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ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.metrics.MetricsSystem.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.metrics
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.*
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.chrono.scheduleAtFixedRate
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.AppConstants
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.CapabilityTypes
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.ImmutableConfig
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.AppSystemInfo
import com.codahale.metrics.*
import com.codahale.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter
import com.codahale.metrics.graphite.PickledGraphite
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
object MetricFilters {
fun startsWith(prefix: String) = MetricFilter { name: String, metric -> name.startsWith(prefix) }
fun endsWith(suffix: String) = MetricFilter { name, metric -> name.endsWith(suffix) }
fun notEndsWith(suffix: String) = MetricFilter { name, metric -> !name.endsWith(suffix) }
fun contains(substring: String) = MetricFilter { name, metric -> name.contains(substring) }
fun notContains(substring: String) = MetricFilter { name, metric -> !name.contains(substring) }
fun not(filter: MetricFilter) = MetricFilter { name, metric -> !filter.matches(name, metric) }
class MultiMetric(
val counter: Counter,
val dailyCounter: Counter,
val hourlyCounter: Counter,
val meter: Meter
) {
fun mark() = inc(1)
fun inc(n: Long) {
fun inc(n: Int) = inc(n.toLong())
* trigger the meter updating
* */
fun update() {
* Reset the counters
* */
fun reset() {
open class MetricsSystem(
conf: ImmutableConfig
): AutoCloseable {
companion object {
init {
// Spring boot do not support the companion object initialization, so we disable it.
// Spring boot creates delegate classes which are not the same as the original class.
// if (SharedMetricRegistries.tryGetDefault() == null) {
// SharedMetricRegistries.setDefault(AppConstants.DEFAULT_METRICS_NAME, AppMetricRegistry())
// }
* A shadow metric should not be displayed, nor be stored.
* */
const val SHADOW_METRIC_SYMBOL = "._."
// Spring boot do not support the object initialization, so we disable it
// val defaultMetricRegistry = SharedMetricRegistries.getDefault() as AppMetricRegistry
// val reg = defaultMetricRegistry
* The default metric registry
* */
val defaultMetricRegistry = AppMetricRegistry()
// a shortcut to the default metric registry
val reg = defaultMetricRegistry
init {
"startTime" to Gauge { AppSystemInfo.startTime },
"elapsedTime" to Gauge { AppSystemInfo.elapsedTime },
"availableMemory" to Gauge { formatAvailableMemoryGauge() },
"freeSpace" to Gauge { formatFreeSpaceGauge() }
).let { reg.registerAll(this, it) }
private fun formatAvailableMemoryGauge(): String {
return AppSystemInfo.availableMemory?.runCatching { Strings.compactFormat(this) }?.getOrNull() ?: "Not available"
private fun formatFreeSpaceGauge(): List {
return { Strings.compactFormat(it) }
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val timeIdent = DateTimes.formatNow("MMdd")
private val isEnabled = conf.getBoolean(CapabilityTypes.METRICS_ENABLED, false)
private val jobIdent = conf[CapabilityTypes.PARAM_JOB_NAME,"HHmm")]
private val reportDir = AppPaths.METRICS_DIR.resolve(timeIdent).resolve(jobIdent)
val name = AppContext.APP_NAME
val initialDelay = conf.getDuration("", Duration.ofMinutes(3))
val csvReportInterval = conf.getDuration("", Duration.ofMinutes(5))
val slf4jReportInterval = conf.getDuration("", Duration.ofMinutes(2))
val graphiteReportInterval = conf.getDuration("", Duration.ofMinutes(2))
val counterReportInterval = conf.getDuration("", Duration.ofSeconds(30))
val graphiteServer = conf.get("graphite.server", "crawl2")
val graphiteServerPort = conf.getInt("graphite.server.port", 2004)
val batchSize = conf.getInt("graphite.pickled.batch.size", 100)
private val metricRegistry = defaultMetricRegistry
private val threadFactory = ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("reporter-%d").build()
private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory)
// private val jmxReporter: JmxReporter = JmxReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry)
// .filter(MetricFilters.notContains(SHADOW_METRIC_SYMBOL))
// .build()
// private val csvReporter: CsvReporter = CsvReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry)
// .convertRatesTo(TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// .convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// .build(reportDir.toFile())
private val slf4jReporter = CodahaleSlf4jReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry)
private val counterReporter = EnumCounterReporter(metricRegistry.enumCounterRegistry, conf = conf).apply {
private val pickledGraphite get() = graphiteServer.takeIf { NetUtil.testNetwork(it, graphiteServerPort) }
?.let { PickledGraphite(InetSocketAddress(it, graphiteServerPort), batchSize) }
private var graphiteReporter: GraphiteReporter? = pickledGraphite?.let { pickled ->
private val hourlyTimer = java.util.Timer("MetricHourly", true)
private val dailyTimer = java.util.Timer("MetricDaily", true)
private val closed = AtomicBoolean()
init {
fun inc(count: Int, vararg counters: Enum<*>) {
counters.forEach {, count)
fun inc(vararg counters: Enum<*>) {
inc(count = 1, counters = counters)
open fun start() {
if (isEnabled) {
// jmxReporter.start()
// csvReporter.start(initialDelay.seconds, csvReportInterval.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
slf4jReporter.start(initialDelay.seconds, slf4jReportInterval.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
counterReporter.start(initialDelay, counterReportInterval)
if (NetUtil.testNetwork(graphiteServer, graphiteServerPort)) {
graphiteReporter?.start(initialDelay.seconds, graphiteReportInterval.seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)"GraphiteReporter is started, report interval: {}", graphiteReportInterval)
val now =
var delay = Duration.between(now, now.plusHours(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HOURS))
hourlyTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(delay, Duration.ofHours(1)) { reg.resetHourlyCounters() }
delay = Duration.between(now, now.plusDays(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS))
dailyTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(delay, Duration.ofDays(1)) { reg.resetDailyCounters() }
* Close the metrics system.
* Note: this object is closed by spring framework, but some reporter will report for the last time before close,
* and the last report may throw exceptions if some metrics depends on the creation of spring beans.
* */
override fun close() {
if (isEnabled && closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
runCatching { doClose() }.onFailure { warnForClose(this, it) }
private fun doClose() {
// csvReporter.close()
// jmxReporter.close()
graphiteReporter = null