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gapt.logic.hol.dls.dls.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.logic.hol.dls

import gapt.expr.Abs
import gapt.expr.BetaReduction
import gapt.expr.Expr
import gapt.expr.Var
import gapt.expr.VarOrConst
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula._
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.ty.FunctionType
import gapt.expr.ty.To
import gapt.expr.ty.Ty
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.logic.hol.AndOr
import gapt.logic.hol.moveQuantifiers
import gapt.logic.hol.removeRedundantQuantifiers
import gapt.logic.hol.toNNF
import gapt.proofs.HOLSequent
import gapt.utils.NameGenerator
import gapt.utils.crossProduct

import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try

 * Uses the DLS algorithm to find a witness for formula equations of the form
 * ∃X_1 ... ∃X_n φ where φ is a first order formula and X_1,...,X_n are second-order variables.
 * If the method succeeds, the return value is a tuple of a substitution of the second order variables in the
 * formula equation and a first order formula such that applying the substitution to the first-order formula
 * is a first-order formula which is equivalent to the given formula equation.
 * A sufficient criterion for the success of the method in the case of formula equations of the form ∃X φ is that
 * φ can be put into the form
 * (α_1(X) ∧ β_1(X)) ∨ ... ∨ (α_n(X) ∧ β_n(X))
 * where
 * - no occurrences of X are inside the scope of a first-order existential quantifier,
 * - α_i(X) is positive with respect to X and β_i(X) is negative with respect to X and
 * - for every i either
 *   - α_i(X) does not contain X or
 *   - β_i(X) does not contain X or
 *   - every disjunction in α_i(X) ∧ β_i(X) contains at most one occurrence of X
 * by
 * - simplifying φ,
 * - moving quantifiers as far down as possible to reduce their scope and
 * - distributing conjunctions over disjunctions in subformulae where positive and negative occurrences of X are not
 *   already separated by a conjunction.
 * For formula equations with more than one variable the innermost formula equation is solved first,
 * then reduced to a first-order formula by applying the found substitution.
 * The method is then applied recursively on the resulting formula equation with one variable less.
 * A Failure return value does not mean that the quantifier elimination is impossible.
 * It just means that this algorithm could not find a witness which allows elimination of the second order quantifier.
 * A Success return value does not mean that the returned first-order formula is valid, but only that it's equivalent
 * to the given formula equation.
object dls {

  def apply(formula: Formula): Try[(Substitution, Formula)] = Try(simplify(formula) match {
    case Ex(PredicateVariable(x, _), innerFormula) =>
      val (s_, folPart) = dls(innerFormula).get
      val folInnerFormula = simplify(util.applySubstitutionBetaReduced(s_, folPart))
      val w = dls_(folInnerFormula, x)
      val s = util.updateSubstitutionWithBetaReduction(s_, x -> w)
      (s, folPart)
    case f => (Substitution(), f)

  private def dls_(f: Formula, X: Var): Expr = new dls(X).solve(f)

private class dls(X: Var) {

  def solve(f: Formula): Expr = findWitness(preprocess(f))

  private def preprocess(f: Formula): Set[Disjunct] =
    new DlsPreprocessor(X).preprocess(f)

  private def findWitness(disjuncts: Set[Disjunct]): Expr = {
    val xs = util.freshArgumentVariables(X, disjuncts)
    val combinedWitness =
      if (disjuncts.size == 1)
        findPartialWitness(xs, disjuncts.head)
      else {
        val ds =
        val ws = { d =>
          d.toFormula -> findPartialWitness(xs, d)
        witnessCombination(xs, ds, ws)
    Abs(xs, simplify(combinedWitness))

  private def findPartialWitness(xs: Seq[Var], d: Disjunct): Formula =
    new DlsPartialWitnessExtraction(X).findPartialWitness(xs, d)

  private def witnessCombination(xs: Seq[Var], fs: Seq[Formula], g: Map[Formula, Formula]): Formula = {
    val fg = => f -> util.applySubstitutionBetaReduced(Substitution(X -> Abs(xs, g(f))), f)).toMap
    val cs = { fss =>
      val f = fss.last
      And( { f => Neg(fg(f)) } :+ fg(f)) --> g(f)

 * A formula of the form α ∧ β.
 * @param as The conjuncts of α.
 * @param bs The conjuncts of β.
private case class Disjunct(as: Seq[Formula], bs: Seq[Formula]) {
  private val sequent = HOLSequent(as, bs)
  def toFormula = And(as ++ bs)
  def variables = gapt.expr.util.variables(toFormula)
  def multiSetEquals(other: Disjunct): Boolean = sequent multiSetEquals other.sequent

private object Disjunct {
  def apply(fs: Iterable[(Formula, Polarity)]): Disjunct = {
    val (as, bs) = fs.partition(_._2 == Polarity.Negative)

 * Implements the extraction of a witness for disjunct.
 * @param X The predicate variable for which the witness is extracted.
private class DlsPartialWitnessExtraction(X: Var) {

  def findPartialWitness(
      argumentVariables: Seq[Var],
      disjunct: Disjunct
  ): Formula = {
    val candidates = witnessCandidates(argumentVariables, disjunct)
    val successfulCandidates = candidates.collect { case Success(w) => w }
    val errors = candidates.collect { case Failure(e) => e }
    if (successfulCandidates.isEmpty) {
      throw new Exception(
        s"cannot find witness for positive occurrences nor for negative occurrences " +
          s"in disjunct:\n$disjunct",

  private def witnessCandidates(xs: Seq[Var], disjunct: Disjunct): Seq[Try[Formula]] =
    LazyList(positiveCandidate(xs, disjunct), negativeCandidate(xs, disjunct))

  private def positiveCandidate(xs: Seq[Var], disjunct: Disjunct): Try[Formula] =
    Try(polarityOccurrenceWitness.positive(X, xs, And(

  private def negativeCandidate(xs: Seq[Var], disjunct: Disjunct): Try[Formula] =
    Try(polarityOccurrenceWitness.negative(X, xs, And(

  private def chooseWitness(candidates: Seq[Formula]): Formula = candidates.head

 * Implements the preprocessing phase for the DLS algorithm.
 * @param X The predicate variable with respect to which formulas are preprocessed.
private class DlsPreprocessor(X: Var) {

  def preprocess(f: Formula): Set[Disjunct] =
    separateConjuncts(extractDisjuncts(f)) match {
      case Left(inseparables) =>
        throw new Exception(
          s"failed to separate positive and negative occurrences of ${X} in ${inseparables}"
      case Right(separated) => separated

  private def extractDisjuncts(f: Formula): Set[Formula] =

  private def separateConjuncts(fs: Set[Formula]): Either[Set[Formula], Set[Disjunct]] = {
    val (separable, inseparable) = fs.partition(isSeparable)
    if (inseparable.nonEmpty)

  private def separateConjuncts(f: Formula): Option[Disjunct] = {
    if (!isSeparable(f))
    else {
      val And.nAry(cs) = f
      Some(Disjunct( { c => c -> selectPolarity(c).get }))

  private def isSeparable(d: Formula): Boolean = {
    val And.nAry(cs) = d

  private def hasPolarity(f: Formula): Boolean =
    occurrencePolarities(f, X).size < 2

  private def selectPolarity(f: Formula): Option[Polarity] =
    occurrencePolarities(f, X).toSeq match {
      case Seq()  => Some(Polarity.Positive)
      case Seq(p) => Some(p)
      case _      => None

  private def occurrencePolarities(
      formula: Formula,
      variable: Var,
      polarity: Polarity = Polarity.Positive
  ): Set[Polarity] = formula match {
    case Atom(atomVariable, _) if atomVariable == variable => Set(polarity)
    case Neg(alpha) =>
      occurrencePolarities(alpha, variable, !polarity)
    case AndOr(alpha, beta, _) =>
      occurrencePolarities(alpha, variable, polarity) ++
        occurrencePolarities(beta, variable, polarity)
    case Quant(_, alpha, _) => occurrencePolarities(alpha, variable, polarity)
    case _                  => Set()

  private def toDisjuncts(formula: Formula): Set[Formula] = formula match {
    case And.nAry(conjuncts) if conjuncts.length >= 2 =>

    case Or.nAry(disjuncts) if disjuncts.length >= 2 =>
    case _ => Set(formula)

  private def moveQuantifiersInFormula(formula: Formula): Formula = {
    moveQuantifiers.down(Ex, moveQuantifiers.down(All, formula))

object simplify {

   * Simplify a formula using
   * - the equations for bottom and top,
   * - idempotence of conjunction and disjunction,
   * - absorption laws of conjunction and disjunction,
   * - commutativity and reflexivity of equality
   * - simple quantifier elimination (e.g. ∃x x = t ∧ φ(x) simplifies to φ[x/t])
   * - law of excluded middle and its dual and
   * - elimination of double negation.
  def apply(f: Formula): Formula = toNNF(f) match {
    case And.nAry(conjuncts) if conjuncts.length >= 2 => simplifyMonoidalBinaryPropConnective(conjuncts, And, Or)
    case Or.nAry(disjuncts) if disjuncts.length >= 2  => simplifyMonoidalBinaryPropConnective(disjuncts, Or, And)

    case Quant(x, innerFormula, isAll) => simplifyQuantifier(x, innerFormula, isAll)

    case Neg(s) => simplify(s) match {
        case Top()      => Bottom()
        case Bottom()   => Top()
        case simplified => Neg(simplified)
    case Eq(l, r) if l == r               => Top()
    case Eq(l: VarOrConst, r: VarOrConst) => Eq(List(l, r).minBy(, List(l, r).maxBy(
    case p                                => p

  private def simplifyMonoidalBinaryPropConnective(
      arguments: List[Formula],
      connective: MonoidalBinaryPropConnectiveHelper,
      dualConnective: MonoidalBinaryPropConnectiveHelper
  ): Formula = {
    val simplifiedArguments =
    val dualNeutral = dualConnective.neutral().asInstanceOf[Formula]
    if (simplifiedArguments.contains(dualNeutral) || containsPropAndItsNegation(simplifiedArguments))
    else {
      val neutralRemoved = simplifiedArguments.toSet.filterNot(_ == connective.neutral())
      val absorbedRemoved = neutralRemoved.filterNot {
        case dualConnective.nAry(dualArguments) if dualArguments.length >= 2 => dualArguments.exists(neutralRemoved.contains)
        case _                                                               => false

  private def simplifyQuantifier(variable: Var, innerFormula: Formula, isAll: Boolean): Formula = {
    val simplificationConnective = if (isAll) Or else And
    val formula @ simplificationConnective.nAry(arguments) = apply(innerFormula)
    object UnaryPolarityConnective {
      def unapply(formula: Formula): Option[Formula] = if (isAll) Neg.unapply(formula) else Some(formula)
    arguments.collectFirst {
      case UnaryPolarityConnective(Eq(lhs, rhs)) if lhs == variable || rhs == variable =>
        val substitute = if (lhs == variable) rhs else lhs
        val substitution = Substitution(variable -> substitute)
    }.getOrElse(formula match {
      case _ if !formula.contains(variable) => formula
      case _                                => Quant(variable, formula, isAll)

  private def containsPropAndItsNegation(formulas: Seq[Formula]): Boolean =
    formulas.exists(p => formulas.contains(apply(Neg(p))))

private object polarityOccurrenceWitness {

  def positive(x: Var, ys: Seq[Var], f: Formula): Formula =
    polarityOccurrenceWitness(Polarity.Positive, x, ys, f)

  def negative(x: Var, ys: Seq[Var], f: Formula): Formula =
    polarityOccurrenceWitness(Polarity.Negative, x, ys, f)

   * Returns the antecedent/succeedent (when given positive/negative polarity) of the implication in Ackermann's lemma
   * which is a witness for the given formula given that the formula has the respective polarity with respect to the
   * given second order variable
  private def apply(
      polarity: Polarity,
      secondOrderVariable: Var,
      argumentVariables: Seq[Var],
      formula: Formula
  ): Formula = {
    val polarityConnective = if (polarity.positive) Or else And
    val dualPolarityConnective = if (polarity.positive) And else Or
    val polarityQuantifier = if (polarity.positive) Ex else All
    val polarityInversion = if (polarity.positive) (f: Formula) => Neg(f) else (f: Formula) => f
    val recur = polarityOccurrenceWitness(polarity, secondOrderVariable, argumentVariables, _)
    formula match {
      case _ if !formula.contains(secondOrderVariable) => polarityInversion(Top())

      case Atom(variable, arguments) if variable == secondOrderVariable =>
        vectorEq(argumentVariables, arguments)

      case Neg(Atom(variable, arguments)) if variable == secondOrderVariable =>
        Neg(vectorEq(argumentVariables, arguments))

      case And(alpha, beta) =>

      case Or.nAry(disjuncts) if disjuncts.count(_.contains(secondOrderVariable)) >= 2 =>
        throw new Exception("cannot handle disjunction of occurrences inside conjuncts")

      case Or.nAry(disjuncts) if disjuncts.length >= 2 =>
        val (occurrenceDisjuncts, nonOccurrenceDisjuncts) = disjuncts.partition(_.contains(secondOrderVariable))
        val occurrenceWitness = recur(occurrenceDisjuncts.head)
        dualPolarityConnective(occurrenceWitness, polarityInversion(Or(nonOccurrenceDisjuncts)))

      case All(variable, innerFormula) =>
        polarityQuantifier(variable, recur(innerFormula))

      case Ex(_, _) =>
        throw new Exception("cannot handle occurrences inside the scope of existential quantifiers")

object vectorEq {
  def apply(expressionsA: Iterable[Expr], expressionsB: Iterable[Expr]): Formula = {
    And( map { case (a, b) => Eq(a, b) })

object PredicateVariable {
  def unapply(variable: Var): Option[(Var, (Seq[Ty], Ty))] = variable match {
    case Var(_, FunctionType(To, inputTypes @ _)) =>
      Some((variable, (inputTypes, To)))
    case _ => None

private object util {
  def updateSubstitutionWithBetaReduction(substitution: Substitution, entry: (Var, Expr)): Substitution = {
    val newSubstitution = Substitution(entry)
    Substitution( ++{
      case (v, e) => v -> (e match {
          case Abs.Block(variables, f: Formula) => Abs.Block(variables, simplify(applySubstitutionBetaReduced(newSubstitution, f)))

  def applySubstitutionBetaReduced(
      substitution: Substitution,
      formula: Formula
  ): Formula = {

  def freshArgumentVariables(
      secondOrderVariable: Var,
      disjuncts: Set[Disjunct]
  ): List[Var] = {
    val PredicateVariable(_, (inputTypes, _)) = secondOrderVariable: @unchecked
    val blackListVariableNames = disjuncts.flatMap(_.variables).map(
    val argumentName =
    new NameGenerator(blackListVariableNames)
      .map { case (name, inputType) => Var(name, inputType) }

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