at.iem.sysson.Stats.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Sonification platform of the IEM SysSon project
The newest version!
* Stats.scala
* (SysSon)
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz.
* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package at.iem.sysson
import at.iem.sysson.Implicits._
import de.sciss.file._
import de.sciss.filecache
import de.sciss.filecache.TxnProducer
import de.sciss.serial.{DataInput, DataOutput, ImmutableSerializer}
import ucar.nc2
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.stm.{InTxn, TMap, atomic}
object Stats {
private val COOKIE = 0x53746174
private val DEBUG = false
private def debug(what: => String): Unit = if (DEBUG) println(s" $what")
private object CacheValue {
implicit object Serializer extends ImmutableSerializer[CacheValue] {
def write(v: CacheValue, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
import v._
def read(in: DataInput): CacheValue = {
val cookie = in.readInt()
require(cookie == COOKIE, s"Serialized version $cookie does not match $COOKIE")
val size = in.readLong()
val lastModified = in.readLong()
val data = new File(in.readUTF())
CacheValue(size = size, lastModified = lastModified, data = data)
private final case class CacheValue(size: Long, lastModified: Long, data: File) {
override def toString =
s"$productPrefix(size = $size, lastModified = ${new java.util.Date(lastModified)}, data = ${data.getName})"
The cache is organised as follows:
- the lookup part of the key is the NetCDF file (`get` takes a `NetcdfFile`, we actually just use its path).
- the value completion of the key is an instance of `CacheValue`, which maintains verifiable information about
the NetCDF file's identity (size and modification date), along with a pointer `data` to the actually
generated stats file which is associated with the cache
This stats file is a straight forward serialisation of the `Stats` trait.
def cacheDir: File = dataDir / "cache"
private lazy val cache: TxnProducer[File, CacheValue] = {
val config = filecache.Config[File, CacheValue]()
config.capacity = filecache.Limit(count = 100, space = 1L * 1024 * 1024) // 1 MB... whatever, these files are incredibly small
config.accept = (key, value) => {
val res = key.lastModified() == value.lastModified && key.length() == value.size
debug(s"accept key = ${key.getName} (lastModified = ${new java.util.Date(key.lastModified())}, size = ${key.length()}), value = $value? $res")
} = (_ , value) =>
config.evict = (_ , value) => {
debug(s"evict $value")
config.folder = cacheDir
atomic { implicit tx => filecache.TxnProducer(config) }
implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContext = cache.executionContext
private val busy = TMap.empty[File, Future[Stats]]
// XXX TODO -- should return a processor so we can abort
def get(doc: nc2.NetcdfFile)(implicit tx: InTxn): Future[Stats] = {
val key = file(doc.path)
busy.get(key)(tx).getOrElse(create(doc, key, tx))
private def create(doc: nc2.NetcdfFile, key: File, tx0: InTxn): Future[Stats] = {
val fut = cache.acquire(key) {
blocking {
// for each variable...
val varMap = doc.variableMap
val statsMap = varMap.collect { case (vrName, vr) if vr.isFloat || vr.isDouble =>
// find the named dimensions which have variable entries.
val dims0: Set[nc2.Variable] = vr.reducedDimensions.flatMap(d => varMap.get(
// exclude the variable's self dimension. this
// is present in all variables which acts as dimensions.
// for example `plev` will have itself as its only dimension.
val dims = dims0 - vr
// then build the Map[String, Vec[Counts]] by iteratively reducing all dimensions but one, over which
// the stats are generated
val accept = /* if (vr.isFloat) */ {
val f = vr.fillValue
if (f.isNaN) !(_: Double).isNaN else (_: Double).toFloat != f
// } else {
// (_: Double) => true // no fill values for non-float vars, accept all
def sectionCounts(sel: VariableSection): Counts = {
val arr = sel.readSafe()
// val num = arr.size
var sum = 0.0
var min = Double.MaxValue
var max = Double.MinValue
var num = 0
arr.double1Diterator.foreach { d =>
if (accept(d)) {
num += 1
sum += d
if (min > d) min = d
if (max < d) {
// if (d > 500) {
// val sel0 = sel
// println("AQUI")
// }
max = d
val mean = sum/num
var sqrDif = 0.0
arr.double1Diterator.foreach { d =>
if (accept(d)) {
val dif = d - mean
sqrDif += dif * dif
Counts(min = min, max = max, sum = sum, sqrdif = sqrDif, num = num, pool = 1)
val preSlices: Map[String, Vec[Counts]] = => {
// val redDims = dims - dim
val counts = Vector.tabulate(dim.size.toInt) { i =>
val sel = vr in select i
val res = sectionCounts(sel)
// Thread.`yield`() // since we use only one instance of the file, allow other threads such as plotting to breathe
} -> counts
val total = if (preSlices.isEmpty) { // run the iteration code again if the variable is 1-dimensional
sectionCounts(vr.selectAll) // .complete
} else { // otherwise reconstruct total counts from partial counts
preSlices.head._2.reduce(_ combineWith _) // .complete
val statsVar = Variable(vrName, total, preSlices) // .mapValues(
vrName -> statsVar
val stats = Stats(statsMap)
val f = File.createTempFile("sysson", ".stats", cache.config.folder)
val out =
val fSz = key.length()
val fMod = key.lastModified()
var succ = false
try {
Stats.Serializer.write(stats, out)
succ = true
CacheValue(size = fSz, lastModified = fMod, data = f)
} finally {
if (!succ) {
debug(s"Not successful. Deleting $f")
} (tx0)
val futM = { value =>
blocking {
val in =
try {
val res =
// that way the caller of `get` doesn't need to bother, and all data is in RAM now
// TODO: if this gets too slow, because `get` is called several times, we might instead
// store the result in a weak hash map that calls `release` upon eviction from that weak map.
atomic { implicit tx => cache.release(key) }
} finally {
busy.put(key, futM)(tx0)
futM.onComplete { _ =>
object Counts {
implicit object Serializer extends ImmutableSerializer[Counts] {
def write(v: Counts, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
import v._
out.writeLong (num)
out.writeInt (pool)
def read(in: DataInput): Counts = {
val min = in.readDouble()
val max = in.readDouble()
val sum = in.readDouble()
val sqrDif = in.readDouble()
val num = in.readLong()
val pool = in.readInt()
Counts(min = min, max = max, sum = sum, sqrdif = sqrDif, num = num, pool = pool)
// case class Counts(min: Double, max: Double, mean: Double, stdDev: Double) {
// override def toString = s"$productPrefix(min = ${min.toFloat}, max = ${max.toFloat}, mean = ${mean.toFloat}, stdDev = ${stdDev.toFloat})"
// }
/** Statistics for a given variable or sub-set of a variable.
* Mean and standard deviation are provided on the fly by methods `mean` and `stddev`.
* Multiple counts can be combined using the `combineWith` method.
* @param min the minimum value of the (non-NaN) data points
* @param max the maximum value of the data points
* @param sum the sum across all data points
* @param sqrdif the sum of the squares of the differences between the data points and their mean
* @param num the number of (non-NaN) data points accounted for
* @param pool the number of counts which have been combined in this count (1 for a single count).
* this is needed for the pooled standard deviation
final case class Counts(min: Double, max: Double, sum: Double, sqrdif: Double, num: Long, pool: Int) {
def combineWith(that: Counts) = Counts(
min = math.min(this.min, that.min),
max = math.max(this.max, that.max),
sum = this.sum + that.sum,
sqrdif = this.sqrdif + that.sqrdif,
num = this.num + that.num,
pool = this.pool + that.pool
def isPooled: Boolean = pool > 1
def mean: Double = sum / num
// sum of each sample variance multiplied by its sample size -1, then divided by sum of each sample size -1
// so we should track the number of samples, because that way it becomes:
// - nom = sum((x - x_mean)^2)
// - pooled = aggregated_nom / (aggregated_num - num_aggregations)
/** For a single count, the standard deviation, for a pooled count, the pooled standard deviation.
* See
def stddev: Double = math.sqrt(sqrdif / (num - pool))
override def toString: String = {
val s1 = s"mean = ${mean.toFloat}, ${if (isPooled) "pooled " else ""}stddev = ${stddev.toFloat})"
s"$productPrefix(num = $num, min = ${min.toFloat}, max = ${max.toFloat}, $s1"
object Variable {
implicit object Serializer extends ImmutableSerializer[Variable] {
def write(v: Variable, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
import v._
Counts.Serializer.write(total, out)[String, Vec[Counts]].write(slices, out)
def read(in: DataInput): Variable = {
val name = in.readUTF()
val total =
val slices =[String, Vec[Counts]].read(in)
Variable(name, total, slices)
final case class Variable(name: String, total: Counts, slices: Map[String, Vec[Counts]]) {
override def toString = raw""""$name", total = $total${if (slices.isEmpty) "" else slices.keys.mkString(", slices = <", ",", ">")})"""
implicit object Serializer extends ImmutableSerializer[Stats] {
def write(v: Stats, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
import v._
out.writeInt(COOKIE)[String, Variable].write(map, out)
def read(in: DataInput): Stats = {
val cookie = in.readInt()
require(cookie == COOKIE, s"Serialized version $cookie does not match $COOKIE")
val map =[String, Variable].read(in)
/** Statistics for a given file. It provides a map from variable names to `Stats.Variable` which captures
* the moments of that particular variable.
* Statistics are obtained via `Stats.get(netcdfFile)`.
* For example, if the file has a variable `"ta"` with dimensions `"lon"`, `"lat"` and `"plev"`, the
* overall minimum temperature will be found through `stats("ta").total.min`. That maximum temperature
* at pressure level 0 will be found through `stats("ta").slices("plev")(0).max`.
final case class Stats(map: Map[String, Stats.Variable]) {
def apply(name: String): Stats.Variable = map(name)
override def toString: String = {
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(128)
map.values.foreach { v =>
sb.append("\n ")
if (map.nonEmpty) sb.append('\n')