gapt.expr.formula.fol.hol2fol.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package gapt.expr.formula.fol
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Atom
import gapt.expr.formula.Bottom
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.Top
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.HOLFunction
import gapt.expr.formula.hol._
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.ty.FunctionType
import gapt.expr.ty.To
import gapt.expr.ty.Ty
import gapt.expr.util
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.proofs.HOLSequent
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
* Creates a FOL formula from a HOL formula, but applies transformations which do _not_ preserve validity!
* Transformations applied:
* - Replace all subterms (\x.t[v]) by a function q_n(v). The scope parameter is needed to pass existing term-constant
* mappings.
* - Change the type of constants and variables s.t. they are first order (i.e. Const("c", To->Ti) is mapped to
* FOLConst("c",Ti)
* - Logical operators inside the term structure are replaced by first order terms
* @note Make sure you need all of these tricks. To only replace abstraction subterms, use [[replaceAbstractions]].
object reduceHolToFol {
* Apply method for a formula when scope needs to passed on in a recursion.
* @param formula the formula to convert
* @return a pair of the reduced formula and the updated scope
def apply(formula: Formula)(implicit definition: Hol2FolDefinitions): FOLFormula =
* Apply method for a an expression when scope needs to passed on in a recursion.
* @param term the expression to convert
* @return a pair of the reduced expression and the updated scope
def apply(term: Expr)(implicit definition: Hol2FolDefinitions): FOLExpression =
(replaceAbstractions(term)) match {
case f: Formula => convertHolFormulaToFolFormula(f)
case t => convertHolTermToFolTerm(t)
* Assumes we are on the logical level of the hol formula - all types are
* mapped to i, i>o or i>i>o respectively
private def convertHolFormulaToFolFormula(formula: Formula): FOLFormula = {
formula match {
case Top() => Top()
case Bottom() => Bottom()
case Neg(f) =>
case And(f1, f2) =>
case Or(f1, f2) =>
case Imp(f1, f2) =>
case All(v: Var, f) =>
case Ex(v: Var, f) =>
case Const(n, To, _) =>
FOLAtom(n, Nil)
case Atom(Const(n, _, _), as) =>
FOLAtom(n, { convertHolTermToFolTerm })
case Atom(Var(n, _), as) =>
FOLAtom(n, { convertHolTermToFolTerm })
case HOLFunction(Const(n, _, _), as) =>
FOLAtom(n, { convertHolTermToFolTerm })
case HOLFunction(Var(n, _), as) =>
FOLAtom(n, { convertHolTermToFolTerm })
private def convertHolVariableToFolVariable(v: Var): FOLVar =
* Converts a term to a first-order term.
* @param term The term to be converted to a first-order term.
* @return A first-order term obtained from `term` by erasing types of
* constants and variables in leaf position by `i` and by replacing types of
* inner constants by i > i > ... > i of adequate arity. In particular logical
* constants are replaced in this way e.g. ¬ : o > o occurring in a term of
* the form (¬ f) is replaced by ¬ : i > i.
private def convertHolTermToFolTerm(term: Expr): FOLTerm = {
term match {
case v: Var => convertHolVariableToFolVariable(v)
case Const(n, _, _) => FOLConst(n)
case Apps(h: VarOrConst, as) =>
FOLFunction(, { convertHolTermToFolTerm })
object invertBijectiveMap {
def apply[A, B](map: Map[A, B]): Map[B, A] =[B, A] { _.swap }
* Definitions of the form cₜ(x₁,...,xₙ) := t(x₁,...,xₙ), where c is a constant
* and t is a term having as only free variables x₁,...,xₙ.
* @param context The context with respect to which these definitions are made.
* In particular the context defines the already used names.
class Hol2FolDefinitions(implicit val context: Context = Context.default) {
type Definiendum = Expr
type Definiens = Expr
private var definitions: Map[Definiendum, Definiens] = Map()
private val nameGenerator = context.newNameGenerator
* Looks up the defined expression.
* @param expression An expression t(s₁,...,sₙ).
* @return The defined expression cₜ(s₁,...,sₙ).
* If there is no definition of the form cₜ(x₁,...,xₙ) ↔ t(x₁,...,xₙ),
* then such a definition is created where cₜ is a new constant that does
* not intersect the context.
def getDefinedExpression(expression: Definiens): Definiendum = {
val Some((e, m)) = getMatchingDefiniens(expression): @unchecked
private def addDefinitionIfNecessary(expression: Definiens): Unit = {
getMatchingDefiniens(expression) match {
case None =>
val freeVars = freeVariables(expression).toList
val constant = Const(
Abs.Block(freeVars, expression).ty
definitions += Apps(constant, freeVars) -> expression
case _ =>
def getDefiningExpression(expression: Definiendum): Option[Definiens] = {
for {
(c, m) <- getMatchingDefiniendum(expression)
d <- definitions.get(c)
} yield {
private def getMatchingDefiniendum(expression: Expr): Option[(Expr, Substitution)] = {
.map { e => e -> util.syntacticMatching(e, expression) }
.collectFirst { case (e, Some(m)) => (e, m) }
private def getMatchingDefiniens(expression: Expr): Option[(Expr, Substitution)] = {
.map { e => e -> util.syntacticMatching(e, expression) }
.collectFirst { case (e, Some(m)) => (e, m) }
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean =
obj match {
case o: Hol2FolDefinitions => isEqualTo(o)
case _ => false
private def isEqualTo(otherDefinitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): Boolean =
lambdaClosedDefinitionsPairs == otherDefinitions.lambdaClosedDefinitionsPairs
private def lambdaClosedDefinitionsPairs: Set[(Expr, Expr)] = { lambdaCloseDefinitionPair }
private def lambdaCloseDefinitionPair(definitionPair: (Expr, Expr)): (Expr, Expr) =
definitionPair match {
case (d @ Apps(_: Const, xs), e) =>
Abs.Block(xs.asInstanceOf[List[Var]], d) -> Abs.Block(xs.asInstanceOf[List[Var]], e)
private def freshConstantName: String =
nameGenerator.freshWithIndex { n => s"q_{${n + 1}}" }
// FIXME These methods only exist to maintain compatibility with legacy
def toMap: Map[Expr, Expr] = definitions
def toLegacyMap: Map[Expr, String] = {
case (Apps(Const(n, _, _), _), e) => e -> n
def lookupByName(name: String): Option[Expr] =
.find { case (Apps(c: Const, _), _) => == name }
.map { _._2 }
* Replace lambda-abstractions by constants.
* Each abstraction in an [[gapt.proofs.HOLSequent]] is replaced by a separate constant symbol; the used
* constants are returned in a Map.
object replaceAbstractions {
def apply(expression: Expr)(implicit definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): Expr =
new NonQuantifierAbstractionLifter(definitions).lift(expression)
def apply(formula: Formula)(implicit definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): Formula =
new NonQuantifierAbstractionLifter(definitions).lift(formula)
private class NonQuantifierAbstractionLifter(
private val definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions
) {
def lift(formula: Formula): Formula =
def lift(expression: Expr): Expr = {
private def getOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(expression: Expr): Seq[Expr] =
expression match {
case Ex(_, f) => getOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(f)
case All(_, f) => getOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(f)
case App(e1, e2) =>
getOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(e1) ++
case _: Abs => Seq(expression)
case _ => Seq()
private def defineOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(expression: Expr): Unit = {
private def defineExpressions(expressions: Seq[Expr]): Unit =
expressions.foreach {
private def liftOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(expression: Expr): Expr =
expression match {
case Ex(v, f) =>
Ex(v, liftOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(f))
case All(v, f) =>
All(v, liftOutermostNonQuantifierAbstractions(f))
case App(e1, e2) =>
case _: Abs =>
case _ => expression
* Replaces the constants introduced by [[replaceAbstractions]] with the
* original lambda-abstractions.
* Two lambda abstractions that are matching may have the same abstracting
* constant. However no effort is made to detect matching lambda abstractions in
* order to minimize the number of definitions.
object undoReplaceAbstractions {
def apply(sequent: HOLSequent, definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): HOLSequent = { undoReplaceAbstractions(_, definitions) }
def apply(f: Formula, definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): Formula =
apply(f.asInstanceOf[Expr], definitions).asInstanceOf[Formula]
* Replace all occurrences of defined constants by their abstractions.
* @param expression The expression in which definitions are unfolded.
* @param definitions The definition to be be unfolded.
* @return An expression obtained from `expression` by unfolding all the
* constants defined in `h2fDefinitions` by their defining term.
def apply(expression: Expr, definitions: Hol2FolDefinitions): Expr = {
HOLPosition.getPositions(expression).foldLeft(expression) {
(e, p) =>
expression(p) match {
case Apps(_: Const, _) =>
definitions.getDefiningExpression(expression(p)).map {
e.replace(p, _)
case _ => e
* Introducing abstractions and converting to fol changes more complex types to fol compatible ones. With changeTypeIn
* you can change them back.
object changeTypeIn {
type TypeMap = Map[String, Ty]
* Maps types of constants and variables to the given types.
* @param expression The expression in which the types are to be replaced.
* @param typeMap Specifies the names of constants and variables whose type
* is to be replaced by the associated type.
* @return An expression obtained from `expression` by replacing the types of leaf-occurrences of variables and
* constants by the given types. The types of inner constants and variables are changed according
* to the new types of their arguments.
def apply(expression: Expr, typeMap: TypeMap): Expr = expression match {
case v @ Var(n, _) =>
typeMap.get(n).map { Var(n, _) }.getOrElse(v)
case c @ Const(n, _, _) =>
typeMap.get(n).map { Const(n, _) }.getOrElse(c)
case HOLFunction(Const(f, FunctionType(r, _), _), as) =>
val newAs = { changeTypeIn(_, typeMap) }
val newTs = { _.ty }
HOLFunction(Const(f, FunctionType(r, newTs)), newAs)
case HOLFunction(Var(x, FunctionType(r, _)), as) =>
val newAs = { changeTypeIn(_, typeMap) }
val newTs = { _.ty }
HOLFunction(Var(x, FunctionType(r, newTs)), newAs)
case Atom(Const(f, FunctionType(r, _), _), as) =>
val newAs = { changeTypeIn(_, typeMap) }
val newTs = { _.ty }
Atom(Const(f, FunctionType(r, newTs)), newAs)
case Atom(Var(f, FunctionType(r, _)), as) =>
val newAs = { changeTypeIn(_, typeMap) }
val newTs = { _.ty }
Atom(Const(f, FunctionType(r, newTs)), newAs)
case Neg(x) =>
Neg(changeTypeIn(x, typeMap))
case And(s, t) =>
And(changeTypeIn(s, typeMap), changeTypeIn(t, typeMap))
case Or(s, t) =>
Or(changeTypeIn(s, typeMap), changeTypeIn(t, typeMap))
case Imp(s, t) =>
Imp(changeTypeIn(s, typeMap), changeTypeIn(t, typeMap))
case All(x, f) =>
val newX = typeMap.get( { Var(, _) }.getOrElse(x)
All(newX, changeTypeIn(f, typeMap))
case Ex(x, f) =>
val newX = typeMap.get( { Var(, _) }.getOrElse(x)
Ex(newX, changeTypeIn(f, typeMap))
case Abs(x, t) =>
val newX = typeMap.get( { Var(, _) }.getOrElse(x)
Abs(newX, changeTypeIn(t, typeMap))
case App(s, t) =>
App(changeTypeIn(s, typeMap), changeTypeIn(t, typeMap))
case _ =>
throw new Exception("Unhandled case of a HOL Formula! " + expression)
* @see `changeTypeIn.apply( Expr, TypeMap )`.
def apply(e: Formula, tmap: TypeMap): Formula =
changeTypeIn(e.asInstanceOf[Expr], tmap).asInstanceOf[Formula]
def apply(fs: HOLSequent, tmap: TypeMap): HOLSequent = HOLSequent( => changeTypeIn(x, tmap)), => changeTypeIn(x, tmap))