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gapt.proofs.lkt.normalization.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.proofs.lkt

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.hol.{containsQuantifierOnLogicalLevel, instantiate, isAtom}
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.provers.simp.{QPropSimpProc, SimpLemmas, Simplifier}
import gapt.utils.Maybe

class Normalizer[LC <: ALCtx[LC]](skipCut: Formula => Boolean) {
  protected def doCheck(p: LKt, lctx: LC): Unit = ()

  case class ProofSubst(hyp: Hyp, byF: Formula, by: Bound1) {
    def apply(bnd: Bound1, lctx: B1[LC]): Bound1 =
      if (bnd.aux == hyp) bnd
      else if (!by.freeHyps(bnd.aux)) Bound1(bnd.aux, apply(bnd.p, lctx(bnd.aux)))
      else apply(bnd.rename(by.freeHyps), lctx)
    def apply(bnd: Bound2, lctx: B2[LC]): Bound2 =
      if (bnd.aux1 == hyp || bnd.aux2 == hyp) bnd
      else if (!by.freeHyps(bnd.aux1) && !by.freeHyps(bnd.aux2))
        Bound2(bnd.aux1, bnd.aux2, apply(bnd.p, lctx(bnd.aux1, bnd.aux2)))
      else apply(bnd.rename(by.freeHyps), lctx)
    def apply(bnd: BoundN, lctx: BN[LC]): BoundN =
      if (bnd.auxs.contains(hyp)) bnd
      else if (by.freeHyps.intersect(bnd.auxs.toSet).isEmpty)
        BoundN(bnd.auxs, apply(bnd.p, lctx(bnd.auxs)))
      else apply(bnd.rename(by.freeHyps), lctx)

    def apply(p: LKt, lctx: LC): LKt = p match {
      case _ if !p.freeHyps(hyp) => p
      case Cut(f, q1, q2)        => Cut.f(f, apply(q1, lctx.up1_(p)), apply(q2, lctx.up2_(p)))
      case Ax(m1, m2) =>
        if (hyp == m1) by.inst(m2)
        else if (hyp == m2) by.inst(m1)
        else p
      case Rfl(main) if main != hyp     => p
      case TopR(cohyp) if cohyp != hyp  => p
      case NegR(main, q) if main != hyp => NegR.f(main, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case NegL(main, q) if main != hyp => NegL.f(main, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case AndR(main, q1, q2) if main != hyp =>
        AndR.f(main, apply(q1, lctx.up1_(p)), apply(q2, lctx.up2_(p)))
      case AndL(main, q) if main != hyp       => AndL.f(main, apply(q, lctx.up12_(p)))
      case AllL(main, term, q) if main != hyp => AllL.f(main, term, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case AllR(main, ev, q) if main != hyp =>
        if (!by.p.freeVars(ev)) AllR.f(main, ev, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
        else {
          val ev_ = rename(ev, by.p.freeVars union p.freeVars)
          apply(AllR.f(main, ev_, Substitution(ev -> ev_)(q)), lctx)
      case Eql(main, eq, ltr, rwCtx, q) if main != hyp && eq != hyp =>
        Eql.f(main, eq, ltr, rwCtx, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case AllSk(main, term, q) if main != hyp =>
        AllSk.f(main, term, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case Def(main, f, q) if main != hyp =>
        Def.f(main, f, apply(q, lctx.up1_(p)))
      case Ind(main, f, t, cases) if main != hyp =>
        Ind(main, f, t, for ((c, n) <- cases.zipWithIndex) yield c.copy(q = apply(c.q, lctx.upn_(p, n))))
      case Link(mains, _) if !mains.contains(hyp) => p
      case _ =>
        if (hyp.inSuc) evalCut(lctx, byF, Bound1(hyp, p), by)
        else evalCut(lctx, byF, by, Bound1(hyp, p))

  def normalize(bnd: Bound1, lctx: LC): Bound1 = Bound1(bnd.aux, normalize(bnd.p, lctx))
  def normalize(bnd: Bound2, lctx: LC): Bound2 = Bound2(bnd.aux1, bnd.aux2, normalize(bnd.p, lctx))
  def normalize(bnd: BoundN, lctx: LC): BoundN = BoundN(bnd.auxs, normalize(bnd.p, lctx))
  def normalize(p: LKt, lctx: LC): LKt = p match {
    case _ if !p.hasCuts => p
    case Cut(f, q1, q2) =>
      evalCut(lctx, f, normalize(q1, lctx.up1(p)), normalize(q2, lctx.up2(p)))
    case Ax(_, _) | Rfl(_) | TopR(_)  => p
    case NegR(main, q)                => NegR.f(main, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case NegL(main, q)                => NegL.f(main, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case AndR(main, q1, q2)           => AndR.f(main, normalize(q1, lctx.up1(p)), normalize(q2, lctx.up2(p)))
    case AndL(main, q)                => AndL.f(main, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case AllL(main, term, q)          => AllL.f(main, term, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case AllR(main, ev, q)            => AllR.f(main, ev, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case Eql(main, eq, ltr, rwCtx, q) => Eql.f(main, eq, ltr, rwCtx, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case AllSk(main, term, q)         => AllSk.f(main, term, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case Def(main, f, q)              => Def.f(main, f, normalize(q, lctx.up1(p)))
    case Ind(main, f, t, cases) =>
        for ((c, i) <- cases.zipWithIndex)
          yield c.copy(q = normalize(c.q, lctx.upn(p, i)))
    case Link(_, _) => p

  def normalizeWithInduction(p: LKt, lctx: LC, realLCtx: LocalCtx, simpAdapter: SimpAdapter)(implicit ctx: Context): LKt = {
    val p1 = atomizeEquality(p, realLCtx)
    val p2 = normalize(p1, lctx)
    unfoldInduction(p2, simpAdapter) match {
      case Some(p3) =>
        doCheck(p3, lctx)
        normalizeWithInduction(p3, lctx, realLCtx, simpAdapter)
      case None =>

  protected def inst(q: Bound1, byF: Formula, by: Bound1, lctx: LC): LKt = ProofSubst(q.aux, byF, by).apply(q.p, lctx)
  protected def inst1(q: Bound2, byF: Formula, by: Bound1, lctx: LC, g1: Formula, g2: Formula): Bound1 =
    ProofSubst(q.aux1, byF, by).apply(Bound1(q.aux2, q.p), lctx.upS(g1)(q.aux1).upS(g2))

  def evalCut(lctx: LC, f: Formula, q1: Bound1, q2: Bound1): LKt =
    evalCut(Cut(f, q1, q2), lctx)

  def evalCut(c: Cut, lctx: LC): LKt = {
    doCheck(c, lctx)
    val Cut(f, q1, q2) = c
    if (q1.isConst) return q1.p
    if (q2.isConst) return q2.p
    if (skipCut(f)) return c
    if (q2.freeHyps(q1.aux)) return evalCut(Cut(f, q1.rename(q2.freeHyps), q2), lctx)
    if (q1.freeHyps(q2.aux)) return evalCut(Cut(f, q1, q2.rename(q1.freeHyps)), lctx)
    val lctx1 = lctx.up1(c)
    val lctx2 = lctx.up2(c)
    (q1.p, q2.p, f) match {
      case (Ax(h1, c1), _, _) if c1 == q1.aux => q2.inst(h1)
      case (_, Ax(h2, c2), _) if h2 == q2.aux => q1.inst(c2)
      case (NegR(m1, r1), NegL(m2, r2), Neg(g)) if m1 == q1.aux && m2 == q2.aux =>
        evalCut(lctx, g, ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(r2, lctx2.up1_(q2.p)), ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(r1, lctx1.up1_(q1.p)))
      case (AndR(m1, r11, r12), AndL(m2, r2), And(g1, g2)) if m1 == q1.aux && m2 == q2.aux =>
          ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(r12, lctx1.up2_(q1.p)),
            ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(r2, lctx2.up12_(q2.p)),
            ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(r11, lctx1.up1_(q1.p)),
      case (AndL(m1, r1), AndR(m2, r21, r22), BinConn(g1, g2)) if m1 == q1.aux && m2 == q2.aux =>
        val r1_ = ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(r1, lctx1.up12_(q1.p))
        val r21_ = ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(r21, lctx2.up1_(q2.p))
        val r22_ = ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(r22, lctx2.up2_(q2.p))
        evalCut(lctx, g2, inst1(r1_, g1, r21_, lctx, g1, g2), r22_)
      case (AllR(m1, ev, r1), AllL(m2, t, r2), _) if m1 == q1.aux && m2 == q2.aux =>
        val inst = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(instantiate(f, t))
        evalCut(lctx, inst, ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(Substitution(ev -> t)(r1), lctx1.upS(inst)), ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(r2, lctx2.up1_(q2.p)))
      case (AllL(m1, t, r1), AllR(m2, ev, r2), _) if m1 == q1.aux && m2 == q2.aux =>
        val inst = BetaReduction.betaNormalize(instantiate(f, t))
        evalCut(lctx, inst, ProofSubst(m1, f, q2).apply(r1, lctx1.up1_(q1.p)), ProofSubst(m2, f, q1).apply(Substitution(ev -> t)(r2), lctx2.upS(inst)))

      case (_, _, _) if !q2.p.mainHyps.contains(q2.aux) => inst(q2, f, q1, lctx2)
      case (_, _, _) if !q1.p.mainHyps.contains(q1.aux) => inst(q1, f, q2, lctx1)
      case _                                            => Cut(f, q1, q2)

class NormalizerWithDebugging(implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]) extends Normalizer[LocalCtx](skipCut = _ => false) {
  override def doCheck(p: LKt, lctx: LocalCtx): Unit = check(p, lctx)

class normalize {
  def lk(p: LKProof, skipCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false): LKProof = {
    val (q, lctx) = LKToLKt(p)
    LKtToLK(apply(q, skipCut), lctx)
  def apply(p: LKt, skipCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false): LKt =
    new Normalizer[FakeLocalCtx](skipCut) {}.normalize(p, FakeLocalCtx)
  def withDebug(p: LKProof)(implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]): LKt = {
    val (t, lctx) = LKToLKt(p)
    withDebug(t, lctx)
  def withDebug(p: LKt, lctx: LocalCtx)(implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]): LKt =
    new NormalizerWithDebugging().normalize(p, lctx)

  def equality(p: LKt, lctx: LocalCtx, simpCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false): LKt =
    apply(atomizeEquality(p, lctx))
  def equalityLK(p: LKProof, simpCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false): LKProof = {
    val (lkt, lctx) = LKToLKt(p)
    LKtToLK(equality(lkt, lctx), lctx)

  def induction(p: LKt, lctx: LocalCtx, useSimp: Boolean = true, debugging: Boolean = false, skipCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false)(implicit ctx: Context): LKt = {
    val simpAdapter = if (!useSimp) NoopSimpAdapter
    else SimplifierSimpAdapter(
      Simplifier(SimpLemmas.collectFromAnt(lctx.toSequent).toSeq :+ QPropSimpProc),
    if (debugging)
      new NormalizerWithDebugging().normalizeWithInduction(p, lctx, lctx, simpAdapter)
      new Normalizer[FakeLocalCtx](skipCut) {}.normalizeWithInduction(p, FakeLocalCtx, lctx, simpAdapter)
  def inductionLK(p: LKProof, useSimp: Boolean = true, debugging: Boolean = false, skipCut: Formula => Boolean = _ => false)(implicit ctx: Context): LKProof = {
    val (lkt, lctx) = LKToLKt(p)
    LKtToLK(induction(lkt, lctx, useSimp, debugging, skipCut), lctx)
object normalize extends normalize

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