ar.com.hjg.pngj.ChunkReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ar.com.hjg.pngj;
import ar.com.hjg.pngj.chunks.ChunkRaw;
* Parses a PNG chunk, consuming bytes in one mode: {@link ChunkReaderMode#BUFFER}, {@link ChunkReaderMode#PROCESS}, {@link ChunkReaderMode#SKIP}.
* It calls {@link #chunkDone()} when done. Also calls {@link #processData(byte[], int, int)} if PROCESS
mode. Apart from thas, it's totally agnostic (it doesn't know
* about IDAT chunks, or PNG general structure)
* The object wraps a ChunkRaw instance (content filled only if BUFFER mode); it should be short lived (one instance created for each chunk, and discarded after reading), but the
* wrapped chunkRaw can be (usually is) long lived.
public abstract class ChunkReader {
* see {@link ChunkReaderMode}
public final ChunkReaderMode mode;
private final ChunkRaw chunkRaw;
private boolean crcCheck; // by default, this is false for SKIP, true elsewhere
* How many bytes have been read for this chunk, data only
protected int read = 0;
private int crcn = 0; // how many bytes have been read from crc
* Modes of ChunkReader chunk processing.
public enum ChunkReaderMode {
* Stores full chunk data in buffer
* Does not store content, processes on the fly, calling processData() for each partial read
* Does not store nor process - implies crcCheck=false (by default).
* The constructor creates also a chunkRaw, preallocated if mode = ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER
* @param clen
* @param id
* @param offsetInPng Informational, is stored in chunkRaw
* @param mode
public ChunkReader(int clen, String id, long offsetInPng, ChunkReaderMode mode) {
if (mode == null || id.length() != 4 || clen < 0)
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("Bad chunk paramenters: " + mode);
this.mode = mode;
chunkRaw = new ChunkRaw(clen, id, mode == ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER);
this.crcCheck = mode == ChunkReaderMode.SKIP ? false : true; // can be changed with setter
* Returns raw chunk (data can be empty or not, depending on ChunkReaderMode)
* @return Raw chunk - never null
public ChunkRaw getChunkRaw() {
return chunkRaw;
* Consumes data for the chunk (data and CRC). This never consumes more bytes than for this chunk.
* In HOT_PROCESS can call processData() (not more than once)
* If this ends the chunk (included CRC) it checks CRC (if checking) and calls chunkDone()
* @param buf
* @param off
* @param len
* @return How many bytes have been consumed
public final int feedBytes(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
if (len == 0)
return 0;
if (len < 0)
throw new PngjException("negative length??");
if (read == 0 && crcn == 0 && crcCheck)
chunkRaw.updateCrc(chunkRaw.idbytes, 0, 4); // initializes crc calculation with the Chunk ID
int bytesForData = chunkRaw.len - read; // bytesForData : bytes to be actually read from chunk data
if (bytesForData > len)
bytesForData = len;
// we want to call processData even for empty chunks (IEND:bytesForData=0) at least once
if (bytesForData > 0 || crcn == 0) {
// in buffer mode we compute the CRC at the end
if (crcCheck && mode != ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER && bytesForData > 0)
chunkRaw.updateCrc(buf, off, bytesForData);
if (mode == ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER) {
// just copy the contents to the internal buffer
if (chunkRaw.data != buf && bytesForData > 0) {
// if the buffer passed if the same as this one, we don't copy the caller should know what he's doing
System.arraycopy(buf, off, chunkRaw.data, read, bytesForData);
} else if (mode == ChunkReaderMode.PROCESS) {
processData(read, buf, off, bytesForData);
} else {
// mode == ChunkReaderMode.SKIP; nothing to do
read += bytesForData;
off += bytesForData;
len -= bytesForData;
int crcRead = 0;
if (read == chunkRaw.len) { // data done - read crc?
crcRead = 4 - crcn;
if (crcRead > len)
crcRead = len;
if (crcRead > 0) {
if (buf != chunkRaw.crcval)
System.arraycopy(buf, off, chunkRaw.crcval, crcn, crcRead);
crcn += crcRead;
if (crcn == 4) {
if (crcCheck) {
if (mode == ChunkReaderMode.BUFFER) { // in buffer mode we compute the CRC on one single call
chunkRaw.updateCrc(chunkRaw.data, 0, chunkRaw.len);
return bytesForData + crcRead;
* Chunks has been read
* @return true if we have read all chunk, including trailing CRC
public final boolean isDone() {
return crcn == 4; // has read all 4 bytes from the crc
* Determines if CRC should be checked. This should be called before starting reading.
* @param crcCheck
public void setCrcCheck(boolean crcCheck) {
if (read != 0 && crcCheck && !this.crcCheck)
throw new PngjException("too late!");
this.crcCheck = crcCheck;
* This method will only be called in PROCESS mode, probably several times, each time with a new fragment of data inside the chunk. For chunks with zero-length data, this will
* still be called once.
* It's guaranteed that the data corresponds exclusively to this chunk data (no crc, no data from no other chunks, )
* @param offsetInchunk data bytes that had already been read/processed for this chunk
* @param buf
* @param off
* @param len
protected abstract void processData(int offsetInchunk, byte[] buf, int off, int len);
* This method will be called (in all modes) when the full chunk -including crc- has been read
protected abstract void chunkDone();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((chunkRaw == null) ? 0 : chunkRaw.hashCode());
return result;
* Equality (and hash) is basically delegated to the ChunkRaw
public boolean equals(Object obj) { // delegates to chunkraw
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
ChunkReader other = (ChunkReader) obj;
if (chunkRaw == null) {
if (other.chunkRaw != null)
return false;
} else if (!chunkRaw.equals(other.chunkRaw))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return chunkRaw.toString();