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package ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.fetch
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.HtmlIntegrity
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.browser.BrowserType
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.browser.Fingerprint
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.CapabilityTypes
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.config.VolatileConfig
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.proxy.ProxyEntry
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.urls.UrlUtils
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.common.URLUtil
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.protocol.ForwardingResponse
import ai.platon.pulsar.skeleton.crawl.protocol.Response
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.RetryScope
import ai.platon.pulsar.persist.WebPage
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
* Created by vincent on 16-10-15.
* Copyright @ 2013-2016 Platon AI. All rights reserved
data class UrlStat(
var hostName: String,
var urls: Int = 0,
var indexUrls: Int = 0,
var detailUrls: Int = 0,
var searchUrls: Int = 0,
var mediaUrls: Int = 0,
var bbsUrls: Int = 0,
var blogUrls: Int = 0,
var tiebaUrls: Int = 0,
var unknownUrls: Int = 0,
var urlsTooLong: Int = 0,
var urlsFromSeed: Int = 0,
var pageViews: Int = 0
) : Comparable {
override fun compareTo(other: UrlStat): Int {
val reverseHost = UrlUtils.reverseHost(hostName)
val reverseHost2 = UrlUtils.reverseHost(other.hostName)
return reverseHost.compareTo(reverseHost2)
data class BatchStat(
var numTasksSuccess: Long = 0,
var totalSuccessBytes: Long = 0L
) {
var startTime =
val elapsedTime get() = Duration.between(startTime,
val timePerPage get() = elapsedTime.dividedBy(1 + numTasksSuccess)
val bytesPerPage get() = 1.0 * totalSuccessBytes / (0.1 + numTasksSuccess)
val pagesPerSecond get() = numTasksSuccess / (0.1 + elapsedTime.seconds)
val bytesPerSecond get() = 1.0 * totalSuccessBytes / (0.1 + elapsedTime.seconds)
class FetchTask constructor(
val batchId: Int,
val priority: Int,
val page: WebPage,
val fingerprint: Fingerprint,
val batchSize: Int = 1,
val batchTaskId: Int = 0,
var batchStat: BatchStat? = null,
// The task id
val id: Int = instanceSequencer.incrementAndGet(),
var nRetries: Int = 0 // The total number retries in a crawl
): Comparable {
val state = AtomicReference(State.NOT_READY)
var proxyEntry: ProxyEntry? = null
val createdTime =
val url get() = page.url
val href get() = page.href
val pageConf get() = page.conf
val domain get() = URLUtil.getDomainName(url)
val isCanceled get() = state.get() == State.CANCELED
val isWorking get() = state.get() == State.WORKING
// A task is ready when it about to enter a privacy context
fun markReady() = state.set(State.READY)
// A task is working when it enters the web driver
fun startWork() = state.set(State.WORKING)
fun cancel() = state.set(State.CANCELED)
// A task is done if it exits in a privacy context
fun done() = state.set(State.DONE)
fun reset() {
batchStat = null
proxyEntry = null
fun clone(): FetchTask {
return FetchTask(
batchId = batchId,
batchTaskId = batchTaskId,
batchSize = batchSize,
priority = priority,
page = page,
fingerprint = fingerprint,
nRetries = nRetries
override fun compareTo(other: FetchTask): Int = id.compareTo(
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is FetchTask && id ==
override fun hashCode(): Int = id
override fun toString(): String = "$id"
companion object {
val NIL = FetchTask(0, 0, WebPage.NIL, DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT, id = 0)
val instanceSequencer = AtomicInteger()
fun create(url: String, conf: VolatileConfig): FetchTask {
val page = WebPage.newWebPage(url, conf)
val priority = conf.getUint(CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_WEB_DRIVER_PRIORITY, 0)
val browserType = conf.getEnum(CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_TYPE, BrowserType.PULSAR_CHROME)
val fingerprint = Fingerprint(browserType)
return FetchTask(0, priority, page, fingerprint = fingerprint)
fun create(page: WebPage): FetchTask {
val conf = page.conf
val priority = conf.getUint(CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_WEB_DRIVER_PRIORITY, 0)
val browserType = conf.getEnum(CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_TYPE, BrowserType.PULSAR_CHROME)
val fingerprint = Fingerprint(browserType)
return FetchTask(0, priority, page, fingerprint = fingerprint)
fun create(page: WebPage, fingerprint: Fingerprint): FetchTask {
val conf = page.conf
val priority = conf.getUint(CapabilityTypes.BROWSER_WEB_DRIVER_PRIORITY, 0)
return FetchTask(0, priority, page, fingerprint = fingerprint)
class FetchResult(
val task: FetchTask,
var response: Response,
var exception: Throwable? = null
) {
operator fun component1() = task
operator fun component2() = response
operator fun component3() = exception
val status get() = response.protocolStatus
val isSuccess get() = status.isSuccess
val isPrivacyRetry get() = status.isRetry(RetryScope.PRIVACY)
val isCrawlRetry get() = status.isRetry(RetryScope.CRAWL)
val isCanceled get() = status.isCanceled
val isSmall get() = status.reason.toString() == HtmlIntegrity.TOO_SMALL.toString()
fun canceled() {
response = ForwardingResponse.canceled(
fun retry(retryScope: RetryScope, reason: String) {
response = ForwardingResponse.retry(, retryScope, reason)
fun failed(t: Throwable?) {
response = ForwardingResponse.failed(, t)
exception = t
companion object {
fun unchanged(task: FetchTask) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.unchanged(
fun unfetched(task: FetchTask) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.unfetched(
fun canceled(task: FetchTask) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.canceled(
fun canceled(task: FetchTask, reason: String) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.canceled(, reason))
fun retry(task: FetchTask, retryScope: RetryScope, reason: String) =
FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.retry(, retryScope, reason))
fun privacyRetry(task: FetchTask, reason: String) = retry(task, RetryScope.PRIVACY, reason)
fun privacyRetry(task: FetchTask, reason: Exception) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.privacyRetry(, reason))
fun crawlRetry(task: FetchTask, reason: String) =
FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.crawlRetry(, reason))
fun crawlRetry(task: FetchTask, delay: Duration, message: String) =
FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.crawlRetry(, message)).also { = delay }
fun crawlRetry(task: FetchTask, reason: Exception) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.crawlRetry(, reason))
fun crawlRetry(task: FetchTask, delay: Duration, reason: Exception) =
FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.crawlRetry(, reason)).also { = delay }
fun failed(task: FetchTask, e: Throwable?) = FetchResult(task, ForwardingResponse.failed(, e))