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gapt.proofs.gaptic.tactics.lkTactics.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.proofs.gaptic.tactics

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Bottom
import gapt.expr.formula.Eq
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.expr.formula.Top
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.HOLPosition
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.instantiate
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.logic.clauseSubsumption
import gapt.proofs._
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.proofs.context.facet.ProofNames
import gapt.proofs.gaptic._

 * Closes a goal with a proof link
 * @param proofName The name of the proof proving the goal.
case class ProofLinkTactic(proofName: String)(implicit ctx: Context) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) = ctx.get[ProofNames].names.get(proofName) match {
    case Some((term, refSeq)) => clauseSubsumption(refSeq, goal.conclusion, multisetSubsumption = true) match {
        case Some(sub) => replace(ProofLink(sub(term), sub(refSeq)))
        case None      => TacticFailure(this, "Mismatch between  goal " + goal.toString + " and  Referenced Sequent " + refSeq.toString)
    case None => TacticFailure(this, "Proof " + proofName + " not defined in context")

 * Closes a goal of the form A, Γ :- Γ, Δ
case object LogicalAxiomTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) = {
    val candidates = goal.conclusion.antecedent intersect goal.conclusion.succedent

    candidates match {
      case Seq(formula, _*) => replace(LogicalAxiom(formula))
      case _                => TacticFailure(this, "not a logical axiom")

 * Closes a goal of the form Γ :- Δ, ⊤
case object TopAxiomTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    for {
      case (_, Top(), _: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, AnyFormula)
      _ <- replace(TopAxiom)
    } yield ()

 * Closes a goal of the form ⊥, Γ :- Δ
case object BottomAxiomTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Unit] =
    for {
      case (_, Bottom(), _: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, AnyFormula)
      _ <- replace(BottomAxiom)
    } yield ()

 * Closes a goal of the form Γ :- Δ, s = s
case object ReflexivityAxiomTactic extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  object Refl {
    def unapply(f: Formula): Option[Expr] = f match {
      case Eq(t, t_) if t == t_ => Some(t)
      case _                    => None

  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (_, Refl(t), _: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, AnyFormula)
      _ <- replace(ReflexivityAxiom(t))
    } yield ()

 * Decomposes a negation in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class NegLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[String] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (existingLabel: String, Neg(f), i: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newGoal = goal.labelledSequent.delete(i) :+ (existingLabel -> f)
      _ <- replace(NegLeftRule(OpenAssumption(newGoal), newGoal.indices.last))
    } yield existingLabel

 * Decomposes a negation in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class NegRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[String] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (existingLabel: String, Neg(f), i: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newGoal = (existingLabel -> f) +: goal.labelledSequent.delete(i)
      _ <- replace(NegRightRule(OpenAssumption(newGoal), newGoal.indices.head))
    } yield existingLabel

 * Removes a formula from the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param applyToLabel The label of the formula to be removed.
case class WeakeningLeftTactic(applyToLabel: String) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (_, _, i: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, OnLabel(applyToLabel))
      _ <- replace(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent delete i))
    } yield ()

 * Removes a formula from the succedent of a goal.
 * @param applyToLabel The label of the formula to be removed.
case class WeakeningRightTactic(applyToLabel: String) extends Tactical1[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (_, _, i: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, OnLabel(applyToLabel))
      _ <- replace(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent delete i))
    } yield ()

 * Decomposes a conjunction in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class AndLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[(String, String)] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, And(lhs, rhs), idx: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newLabel1 #:: newLabel2 #:: _ = NewLabels(goal.labelledSequent, label): @unchecked
      newGoal = (newLabel1 -> lhs) +: (newLabel2 -> rhs) +: goal.labelledSequent.delete(idx)
      _ <- replace(AndLeftRule(OpenAssumption(newGoal), Ant(0), Ant(1)))
    } yield (newLabel1, newLabel2)

 * Decomposes a conjunction in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class AndRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[Unit] with BinaryTactic[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, And(lhs, rhs), idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      _ <- replace(
        AndRightRule(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> lhs)), idx, OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> rhs)), idx)
    } yield ()

 * Decomposes a disjunction in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class OrLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[Unit] with BinaryTactic[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, Or(lhs, rhs), idx: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      _ <- replace(
        OrLeftRule(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> lhs)), idx, OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> rhs)), idx)
    } yield ()

 * Decomposes a disjunction in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class OrRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[(String, String)] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, Or(lhs, rhs), idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newLabel1 #:: newLabel2 #:: _ = NewLabels(goal.labelledSequent, label): @unchecked
      newGoal = goal.labelledSequent.delete(idx) :+ (newLabel1 -> lhs) :+ (newLabel2 -> rhs)
      Seq(rhsIdx, lhsIdx) = newGoal.indices.reverse.take(2)
      _ <- replace(OrRightRule(OpenAssumption(newGoal), lhsIdx, rhsIdx))
    } yield (newLabel1, newLabel2)

 * Decomposes an implication in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class ImpLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[Unit] with BinaryTactic[Unit] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, Imp(lhs, rhs), idx: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      _ <- replace(
          OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.delete(idx) :+ (label -> lhs)),
          OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> rhs)),
    } yield ()

 * Decomposes an implication in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
case class ImpRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula) extends Tactical1[(String, String)] {
  // TODO: keep label for rhs?
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, Imp(lhs, rhs), idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newLabel1 #:: newLabel2 #:: _ = NewLabels(goal.labelledSequent, label): @unchecked
      newGoal = (newLabel1 -> lhs) +: goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, newLabel2 -> rhs)
      _ <- replace(ImpRightRule(OpenAssumption(newGoal), Ant(0), idx))
    } yield (newLabel1, newLabel2)

abstract class StrongQuantTactic extends Tactical1[Var] {
  def eigenVariable: Option[Var]
  protected def pickEigenvariable(bound: Var, goal: OpenAssumption): Tactic[Var] =
    eigenVariable match {
      case Some(ev) =>
        if (freeVariables(goal.conclusion) contains ev)
          TacticFailure(this, "Provided eigenvariable would violate eigenvariable condition.")
      case None =>
        Tactic.pure(rename(bound, freeVariables(goal.conclusion)))

 * Decomposes an existential quantifier in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
 * @param eigenVariable If Some(v), the rule will attempt to use v as the eigenvariable. Otherwise it will automatically pick one.
case class ExistsLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula, eigenVariable: Option[Var] = None) extends StrongQuantTactic {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, f @ Ex(bound, _), idx: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      ev <- pickEigenvariable(bound, goal)
      _ <- replace(ExistsLeftRule(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> instantiate(f, ev))), f, ev))
    } yield ev

 * Decomposes a block of existential quantifiers in the antecedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
 * @param terms Instantiations for the quantifiers in the block.
 * @param instantiateOnce Whether the quantified formula should be forgotten after instantiating.
case class ExistsRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula, terms: Seq[Expr], instantiateOnce: Boolean) extends Tactical1[String] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label: String, f @ Ex(_, _), idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newLabel = NewLabel(goal.labelledSequent, label)
      instantiatedFormula = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(instantiate(f, terms))
      newLS = if (instantiateOnce) goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, (label, instantiatedFormula))
      else goal.labelledSequent :+ (newLabel -> instantiatedFormula)
      _ <- replace(ExistsRightBlock(OpenAssumption(newLS), f, terms))
    } yield if (instantiateOnce) label else newLabel

  def forget = ExistsRightTactic(mode, terms, instantiateOnce = true)

 * Decomposes a block of universal quantifiers in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
 * @param terms Instantiations for the quantifiers in the block.
 * @param instantiateOnce Whether the quantified formula should be forgotten after instantiating.
case class ForallLeftTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula, terms: Seq[Expr], instantiateOnce: Boolean) extends Tactical1[String] {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label: String, f @ All(_, _), idx: Ant) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      newLabel = NewLabel(goal.labelledSequent, label)
      instantiatedFormula = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(instantiate(f, terms))
      newLS = if (instantiateOnce) goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, (label, instantiatedFormula))
      else (newLabel -> instantiatedFormula) +: goal.labelledSequent
      _ <- replace(ForallLeftBlock(OpenAssumption(newLS), f, terms))
    } yield if (instantiateOnce) label else newLabel

  def forget = ForallLeftTactic(mode, terms, instantiateOnce = true)

 * Decomposes a universal quantifier in the succedent of a goal.
 * @param mode How to apply the tactic: To a specific label, to the only fitting formula, or to any fitting formula.
 * @param eigenVariable If Some(v), the rule will attempt to use v as the eigenvariable. Otherwise it will automatically pick one.
case class ForallRightTactic(mode: TacticApplyMode = UniqueFormula, eigenVariable: Option[Var] = None) extends StrongQuantTactic {
  def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) =
    for {
      case (label, f @ All(bound, _), idx: Suc) <- findFormula(goal, mode)
      ev <- pickEigenvariable(bound, goal)
      _ <- replace(ForallRightRule(OpenAssumption(goal.labelledSequent.updated(idx, label -> instantiate(f, ev))), f, ev))
    } yield ev

 * Introduces a cut, creating two new subgoals.
 * @param cutFormula The cut formula.
 * @param cutLabel The label for the cut formula.
case class CutTactic(cutLabel: String, cutFormula: Formula) extends Tactical1[Unit] with BinaryTactic[Unit] {
  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) = {
    val goalSequent = goal.labelledSequent

    val leftPremise = OpenAssumption(goalSequent :+ (cutLabel, cutFormula))
    val rightPremise = OpenAssumption((cutLabel, cutFormula) +: goalSequent)

    val auxProof = CutRule(leftPremise, Suc(leftPremise.labelledSequent.succedent.length - 1), rightPremise, Ant(0))

 * Applies an equation in a goal.
 * @param equationLabel The label of the equation.
 * @param formulaLabel The label of the formula the equation is to be used on.
 * @param leftToRight If `Some(true)`, the equation `s = t` will be used to rewrite `s` to `t`, and the other way around
 *                    for Some(false). If `None`, the tactic will attempt to decide the direction automatically.
 * @param targetFormula If `Some(f)`, the tactic will attempt to produce `f` through application of the equality. Otherwise
 *                      it will replace as many occurrences as possible according to `leftToRight`.
case class EqualityTactic(equationLabel: String, formulaLabel: String, private val leftToRight: Option[Boolean] = None, private val targetFormula: Option[Formula] = None) extends Tactical1[Unit] {

  override def apply(goal: OpenAssumption) = {
    val goalSequent = goal.labelledSequent

    val indices = for (
      case ((`equationLabel`, Eq(_, _)), eqIndex) <- goalSequent.zipWithIndex.antecedent;
      case ((`formulaLabel`, _), formulaIndex) <- goalSequent.zipWithIndex.elements
    ) yield (eqIndex, formulaIndex)

    indices.headOption match {
      case None => TacticFailure(this, "label not found")
      case Some((equalityIndex, formulaIndex)) =>
        val (_, Eq(s, t)) = goalSequent(equalityIndex): @unchecked
        val (_, auxFormula) = goalSequent(formulaIndex)

        def f(l: List[HOLPosition], h: Formula, r: Expr): Formula = l match {
          case x :: xs => f(xs, h.replace(x, r), r)
          case Nil     => h

        def testValidity(mainFormula: Formula): Boolean = {
          if (s == t && auxFormula == mainFormula) {
            val sAux = auxFormula.find(s)

            if (sAux.isEmpty)
          } else if (s == t && auxFormula != mainFormula)
          else if (s != t && auxFormula == mainFormula)
          else {
            val sAux = auxFormula.find(s)
            val sMain = mainFormula.find(s)

            val tAux = auxFormula.find(t)
            val tMain = mainFormula.find(t)

            if (sAux.isEmpty && tAux.isEmpty)
            else {
              val tToS = sMain intersect tAux
              val sToT = tMain intersect sAux

              if (tToS.isEmpty) {
                val mainNew = sToT.foldLeft(auxFormula) { (acc, p) => HOLPosition.replace(acc, p, t) }
                if (mainNew == mainFormula)
              } else if (sToT.isEmpty) {
                val mainNew = tToS.foldLeft(auxFormula) { (acc, p) => HOLPosition.replace(acc, p, s) }
                if (mainNew == mainFormula)
              } else

        val replacement = targetFormula match {
          case Some(mainFormula) =>
            if (testValidity(mainFormula))
            else None
          case None =>
            val r = leftToRight match {
              case Some(true) =>
                f(auxFormula.find(s), auxFormula, t)
              case Some(false) =>
                f(auxFormula.find(t), auxFormula, s)
              case None =>
                ((auxFormula.find(s), auxFormula.find(t)): @unchecked) match {
                  case (Nil, ps) if ps.nonEmpty =>
                    f(ps, auxFormula, s)
                  case (ps, Nil) if ps.nonEmpty =>
                    f(ps, auxFormula, t)


          case null => None

        replacement match {
          case Some(x) if x != auxFormula =>
            val newGoal = goalSequent.updated(formulaIndex, formulaLabel -> x)
            val premise = OpenAssumption(newGoal)

            replace(if (formulaIndex.isAnt) EqualityLeftRule(premise, equalityIndex, formulaIndex, auxFormula)
            else EqualityRightRule(premise, equalityIndex, formulaIndex, auxFormula))
          case _ => TacticFailure(this, "FIXME")

  def fromLeftToRight = EqualityTactic(equationLabel, formulaLabel, leftToRight = Some(true))

  def fromRightToLeft = EqualityTactic(equationLabel, formulaLabel, leftToRight = Some(false))

  def yielding(targetFormula: Formula) = EqualityTactic(equationLabel, formulaLabel, targetFormula = Some(targetFormula))

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