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gapt.proofs.resolution.ResolutionToExpansionProof.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.proofs.resolution

import gapt.expr._
import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Atom
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.subst.Substitution
import gapt.expr.util.freeVariables
import gapt.expr.util.rename
import gapt.logic.Polarity
import gapt.proofs.context.Context
import gapt.proofs.context.mutable.MutableContext
import gapt.proofs.{HOLSequent, Sequent, RichFormulaSequent}
import gapt.proofs.expansion._
import gapt.provers.sat.Sat4j
import gapt.utils.Maybe

import scala.collection.mutable

 * Converts a resolution proof to an expansion proof.
 * ResolutionToExpansionProof( rp ) will return the expansion proof of rp and ResolutionToExpansionProof( rp, input )
 * is used by the CERES method to return the expansion proof of the ACNF, which is extracted from the proof projections.
 * Let us first ignore splitting and subformula definitions for simplicity.
 * However we may still have clausification inferences.
 * The conversion then proceeds bottom-up through the resolution proof (to be precise: in a reverse post-order traversal).
 * At each point in the algorithm, we associate with every subproof a set of expansion sequents and associated substitutions,
 * i.e. we keep a `Map[ResolutionProof, Set[(Substitution, ExpansionSequent)] ]` with the following properties:
 * 1. the conjunction of all deep sequents (each interpreted as a disjunction) is unsatisfiable, and
 * 2. the substitution applied to the shallow sequent is always equal to the conclusion of the subproof.
 * In every step we consider a subproof, empty its `Set[(Substitution, ExpansionSequent)]`,
 * and add in exchange the appropriate sets to its premises, while keeping the invariant.  In this manner,
 * these sets propagate upwards through the proof to the input sequents.
 * Let us first consider the common case that the input sequents are ground unit sequents: i.e. if we obtained a resolution
 * proof for `∀x A(x), ∀x B(x) :- ∀x C(x)`, then we would have the input sequents `:- ∀x A(x)`, `:- ∀x B(x)`, and `∀x C(x) :-`.
 * When we have finally propagated all the sets up to the input sequents, the invariant guarantees the following:
 * we have expansion sequents with the input sequents as shallow sequents (at this point we use the
 * requirement that the input sequents are ground), such that the conjunction of the deep sequents
 * (interpreted as disjunctions) is unsatisfiable.
 * This immediately implies that if we combine the expansions of the input sequents into a sequent, we get an
 * expansion proof of `∀x A(x), ∀x B(x) :- ∀x C(x)`.
 * In the unlikely case that the resolution proof starts from clauses, we just pretend that the clauses are derived
 * from formulas--that is, we instead of beginning with `D(x), E(x,y) :- F(y)` we just imagine the proof begins with
 * `:- ∀x ∀y (¬D(x) ∨ ¬E(x,y) ∨ F(y))`.
 * Splitting inferences are converted to cuts in the expansion proof: formally, we can first skip all the splitting
 * inferences in the resoltion proof; the assertions now become part of the clauses, and we get additional input sequents.
 * For example, consider the clauses `:- A(x), B(y)`, `A(c) :-`, and `B(c) :-`.  The natural way to refute these clauses
 * is to split the first clause into `:- A(x) <-- s1` and `:- B(y) <-- s2`, then perform unit resolution twice, and
 * then have a propositional contradiction.  After skipping the splitting inferences we would get a proof starting from
 * `:- s1, s2`, `s1 :- A(x)`, `s2 :- B(x)`, `A(c) :-`, and `B(c) :-`.  If we replace `s1 := ∀x A(x)` and `s2 := ∀x B(x)`
 * everywhere in the resulting expansion proof, then we can package up the expansions of `s1 :- A(x)` and `s2 :- B(x)` as cuts.
 * The other clauses are then precisely the clause we had before splitting.
 * Subformula definitions are eliminated after the conversion to expansion proofs, see
 * [[gapt.proofs.expansion.eliminateDefsET]].
object ResolutionToExpansionProof {

  def apply(proof: ResolutionProof)(implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]): ExpansionProof = {
    apply(proof, inputsAsExpansionSequent)

  def inputsAsExpansionSequent(input: Input, set: Set[(Substitution, ExpansionSequent)]): ExpansionSequent = {
    input match {
      case Input(Sequent(Seq(f), Seq())) if freeVariables(f).isEmpty =>
        Sequent() :+ ETMerge(f, Polarity.InSuccedent,

      case Input(Sequent(Seq(), Seq(f))) if freeVariables(f).isEmpty =>
        ETMerge(f, Polarity.InAntecedent, +: Sequent()

      case Input(seq) =>
        val fvs = freeVariables(seq).toSeq
        val sh = All.Block(fvs, seq.toDisjunction)
        ETWeakQuantifierBlock(sh, fvs.size, for ((subst, es) <- set) yield subst(fvs) -> es.toDisjunction(Polarity.Negative)) +: Sequent()

  def apply(
      proof: ResolutionProof,
      input: (Input, Set[(Substitution, ExpansionSequent)]) => ExpansionSequent
      implicit ctx: Maybe[Context]
  ): ExpansionProof = {
    implicit val ctx1: Context = ctx.getOrElse(MutableContext.guess(proof))
    val expansionWithDefs = withDefs(proof, input)
    val defConsts = proof.subProofs collect { case d: DefIntro => d.defConst: Const }
    eliminateCutsET(eliminateDefsET(eliminateCutsET(expansionWithDefs), !containsEquationalReasoning(proof), defConsts))

  private implicit class RichPair[A, B](private val pair: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {
    def map1[A_](f: A => A_): (A_, B) = (f(pair._1), pair._2)
    def map2[B_](f: B => B_): (A, B_) = (pair._1, f(pair._2))

  private val debugCheckTyping = false
  private val debugCheckTautology = false

   * Performs the conversion without eliminating the definitions
   * introduced by structural clausification.
  def withDefs(
      proof: ResolutionProof,
      input: (Input, Set[(Substitution, ExpansionSequent)]) => ExpansionSequent,
      addConclusion: Boolean = true
  ): ExpansionProof = {
    val nameGen = rename.awayFrom(containedNames(proof))

    val expansions = mutable.Map[ResolutionProof, Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])]]().withDefaultValue(Set())

    val cuts = mutable.Buffer[ETCut.Cut]()
    var expansionSequent: ExpansionSequent =
      if (!addConclusion) Sequent()
      else { case (a, i) => ETAtom(a.asInstanceOf[Atom], !i.polarity) }
    val splitDefn = mutable.Map[Atom, Formula]()
    val splitCutL = mutable.Map[Atom, List[ExpansionTree]]().withDefaultValue(Nil)
    val splitCutR = mutable.Map[Atom, List[ExpansionTree]]().withDefaultValue(Nil)

    def mkExpSeq(p: ResolutionProof, s: Substitution, ts: Sequent[ETt]): ExpansionSequent =
      for (((f, t), i) <-
        yield ExpansionTree(BetaReduction.betaNormalize(s(f)), !i.polarity, t)

    def propg_(p: ResolutionProof, q: ResolutionProof, f: Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])] => Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])]) = {
      val fvsQ = freeVariables(q.conclusion)
      val newEs = f(expansions(p)).map(_.map1(_.restrict(fvsQ)))
      if (debugCheckTyping) for ((s, e) <- newEs) mkExpSeq(q, s, e).foreach(_.check())
      expansions(q) = expansions(q) union newEs
    def propg(p: ResolutionProof, q: ResolutionProof, f: Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])] => Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])]) = {
      propg_(p, q, f)
    def clear(p: ResolutionProof) = {
      expansions -= p
      if (debugCheckTautology) { // expensive invariant check
        val deepExpansions = for {
          (q, exp) <- expansions
          (subst, es) <- exp
        } yield (q.assertions ++ mkExpSeq(q, subst, es).deep).toDisjunction
        val splitL = for ((a, es) <- splitCutL if splitDefn.contains(a); e <- es) yield e.deep --> a
        val splitR = for ((a, es) <- splitCutR if splitDefn.contains(a); e <- es) yield a --> e.deep
        val deep = And( & And(deepExpansions) & And(splitL) & And(splitR) &
        require(Sat4j isUnsat deep)
    def propgm2(p: ResolutionProof, q: ResolutionProof, f: Sequent[ETt] => Sequent[ETt]) =
      propg(p, q,
    def prop1(p: PropositionalResolutionRule, f: ETt => ETt) = {
      val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
      propgm2(p, p.subProof, es => oc.parent(es).updated(p.idx, f(es(p.mainIndices.head))))
    def prop1s(p: PropositionalResolutionRule, f: (Substitution, ETt) => ETt) = {
      val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
      propg(p, p.subProof, => es._1 -> oc.parent(es._2).updated(p.idx, f(es._1, es._2(p.mainIndices.head)))))
    def prop2(p: PropositionalResolutionRule, f: (ETt, ETt) => ETt) = {
      val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
      propgm2(p, p.subProof, es => oc.parent(es, f(es(p.mainIndices(0)), es(p.mainIndices(1)))))

    def sequent2expansions(sequent: HOLSequent): Set[(Substitution, Sequent[ETt])] =
      Set(Substitution() -> => ETtAtom))

    expansions(proof) = sequent2expansions(proof.conclusion)

    proof.dagLike.postOrder.reverse.foreach {
      case p @ Input(seq) =>
        expansionSequent ++= input(Input(seq), expansions(p).map { case (s, ts) => s -> mkExpSeq(p, s, ts) })
      case p @ Defn(_, _) =>
        expansionSequent +:= ExpansionTree(p.definitionFormula, Polarity.InAntecedent, ETtMerge(expansions(p).map(_._2.elements.head)))
      case p @ Taut(f) =>
        for {
          (s, Sequent(Seq(l), Seq(r))) <- expansions(p)
          if l != ETtAtom || r != ETtAtom
        } cuts += ETCut.Cut(BetaReduction.betaNormalize(s(f)), l, r)
      case p @ Refl(_) =>

      case p @ Factor(q, _, _) =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
        propgm2(p, q, oc.parent(_))
      case p @ Subst(q, subst) =>
        val subFVs = freeVariables(q.conclusion)
        propg(p, q, compose subst restrict subFVs)))
      case p @ Resolution(q1, _, q2, _) =>
        val Seq(oc1, oc2) = p.occConnectors
        propg_(p, q1, => es._1 -> oc1.parent(es._2, ETtAtom)))
        propg(p, q2, => es._1 -> oc2.parent(es._2, ETtAtom)))
      case p @ DefIntro(q, i, _, _) =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
            es._1 -> oc.parent(es._2).updated(
              ETtDef(es._1(p.defAtom), ETtAtom)

      case p @ Paramod(q1, i1, _, q2, _, _) =>
        val Seq(oc1, oc2) = p.occConnectors
        propg_(p, q1, => es._1 -> oc1.parent(es._2).updated(i1, ETtAtom)))
        propg(p, q2, => es._1 -> oc2.parent(es._2)))

      case p @ AvatarSplit(q, _, AvatarGroundComp(_, _)) =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
        propg(p, q, => oc.parent(es, ETtAtom))))
      case p @ AvatarSplit(q, _, comp @ AvatarNonGroundComp(splAtom, definition, vars)) =>
        val renaming = Substitution(for (v <- freeVariables(comp.clause)) yield v -> nameGen.fresh(v))
        splitDefn(splAtom) = definition
        splitCutL(splAtom) ::= ETStrongQuantifierBlock(
          formulaToExpansionTree(renaming(comp.disjunction), Polarity.InSuccedent)
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
            renaming.compose(es._1) -> oc.parents(es._2) {
              x =>
                (x: @unchecked) match {
                  case (Seq(et), _) => et
                  case (Seq(), _)   => ETtAtom
      case p @ AvatarComponent(AvatarGroundComp(_, _)) =>
      case p @ AvatarComponent(AvatarNegNonGroundComp(_, _, _, _)) =>
      case p @ AvatarComponent(AvatarNonGroundComp(splAtom, definition, vars)) =>
        splitDefn(splAtom) = definition
        splitCutR(splAtom) ::= ETWeakQuantifierBlock(
          for ((s, es0) <- expansions(p); es = mkExpSeq(p, s, es0))
            yield s(vars) -> es.toDisjunction(Polarity.Negative)
      case p @ AvatarContradiction(q) =>
        propg(p, q, _ => sequent2expansions(q.conclusion))

      case p: Flip =>
            case ETtAtom => ETtAtom
            case _       => throw new IllegalArgumentException

      case p @ TopL(q, _) =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
        propgm2(p, q, oc.parent(_, ETtNullary))
      case p @ BottomR(q, _) =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
        propgm2(p, q, oc.parent(_, ETtNullary))
      case p: NegL  => prop1(p, ETtUnary.apply)
      case p: NegR  => prop1(p, ETtUnary.apply)
      case p: AndL  => prop2(p, ETtBinary.apply)
      case p: OrR   => prop2(p, ETtBinary.apply)
      case p: ImpR  => prop2(p, ETtBinary.apply)
      case p: AndR1 => prop1(p, ETtBinary(_, ETtWeakening))
      case p: OrL1  => prop1(p, ETtBinary(_, ETtWeakening))
      case p: ImpL1 => prop1(p, ETtBinary(_, ETtWeakening))
      case p: AndR2 => prop1(p, ETtBinary(ETtWeakening, _))
      case p: OrL2  => prop1(p, ETtBinary(ETtWeakening, _))
      case p: ImpL2 => prop1(p, ETtBinary(ETtWeakening, _))
      case p: WeakQuantResolutionRule =>
        val Seq(oc) = p.occConnectors
        val subFVs = freeVariables(p.subProof.conclusion)
          _.groupBy(_._1.restrict(subFVs)).view.mapValues(ess =>
            for (i <- p.subProof.conclusion.indicesSequent; j = oc.child(i))
                if (i == p.idx)
                  ETtWeak(Map() ++ ess.groupBy(_._1(p.variable)).view.mapValues(

      case p: SkolemQuantResolutionRule =>
        prop1s(p, (s, et) => ETtSkolem(s(p.skolemTerm), et))

    for ((splAtom, defn) <- splitDefn)
      cuts += (
        ETMerge(defn, Polarity.InSuccedent, splitCutL(splAtom)) ->
          ETMerge(defn, Polarity.InAntecedent, splitCutR(splAtom))

    ExpansionProof(eliminateMerges(ETMerge(ETCut(cuts) +: expansionSequent)))

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