main.app.cash.backfila.client.jooq.gen.tables.Menu.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is generated by jOOQ.
package app.cash.backfila.client.jooq.gen.tables
import app.cash.backfila.client.jooq.gen.Jooq
import app.cash.backfila.client.jooq.gen.keys.KEY_MENU_PRIMARY
import app.cash.backfila.client.jooq.gen.tables.records.MenuRecord
import org.jooq.Field
import org.jooq.ForeignKey
import org.jooq.Identity
import org.jooq.Name
import org.jooq.Record
import org.jooq.Records
import org.jooq.Row2
import org.jooq.Schema
import org.jooq.SelectField
import org.jooq.Table
import org.jooq.TableField
import org.jooq.TableOptions
import org.jooq.UniqueKey
import org.jooq.impl.DSL
import org.jooq.impl.Internal
import org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType
import org.jooq.impl.TableImpl
* This class is generated by jOOQ.
open class Menu(
alias: Name,
child: Table?,
path: ForeignKey?,
aliased: Table?,
parameters: Array?>?,
) : TableImpl(
) {
companion object {
* The reference instance of jooq.menu
val MENU: Menu = Menu()
* The class holding records for this type
override fun getRecordType(): Class = MenuRecord::class.java
* The column jooq.menu.id
val ID: TableField = createField(DSL.name("id"), SQLDataType.BIGINT.nullable(false).identity(true), this, "")
* The column jooq.menu.name
val NAME: TableField = createField(DSL.name("name"), SQLDataType.VARCHAR(128).nullable(false), this, "")
private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table?) : this(alias, null, null, aliased, null)
private constructor(alias: Name, aliased: Table?, parameters: Array?>?) : this(alias, null, null, aliased, parameters)
* Create an aliased jooq.menu
table reference
constructor(alias: String) : this(DSL.name(alias))
* Create an aliased jooq.menu
table reference
constructor(alias: Name) : this(alias, null)
* Create a jooq.menu
table reference
constructor() : this(DSL.name("menu"), null)
constructor(child: Table, key: ForeignKey) : this(Internal.createPathAlias(child, key), child, key, MENU, null)
override fun getSchema(): Schema? = if (aliased()) null else Jooq.JOOQ
override fun getIdentity(): Identity = super.getIdentity() as Identity
override fun getPrimaryKey(): UniqueKey = KEY_MENU_PRIMARY
override fun `as`(alias: String): Menu = Menu(DSL.name(alias), this)
override fun `as`(alias: Name): Menu = Menu(alias, this)
override fun `as`(alias: Table<*>): Menu = Menu(alias.getQualifiedName(), this)
* Rename this table
override fun rename(name: String): Menu = Menu(DSL.name(name), null)
* Rename this table
override fun rename(name: Name): Menu = Menu(name, null)
* Rename this table
override fun rename(name: Table<*>): Menu = Menu(name.getQualifiedName(), null)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Row2 type methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
override fun fieldsRow(): Row2 = super.fieldsRow() as Row2
* Convenience mapping calling {@link SelectField#convertFrom(Function)}.
fun mapping(from: (Long?, String?) -> U): SelectField = convertFrom(Records.mapping(from))
* Convenience mapping calling {@link SelectField#convertFrom(Class,
* Function)}.
fun mapping(toType: Class, from: (Long?, String?) -> U): SelectField = convertFrom(toType, Records.mapping(from))
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