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gapt.proofs.gaptic.tactics.complexTactics.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.proofs.gaptic.tactics

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.HOLPosition
import gapt.proofs._
import gapt.proofs.expansion.{ExpansionProofToLK, deskolemizeET}
import gapt.proofs.gaptic._
import gapt.provers.{Prover, ResolutionProver}
import gapt.provers.escargot.Escargot
import gapt.provers.prover9.Prover9
import gapt.provers.viper.aip.AnalyticInductionProver
import gapt.provers.viper.aip.axioms._
import cats.syntax.all._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Eq
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.subst.PreSubstitution
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.ty.FunctionType
import gapt.expr.ty.TBase
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.expr.util.syntacticMatching
import gapt.formats.tip.TipProblem
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.proofs.context.mutable.MutableContext
import gapt.provers.viper.spin.{SpinOptions, Spin}

// Todo: Add an option that allows us to discard the original target.
 * Creates forward chaining tactics.
 * A forward chaining tactic replaces a goal of the form `Γ, A(t), ∀x(A(t) → B(t)) ⇒ Δ`
 * by `Γ, A(t), ∀x(A(t) → B(t)), B(t) ⇒ Δ`.
case class ForwardChain(
    lemmaLabel: String,
    targetMode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula,
    substitution: Map[Var, Expr] = Map()
) extends Tactical1[Unit] {

  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] = {
    for {
      lemma <- retrieveLemma(goal)
      target <- retrieveTarget(goal, lemma)
      (_, targetFormula, _) = target
      _ <- forwardChain(targetFormula, lemma)
    } yield ()

  private def retrieveLemma(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Formula] = {
    findFormula(goal, OnLabel(lemmaLabel)).withFilter {
      case (_, _, i) => i.isAnt
    }.flatMap { f =>
      val (_, l @ All.Block(_, Imp(_, _)), _) = f: @unchecked

  private def retrieveTarget(
      goal: OpenAssumption,
      lemma: Formula
  ): Tactic[(String, Formula, SequentIndex)] = {
    findFormula(goal, targetMode).withFilter {
      case (_, f, i) => i.isAnt && matchingLemma(lemma, f).isDefined

  private def forwardChain(targetFormula: Formula, lemma: Formula): Tactic[Unit] = {
    for {
      instanceLabel <- instantiateLemma(targetFormula, lemma)
      _ <- applyInstantiatedLemma(instanceLabel)
    } yield ()

  private def instantiateLemma(targetFormula: Formula, lemma: Formula): Tactic[String] = {
    val All.Block(lemmaVars, _) = lemma
    val instance = matchingLemma(lemma, targetFormula).get
    ForallLeftTactic(OnLabel(lemmaLabel),, false)

  private def applyInstantiatedLemma(instanceLabel: String): Tactic[Unit] =
    ImpLeftTactic(OnLabel(instanceLabel)) andThen LogicalAxiomTactic

  private def matchingLemma(lemma: Formula, formula: Formula): Option[Substitution] = {
    val fixedVariables = freeVariables(lemma).map { v => v -> v }
    val All.Block(_, Imp(hyp, _)) = lemma: @unchecked
    syntacticMatching(hyp, formula, PreSubstitution(substitution ++ fixedVariables))

 * Performs backwards chaining:
 * A goal of the form `∀x (P(x) → Q(x)), Γ :- Δ, Q(t)` is replaced by the goal `∀x (P(x) → Q(x)), Γ :- Δ, P(t)`.
 * @param hyp
 * @param target
 * @param substitution
case class ChainTactic(hyp: String, target: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula, substitution: Map[Var, Expr] = Map()) extends Tactical1[Unit] {

  def subst(map: (Var, Expr)*) = copy(substitution = substitution ++ map)
  def at(target: String) = copy(target = OnLabel(target))

  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] = {
    findFormula(goal, OnLabel(hyp)).flatMap {
      case (_, quantifiedFormula @ All.Block(hypVar, hypInner @ Imp.Block(_, hypTargetMatch)), _) =>
        def getSubst(f: Formula): Option[Substitution] =
          syntacticMatching(List(hypTargetMatch -> f), PreSubstitution(substitution ++ freeVariables(quantifiedFormula).map(v => v -> v))).headOption

        // Find target index and substitution
        findFormula(goal, target).withFilter { case (_, f, idx) => idx.isSuc && getSubst(f).isDefined }.flatMap {
          case (targetLabel, f, targetIndex) =>
            val Some(sub) = getSubst(f): @unchecked

            // Recursively apply implication left to the left until the end of the chain is reached,
            // where the sequent is an axiom (following some contractions).
            // The right premises of the implication left rules become new sub goals,
            // but where the initial target formula is then "forgotten".
            def handleAnds(curGoal: Sequent[(String, Formula)], hypCond: Suc): LKProof = curGoal(hypCond) match {
              case (existingLabel, And(lhs, rhs)) =>
                  handleAnds(curGoal.updated(hypCond, existingLabel -> lhs), hypCond),
                  handleAnds(curGoal.updated(hypCond, existingLabel -> rhs), hypCond),
                  And(lhs, rhs)
              case _ =>

            def handleImps(curGoal: Sequent[(String, Formula)], hyp: Ant): LKProof = {
              curGoal(hyp) match {
                case (hypLabel, Imp(lhs, rhs)) =>
                  // Different methods must be applied depending on how the chain is defined.
                  val premiseLeft = handleAnds(curGoal.delete(targetIndex).delete(hyp) :+ (targetLabel -> lhs), Suc(curGoal.succedent.length - 1))
                  val premiseRight = handleImps(curGoal.updated(hyp, hypLabel -> rhs), hyp)
                  ImpLeftRule(premiseLeft, premiseRight, Imp(lhs, rhs))

                case (_, formula) =>
                  WeakeningMacroRule(LogicalAxiom(formula), curGoal map { _._2 })

            val auxFormula = sub(hypInner)
            val goalSequent = goal.labelledSequent
            val newGoal = (NewLabel(goalSequent, hyp) -> auxFormula) +: goalSequent
            val premise = handleImps(newGoal, Ant(0))
            val auxProofSegment = ForallLeftBlock(premise, quantifiedFormula, sub(hypVar))
            replace(ContractionLeftRule(auxProofSegment, quantifiedFormula))

 * Rewrites using the specified equations at the target, either once or as often as possible.
 * @param equations  Universally quantified equations on the antecedent, with direction (left-to-right?)
 * @param target  Formula to rewrite.
 * @param once  Rewrite exactly once?
case class RewriteTactic(
    equations: Iterable[(String, Boolean)],
    target: Option[String],
    fixedSubst: Map[Var, Expr],
    once: Boolean
) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) = target match {
    case Some(tgt) => apply(goal, tgt).flatMap(replace(_))
    case _ => goal.labelledSequent match {
        case Sequent(_, Seq((tgt, _))) => apply(goal, tgt).flatMap(replace(_))
        case _                         => TacticFailure(this, "target formula not found")

  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption, target: String): Tactic[LKProof] = scala.util.boundary {
    for {
      (eqLabel, leftToRight) <- equations
      case ((`target`, tgt), tgtIdx) <- goal.labelledSequent.zipWithIndex.elements
      case (`eqLabel`, quantEq @ All.Block(vs, eq @ Eq(t, s))) <- goal.labelledSequent.antecedent
      (t_, s_) = if (leftToRight) (t, s) else (s, t)
      pos <- HOLPosition getPositions tgt
      subst <- syntacticMatching(List(t_ -> tgt(pos)), PreSubstitution(fixedSubst ++ freeVariables(quantEq).map { v => v -> v }))
    } scala.util.boundary.break {
      val newTgt = tgt.replace(pos, subst(s_))
      val newGoal = OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(tgtIdx, target -> newTgt))
      for {
        p1 <- if (once) Tactic.pure(newGoal) else apply(newGoal, target) orElse Tactic.pure(newGoal)
        p2 = WeakeningLeftRule(p1, subst(eq))
        p3 = if (tgtIdx isSuc) EqualityRightRule(p2, Ant(0), newTgt, tgt)
        else EqualityLeftRule(p2, Ant(0), newTgt, tgt)
        p4 = ForallLeftBlock(p3, quantEq, subst(vs))
        p5 = ContractionLeftRule(p4, quantEq)
        _ = require(p5.conclusion multiSetEquals goal.conclusion)
      } yield p5
    if (once) TacticFailure(this, "cannot rewrite at least once") else Tactic.pure(goal)

  def ltr(eqs: String*) = copy(equations = equations ++ { _ -> true })
  def rtl(eqs: String*) = copy(equations = equations ++ { _ -> false })
  def in(tgt: String) = copy(target = Some(tgt))
  def many = copy(once = false)
  def subst(s: (Var, Expr)*) = copy(fixedSubst = fixedSubst ++ s)

 * Reduces a subgoal via induction.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
 * @param ctx  A [[gapt.proofs.context.Context]]. Used to find the constructors of inductive types.
case class InductionTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode, v: Var, eigenVariables: Map[Const, Vector[Var]] = Map())(implicit ctx: Context) extends Tactical1[Unit] {

   * Reads the constructors of type `t` from the context.
   * @param t A base type.
   * @return Either a list containing the constructors of `t` or a TacticalFailure.
  private def getConstructors(t: TBase): Tactic[Seq[Const]] = {
    (ctx.isType(t), ctx.getConstructors(t)) match {
      case (true, Some(constructors)) => Tactic.pure(constructors)
      case (true, None)               => TacticFailure(this, s"Type $t is not inductively defined")
      case (false, _)                 => TacticFailure(this, s"Type $t is not defined")

  def withEigenVariables(evs: Map[Const, Vector[Var]]): InductionTactic =
    copy(eigenVariables = evs)

  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    for {
      case (label, main, idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      formula = main
      constrs <- getConstructors(v.ty.asInstanceOf[TBase])
      cases = { constr =>
        val FunctionType(_, argTypes) = constr.ty: @unchecked
        val nameGen: ExprNameGenerator = rename.awayFrom(freeVariables(goal.conclusion))
        val evs = eigenVariables.getOrElse(constr, argTypes map { at => nameGen.fresh(if (at == v.ty) v else Var("x", at)) })
        val hyps = NewLabels(goal.labelledSequent, s"IH${}") zip (evs filter { _.ty == v.ty } map { ev => Substitution(v -> ev)(formula) })
        val subGoal = hyps ++: goal.labelledSequent.delete(idx) :+ (label -> Substitution(v -> constr(evs: _*))(formula))
        InductionCase(OpenAssumption(subGoal), constr, subGoal.indices.take(hyps.size), evs, subGoal.indices.last)
      _ <- replace(InductionRule(cases, Abs(v, main), v))
    } yield ()

case class UnfoldTacticHelper(definitions: Seq[String], maxSteps: Option[Int] = None)(implicit ctx: Context) {
  def atMost(steps: Int): UnfoldTacticHelper = copy(maxSteps = Some(steps))

  def in(labels: String*) = labels.foldLeft[Tactic[Unit]](skip) {
    (acc, l) => acc andThen UnfoldTactic(l, definitions, maxSteps)

case class UnfoldTactic(target: String, definitions: Seq[String], maxSteps: Option[Int])(implicit ctx: Context) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def unfold(main: Formula): Formula = {
    val base = ctx.normalizer
    def normalizeArgs(as: List[Expr], remainingSteps: Int): (List[Expr], Int) =
      as match {
        case Nil => (Nil, remainingSteps)
        case a :: as_ =>
          val (a_, remainingSteps_) = normalize(a, remainingSteps)
          val (as__, remainingSteps__) = normalizeArgs(as_, remainingSteps_)
          (a_ :: as__, remainingSteps__)
    def normalize(expr: Expr, remainingSteps: Int): (Expr, Int) = {
      val Apps(hd, as) = expr
      (hd match {
        case Const(n, _, _) =>
          if (!definitions.contains(n))
            (None, remainingSteps)
          else if (remainingSteps == 0)
            (None, remainingSteps)
            (base.reduce1(expr), remainingSteps - 1)
        case _ =>
          (base.reduce1(expr), remainingSteps)
      }) match {
        case (Some(expr_), remainingSteps_) =>
          normalize(expr_, remainingSteps_)
        case (None, _) =>
          hd match {
            case Abs.Block(vs, sub) if vs.nonEmpty =>
              val (sub_, remainingSteps_) = normalize(sub, remainingSteps)
              Abs.Block(vs, sub_) -> remainingSteps_
            case _ =>
              val (as_, remainingSteps_) = normalizeArgs(as, remainingSteps)
              (hd(as_), remainingSteps_)

    normalize(main, maxSteps.getOrElse(-1))._1.asInstanceOf[Formula]

  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    for {
      (label: String, main: Formula, idx: SequentIndex) <- findFormula(goal, OnLabel(target))
      newGoal = OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> unfold(main)))
      _ <- replace(ConversionRule(newGoal, idx, main))
    } yield ()

 * Calls the GAPT tableau prover on the subgoal.
case object PropTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    solvePropositional(goal.conclusion) match {
      case Left(err)    => TacticFailure(this, s"found model:\n$err")
      case Right(proof) => replace(proof)

case object QuasiPropTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    solveQuasiPropositional(goal.conclusion) match {
      case Left(err)    => TacticFailure(this, s"search failed on atomic sequent:\n$err")
      case Right(proof) => replace(proof)

case class ResolutionProverTactic(
    prover: Prover,
    viaExpansionProof: Boolean = true,
    deskolemize: Boolean = false
)(implicit ctx: MutableContext) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def withDeskolemization: ResolutionProverTactic = copy(deskolemize = true)

  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] = {
    val proofOption: Option[LKProof] =
      if (deskolemize)
      else if (viaExpansionProof)
    proofOption match {
      case None     => TacticFailure(this, "search failed")
      case Some(lk) => replace(lk)

object AnalyticInductionTactic {
  def sequentialAxioms = SequentialInductionAxioms()
  def independentAxioms = IndependentInductionAxioms()
  def standardAxioms = StandardInductionAxioms()
  def domainClosure = DomainClosureAxioms()
  def tipDomainClosure = TipDomainClosureAxioms()

 * Calls the analytic induction prover on the subgoal
case class AnalyticInductionTactic(axioms: AxiomFactory, prover: ResolutionProver)(implicit ctx: MutableContext) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    AnalyticInductionProver(axioms, prover) inductiveLKProof (goal.labelledSequent) match {
      case None     => TacticFailure(this, "analytic induction prover failed")
      case Some(lk) => replace(lk)

  def withAxioms(axiom: AxiomFactory): AnalyticInductionTactic =
    copy(axioms = axiom)

  def withProver(prover: ResolutionProver): AnalyticInductionTactic =
    copy(prover = prover)

case class SuperpositionInductionTactic(opts: SpinOptions)(implicit ctx: MutableContext) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    Spin(opts).inductiveLKProof(goal.labelledSequent)(ctx) match {
      case None     => TacticFailure(this, "structural induction prover failed")
      case Some(lk) => replace(lk)

case class SubstTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode) extends Tactical1[Unit] {

  private object VEq {
    def unapply(f: Formula): Option[(Expr, Expr, Boolean)] =
      f match {
        case Eq(t: Var, s) => Some((t, s, true))
        case Eq(t, s: Var) => Some((t, s, false))
        case _             => None

  private def mkProof(subst: Substitution, t: Expr, s: Expr, vLeft: Boolean, q: LKProof, todo: List[(Formula, Polarity)]): LKProof =
    todo match {
      case Nil => q
      case (f, pol) :: todo_ =>
        if (freeVariables(f).intersect(subst.domain).isEmpty)
          mkProof(subst, t, s, vLeft, q, todo_)
        else if (pol.inAnt)
          mkProof(subst, t, s, vLeft, EqualityLeftRule(q, t === s, subst(f), f), todo_)
          mkProof(subst, t, s, vLeft, EqualityRightRule(q, t === s, subst(f), f), todo_)

  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    for {
      case (existingLabel: String, VEq(t, s, vLeft), i: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      subst = Substitution(if (vLeft) t.asInstanceOf[Var] -> s else s.asInstanceOf[Var] -> t)
      newGoal = subst(goal.labelledSequent.delete(i))
      _ <- replace(
            t === s
    } yield ()

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