main.wisp.sampling.RateLimiter.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package wisp.sampling
import java.time.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
* A deterministic testable rate limiter that uses two variables:
* * Permits per second. This is the application's configured rate. We express as a per-second rate
* but use it as a time-between-permits. For example, 250 permits per second is a permit every
* 4 milliseconds. This may be zero, in which case all acquire attempts will return false.
* * Window size. If the application specified 250 permits per second, that doesn't specify how many
* permits can be returned at once. An implementation could strictly return 1 permit every 4
* milliseconds, or batches of 1000 permits every 4 seconds. This class hard codes the window size
* to 1 second. Small windows shrink batch sizes which is inefficient; large windows grow batch
* sizes which is bursty. This class uses 1 second to balance latency and throughput.
* The implementation tracks a future timestamp that permits are consumed until.
* This class is similar to Guava's rate limiter. Unlike Guava's rate limiter this class is testable
* by application code using the rate limiter. It also has very predictable behavior because its
* internal mechanisms are simpler than Guava's.
class RateLimiter @JvmOverloads constructor(
@field:Volatile var permitsPerSecond: Long,
private val ticker: Ticker = Ticker.DEFAULT,
private val sleeper: Sleeper = Sleeper.DEFAULT,
) {
* The nanoTime that we've consumed all permits through. This is at most [windowSizeNs] + current
* nanoTime.
private val atomicAllocatedUntil = AtomicLong(ticker.read())
/** The size of our window where we can borrow bytes from the future. */
private val windowSizeNs = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1L)
* Attempt to acquire [permitCount] permits, sleeping up to [timeout] if necessary for them to
* become available.
* Returns true if permits were acquired.
* This always returns false if you request more than [1 window size][windowSizeNs] worth of
* permits. If you need many permits, shrink your batch size. This is intended to smooth out
* consumption of the resources guarded by this rate limiter.
fun tryAcquire(permitCount: Long, timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean {
require(permitCount > 0) { "unexpected permitCount: $permitCount" }
require(timeout >= 0L) { "unexpected timeout: $timeout" }
val sleepTime = timeToAcquire(unit, timeout, permitCount)
?: return false
if (sleepTime.toNanos() > 0L) {
return true
* Returns the duration to sleep to acquire [permitCount], or null if the permits cannot be
* acquired within the given timeout.
* This implementation is lock-free.
* @return the time to wait, never greater than [timeout]. Null to not wait because permits were
* not issued.
private fun timeToAcquire(
unit: TimeUnit,
timeout: Long,
permitCount: Long
): Duration? {
while (true) {
val allocatedUntil = atomicAllocatedUntil.get()
val permitsPerSecond = this.permitsPerSecond // Sample this volatile only once.
val maxRequestSize = windowSizeNs.nanosToPermits(permitsPerSecond)
if (permitCount > maxRequestSize) return null
val now = ticker.read()
val timeoutNs = unit.toNanos(timeout)
// If this acquire succeeds, this is the time we're consuming permits through.
val newAllocatedUntil = maxOf(allocatedUntil, now) +
// We only sleep for permits until the beginning of our window.
val sleepNs = newAllocatedUntil - now - windowSizeNs
// We'd have to sleep too long for this number of permits. Fail fast.
if (sleepNs > timeoutNs) return null
// Try to consume permits! If atomicAllocatedUntil changed, we lost a race; loop to try again.
if (!atomicAllocatedUntil.compareAndSet(allocatedUntil, newAllocatedUntil)) continue
// Permits were consumed. Return how long to wait before these permits can be used.
return if (sleepNs < 0) Duration.ZERO else Duration.ofNanos(sleepNs)
* Returns the maximum number of permits that could have
* been acquired by a call to [tryAcquire], assuming the caller
* passed the same [timeout] and [unit].
fun getPermitsRemaining(
unit: TimeUnit,
timeout: Long
): Long {
if (permitsPerSecond <= 0L) return 0L
val allocatedUntil = atomicAllocatedUntil.get()
val nowNanos = ticker.read()
val timeoutNanos = unit.toNanos(timeout)
// The amount of time you can allocate is equal to the sum of:
// 1. The end of the current [windowSizeNs] bucket minus how much time has already been allocated
// 2. How long you're willing to wait for more permits to arrive
// Capped to 1 [windowSizeMs] worth of permits
val allocatableTime =
(nowNanos + windowSizeNs - allocatedUntil + timeoutNanos).coerceIn(0, windowSizeNs)
val timesliceSize = (windowSizeNs / permitsPerSecond)
val permitsLeft = allocatableTime / timesliceSize
return permitsLeft
private fun Long.nanosToPermits(permitsPerSecond: Long) = this * permitsPerSecond / 1_000_000_000L
private fun Long.permitsToNanos(permitsPerSecond: Long) = this * 1_000_000_000L / permitsPerSecond
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