app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.api.ExternalWalletsBankApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.api;
import app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.ApiClient;
import app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.model.ErrorResponseBankModel;
import app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.model.ExternalWalletBankModel;
import app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.model.ExternalWalletListBankModel;
import app.cybrid.cybrid_api_bank.client.model.PostExternalWalletBankModel;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient.ResponseSpec;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClientResponseException;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2024-11-18T16:03:59.580910Z[Etc/UTC]")
public class ExternalWalletsBankApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public ExternalWalletsBankApi() {
this(new ApiClient());
public ExternalWalletsBankApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Create ExternalWallet
* Create an ExternalWallet. ## Wallet creation External Wallets can be created for a Bank or a Customer. To create a wallet for your Bank, omit the `customer_guid` parameter in the request body. To create a wallet for your Customers, include the `customer_guid` parameter in the request body. ## State | State | Description | |-------|-------------| | storing | The Platform is storing the external wallet details in our private store | | pending | The Platform is waiting for the external wallet to be created | | completed | The Platform has created the external wallet | | failed | The Platform was not able to successfully create the external wallet | | deleting | The Platform is deleting the external wallet | | deleted | The Platform has deleted the external wallet | External wallets can be added to the bank by leaving the customer_guid blank. External wallets added to the bank can be used by any customer of the bank. External wallets can also be added to a specific customer by providing the customer_guid. External wallets added to a customer can only be used by that customer. Required scope: **external_wallets:execute**
* 201 - ExternalWallet created
400 - Invalid requests
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
409 - Data already exists
422 - Unable to process request
* @param postExternalWalletBankModel The postExternalWalletBankModel parameter
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
private ResponseSpec createExternalWalletRequestCreation(PostExternalWalletBankModel postExternalWalletBankModel) throws WebClientResponseException {
Object postBody = postExternalWalletBankModel;
// verify the required parameter 'postExternalWalletBankModel' is set
if (postExternalWalletBankModel == null) {
throw new WebClientResponseException("Missing the required parameter 'postExternalWalletBankModel' when calling createExternalWallet", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getReasonPhrase(), null, null, null);
// create path and map variables
final Map pathParams = new HashMap();
final MultiValueMap queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final HttpHeaders headerParams = new HttpHeaders();
final MultiValueMap cookieParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final MultiValueMap formParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final List localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final MediaType localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "BearerAuth", "oauth2" };
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return apiClient.invokeAPI("/api/external_wallets", HttpMethod.POST, pathParams, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, cookieParams, formParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Create ExternalWallet
* Create an ExternalWallet. ## Wallet creation External Wallets can be created for a Bank or a Customer. To create a wallet for your Bank, omit the `customer_guid` parameter in the request body. To create a wallet for your Customers, include the `customer_guid` parameter in the request body. ## State | State | Description | |-------|-------------| | storing | The Platform is storing the external wallet details in our private store | | pending | The Platform is waiting for the external wallet to be created | | completed | The Platform has created the external wallet | | failed | The Platform was not able to successfully create the external wallet | | deleting | The Platform is deleting the external wallet | | deleted | The Platform has deleted the external wallet | External wallets can be added to the bank by leaving the customer_guid blank. External wallets added to the bank can be used by any customer of the bank. External wallets can also be added to a specific customer by providing the customer_guid. External wallets added to a customer can only be used by that customer. Required scope: **external_wallets:execute**
* 201 - ExternalWallet created
400 - Invalid requests
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
409 - Data already exists
422 - Unable to process request
* @param postExternalWalletBankModel The postExternalWalletBankModel parameter
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
public Mono createExternalWallet(PostExternalWalletBankModel postExternalWalletBankModel) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return createExternalWalletRequestCreation(postExternalWalletBankModel).bodyToMono(localVarReturnType);
public Mono> createExternalWalletWithHttpInfo(PostExternalWalletBankModel postExternalWalletBankModel) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return createExternalWalletRequestCreation(postExternalWalletBankModel).toEntity(localVarReturnType);
* Delete External Wallet
* Deletes an external wallet. Required scope: **external_wallets:execute**
* 200 - External wallet deleted
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
404 - ExternalWallet not found
* @param externalWalletGuid Identifier for the external wallet.
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
private ResponseSpec deleteExternalWalletRequestCreation(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
Object postBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'externalWalletGuid' is set
if (externalWalletGuid == null) {
throw new WebClientResponseException("Missing the required parameter 'externalWalletGuid' when calling deleteExternalWallet", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getReasonPhrase(), null, null, null);
// create path and map variables
final Map pathParams = new HashMap();
pathParams.put("external_wallet_guid", externalWalletGuid);
final MultiValueMap queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final HttpHeaders headerParams = new HttpHeaders();
final MultiValueMap cookieParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final MultiValueMap formParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final List localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = { };
final MediaType localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "BearerAuth", "oauth2" };
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return apiClient.invokeAPI("/api/external_wallets/{external_wallet_guid}", HttpMethod.DELETE, pathParams, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, cookieParams, formParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete External Wallet
* Deletes an external wallet. Required scope: **external_wallets:execute**
* 200 - External wallet deleted
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
404 - ExternalWallet not found
* @param externalWalletGuid Identifier for the external wallet.
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
public Mono deleteExternalWallet(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return deleteExternalWalletRequestCreation(externalWalletGuid).bodyToMono(localVarReturnType);
public Mono> deleteExternalWalletWithHttpInfo(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return deleteExternalWalletRequestCreation(externalWalletGuid).toEntity(localVarReturnType);
* Get External Wallet
* Retrieves an external_wallet. Required scope: **external_wallets:read**
* 200 - External wallet found
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
404 - ExternalWallet not found
* @param externalWalletGuid Identifier for the external_wallet.
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
private ResponseSpec getExternalWalletRequestCreation(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
Object postBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'externalWalletGuid' is set
if (externalWalletGuid == null) {
throw new WebClientResponseException("Missing the required parameter 'externalWalletGuid' when calling getExternalWallet", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.getReasonPhrase(), null, null, null);
// create path and map variables
final Map pathParams = new HashMap();
pathParams.put("external_wallet_guid", externalWalletGuid);
final MultiValueMap queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final HttpHeaders headerParams = new HttpHeaders();
final MultiValueMap cookieParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final MultiValueMap formParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final List localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = { };
final MediaType localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "BearerAuth", "oauth2" };
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return apiClient.invokeAPI("/api/external_wallets/{external_wallet_guid}", HttpMethod.GET, pathParams, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, cookieParams, formParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get External Wallet
* Retrieves an external_wallet. Required scope: **external_wallets:read**
* 200 - External wallet found
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
404 - ExternalWallet not found
* @param externalWalletGuid Identifier for the external_wallet.
* @return ExternalWalletBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
public Mono getExternalWallet(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return getExternalWalletRequestCreation(externalWalletGuid).bodyToMono(localVarReturnType);
public Mono> getExternalWalletWithHttpInfo(String externalWalletGuid) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return getExternalWalletRequestCreation(externalWalletGuid).toEntity(localVarReturnType);
* Get external wallets list
* Retrieves a listing of external wallets. Required scope: **external_wallets:read**
* 200 - Get list of external_wallets
400 - Invalid requests
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
* @param page The page index to retrieve.
* @param perPage The number of entities per page to return.
* @param owner The owner of the entity.
* @param guid Comma separated external_wallet_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param bankGuid Comma separated bank_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param customerGuid Comma separated customer_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param asset Comma separated assets to list external_wallets for.
* @param state Comma separated states to list external_wallets for.
* @return ExternalWalletListBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
private ResponseSpec listExternalWalletsRequestCreation(java.math.BigInteger page, java.math.BigInteger perPage, String owner, String guid, String bankGuid, String customerGuid, String asset, String state) throws WebClientResponseException {
Object postBody = null;
// create path and map variables
final Map pathParams = new HashMap();
final MultiValueMap queryParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final HttpHeaders headerParams = new HttpHeaders();
final MultiValueMap cookieParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
final MultiValueMap formParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap();
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "page", page));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "per_page", perPage));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "owner", owner));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "guid", guid));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "bank_guid", bankGuid));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "customer_guid", customerGuid));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "asset", asset));
queryParams.putAll(apiClient.parameterToMultiValueMap(null, "state", state));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final List localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = { };
final MediaType localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "BearerAuth", "oauth2" };
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return apiClient.invokeAPI("/api/external_wallets", HttpMethod.GET, pathParams, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, cookieParams, formParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get external wallets list
* Retrieves a listing of external wallets. Required scope: **external_wallets:read**
* 200 - Get list of external_wallets
400 - Invalid requests
401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed,
403 - Invalid scope
* @param page The page index to retrieve.
* @param perPage The number of entities per page to return.
* @param owner The owner of the entity.
* @param guid Comma separated external_wallet_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param bankGuid Comma separated bank_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param customerGuid Comma separated customer_guids to list external_wallets for.
* @param asset Comma separated assets to list external_wallets for.
* @param state Comma separated states to list external_wallets for.
* @return ExternalWalletListBankModel
* @throws WebClientResponseException if an error occurs while attempting to invoke the API
public Mono listExternalWallets(java.math.BigInteger page, java.math.BigInteger perPage, String owner, String guid, String bankGuid, String customerGuid, String asset, String state) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return listExternalWalletsRequestCreation(page, perPage, owner, guid, bankGuid, customerGuid, asset, state).bodyToMono(localVarReturnType);
public Mono> listExternalWalletsWithHttpInfo(java.math.BigInteger page, java.math.BigInteger perPage, String owner, String guid, String bankGuid, String customerGuid, String asset, String state) throws WebClientResponseException {
ParameterizedTypeReference localVarReturnType = new ParameterizedTypeReference() {};
return listExternalWalletsRequestCreation(page, perPage, owner, guid, bankGuid, customerGuid, asset, state).toEntity(localVarReturnType);