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ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.rapids.GpuDataset.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 Copyright (c) 2014 by Contributors

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

package ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.rapids

import java.util.Locale

import ai.rapids.cudf.{ColumnVector, CSVOptions, DType, HostMemoryBuffer, ParquetOptions, Table}
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{BlockLocation, FileStatus, LocatedFileStatus, Path}

import org.apache.spark.{SerializableWritable, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{FilePartition, HadoopFsRelation, PartitionDirectory, PartitionedFile}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecutionException
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

 * Note on compatibility with different versions of Spark:
 * Some versions of Spark have slightly different internal classes. The list of
 * known ones are below. If any of these are used make sure we handle appropriately.
 * PartitionDirectory:
 *   Apache Spark:
 *     case class PartitionDirectory(values: InternalRow, files: Seq[FileStatus])
 *   We have seen it overloaded as:
 *     case class PartitionDirectory(values: InternalRow, files: Seq[OtherFileStatus])
 *       Where OtherFileStatus is not a Hadoop FileStatus but has the same methods for
 *       getLen and getPath
 * FilePartition:
 *   Apache Spark:
 *     case class FilePartition(index: Int, files: Array[PartitionedFile])
 *   We have see this overloaded as:
 *     case class FilePartition(index: Int, files: Seq[PartitionedFile],
 *       preferredHosts: Seq[String])
 * PartitionedFile:
 *   Apache Spark:
 *     case class PartitionedFile(partitionValues: InternalRow,
 *       filePath: String, start: Long, length: Long, locations: Array[String])
 *   We have seen it overloaded as:
 *     case class PartitionedFile(partitionValues: InternalRow,
 *       filePath: String, start: Long, length: Long, locations: Seq[String])

class GpuDataset(fsRelation: HadoopFsRelation,
    sourceType: String,
    sourceOptions: Map[String, String],
    castAllToFloats: Boolean,
    specifiedPartitions: Option[Seq[FilePartition]] = None) {

  private val logger = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[GpuDataset])

  /** Returns the schema of the data. */
  def schema: StructType = {
    if (castAllToFloats) {
    } else {

    *  Return an [[RDD]] of column batches.
    *  NOTE: GpuColumnBatch is NOT serializable, so one has to be very careful in
    *        the types of operations performed on this RDD!
  private[xgboost4j] def buildRDD: RDD[GpuColumnBatch] = {
    val partitionReader = GpuDataset.getPartFileReader(fsRelation.sparkSession, sourceType,
      fsRelation.schema, sourceOptions, castAllToFloats)
    val hadoopConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
    val serializableConf = new SerializableWritable[Configuration](hadoopConf)
    val broadcastedConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(serializableConf)
    new GpuDatasetRDD(fsRelation.sparkSession, broadcastedConf, partitionReader,
      partitions, schema)

    * Return an [[RDD]] by applying a function expecting RAPIDS cuDF column pointers
    * to each partition of this data.
  private[xgboost4j] def mapColumnarSingleBatchPerPartition[U: ClassTag](
      func: GpuColumnBatch => Iterator[U]): RDD[U] = {

  /** Return a new GpuDataset that has exactly numPartitions partitions. */
  def repartition(numPartitions: Int): GpuDataset = {
    if (numPartitions == partitions.length) {
      return new GpuDataset(fsRelation, sourceType, sourceOptions, castAllToFloats,

    // build a list of all input files sorted from largest to smallest
    val files = partitions.flatMap(_.files).sortBy(_.length)(Ordering[Long].reverse)
    // Currently do not support splitting files
    if (files.length < numPartitions) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot create more partitions than input files")

    // Seed the partition buckets with one of the largest files then iterate
    // through the rest of the files, adding each to the smallest bucket
    val buckets = files.take(numPartitions).map(new GpuDataset.PartBucket(_))
    def bucketOrder(b: GpuDataset.PartBucket) = -b.getSize
    val queue = mutable.PriorityQueue(buckets: _*)(
    for (file <- files.drop(numPartitions)) {
      val bucket = queue.dequeue()

    val newPartitions ={case (b, i) => b.toFilePartition(i)}
    new GpuDataset(fsRelation, sourceType, sourceOptions, castAllToFloats, Some(newPartitions))

    * Find the number of classes for the specified label column. The largest value within
    * the column is assumed to be one less than the number of classes.
  def findNumClasses(labelCol: String): Int = {
    val fieldIndex = schema.fieldIndex(labelCol)
    val rdd = mapColumnarSingleBatchPerPartition(GpuDataset.maxDoubleMapper(fieldIndex))
    val maxVal = rdd.reduce(Math.max)
    val numClasses = maxVal + 1
    require(numClasses.isValidInt, s"Found max label value =" +
        s" $maxVal but requires integers in range [0, ... ${Int.MaxValue})")

  /** The SparkSession that created this GpuDataset. */
  def sparkSession: SparkSession = fsRelation.sparkSession

  private def getTotalBytes(
      partitions: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      openCostInBytes: Long): Long = {
    partitions.flatMap { partitionDir =>
      getFileLengthsFromPartitionDir(partitionDir, openCostInBytes)

  private def getFileLengthsFromPartitionDir(
      partitionDir: PartitionDirectory,
      openCostInBytes: Long): Seq[Long] = {
    if (partitionDir.files.nonEmpty) {
      // Should be a Hadoop FileStatus, but we have seen people overload this
      // Luckily the overloaded version has the same getLen method. Here we
      // only do the reflection when we really need to.
      if (partitionDir.files(0).isInstanceOf[FileStatus]) { + openCostInBytes)
      } else {
        logger.debug(s"Not a FileStatus, class is: ${partitionDir.files(0).getClass}")
        partitionDir.files.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]].map { file =>
          getLenReflection(file) + openCostInBytes
    } else {

  private def getLenReflection(file: Any): Long = {
    val len = try {
      val getLen = file.getClass.getMethod("getLen")
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        val errorMsg = s"Unsupported File Status type ${file.getClass}, failed calling getLen"
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errorMsg, e)

  private def getPathReflection(file: Any): Path = {
    val fpath = try {
      val getPath = file.getClass.getMethod("getPath")
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        val errorMsg = s"Unsupported File Status type ${file.getClass}, failed calling getPath"
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errorMsg, e)

  private def getSplits(
      partitions: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      maxSplitBytes: Long): Seq[PartitionedFile] = {
    partitions.flatMap { partitionDir =>
      if (partitionDir.files.nonEmpty) {
        // Should be a Hadoop FileStatus, but we have seen people overload this
        // Luckily the overloaded version has the same methods. Here we
        // only do the reflection when we really need to.
        if (partitionDir.files(0).isInstanceOf[FileStatus]) {
          partitionDir.files.filter(_.getLen > 0).flatMap { file =>
            // getPath() is very expensive so we only want to call it once in this block:
            val filePath = file.getPath
            val isSplitable = fsRelation.fileFormat.isSplitable(
              fsRelation.sparkSession, fsRelation.options, filePath)
              file = file,
              filePath = filePath,
              isSplitable = isSplitable,
              maxSplitBytes = maxSplitBytes,
              partitionValues = partitionDir.values
        } else {
          logger.debug(s"Not a FileStatus, class is: ${partitionDir.files(0).getClass}")
          val pfs = partitionDir.files.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]].flatMap { file =>
            // skip the splitable stuff for now since not used anyway
              filePath = getPathReflection(file),
              fileLength = getLenReflection(file),
              partitionValues = partitionDir.values
          pfs.filter(_.length > 0)
      } else {

  private[rapids] lazy val partitions: Seq[FilePartition] = specifiedPartitions.getOrElse{
    val selectedPartitions = fsRelation.location.listFiles(Nil, Nil)
    val openCostInBytes = fsRelation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
    val totalBytes = getTotalBytes(selectedPartitions, openCostInBytes)
    val maxSplitBytes = computeMaxSplitBytes(fsRelation.sparkSession, totalBytes)"Planning scan with bin packing, max size: $maxSplitBytes bytes, " +
      s"open cost is considered as scanning $openCostInBytes bytes, " +
      s"total bytes is $totalBytes.")

    val splits = getSplits(selectedPartitions, maxSplitBytes)
    val partitions = getFilePartitions(fsRelation.sparkSession, splits, maxSplitBytes)

  private def getFilePartitions(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      partitionedFiles: Seq[PartitionedFile],
      maxSplitBytes: Long): Seq[FilePartition] = {
    val partitions = new ArrayBuffer[FilePartition]
    val currentFiles = new ArrayBuffer[PartitionedFile]
    var currentSize = 0L

    /** Close the current partition and move to the next. */
    def closePartition(): Unit = {
      if (currentFiles.nonEmpty) {
        // Copy to a new Array.
        val newPartition =
          GpuDataset.createFilePartition(partitions.size, currentFiles.toArray.toSeq)
        partitions += newPartition
      currentSize = 0

    val openCostInBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
    // Assign files to partitions using "Next Fit Decreasing"
    partitionedFiles.foreach { file =>
      if (currentSize + file.length > maxSplitBytes) {
      // Add the given file to the current partition.
      currentSize += file.length + openCostInBytes
      currentFiles += file

  private def computeMaxSplitBytes(sparkSession: SparkSession,
      totalBytes: Long): Long = {
    val defaultMaxSplitBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesMaxPartitionBytes
    val openCostInBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
    val defaultParallelism = sparkSession.sparkContext.defaultParallelism
    val bytesPerCore = totalBytes / defaultParallelism

    Math.min(defaultMaxSplitBytes, Math.max(openCostInBytes, bytesPerCore))

  private def splitFileReflection(
      filePath: Path,
      fileLength: Long,
      partitionValues: InternalRow): Seq[PartitionedFile] = {
    // Apache Spark open source:
    // case class PartitionedFile(partitionValues: InternalRow,
    //   filePath: String, start: Long, length: Long, locations: Array[String])
    // We have seen it overloaded as:
    // case class PartitionedFile(partitionValues: InternalRow,
    //   filePath: String, start: Long, length: Long, locations: Seq[String])
    val partitionedFile = try {
      val partedFileApply = org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitionedFile.getClass
        .getMethod("apply", classOf[InternalRow], classOf[String], classOf[Long],
          classOf[Long], classOf[Seq[String]])

      // not getting the file locations for now
        partitionValues, filePath.toUri.toString, new java.lang.Long(0),
          new java.lang.Long(fileLength), Seq.empty[String]).asInstanceOf[PartitionedFile]
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        val errorMsg = s"Unsupported PartitionedFile type, failed to create"
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errorMsg, e)

  private def splitFile(
      file: FileStatus,
      filePath: Path,
      isSplitable: Boolean,
      maxSplitBytes: Long,
      partitionValues: InternalRow): Seq[PartitionedFile] = {
    // Currently there is no support for splitting a single file.
    if (false) {  // if (isSplitable) {
      (0L until file.getLen by maxSplitBytes).map { offset =>
        val remaining = file.getLen - offset
        val size = if (remaining > maxSplitBytes) maxSplitBytes else remaining
        val hosts = getBlockHosts(getBlockLocations(file), offset, size)
        PartitionedFile(partitionValues, filePath.toUri.toString, offset, size, hosts)
    } else {
      Seq(getPartitionedFile(file, filePath, partitionValues))

  private def getPartitionedFile(
      file: FileStatus,
      filePath: Path,
      partitionValues: InternalRow): PartitionedFile = {
    val hosts = getBlockHosts(getBlockLocations(file), 0, file.getLen)
    PartitionedFile(partitionValues, filePath.toUri.toString, 0, file.getLen, hosts)

  private def getBlockLocations(file: FileStatus): Array[BlockLocation] = file match {
    case f: LocatedFileStatus => f.getBlockLocations
    case _ => Array.empty[BlockLocation]

  // Given locations of all blocks of a single file, `blockLocations`, and an `(offset, length)`
  // pair that represents a segment of the same file, find out the block that contains the largest
  // fraction the segment, and returns location hosts of that block. If no such block can be found,
  // returns an empty array.
  private def getBlockHosts(
    blockLocations: Array[BlockLocation],
    offset: Long,
    length: Long): Array[String] = {
    val candidates = {
      // The fragment starts from a position within this block
      case b if b.getOffset <= offset && offset < b.getOffset + b.getLength =>
        b.getHosts -> (b.getOffset + b.getLength - offset).min(length)

      // The fragment ends at a position within this block
      case b if offset <= b.getOffset && offset + length < b.getLength =>
        b.getHosts -> (offset + length - b.getOffset).min(length)

      // The fragment fully contains this block
      case b if offset <= b.getOffset && b.getOffset + b.getLength <= offset + length =>
        b.getHosts -> b.getLength

      // The fragment doesn't intersect with this block
      case b =>
        b.getHosts -> 0L
    }.filter { case (hosts, size) =>
      size > 0L

    if (candidates.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      val (hosts, _) = candidates.maxBy { case (_, size) => size }

object GpuDataset {
  private val logger = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[GpuDataset])

  private def getMapper[U: ClassTag](func: GpuColumnBatch => Iterator[U]):
      Iterator[GpuColumnBatch] => Iterator[U] = {
    batchIter: Iterator[GpuColumnBatch] => {
      if (batchIter.hasNext) {
        val batch =
        if (batchIter.hasNext) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Column batch iterator returned multiple batches")
      } else {

  private def maxDoubleMapper(columnIndex: Int): GpuColumnBatch => Iterator[Double] =
    (b: GpuColumnBatch) => {
      // call allocateGpuDevice to force assignment of GPU when in exclusive process mode
      // and pass that as the gpu_id, assumption is that if you are using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
      // it doesn't hurt to call allocateGpuDevice so just always do it.
      var gpuId = XGBoostSparkJNI.allocateGpuDevice()
      logger.debug("XGboost maxDoubleMapper get device: " + gpuId)

      val column = b.getColumnVector(columnIndex)
      val scalar = column.max()
      if (scalar.isValid) {
      } else {

  private[xgboost4j] def columnBatchToRows(batch: GpuColumnBatch): Iterator[Row] = {
    val taskContext = TaskContext.get
    val iter = new Iterator[Row] with AutoCloseable {
      private val numRows = batch.getNumRows
      private val schema = batch.getSchema
      private val converter = new RowConverter(schema)
      private val rowSize = UnsafeRow.calculateBitSetWidthInBytes(batch.getNumColumns) +
        batch.getNumColumns * 8
      private var buffer: Long = _
      private var nextRow = 0
      private val row = new UnsafeRow(schema.length)

      override def hasNext: Boolean = nextRow < numRows

      override def next(): Row = {
        if (nextRow >= numRows) {
          throw new NoSuchElementException
        if (buffer == 0) {
        row.pointTo(null, buffer + rowSize * nextRow, rowSize)
        nextRow += 1

      override def close(): Unit = {
        if (buffer != 0) {
          buffer = 0

      private def initBuffer(): Unit = {
        val nativeColumnPtrs = new Array[Long](batch.getNumColumns)
        for (i <- 0 until batch.getNumColumns) {
          nativeColumnPtrs(i) = batch.getColumn(i)
        buffer = XGBoostSparkJNI.buildUnsafeRows(nativeColumnPtrs)

    taskContext.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => iter.close())

  private def numericAsFloats(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    StructType( {
      case StructField(name, nt: NumericType, nullable, metadata) =>
        StructField(name, FloatType, nullable, metadata)
      case other => other

  private def getPartFileReader(
        sparkSession: SparkSession,
        sourceType: String,
        schema: StructType,
        options: Map[String, String],
        castAllToFloats: Boolean): (Configuration, PartitionedFile) => Table = {
    sourceType match {
      case "csv" => getCsvPartFileReader(sparkSession, schema, options, castAllToFloats)
      case "parquet" => getParquetPartFileReader(sparkSession, schema, options, castAllToFloats)
      case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        s"Unsupported source type: $sourceType")

  private def getCsvPartFileReader(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      inputSchema: StructType,
      options: Map[String, String],
      castAllToFloats: Boolean): (Configuration, PartitionedFile) => Table = {
    // Try to build CSV options on the driver here to validate and fail fast.
    // The other CSV option build below will occur on the executors.
    val schema = if (castAllToFloats) {
    } else {
    (conf: Configuration, partFile: PartitionedFile) => {
      val (dataBuffer, dataSize) = readPartFileFully(conf, partFile)
      try {
        val csvSchemaBuilder = ai.rapids.cudf.Schema.builder
        schema.foreach(f => csvSchemaBuilder.column(toDType(f.dataType),
        val table = Table.readCSV(, buildCsvOptions(options),
          dataBuffer, dataSize)
        val numColumns = table.getNumberOfColumns
        if (schema.length != numColumns) {
          throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Expected ${schema.length} columns " +
              s"but only read ${table.getNumberOfColumns} from $partFile")
      } finally {

  private def getParquetPartFileReader(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      schema: StructType,
      options: Map[String, String],
      castToFloat: Boolean): (Configuration, PartitionedFile) => Table = {
    // Try to build Parquet options on the driver here to validate and fail fast.
    // The other Parquet option build below will occur on the executors.
    buildParquetOptions(options, schema)

    (conf: Configuration, partFile: PartitionedFile) => {
      val (dataBuffer, dataSize) = readPartFileFully(conf, partFile)
      try {
        val parquetOptions = buildParquetOptions(options, schema)
        var table = Table.readParquet(parquetOptions, dataBuffer, dataSize)
        val numColumns = table.getNumberOfColumns
        // The parquet loader can load more columns than requested as it will
        // always load a pandas index column if one is found.
        if (schema.length > numColumns) {
          throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Expected ${schema.length} columns " +
            s"but only read ${numColumns} from $partFile")
        if (castToFloat) {
          val columns = new Array[ColumnVector](numColumns)
          try {
            for (i <- 0 until numColumns) {
              val c = table.getColumn(i)
              columns(i) = schema.fields(i).dataType match {
                case nt: NumericType => c.asFloats()
                case _ => c.incRefCount()
            var tmp = table
            table = new Table(columns: _*)
          } finally {
            columns.foreach(v => if (v != null) v.close())
      } finally {

  private def buildCsvOptions(options: Map[String, String]): CSVOptions = {
    val builder = CSVOptions.builder()
    for ((k, v) <- options) {
      val parseFunc = csvOptionParserMap.getOrElse(k, (_: CSVOptions.Builder, _: String) => {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"CSV option $k not supported")
      parseFunc(builder, v)

  private def buildParquetOptions(options: Map[String, String],
      schema: StructType): ParquetOptions = {
    // currently no Parquet read options are supported
    if (options.nonEmpty) {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No Parquet read options are supported")
    val builder = ParquetOptions.builder()
    builder.includeColumn( _*)

  private def readPartFileFully(conf: Configuration,
      partFile: PartitionedFile): (HostMemoryBuffer, Long) = {
    val rawPath = new Path(partFile.filePath)
    val fs = rawPath.getFileSystem(conf)
    val path = fs.makeQualified(rawPath)
    val fileSize = fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen
    var succeeded = false
    var hmb = HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(fileSize)
    var totalBytesRead: Long = 0L
    try {
      val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024 * 16)
      val codecFactory = new CompressionCodecFactory(conf)
      val codec = codecFactory.getCodec(path)
      val rawInput =
      val in = if (codec != null) codec.createInputStream(rawInput) else rawInput
      try {
        var numBytes =
        while (numBytes >= 0) {
          if (totalBytesRead + numBytes > hmb.getLength) {
            hmb = growHostBuffer(hmb, totalBytesRead + numBytes)
          hmb.setBytes(totalBytesRead, buffer, 0, numBytes)
          totalBytesRead += numBytes
          numBytes =
      } finally {
      succeeded = true
    } finally {
      if (!succeeded) {
    (hmb, totalBytesRead)

    * Grows a host buffer, returning a new buffer and closing the original
    * after copying the data into the new buffer.
    * @param original the original host memory buffer
  private def growHostBuffer(original: HostMemoryBuffer, needed: Long): HostMemoryBuffer = {
    val newSize = Math.max(original.getLength * 2, needed)
    val result = HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(newSize)
    try {
      result.copyFromHostBuffer(0, original, 0, original.getLength)
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        throw e

  private def toDType(dataType: DataType): DType = {
    dataType match {
      case BooleanType | ByteType => DType.INT8
      case ShortType => DType.INT16
      case IntegerType => DType.INT32
      case LongType => DType.INT64
      case FloatType => DType.FLOAT32
      case DoubleType => DType.FLOAT64
      case DateType => DType.DATE32
      case TimestampType => DType.TIMESTAMP
      case unknownType => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        s"Unsupported Spark SQL type $unknownType")

   * Helper method that converts string representation of a character to actual character.
   * It handles some Java escaped strings and throws exception if given string is longer than one
   * character.
  private def toChar(str: String): Char = {
    (str: Seq[Char]) match {
      case Seq() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Delimiter cannot be empty string")
      case Seq('\\') => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Single backslash is prohibited." +
        " It has special meaning as beginning of an escape sequence." +
        " To get the backslash character, pass a string with two backslashes as the delimiter.")
      case Seq(c) => c
      case Seq('\\', 't') => '\t'
      case Seq('\\', 'r') => '\r'
      case Seq('\\', 'b') => '\b'
      case Seq('\\', 'f') => '\f'
      // In case user changes quote char and uses \" as delimiter in options
      case Seq('\\', '\"') => '\"'
      case Seq('\\', '\'') => '\''
      case Seq('\\', '\\') => '\\'
      case _ if str == """\u0000""" => '\u0000'
      case Seq('\\', _) =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported special character for delimiter: $str")
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Delimiter cannot be more than one character: $str")

  private def getBool(paramName: String, paramVal: String): Boolean = {
    val lowerParamVal = paramVal.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
    if (lowerParamVal == "true") {
    } else if (lowerParamVal == "false") {
    } else {
      throw new Exception(s"$paramName flag can be true or false")

  private def parseCSVCommentOption(b: CSVOptions.Builder, v: String): Unit = {

  private def parseCSVHeaderOption(b: CSVOptions.Builder, v: String): Unit = {
    if (getBool("header", v)) {

  private def parseCSVNullValueOption(b: CSVOptions.Builder, v: String): Unit = {

  private def parseCSVQuoteOption(b: CSVOptions.Builder, v: String): Unit = {

  private def parseCSVSepOption(b: CSVOptions.Builder, v: String): Unit = {

  private val csvOptionParserMap: Map[String, (CSVOptions.Builder, String) => Unit] = Map(
    "comment" -> parseCSVCommentOption,
    "header" -> parseCSVHeaderOption,
    "nullValue" -> parseCSVNullValueOption,
    "quote" -> parseCSVQuoteOption,
    "sep" -> parseCSVSepOption

  private def createFilePartition(
      size: Int,
      files: Seq[PartitionedFile]): FilePartition = {
    // Apache Spark:
    // case class FilePartition(index: Int, files: Array[PartitionedFile])
    // We have see this overloaded as:
    // case class FilePartition(index: Int, files: Seq[PartitionedFile],
    //   preferredHosts: Seq[String])
    // We skip setting the preferredHosts for overloaded version
    try {
      FilePartition(size, files)
    } catch {
      case e: NoSuchMethodError =>
        logger.debug("FilePartition, normal Apache Spark version failed")
        // assume this is the one overloaded class we know about
        val fpClass = org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FilePartition.getClass.
          getMethod("apply", classOf[Int], classOf[Seq[PartitionedFile]], classOf[Seq[String]])
          new java.lang.Integer(size), files, Seq.empty[String]).asInstanceOf[FilePartition]

  private class PartBucket(initFile: PartitionedFile) {
    private val files: ArrayBuffer[PartitionedFile] = ArrayBuffer(initFile)
    private var size = initFile.length

    def getSize: Long = size

    def addFile(file: PartitionedFile): Unit = {
      files += file
      size += file.length

    def toFilePartition(index: Int): FilePartition = createFilePartition(index, files)

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