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gapt.grammars.deltatable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.grammars

import gapt.cutintro.GrammarFindingMethod
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.ty.Ti
import gapt.expr.util.expressionSize
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.utils.{UNone, UOption, USome}

import scala.collection.mutable

object deltaTableAlgorithm {
  type Row = Set[(Expr, Set[Expr])]

  def createTable(
      termSet: Set[Expr],
      maxArity: Option[Int] = None,
      singleVariable: Boolean = false
  ): Map[Set[Substitution], Row] = {
    // invariant:  deltatable(S) contains (u,T)  ==>  u S = T  &&  |S| = |T|
    val deltatable = mutable.Map[Set[Substitution], List[(Expr, Set[Expr])]]().withDefaultValue(Nil)

    def populate(
        remainingTerms: List[Expr],
        currentLGG: Option[Expr],
        currentCover: Set[Expr],
        currentSubst: Set[Substitution]
    ): Unit = if (remainingTerms.nonEmpty) {
      val newTerm :: rest = remainingTerms: @unchecked

      val (newLGG, substCurLGG, substNewTerm) =
        currentLGG match {
          case Some(curLGG) =>
            if (singleVariable), newTerm)
  , newTerm)
          case _ => (newTerm, Map.empty[Var, Expr], Map.empty[Var, Expr])

      if (!newLGG.isInstanceOf[Var] && maxArity.forall { substCurLGG.size <= _ }) {
        val newSubst =
 => Substitution(Map.empty ++ substCurLGG.view.mapValues(subst(_)).toMap)) +
        val newCover = currentCover + newTerm
        deltatable(newSubst) ::= (newLGG -> newCover)
        populate(rest, Some(newLGG), newCover, newSubst)

      populate(rest, currentLGG, currentCover, currentSubst)

    populate(termSet.toList, None, Set.empty, Set.empty)

    Map.empty ++ deltatable.view.mapValues(_.toSet).toMap

  def keySubsumption(a: Set[Substitution], b: Set[Substitution]): Set[Map[Var, Var]] =
    keySubsumption(a map { }, b map { }, Map())

  def keySubsumption[K1, K2, V](a: Set[Map[K1, V]], b: Set[Map[K2, V]], alreadyFixed: Map[K1, K2]): Set[Map[K1, K2]] = {
    if (a.size > b.size) return Set()
    if (a.head.size > b.head.size) return Set()

    val nextKs = a.head.keySet diff alreadyFixed.keySet
    if (nextKs isEmpty) return Set(alreadyFixed)

    val chosenK = nextKs.head
    val chosenV = a.head(chosenK)

    for {
      case (corrK, `chosenV`) <- b.flatten
      newAlreadyFixed = alreadyFixed + (chosenK -> corrK)
      if ++ _.view.filterKeys(newAlreadyFixed.keySet).toMap) subsetOf => Map() ++ newAlreadyFixed.view.mapValues(bi).toMap)
      solution <- keySubsumption(a, b, newAlreadyFixed)
    } yield solution

  def mergeSubsumedRows(table: Map[Set[Substitution], Row]): Map[Set[Substitution], Row] =
    for ((s1, row1) <- table)
        if ( <= 1) s1 -> row1
        else {
          var newRow =
          for {
            (s2, row2) <- table
            if // do not add ground terms
            subs <- keySubsumption(s2, s1)
            subst = Substitution(subs)
            (u2, t2) <- row2
          } newRow += subst(u2) -> t2
          newRow = newRow.groupBy { _._1 }.view.mapValues { _ flatMap { _._2 } toSet }
          for {
            e1 @ (u1, t1) <- newRow
            e2 @ (u2, t2) <- newRow
            if newRow contains e1
            if e1 != e2
            if t2 subsetOf t1
          } newRow -= e2
          s1 -> newRow.toSet

  def findGrammarFromDeltaTable(
      termSet: Set[Expr],
      deltatable: Map[Set[Substitution], Row],
      subsumeMinimalGrammars: Boolean
  ): (Set[Expr], Set[Substitution]) = {
    var minSize = termSet.size + 1
    val minGrammars = mutable.Buffer[(Set[Expr], Set[Substitution])]()

    def minimizeRow(
        termSet: Set[Expr],
        row: Row,
        alreadyIncluded: Set[Expr],
        s: Set[Substitution]
    ): Unit =
      if (termSet isEmpty) {
        val grammarSize = alreadyIncluded.size + s.size
        if (grammarSize < minSize) {
          minSize = grammarSize
          minGrammars += (alreadyIncluded -> s)
      } else if (alreadyIncluded.size + s.size >= minSize) {
        // Ignore this branch.
      } else if (row isEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
      } else {
        val pivot = row maxBy { _._2.size }

        // Case 1, pivot is included.
          termSet diff pivot._2,
          row map { x => x._1 -> x._2.diff(pivot._2) } filter { _._2.nonEmpty },
          alreadyIncluded + pivot._1,

        // Case 2, pivot is not included.
        val restRow = row filterNot { _._2 subsetOf pivot._2 }
        val restLang = restRow flatMap { _._2 }
        if (termSet subsetOf restLang)
          minimizeRow(termSet, restRow, alreadyIncluded, s)

    for ((s, decomps) <- deltatable.toSeq sortBy { -_._1.toSeq.flatMap { }.map { expressionSize(_) }.sum }) {
      val coveredTerms = decomps flatMap { _._2 }
      minimizeRow(coveredTerms, decomps, termSet diff coveredTerms, s)

    if (subsumeMinimalGrammars) for {
      g1 @ (u1, s1) <- minGrammars
      g2 @ (u2, s2) <- minGrammars
      if g1 != g2
      subst <- keySubsumption(s1, s2)
      u = u2 ++ { Substitution(subst)(_) }
      s = s2
      row = for (t <- u) yield t -> { _(t) }.intersect(termSet)
    } minimizeRow(termSet, row, Set(), s)

    if (minGrammars isEmpty) termSet -> Set()
    else minGrammars minBy { g => g._1.size + g._2.size }

  def grammarToVTRATG(us: Set[Expr], s: Set[Substitution]): VTRATG = {
    val alpha = freeVariables(us).toList.sortBy { _.toString }
    val tau = rename(Var("x_0",, alpha)
      Seq(List(tau), alpha),
      (for (subst <- s) yield alpha -> { subst(_) })
        union (for (u <- us) yield List(tau) -> List(u))


case class DeltaTableMethod(
    singleQuantifier: Boolean = false,
    subsumedRowMerging: Boolean = false,
    keyLimit: Option[Int] = None
) extends GrammarFindingMethod {
  import deltaTableAlgorithm._

  override def findGrammars(lang: Set[Expr]): Option[VTRATG] = {
    var dtable = createTable(lang, keyLimit, singleQuantifier)

    if (subsumedRowMerging) dtable = mergeSubsumedRows(dtable)

    val (us, s) = findGrammarFromDeltaTable(lang, dtable, false)

    Some(grammarToVTRATG(us, s))

  def name = {
    val n = new StringBuilder
    n append (if (singleQuantifier) "1" else "many")
    n append "_dtable"
    if (subsumedRowMerging) n append "_ss"
    for (l <- keyLimit) n append s"_lim$l"

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