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package wisp.tracing
import io.opentracing.Scope
import io.opentracing.Span
import io.opentracing.Tracer
import io.opentracing.Tracer.SpanBuilder
import io.opentracing.tag.Tags
* Traces a function [f], using a span called [spanName], which is automatically finished when the
* function completes execution.
* If a span is already active, the new span is made a child of the existing one.
* If you want to manipulate the [Span] (e.g. to attach baggage), use [traceWithSpan] instead.
* If you want a new independent span, use [traceWithNewRootSpan].
fun Tracer.trace(spanName: String, tags: Map = mapOf(), f: () -> T): T =
traceWithSpan(spanName, tags) { f() }
* Like [trace], but exposes the new active [Span] to [f].
fun Tracer.traceWithSpan(
spanName: String,
tags: Map = mapOf(),
f: (Span) -> T
): T = traceWithSpanInternal(buildChildSpan(spanName, tags), f)
* Like [traceWithSpan], but always starts a new independent (root) span.
* If you'd like to continue propagating baggage that was set on the previous active span, set [retainBaggage] to true.
fun Tracer.traceWithNewRootSpan(
spanName: String,
tags: Map = mapOf(),
retainBaggage: Boolean = false,
f: (Span) -> T
): T = traceWithSpanInternal(buildRootSpan(spanName, tags, retainBaggage = retainBaggage), f)
private fun Tracer.buildChildSpan(
spanName: String,
tags: Map = mapOf(),
): Span = buildSpan(spanName).addAllTags(tags).start()
private fun Tracer.buildRootSpan(
spanName: String,
tags: Map = mapOf(),
retainBaggage: Boolean = false,
): Span {
val activeSpan: Span? = this.activeSpan()
var spanBuilder = buildSpan(spanName).addAllTags(tags)
spanBuilder = spanBuilder.ignoreActiveSpan()
val span = spanBuilder.start()
if (retainBaggage) {
val baggage = activeSpan?.context()?.baggageItems() ?: emptyList()
for ((k, v) in baggage) {
span.setBaggageItem(k, v)
return span
private fun Tracer.traceWithSpanInternal(span: Span, block: (Span) -> T): T {
val scope = scopeManager().activate(span)
return try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
Tags.ERROR.set(span, true)
throw t
} finally {
private fun SpanBuilder.addAllTags(tags: Map): SpanBuilder {
tags.forEach { (k, v) -> this.withTag(k, v) }
return this
* Instruments a function [f] with a new scope.
* This is helpful if you need to create a new [Scope] for an existing [Span],
* for example, if you are switching threads (since Scopes are not thread-safe).
* ```kotlin
* tracer.traceWithSpan("thread-switching-span") {
* ...
* thread {
* tracer.withNewScope(span) { ... }
* }
* }
* ```
inline fun Tracer.withNewScope(
span: Span,
crossinline f: () -> T
): T = scopeManager().activate(span).use { f() }