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ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.message.WebPageInfoFormatters.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.message
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.*
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.PulsarParams.*
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.Params
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.emoji.PopularEmoji
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.common.persist.ext.options
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.common.FetchState
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.PageCounters
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.WebPage
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.metadata.Name
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.model.ActiveDOMStat
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils
import java.text.DecimalFormat
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
class FetchStatusFormatter(val page: WebPage) {
companion object {
private val df = DecimalFormat("0.0")
private val prevFetchTime get() = page.prevFetchTime
private val fetchTime get() = page.fetchTime
private val fetchInterval get() = page.fetchInterval
private val distance get() = page.distance
private val fetchCount get() = page.fetchCount
private val contentPublishTime get() = page.contentPublishTime
private val refContentPublishTime get() = page.refContentPublishTime
private val pageCategory get() = page.pageCategory
private val refItems get() = page.pageCounters.get(PageCounters.Ref.item)
private val refChars get() = page.pageCounters.get(
private val contentScore get() = page.contentScore.toDouble()
private val score get() = page.score.toDouble()
private val cash get() =
private val url get() = page.url
override fun toString(): String {
val pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
val fetchTimeString = (DateTimes.format(prevFetchTime, pattern) + "->" + DateTimes.format(fetchTime, pattern)
+ "," + DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(fetchInterval.toMillis(), "DdTH:mm:ss"))
val params = Params.of(
"T", fetchTimeString,
"DC", "$distance,$fetchCount",
"PT", DateTimes.isoInstantFormat(contentPublishTime) + "," + DateTimes.isoInstantFormat(refContentPublishTime),
"C", "$refItems,$refChars",
"S", df.format(contentScore) + "," + df.format(score) + "," + df.format(cash),
pageCategory.symbol(), StringUtils.substring(url, 0, 80)
return params.formatAsLine()
data class Record(
val name: String,
val value: Any,
val prefix: String = "",
val postfix: String = "",
val width: Int = 0,
val padding: Char = ' ',
) {
fun format(): String = if (width > 0) StringUtils.leftPad(toString(), width, padding) else toString()
override fun toString() = value.toString()
class PageLoadStatusFormatter(
private val page: WebPage,
private val prefix: String = "",
private val withOptions: Boolean = false,
private val withNormUrl: Boolean = false,
private val withReferer: Boolean = false,
private val withSymbolicLink: Boolean = false
) {
var verboseCount = 200
private val url get() = page.url
private val href get() = page.href
private val location get() = page.location
private val responseTime get() = page.metadata[Name.RESPONSE_TIME]?:""
private val proxy get() = page.proxy
private val protocolStatus get() = page.protocolStatus
private val activeDOMStatTrace = page.activeDOMStatTrace
private val m = page.pageModel
private val taskStatusSymbol: String get() = when {
prefix.isNotBlank() -> ""
page.isCanceled -> "${PopularEmoji.CANCELLATION_X} "
protocolStatus.isFailed -> "${PopularEmoji.BROKEN_HEART} "
protocolStatus.isSuccess -> "${PopularEmoji.HUNDRED_POINTS} "
else -> "${PopularEmoji.SKULL_CROSSBONES} "
private val pageStatusSymbol get() = when {
page.isCanceled -> PopularEmoji.CANCELLATION_X // canceled
page.isFetched && page.fetchCount == 1 -> PopularEmoji.LIGHTNING // fetched new
page.isFetched -> PopularEmoji.CIRCLE_ARROW_1 // fetched, reload
page.isCached -> PopularEmoji.HOT_BEVERAGE // cached
page.isLoaded -> PopularEmoji.OPTICAL_DISC // load from db
else -> PopularEmoji.BUG // BUG symbol
private val pageStatusText get() = when {
page.isCanceled -> "Canceled"
page.isFetched && page.fetchCount == 1 -> "New"
page.isFetched -> "Updated"
page.isCached -> "Cached"
page.isLoaded -> "Loaded"
else -> "Unknown"
private val pageStatus: String get() = when { < verboseCount && % 10 == 0 -> "$pageStatusText $pageStatusSymbol" > verboseCount && % verboseCount == 0 -> "$pageStatusText $pageStatusSymbol"
else -> pageStatusSymbol.toString()
private val loadMessagePrefix get() = prefix.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: pageStatus
private val category get() = page.pageCategory.symbol()
private val fetchReason get() = buildFetchReason()
private val label = StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle(page.options.label, "..", 20)
private val formattedLabel get() = if (label.isBlank()) "" else " | $label"
private val prevFetchTimeBeforeUpdate = page.getVar(PulsarParams.VAR_PREV_FETCH_TIME_BEFORE_UPDATE) as? Instant ?: page.prevFetchTime
private val prevFetchTimeDuration: Duration get() = Duration.between(prevFetchTimeBeforeUpdate,
private val prevFetchTimeReport: String get() = when {
prevFetchTimeDuration.toDays() > 20 * 360 -> ""
else -> " last fetched ${prevFetchTimeDuration.readable()} ago,"
private val jsSate: String
get() {
val (ni, na, nnm, nst, w, h) = activeDOMStatTrace["lastStat"]?: ActiveDOMStat()
val divisor = if ( < verboseCount) 10 else verboseCount
val prefix = if ( % divisor == 0) {
} else ""
return if (ni + na + nnm + nst + h != 0) {
String.format("$prefix%d/%d/%d/%d/%d", ni, na, nnm, nst, h)
} else ""
private val fieldCount: String get() = when {
m == null -> ""
m.numFields == 0 -> ""
else -> String.format("%d/%d/%d", m.numNonBlankFields, m.numNonNullFields, m.numFields)
private val proxyFmt get() = if (proxy.isNullOrBlank()) "%s" else " | %s"
private val jsFmt get() = if (jsSate.isBlank()) "%s" else " | %s"
private val fetchCount get() = when {
page.fetchRetries > 0 -> String.format("%d/%d", page.fetchRetries, page.fetchCount)
else -> String.format("%d", page.fetchCount)
private val fieldCountFmt get() = if (m == null || m.numFields == 0) "%s" else " | nf:%-10s"
private val failure get() = when {
page.isCanceled -> String.format(" %s", page.protocolStatus.reason)
protocolStatus.isFailed -> String.format(" %s", page.protocolStatus.toString())
else -> ""
private val contextName get() = page.variables[VAR_PRIVACY_CONTEXT_DISPLAY]?.let { " | $it" } ?: ""
private val additionalStatus: String get() = page.getVar(VAR_ADD_LOAD_STATUS)?.toString()?.let { " | $it" } ?: ""
private val symbolicLink get() = AppPaths.uniqueSymbolicLinkForUri(page.url)
private val formattedMessage = "$prevFetchTimeReport fc:$fetchCount$failure" +
private val fmt get() = "%3d. $taskStatusSymbol$loadMessagePrefix %s $fetchReason got %d %s in %s, $formattedMessage | %s"
override fun toString(): String {
return String.format(fmt,,
fun explain() {
Record("id",, width = 3),
Record("category", category),
Record("taskStatusSymbol", taskStatusSymbol, width = 1),
Record("pageStatusSymbol", pageStatusSymbol, width = 1),
Record("pageStatusText", pageStatusText),
Record("pageStatus", pageStatus),
Record("loadMessagePrefix", loadMessagePrefix),
Record("fetchReason", fetchReason, width = 1),
Record("contentBytes", buildContentBytes()),
Record("minorCode", page.protocolStatus.minorCode),
Record("responseTime", DateTimes.readableDuration(responseTime)),
Record("prevFetchTime", prevFetchTimeReport),
Record("fetchCount", fetchCount),
Record("failure", failure),
Record("jsSate", jsSate),
Record("fieldCount", fieldCount),
Record("proxy", proxy),
Record("contextName", contextName),
Record("symbolicLink", symbolicLink),
Record("location", buildLocation()),
.filter { it.width > 0 }
.joinToString(" ") { it.format() }
private fun buildFetchReason(): String {
val state = page.getVar(VAR_FETCH_STATE) as? CheckState
val code = state?.code ?: FetchState.DO_NOT_FETCH
return FetchState.toSymbol(code).takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }?.let { "for $it" } ?: ""
private fun buildContentBytes(): String {
var contentLength = if (page.lastContentLength == 0L || page.lastContentLength == page.contentLength) {
} else {
compactFormat(page.contentLength).trim() + " <- " + compactFormat(page.lastContentLength).trim()
if (page.content == null) {
contentLength = "0 <- $contentLength"
return if (page.persistedContentLength > 0) {
contentLength + " [" + PopularEmoji.OPTICAL_DISC + compactFormat(page.persistedContentLength).trim() + "]"
} else {
private fun compactFormat(bytes: Long): String {
return if (bytes == 0L) "0" else Strings.compactFormat(bytes, 7, false)
private fun buildLocation(): String {
val expectedLocation = href ?: url
val redirected = href != null && href != location
val normalized = href != null && href != url
var location = if (redirected) location else expectedLocation
if (withOptions) location += " ${page.args}"
val readableLocation0 = if (redirected) "[R] $location <- $expectedLocation" else location
var readableLocation = if (normalized) "[N] $readableLocation0" else readableLocation0
if (withNormUrl) readableLocation = "$readableLocation <- $url"
if (withReferer) readableLocation = "$readableLocation <- ${page.referrer}"
val doWithSymbolicLink = page.isFetched && < verboseCount && withSymbolicLink
return if (doWithSymbolicLink) "file://$symbolicLink | $readableLocation" else readableLocation
class LoadedPagesStatusFormatter(
val pages: Collection,
val startTime: Instant,
val withSymbolicLink: Boolean = false
) {
override fun toString(): String {
val elapsed = DateTimes.elapsedTime(startTime)
val message = String.format("Fetched total %d pages in %s:\n", pages.size, elapsed.readable())
val sb = StringBuilder(message)
pages.forEachIndexed { i, p ->
sb.append(".\t").append(PageLoadStatusFormatter(p, withSymbolicLink = withSymbolicLink)).append('\n')
return sb.toString()