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package ai.platon.pulsar.ql.h2.udfs
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.RegexExtractor
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.Strings
import ai.platon.pulsar.dom.nodes.A_LABELS
import ai.platon.pulsar.dom.nodes.node.ext.minimalHtml
import ai.platon.pulsar.dom.nodes.node.ext.slimHtml
import ai.platon.pulsar.ql.common.annotation.UDFGroup
import ai.platon.pulsar.ql.common.annotation.UDFunction
import ai.platon.pulsar.ql.h2.DomToH2Queries
import ai.platon.pulsar.ql.common.types.ValueDom
import org.h2.value.ValueArray
import org.h2.value.ValueFloat
import org.h2.value.ValueInt
import org.h2.value.ValueString
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
* Created by vincent on 17-11-1.
* Copyright @ 2013-2023 Platon AI. All rights reserved.
@UDFGroup(namespace = "DOM")
object DomSelectFunctions {
@UDFunction(description = "Select the all the elements from a DOM by the given css query")
fun selectAll(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return a DOM")
fun selectFirst(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueDom {
return dom.takeIf { it.isNil }?:ValueDom.getOrNil(dom.element.selectFirstOrNull(cssQuery))
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return a DOM")
fun selectNth(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): ValueDom {
return dom.takeIf { it.isNil }?:ValueDom.getOrNil(nthElement(dom.element, cssQuery, n))
@UDFunction(description = "Select all elements from a DOM by the given css query and return the element texts")
fun allTexts(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.text() }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun firstText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.text() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun nthText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.text() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all elements from a DOM by the given css query and return the element's own texts")
fun allOwnTexts(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.ownText() }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element's own text")
fun firstOwnText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.ownText() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element's own text")
fun nthOwnText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.ownText() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all elements from a DOM by the given css query and return the element whole texts")
fun wholeTexts(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.wholeText() }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element whole text")
fun firstWholeText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.wholeText() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element whole text")
fun nthWholeText(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.wholeText() } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all elements from a DOM by the given css query and return the element texts")
fun allSlimHtmls(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.slimHtml }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun firstSlimHtml(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.slimHtml } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun nthSlimHtml(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.slimHtml } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all elements from a DOM by the given css query and return the element texts")
fun allMinimalHtmls(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.minimalHtml }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun firstMinimalHtml(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.minimalHtml } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query and return the element text")
fun nthMinimalHtml(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.minimalHtml } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all the element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an integer from the element text, if the text is not an integer, fill the default value")
fun allIntegers(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, defaultValue: Int = 0): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { ValueInt.get(Strings.getFirstInteger(it.text(), defaultValue)) }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an integer from the element text")
fun firstInteger(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, defaultValue: Int = 0): Int {
val s = firstText(dom, cssQuery)
return Strings.getFirstInteger(s, defaultValue)
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an integer from the element text")
fun nthInteger(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int, defaultValue: Int = 0): Int {
val s = nthText(dom, cssQuery, n)
return Strings.getFirstInteger(s, defaultValue)
@UDFunction(description = "Select all the element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an number from the element text")
fun allFloats(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, defaultValue: Float = 0.0f): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { ValueFloat.get(Strings.getFirstFloatNumber(it.text(), defaultValue)) }
* convert to ValueFloat manually,
* TODO: kotlin.Float can not convert to ValueFloat automatically
* */
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an number from the element text")
fun firstFloat(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, defaultValue: Float = 0.0f): ValueFloat {
val s = firstText(dom, cssQuery)
return Strings.getFirstFloatNumber(s, defaultValue).let { ValueFloat.get(it) }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and try to extract an number from the element text")
fun nthFloat(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int, defaultValue: Float = 0.0f): ValueFloat {
val s = nthText(dom, cssQuery, n)
return Strings.getFirstFloatNumber(s, defaultValue).let { ValueFloat.get(it) }
@UDFunction(description = "Select all the element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun allAttrs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root", attrName: String): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { it.attr(attrName) }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun firstAttr(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root", attrName: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { it.attr(attrName) } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun nthAttr(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int, attrName: String): String {
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { it.attr(attrName) } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select all the element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun allMultiAttrs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root", attrNames: Array): ValueArray {
return, cssQuery) { ele -> { ele.attr(it) } }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun firstMultiAttrs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root", attrNames: Array): List {
val result = DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, cssQuery) { ele -> { ele.attr(it) }
} ?: listOf()
return result
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the attribute value associated by the attribute name")
fun nthMultiAttrs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int, attrNames: Array): List {
val result = DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, cssQuery, n) { ele -> { ele.attr(it) }
} ?: listOf()
return result
@UDFunction(description = "Select all the image elements from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the src of the image element")
fun allImgs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): ValueArray {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "img")
return, q) { it.attr("abs:src") }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first image element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the src of it")
fun firstImg(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): String {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "img")
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, q) { it.attr("abs:src") } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth image element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the src of it")
fun nthImg(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "img")
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, q, n) { it.attr("abs:src") } ?: ""
fun allHrefs(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): ValueArray {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "a")
return, q) { it.attr("abs:href") }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first anchor element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the href of it")
fun firstHref(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): String {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "a")
return DomToH2Queries.selectFirstOrNull(dom, q) { it.attr("abs:href") } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth anchor element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the href of it")
fun nthHref(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
val q = appendSelectorIfMissing(cssQuery, "a")
return DomToH2Queries.selectNthOrNull(dom, q, n) { it.attr("abs:href") } ?: ""
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the label of it")
fun allNodesLabels(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): ValueArray {
return allAttrs(dom, cssQuery, A_LABELS)
fun firstNodeLabels(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String = ":root"): String {
return firstAttr(dom, cssQuery, A_LABELS)
@UDFunction(description = "Select the nth element from a DOM by the given css query " +
"and return the label of it")
fun nthNodeLabels(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, n: Int): String {
return nthAttr(dom, cssQuery, n, A_LABELS)
fun allRe1(dom: ValueDom, regex: String): ValueArray {
return allRe1(dom, ":root", regex)
fun allRe1(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String): ValueArray {
val extractor = RegexExtractor()
return, cssQuery) { extractor.re1(it.text(), regex) }
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM whose text matches the regex " +
"and return the element text")
fun firstRe1(dom: ValueDom, regex: String): String {
return firstRe1(dom, ":root", regex)
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM whose text matches the regex " +
"and return the element text")
fun firstRe1(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String): String {
val text = text(selectFirst(dom, cssQuery))
return RegexExtractor().re1(text, regex)
@UDFunction(description = "Select the first element from a DOM whose text matches the regex " +
"and return the element text")
fun firstRe1(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String, group: Int): String {
val text = text(selectFirst(dom, cssQuery))
return RegexExtractor().re1(text, regex, group)
fun allRe2(dom: ValueDom, regex: String): ValueArray {
return allRe2(dom, ":root", regex)
fun allRe2(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String): ValueArray {
val extractor = RegexExtractor()
return, cssQuery) { extractor.re2(it.text(), regex).toString() }
fun firstRe2(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String): ValueArray {
val text = text(selectFirst(dom, cssQuery))
val result = RegexExtractor().re2(text, regex)
val array = arrayOf(ValueString.get(result.key), ValueString.get(result.value))
return ValueArray.get(array)
fun firstRe2(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String, keyGroup: Int, valueGroup: Int): ValueArray {
val text = text(selectFirst(dom, cssQuery))
val result = RegexExtractor().re2(text, regex, keyGroup, valueGroup)
val array = arrayOf(ValueString.get(result.key), ValueString.get(result.value))
return ValueArray.get(array)
fun allRe2(dom: ValueDom, cssQuery: String, regex: String, keyGroup: Int, valueGroup: Int): ValueArray {
val extractor = RegexExtractor()
return, cssQuery) { extractor.re2(it.text(), regex, keyGroup, valueGroup).toString() }
private fun text(dom: ValueDom): String {
return dom.element.text()
private fun nthElement(root: Element, cssQuery: String, n: Int): Element? {
if (n < 1) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("n should be in [1, )")
val elements = root.select2(cssQuery)
return if (elements.size >= n) { elements[n - 1] } else null