, timeout: Duration
): WebDriver {
// TODO: is it better to handle launch events in browser?
dispatchEvent("onWillLaunchBrowser") { event?.onWillLaunchBrowser?.invoke(page) }
return poll(priority, conf, timeout).also { driver ->
dispatchEvent("onBrowserLaunched") { event?.onBrowserLaunched?.invoke(page, driver) }
@Throws(BrowserLaunchException::class, InterruptedException::class)
private fun pollWebDriver(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): WebDriver? {
val driver = try {
resourceSafeCreateDriverIfNecessary(priority, conf)
statefulDriverPool.poll(timeout, unit)
} finally {
lastActiveTime =
return driver
* Create a driver if necessary.
* Web drivers are open in sequence, so memory and CPU usage will not skyrocket.
* */
private fun resourceSafeCreateDriverIfNecessary(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig) {
synchronized(driverFactory) {
if (!isActive) {
if (!shouldCreateWebDriver()) {
val driver = computeBrowserAndDriver(priority, conf)
private fun computeBrowserAndDriver(priority: Int, conf: VolatileConfig): WebDriver {
try {
return computeBrowserAndDriver0(conf)
} catch (e: BrowserLaunchException) {
logger.debug("[Unexpected]", e)
if (isActive) {
throw e
} else {
throw IllegalApplicationStateException("The process is shutting down, do not create new drivers", e)
* Check if we should create a new web driver.
* */
private fun shouldCreateWebDriver(): Boolean {
// Using the count of non-quit drivers can better match the memory consumption,
// but it's easy to wrongly count the quit drivers, a tiny bug can lead to a big mistake.
// We leave a debug log here for diagnosis purpose.
val resourceConsumingDriversInBrowser = _browser?.drivers?.values
?.count { !it.isQuit } ?: 0
// Number of active drivers in this driver pool
val resourceConsumingDriversInPool = statefulDriverPool.activeDriverCount
if (resourceConsumingDriversInBrowser != resourceConsumingDriversInPool) {
logger.warn("Inconsistent online driver status, resource consuming drivers: {}/{}/{} (slots/pool/browser)",
numDriverSlots, resourceConsumingDriversInPool, resourceConsumingDriversInBrowser)
val isCriticalResources = AppSystemInfo.isCriticalResources
if (resourceConsumingDriversInPool >= capacity) {
// should also: numDriverSlots > 0
logger.debug("Enough online drivers, will not create new one." +
" Resource consuming drivers: {}/{}/{} (slots/pool/browser)",
numDriverSlots, resourceConsumingDriversInPool, resourceConsumingDriversInBrowser)
} else if (AppSystemInfo.isCriticalMemory) {"Critical memory: {}, resource consuming drivers: {}/{}/{} (slots/pool/browser), will not create new driver",
numDriverSlots, resourceConsumingDriversInPool, resourceConsumingDriversInBrowser
return isActive && !isCriticalResources && resourceConsumingDriversInPool < capacity
private fun computeBrowserAndDriver0(conf: VolatileConfig): WebDriver {
val browser = driverFactory.launchBrowser(browserId, conf)
val driver = browser.newDriver()
_browser = browser
if (logger.isDebugEnabled) {
return driver
private suspend fun dispatchEvent(name: String, action: suspend () -> Unit) {
if (!isActive) {
try {
} catch (e: WebDriverCancellationException) {"Web driver is cancelled")
} catch (e: WebDriverException) {
logger.warn(e.brief("[Ignored][$name] "))
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warn(e.stringify("[Ignored][$name] "))
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logger.error(e.stringify("[Unexpected][$name] "))
private fun logDriverOnline(driver: WebDriver) {
require(driver is AbstractWebDriver)
val driverSettings = driverFactory.driverSettings
logger.trace("The {}th web driver is active, browser: {} pageLoadStrategy: {} capacity: {}",
driverSettings.pageLoadStrategy, capacity)