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gapt.prooftool.DrawExpansionTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package gapt.prooftool

import gapt.expr._

import swing._
import scala.swing.event.{MouseClicked, MouseEntered, MouseExited}
import java.awt.{Color, Font}
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent

import gapt.proofs.expansion._
import org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath.{TeXConstants, TeXFormula}
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage

import gapt.expr.formula.All
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Ex
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.formula.Imp
import gapt.expr.formula.Neg
import gapt.expr.formula.Or
import gapt.formats.latex.LatexExporter
import gapt.utils.ExceptionTag

object ExpansionTreeState extends Enumeration {
  val Closed, Open, Expanded = Value

 * Draws an expansion tree. Abstract because most of the work is done by subclasses for quantifier and non-quantifier nodes.
 * @param main The main prooftool window that this belongs to.
 * @param expansionTree The expansion tree being displayed.
 * @param outerQuantifier The object drawing the innermost enclosing quantifier (if any).
abstract class DrawExpansionTree(
    val main: ProofToolViewer[_],
    val expansionTree: ExpansionTree,
    val outerQuantifier: Option[DrawETQuantifierBlock] = None
) extends BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {

  background = new Color(255, 255, 255)
  yLayoutAlignment = 0.5
  xLayoutAlignment = 0
  val highlightColor =
  val ft = main.font
  def subTrees: Vector[DrawExpansionTree]

  def drawFormula(formula: Formula): BoxPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
    background = new Color(255, 255, 255)
    yLayoutAlignment = 0.5
    opaque = false

    formula match {
      case Neg(f) =>
        val conn = label("¬")
        val subF = drawFormula(f)
        this.reactions += {
          case _: MouseEntered =>
            conn.foreground = highlightColor
          case _: MouseExited =>
            conn.foreground =
        contents += conn
        contents += subF
      case And(f1, f2) =>
        val parenthesis = connectedParentheses()
        val conn = label("∧")
        val subF1 = drawFormula(f1)
        val subF2 = drawFormula(f2)
        this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parenthesis._1.mouse.moves, parenthesis._2.mouse.moves)
        this.reactions += {
          case _: MouseEntered =>
            conn.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._1.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._2.foreground = highlightColor
          case _: MouseExited =>
            conn.foreground =
            parenthesis._1.foreground =
            parenthesis._2.foreground =
        contents += parenthesis._1
        contents += subF1
        contents += conn
        contents += subF2
        contents += parenthesis._2
      case Or(f1, f2) =>
        val parenthesis = connectedParentheses()
        val conn = label("∨")
        val subF1 = drawFormula(f1)
        val subF2 = drawFormula(f2)
        this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parenthesis._1.mouse.moves, parenthesis._2.mouse.moves)
        this.reactions += {
          case _: MouseEntered =>
            conn.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._1.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._2.foreground = highlightColor
          case _: MouseExited =>
            conn.foreground =
            parenthesis._1.foreground =
            parenthesis._2.foreground =
        contents += parenthesis._1
        contents += subF1
        contents += conn
        contents += subF2
        contents += parenthesis._2
      case Imp(f1, f2) =>
        val parenthesis = connectedParentheses()
        val conn = label("→")
        val subF1 = drawFormula(f1)
        val subF2 = drawFormula(f2)
        this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parenthesis._1.mouse.moves, parenthesis._2.mouse.moves)
        this.reactions += {
          case _: MouseEntered =>
            conn.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._1.foreground = highlightColor
            parenthesis._2.foreground = highlightColor
          case _: MouseExited =>
            conn.foreground =
            parenthesis._1.foreground =
            parenthesis._2.foreground =
        contents += parenthesis._1
        contents += subF1
        contents += conn
        contents += subF2
        contents += parenthesis._2
      case Ex(v, f) =>
        contents += label("\\exists " + LatexExporter.escapeName( + " ")
        contents += drawFormula(f)
      case All(v, f) =>
        contents += label("\\forall " + LatexExporter.escapeName( + " ")
        contents += drawFormula(f)
      case _ =>
        val lbl = LatexLabel(main, LatexExporter(formula))
        lbl.deafTo(lbl.mouse.moves, lbl.mouse.clicks)
        contents += lbl

  def label(s: String) = if (s == ",")
    new CommaLabel(main)
  else new LatexLabel(main, s) {
    if (s == "(" || s == ")") {
      opaque = true
      tooltip = "Click to mark/unmark."
      reactions += {
        case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 =>
          val color = RGBColorChooser(this, e.point.x, e.point.y)
          if (color.isDefined) {
            background = color.get
            peer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(peer, e.peer.getID, e.peer.getWhen, e.modifiers, e.point.x, e.point.y, e.clicks, e.triggersPopup, MouseEvent.BUTTON1))


  def connectedParentheses() = {
    val left = label("(")
    val right = label(")")
    left.reactions += {
      case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 =>
        if (left.background == Color.white || left.background != left.background) {
          left.background = left.background
          right.background = left.background
        } else {
          left.background = Color.white
          right.background = Color.white
    right.reactions += {
      case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 =>
        if (right.background == Color.white || right.background != right.background) {
          left.background = right.background
          right.background = right.background
        } else {
          left.background = Color.white
          right.background = Color.white

    (left, right)

   * Expands this node (if it's a quantifier node) and all below it.
  def expandAll(): Unit = subTrees.foreach(_.expandAll())

   * Closes this node (if it's a quantifier node) and all below it.
  def closeAll(): Unit = subTrees.foreach(_.closeAll())

   * Opens this node (if it's a quantifier node) and all below it.
  def openAll(): Unit = subTrees.foreach(_.openAll())

 * Factory object.
object DrawExpansionTree {
  def apply(
      main: ProofToolViewer[_],
      expansionTree: ExpansionTree,
      outerQuantifier: Option[DrawETQuantifierBlock] = None
  ): DrawExpansionTree = expansionTree match {
    case ETQuantifierBlock(_, _, _) =>
      new DrawETQuantifierBlock(main, expansionTree, outerQuantifier)
    case _ =>
      new DrawETNonQuantifier(main, expansionTree, outerQuantifier)

 * Draws an expansion tree beginning with a quantifier block.
 * @param main The main prooftool window that this belongs to.
 * @param expansionTree The expansion tree being displayed.
 * @param outerQuantifier The object drawing the quantifier imeediately outside this one (if any).
class DrawETQuantifierBlock(
    main: ProofToolViewer[_],
    expansionTree: ExpansionTree,
    outerQuantifier: Option[DrawETQuantifierBlock] = None
) extends DrawExpansionTree(main, expansionTree, outerQuantifier) {
  import ExpansionTreeState._

  val ETQuantifierBlock(formula, depth, instances) = expansionTree: @unchecked
  val terms = => i._1)
  val subTrees = for (et <- => i._2)) yield DrawExpansionTree(main, et, Some(this))
  val quantifiers = quantifierBlockString(takeQuants(formula, depth), formula) // quantifiers is a string containing the quantifier block represented by this weak node.
  val subF = dropQuants(formula, depth)
  val headLabelExpanded = formula match {
    case Ex(_, _)  => LatexLabel(main, "\\bigvee")
    case All(_, _) => LatexLabel(main, "\\bigwedge")
    case _         => throw new Exception("Something went wrong in DrawExpansionTree!")

  headLabelExpanded.reactions += {
    case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 => close()
    case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 =>
      gapt.prooftool.PopupMenu(DrawETQuantifierBlock.this, headLabelExpanded, e.point.x, e.point.y)

  private var _headLabel = LatexLabel(main, quantifiers) // Head symbol of the expansion tree. Quantifiers if open or closed, bigvee/bigwedge if expanded.
  def headLabel = _headLabel
  def headLabel_=(newLabel: LatexLabel) = {
    _headLabel = newLabel
    contents(0) = newLabel

  val termPanel = drawTerms(terms)

  private var _instancesPanel = drawFormula(subF) // Panel containing the instances.
  def instancesPanel = _instancesPanel
  def instancesPanel_=(newPanel: BoxPanel) = {
    _instancesPanel = newPanel
    contents(2) = newPanel

  var state: ExpansionTreeState.Value = Open // The state of this quantifier node.

  contents += headLabel
  contents += termPanel
  contents += instancesPanel


  def close(): Unit = {
    if (state != Closed) {
      state = Closed
      headLabel = LatexLabel(main, quantifiers)
      headLabel.reactions += {
        case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 =>
          gapt.prooftool.PopupMenu(this, headLabel, e.point.x, e.point.y)
        case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 =>
          if (state == Open) expand()
          else open()

      termPanel.visible = false
      instancesPanel = drawFormula(subF)


  def open(): Unit = {
    if (state != Open) {
      outerQuantifier.foreach { _.expand() }
      state = Open
      headLabel = LatexLabel(main, quantifiers)
      headLabel.reactions += {
        case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 =>
          gapt.prooftool.PopupMenu(this, headLabel, e.point.x, e.point.y)
        case e: MouseClicked if e.peer.getButton == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 =>
          if (state == Open) expand()
          else open()

      termPanel.visible = true
      instancesPanel = drawFormula(subF)


  def expand(): Unit = {
    if (state != Expanded) {
      outerQuantifier.foreach { _.expand() }
      state = Expanded
      if (subTrees != Nil) {
        headLabel = headLabelExpanded
        termPanel.visible = false
        instancesPanel = subtreeMatrix
      } else {
        headLabel.visible = false
        termPanel.visible = false
        instancesPanel = drawFormula(instances.head._2.shallow) // If there are no terms to expand the quantifier with, we can safely call drawFormula.

   * @return A BoxPanel containing the subtrees stacked on top of each other and surrounded by angle brackets.
  def subtreeMatrix = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
    background = new Color(255, 255, 255)
    yLayoutAlignment = 0.5
    border = Swing.EmptyBorder(0, ft.getSize, 0, ft.getSize)

    subTrees.foreach(bp => {
      bp.border = Swing.EmptyBorder(3)
      contents += bp

    override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D): Unit = {
      import java.awt.{BasicStroke, RenderingHints}

      val fSize = ft.getSize
      val strokeSize = if (fSize / 25 < 1) 1 else ft.getSize / 25

      g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeSize.toFloat, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND))
      g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB)
      g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)

      val leftAngleNodeX = fSize / 3
      val leftAngleEdgesX = fSize - 1

      val rightAngleNodeX = size.width - fSize / 3
      val rightAngleEdgesX = size.width - (fSize - 1)

      val anglesEdge1Y = 0
      val anglesNodeY = size.height / 2
      val anglesEdge2Y = size.height

      g.drawLine(leftAngleNodeX, anglesNodeY, leftAngleEdgesX, anglesEdge1Y)
      g.drawLine(leftAngleNodeX, anglesNodeY, leftAngleEdgesX, anglesEdge2Y)

      g.drawLine(rightAngleNodeX, anglesNodeY, rightAngleEdgesX, anglesEdge1Y)
      g.drawLine(rightAngleNodeX, anglesNodeY, rightAngleEdgesX, anglesEdge2Y)


   * @param vars
   * @param f
   * @return A string containing the quantifier block represented by this quantifier node.
  def quantifierBlockString(vars: List[Var], f: Formula): String = f match {
    case All(_, _) => => "\\forall " + LatexExporter(v) + "\\:").mkString
    case Ex(_, _)  => => "\\exists " + LatexExporter(v) + "\\:").mkString

  def dropQuants(formula: Formula, howMany: Int): Formula =
    if (howMany == 0) formula
    else formula match {
      case All(_, f) => dropQuants(f, howMany - 1)
      case Ex(_, f)  => dropQuants(f, howMany - 1)

  def takeQuants(formula: Formula, howMany: Int): List[Var] =
    if (howMany == 0) Nil
    else formula match {
      case All(x, f) => x +: takeQuants(f, howMany - 1)
      case Ex(x, f)  => x +: takeQuants(f, howMany - 1)

  def drawTerms(list: Seq[Seq[Expr]]) = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
    background = new Color(255, 255, 255)
    yLayoutAlignment = 0.5

    for (v <- list)
      contents += drawTermVector(v)

  def drawTermVector(list: Seq[Expr]) = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
    background = new Color(255, 255, 255)
    yLayoutAlignment = 0.5

    contents += label("\\langle")
    var firstTerm = true

    for (t <- list) {
      if (!firstTerm) {
        val lbl = label(",")
        // lbl.yLayoutAlignment = 0
        contents += lbl
      } else firstTerm = false
      contents += label(LatexExporter(t))

    contents += label("\\rangle")

  override def expandAll() = {

  override def closeAll() = close()

  override def openAll() = open()

 * Draws an expansion tree not beginning with a quantifier block.
 * @param main The main prooftool window that this belongs to.
 * @param expansionTree The expansion tree being displayed.
 * @param outerQuantifier The object drawing the quantifier immediately outside this one (if any).
class DrawETNonQuantifier(
    main: ProofToolViewer[_],
    expansionTree: ExpansionTree,
    outerQuantifier: Option[DrawETQuantifierBlock] = None
) extends DrawExpansionTree(main, expansionTree, outerQuantifier) {

  override val subTrees = expansionTree match {
    case ETAtom(_, _) | ETTop(_) | ETBottom(_) | ETWeakening(_, _) | ETDefinition(_, _) =>
      val lbl = LatexLabel(main, LatexExporter(expansionTree.shallow))
      lbl.deafTo(lbl.mouse.moves, lbl.mouse.clicks) // We don't want atoms to react to mouse behavior.
      contents += lbl

    case ETNeg(t) =>
      val conn = label("¬")
      val subF = DrawExpansionTree(main, t, outerQuantifier)
      this.reactions += {
        case _: MouseEntered =>
          conn.foreground = highlightColor
        case _: MouseExited =>
          conn.foreground =
      contents += conn
      contents += subF

    case ETAnd(t1, t2) =>
      val parentheses = connectedParentheses()
      val conn = label("∧")
      val subF1 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t1, outerQuantifier)
      val subF2 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t2, outerQuantifier)
      this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parentheses._1.mouse.moves, parentheses._2.mouse.moves)
      this.reactions += {
        case _: MouseEntered =>
          conn.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._1.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._2.foreground = highlightColor
        case _: MouseExited =>
          conn.foreground =
          parentheses._1.foreground =
          parentheses._2.foreground =
      contents += parentheses._1
      contents += subF1
      contents += conn
      contents += subF2
      contents += parentheses._2
      Vector(subF1, subF2)

    case ETOr(t1, t2) =>
      val parentheses = connectedParentheses()
      val conn = label("∨")
      val subF1 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t1, outerQuantifier)
      val subF2 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t2, outerQuantifier)
      this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parentheses._1.mouse.moves, parentheses._2.mouse.moves)
      this.reactions += {
        case _: MouseEntered =>
          conn.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._1.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._2.foreground = highlightColor
        case _: MouseExited =>
          conn.foreground =
          parentheses._1.foreground =
          parentheses._2.foreground =
      contents += parentheses._1
      contents += subF1
      contents += conn
      contents += subF2
      contents += parentheses._2
      Vector(subF1, subF2)

    case ETImp(t1, t2) =>
      val parentheses = connectedParentheses()
      val conn = label("→")
      val subF1 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t1, outerQuantifier)
      val subF2 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t2, outerQuantifier)
      this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parentheses._1.mouse.moves, parentheses._2.mouse.moves)
      this.reactions += {
        case _: MouseEntered =>
          conn.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._1.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._2.foreground = highlightColor
        case _: MouseExited =>
          conn.foreground =
          parentheses._1.foreground =
          parentheses._2.foreground =
      contents += parentheses._1
      contents += subF1
      contents += conn
      contents += subF2
      contents += parentheses._2
      Vector(subF1, subF2)

    case ETMerge(t1, t2) =>
      val parentheses = connectedParentheses()
      val conn = label("⊔")
      val subF1 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t1, outerQuantifier)
      val subF2 = DrawExpansionTree(main, t2, outerQuantifier)
      this.listenTo(conn.mouse.moves, parentheses._1.mouse.moves, parentheses._2.mouse.moves)
      this.reactions += {
        case _: MouseEntered =>
          conn.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._1.foreground = highlightColor
          parentheses._2.foreground = highlightColor
        case _: MouseExited =>
          conn.foreground =
          parentheses._1.foreground =
          parentheses._2.foreground =
      contents += parentheses._1
      contents += subF1
      contents += conn
      contents += subF2
      contents += parentheses._2
      Vector(subF1, subF2)

    case x =>
      throw new Exception("Could not match an ET!") with ExceptionTag[ExpansionTree] { val tag = x }

object ETStrongQuantifierBlock {
  def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Some[(Formula, Int, Map[Seq[Expr], ExpansionTree])] = et match {
    case ETStrongQuantifier(_, eigen, ETStrongQuantifierBlock(_, depth, children)) =>
      Some((et.shallow, depth + 1, for ((t, child) <- children) yield (eigen +: t, child)))
    case ETSkolemQuantifier(_, st, ETStrongQuantifierBlock(_, depth, children)) =>
      Some((et.shallow, depth + 1, for ((t, child) <- children) yield (st +: t, child)))
    case _ => Some((et.shallow, 0, Map(Seq[Expr]() -> et)))

object ETQuantifierBlock {
  def unapply(et: ExpansionTree): Option[(Formula, Int, Map[Seq[Expr], ExpansionTree])] = et match {
    case ETStrongQuantifierBlock(shallow, depth, children) if depth > 0 => Some((shallow, depth, children))
    case ETWeakQuantifierBlock(shallow, depth, children) if depth > 0   => Some((shallow, depth, children))
    case _                                                              => None

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