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-- noinspection SqlResolveForFile
-- noinspection SqlNoDataSourceInspectionForFile
dom_location(dom) as `Url`,
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dom_first_text(dom, '#price tr td:matches(^Price) ~ td') as `Price`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#price tr td:contains(You Save) ~ td') as `You save`,
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dom_first_text(dom, '#desktop_buybox #contextualIngressPtLabel_deliveryShortLine') as `Delivery`,
-- New/Renewed/New & Used/Other sellers (跟卖商品: 新品/升级/新品 & 二手/其他卖家)
dom_first_text(dom, '#olp-upd-new-used a') as `New & used sellers`,
dom_first_slim_html(dom, '#olp-upd-new-used a') as `New & used sellers anchor`,
dom_first_href(dom, '#olp-upd-new-used a') as `New & used sellers link`,
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str_substring_after(dom_first_text(dom, '#olp-upd-new a'), ' from ') as `New sellers lowest price`,
-- "This product is available as Renewed.", "该商品以续订形式提供。"
dom_first_text(dom, '#certified-refurbished-version') as `Renewed`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#certified-refurbished-version .a-color-price') as `Renewed price`,
dom_first_href(dom, '#certified-refurbished-version a[href~=/dp/]') as `Renewed link`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#newer-version') as `Available as newer version`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#newer-version .a-color-price') as `Newer version price`,
dom_first_href(dom, '#newer-version a[href~=/dp/]') as `Newer version link`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#moreBuyingChoices_feature_div') as `More sellers`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#mbc-sold-by-1') as `More seller 1`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#mbc-price-1') as `More seller 1 price`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#mbc-sold-by-2') as `More seller 2`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#mbc-price-2') as `More seller 2 price`,
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dom_first_text(dom, '#buyNow span:contains(Buy now)') as `Buy now`,
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dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Product Dimensions) ~ td') as `Product dimensions`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Item Weight) ~ td') as `Item weight`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Shipping Weight) ~ td') as `Shipping weight`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Customer Reviews) ~ td') as `Customer reviews`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Best Sellers Rank) ~ td') as `Best sellers rank`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#prodDetails table tr th:contains(Date First) ~ td') as `Date on sale`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#productDescription') as `Product description`,
dom_all_imgs(dom, 'img:expr(left >= 10 && top >= 500 && width >= 400 && height >= 200)') as `Big images`,
-- Answered questions
dom_first_text(dom, 'a#askATFLink span') as `Answered questions`,
dom_first_href(dom, 'a#askATFLink') as `Answered questions link`,
str_first_integer(dom_first_text(dom, 'a#askATFLink span'), 0) as `Answered questions number`,
-- Customer reviews
dom_first_text(dom, '#reviewsMedley .AverageCustomerReviews span:contains(out of)') as `Customer reviews - average reviews text`,
str_first_float(dom_first_text(dom, '#reviewsMedley .AverageCustomerReviews span:contains(out of)'), 0.0) as `Customer reviews - average reviews`,
dom_first_text(dom, '#reviewsMedley div span:contains(customer ratings)') as `Customer reviews - ratings`,
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dom_all_slim_htmls(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) tr') as `Customer reviews histogram`,
dom_first_text(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) td:contains(5 star) ~ td:contains(%)') as `Customer reviews 5 star`,
dom_first_text(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) td:contains(4 star) ~ td:contains(%)') as `Customer reviews 4 star`,
dom_first_text(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) td:contains(3 star) ~ td:contains(%)') as `Customer reviews 3 star`,
dom_first_text(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) td:contains(2 star) ~ td:contains(%)') as `Customer reviews 2 star`,
dom_first_text(dom, 'table#histogramTable:expr(width > 100) td:contains(1 star) ~ td:contains(%)') as `Customer reviews 1 star`,
dom_first_slim_html(dom, '#reviews-medley-footer a') as `Customer reviews all reviews`,
dom_first_href(dom, '#reviews-medley-footer a') as `Customer reviews all reviews link`
from dom_select(dom_load('{{url}}'), ':root');