gapt.grammars.reforest.ReforestState.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package gapt.grammars.reforest
import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.fol.FOLConst
import gapt.expr.ty.FunctionType
import gapt.expr.ty.Ti
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.grammars._
import scala.collection.mutable
abstract class Feature
case class Digram(c1: Const, i: Int, c2: Const) extends Feature
case class RigidTrigram(c: Const, i: Int, j: Int) extends Feature
case class ReforestState(
startSymbol: Const,
rules: Map[Expr, Set[Expr]],
highestNTIndex: Int
) {
def stats: Map[Feature, Int] = {
val s = mutable.Map[Feature, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
def visit(f: Const, as: Seq[Expr]): Unit = {
for (
(a, i) <- as.zipWithIndex; (b, j) <- as.zipWithIndex if i < j
if a == b
) {
s(RigidTrigram(f, i, j)) += 1
for (case (Apps(g: Const, bs), i) <- as.zipWithIndex) {
visit(g, bs)
s(Digram(f, i, g)) += 1
for (rhss <- rules.values; case Apps(f: Const, as) <- rhss) visit(f, as)
def abbreviate(feature: Feature): ReforestState = feature match {
case feature: Digram => abbreviate(feature)
case feature: RigidTrigram => abbreviate(feature)
def abbreviate(digram: Digram): ReforestState = {
val FunctionType(rettype, ts1) = digram.c1.ty: @unchecked
val FunctionType(_, ts2) = digram.c2.ty: @unchecked
val argtypes = ts1.take(digram.i) ++ ts2 ++ ts1.drop(digram.i + 1)
val newNT = Const(s"B$highestNTIndex", FunctionType(rettype, argtypes))
val newNTArgs = for ((t, i) <- argtypes.zipWithIndex) yield Var(s"x$i", t)
def abbr(t: Expr): Expr = t match {
case Apps(digram.c1, as1_) =>
// Innermost-first rewriting is really important here!
val as1 = as1_ map abbr
as1(digram.i) match {
case Apps(digram.c2, as2) =>
newNT(as1.take(digram.i) ++ as2 ++ as1.drop(digram.i + 1) map abbr: _*)
case _ => digram.c1(as1 map abbr: _*)
case Apps(f, as) => f(as map abbr: _*)
rules = Map(newNT(newNTArgs: _*) -> Set(digram.c1(newNTArgs.take(digram.i)
++ Seq(digram.c2(newNTArgs.slice(digram.i, digram.i + ts2.size): _*))
++ newNTArgs.drop(digram.i + ts2.size): _*))) ++
rules.view.mapValues { _ map abbr }.toMap,
highestNTIndex = highestNTIndex + 1
def abbreviate(rigidTrigram: RigidTrigram): ReforestState = {
val FunctionType(rettype, ts) = rigidTrigram.c.ty: @unchecked
val argtypes = ts.take(rigidTrigram.j) ++ ts.drop(rigidTrigram.j + 1)
val newNT = Const(s"B$highestNTIndex", FunctionType(rettype, argtypes))
val newNTArgs = for ((t, i) <- argtypes.zipWithIndex) yield Var(s"x$i", t)
def abbr(t: Expr): Expr = t match {
case Apps(rigidTrigram.c, as) if as(rigidTrigram.i) == as(rigidTrigram.j) =>
newNT(as.take(rigidTrigram.j) ++ as.drop(rigidTrigram.j + 1) map abbr: _*)
case Apps(f, as) => f(as map abbr: _*)
rules = Map(newNT(newNTArgs: _*) -> Set(rigidTrigram.c(
newNTArgs.take(rigidTrigram.j) ++
Seq(newNTArgs(rigidTrigram.i)) ++
newNTArgs.drop(rigidTrigram.j): _*
))) ++
rules.view.mapValues { _ map abbr }.toMap,
highestNTIndex = highestNTIndex + 1
def decompose(nonTerminal: Expr): ReforestState = {
val rhss = rules(nonTerminal).to(mutable.Set)
require(freeVariables(nonTerminal).isEmpty) // TODO
val maxArity = { case Apps(c: Const, as) => as.size }.max
val argtypes = (0 until maxArity) map { _ => Ti } // TODO
val newNT = Const(s"B$highestNTIndex", FunctionType(startSymbol.ty, argtypes))
val newArgs = for ((t, i) <- argtypes.zipWithIndex) yield Var(s"x$i", t)
val args1 = mutable.Set[Seq[Expr]]()
val newRHS1s = mutable.Set[Expr]()
val newRHS2s = mutable.Set[Expr]()
for (Apps(f, Seq()) <- rhss) {
rhss -= f
newRHS1s += f
for (rhs @ Apps(f, as) <- rhss.toSet if as.size == argtypes.size) {
args1 += as
newRHS2s += f(newArgs: _*)
rhss -= rhs
def subsume(as: Seq[Expr], bs: Seq[Expr]): Option[Seq[Int]] =
if (as diff bs isEmpty) Some {
for (a <- as) yield bs indexOf a
else None
while (rhss.nonEmpty) {
for (rhs @ Apps(f, as) <- rhss.toSet; subs <- args1.flatMap { subsume(as, _) }.headOption) {
newRHS2s += f(subs map { newArgs(_) }: _*)
rhss -= rhs
if (rhss.nonEmpty) {
val rhs @ Apps(f, as) = rhss.maxBy { case Apps(_, args) => args.size }
args1 += as ++ LazyList.continually(FOLConst("c")).take(maxArity - as.size)
for (as <- args1) newRHS1s += newNT(as: _*)
rules = rules + (nonTerminal -> newRHS1s.toSet) + (newNT(newArgs: _*) -> newRHS2s.toSet),
highestNTIndex = highestNTIndex + 1
def decomposeUsingDeltaTable(nonTerminal: Expr): ReforestState = {
require(freeVariables(nonTerminal).isEmpty) // TODO
var dtable = deltaTableAlgorithm.createTable(rules(nonTerminal))
dtable = deltaTableAlgorithm.mergeSubsumedRows(dtable)
val (us, ss) = deltaTableAlgorithm.findGrammarFromDeltaTable(rules(nonTerminal), dtable, subsumeMinimalGrammars = false)
if (ss isEmpty) return this
val newArgs = ss.head.domain.toSeq.sortBy { _.toString }
val newNT = Const(s"B$highestNTIndex", FunctionType(nonTerminal.ty, newArgs map { _.ty }))
rules = rules + (nonTerminal -> { s => newNT(s(newArgs): _*) }) + (newNT(newArgs: _*) -> us),
highestNTIndex = highestNTIndex + 1
def expand(nts: Iterable[Expr]): ReforestState = {
for (nt <- nts) require(rules(nt).size == 1)
val reduceUnambiguousNonTerminals = Normalizer( => ReductionRule(nt -> rules(nt).head)))
copy(rules = Map() ++ (rules -- nts).view.mapValues(
def expandUseless: ReforestState = {
val constFreq = mutable.Map[Const, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
def visit(t: Expr): Unit = t match {
case Apps(f: Const, as) =>
constFreq(f) += 1
as foreach visit
case _ =>
for (rhss <- rules.values; rhs <- rhss) visit(rhs)
expand(rules.collect {
case (nt @ Apps(f: Const, _), rhs) if rhs.size == 1 && constFreq(f) <= 1 => nt
def expandDeterministic: ReforestState =
expand(for ((nt, rhs) <- rules if rhs.size == 1) yield nt)
def prodSize: Int = rules.values map { _.size } sum
override def toString =
(for ((lhs, rhss) <- rules; rhs <- rhss) yield s"$lhs -> $rhs\n").toSeq.sorted.mkString
def toRecursionScheme: RecursionScheme =
RecursionScheme(startSymbol, for ((nt, rhss) <- rules.toSet; rhs <- rhss) yield Rule(nt, rhs))
def toVTRATG: VTRATG = recSchemToVTRATG(toRecursionScheme)
object Reforest {
def start(lang: Iterable[Expr]): ReforestState = {
val termType =
val startSymbol = Const("A", termType)
ReforestState(startSymbol, rules = Map(startSymbol -> lang.toSet), highestNTIndex = 0)
def compress(s: ReforestState): ReforestState = {
val stats = s.stats
if (stats.isEmpty) return s
val (feat, freq) = stats.maxBy { _._2 }
if (freq > 1) compress(s abbreviate feat)
else s
def full(start: ReforestState): ReforestState = {
def f(s: ReforestState): ReforestState = scala.util.boundary {
for ((nt @ Apps(_, Seq()), rhss) <- s.rules if rhss.size > 1) {
val next = s.decompose(nt)
val simpl = compress(next.expandDeterministic)
if (simpl.prodSize < s.prodSize) scala.util.boundary.break(f(simpl))