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gapt.provers.escargot.state.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package gapt.provers.escargot.impl

import gapt.expr.formula.hol.universalClosure
import gapt.proofs.{ContextSection, HOLClause, HOLSequent, Sequent, RichFormulaSequent}
import gapt.proofs.resolution._
import gapt.provers.escargot.{LPO, TermOrdering}
import gapt.provers.viper.spin._
import gapt.provers.sat.Sat4j
import gapt.utils.Logger
import org.sat4j.minisat.SolverFactory
import Sat4j._
import gapt.expr.formula.And
import gapt.expr.formula.Atom
import gapt.expr.formula.Formula
import gapt.expr.util.{constants, expressionSize, freeVariables, variables}
import gapt.proofs.context.mutable.MutableContext
import gapt.proofs.rup.RupProof
import gapt.provers.viper.aip.axioms.Axiom
import org.sat4j.specs.{ContradictionException, IConstr, ISolverService}
import org.sat4j.specs.SearchListenerAdapter
import cats.implicits._

object EscargotLogger extends Logger("escargot"); import EscargotLogger._

import scala.collection.mutable

 * Data structure for clauses derived in Escargot.
 * @param state  Prover state that "produced" this clause.
 * @param proof  Resolution proof ending in this clause.
 * @param index  Serial number issued by the [[EscargotState]].  The index is a deterministic
 *               hash code, and also indicates how old the clause is.
class Cls(val state: EscargotState, val proof: ResolutionProof, val index: Int) {
  val clause = proof.conclusion
  def assertion = proof.assertions

  val ass = state.intern(assertion)

  def clauseWithAssertions = (clause, assertion)

  val maximal = for {
    (a, i) <- clause.zipWithIndex.elements
    if !clause.elements.exists { x => a != x &&, x) }
  } yield i

  val selected = (maximal.filter { _.isAnt } ++ clause.indicesSequent.antecedent).take(1)

  val weight = { expressionSize(_) }.sum

  val freeVars = freeVariables(clause)

  val literalFeatureVecs =
  val featureVec = ClauseFeatureVec(literalFeatureVecs)

  override def toString = s"[$index] ${proof.stringifiedConclusion(state.ctx)}   (max = ${maximal mkString ", "}) (sel = ${selected mkString ", "}) (w = $weight)"
  override def hashCode = index

class IndexedClsSet private (
    val clauses: Set[Cls],
    val state: EscargotState,
    indices: Map[Index[_], AnyRef]
) {
  def size: Int = clauses.size

  def getIndex[T](idx: Index[T]): T =

  def addIndex[T <: AnyRef](idx: Index[T]): IndexedClsSet =
    new IndexedClsSet(clauses, state, indices.updated(idx, indices.getOrElse(idx, idx.add(idx.empty, clauses))))

  def +(c: Cls): IndexedClsSet = this ++ Some(c)
  def ++(cs: Iterable[Cls]): IndexedClsSet =
    new IndexedClsSet(
      clauses = clauses ++ cs,
      indices = Map() ++ {
        case (i, t) =>
          i -> i.asInstanceOf[Index[AnyRef]].add(t, cs)
      state = state
  def -(c: Cls): IndexedClsSet =
    if (!clauses(c)) this
      new IndexedClsSet(
        clauses = clauses - c,
        indices = Map() ++ {
          case (i, t) =>
            i -> i.asInstanceOf[Index[AnyRef]].remove(t, c)
        state = state
object IndexedClsSet {
  def apply(state: EscargotState): IndexedClsSet =
    new IndexedClsSet(Set(), state, Map())

trait Index[T] {
  type I = T
  def empty: I
  def add(t: I, cs: Iterable[Cls]): I = cs.foldLeft(t)(add)
  def add(t: I, c: Cls): I
  def remove(t: I, c: Cls): I = remove(t, Set(c))
  def remove(t: I, cs: Set[Cls]): I

 * Main class of the Escargot superposition prover.
 * A practical introduction to superposition provers can be found in [1], Section 3.
 * Essentially, we start with a set of clauses and apply inferences until we either:
 * 1. have derived the empty clause, or
 * 2. applied all possible inferences without producing new clauses
 * The clauses are stored in various sets, the main two ones are:
 *  * workedOff: all inferences between clauses in this set have already been applied
 *  * usable: these clauses have not yet been used in inferences
 * In every iteration of the prover (see the loop method), we
 * 1. pick a "given" clause from usable (using the choose method)
 * 2. perform all inferences between the given clause and all clauses in workedOff
 * 2a. add the given clause to workedOff (unless discarded by an inference)
 * 3. now newlyDerived contains the newly derived clauses, and we perform preprocessing on them
 * 3a. the preprocessed clauses get moved to usable
 * (The names are non-standard and picked from different sources with no regard for consistency, sorry.)
 * Inferences: an [[InferenceRule]] is an operation that looks at the given clause,
 * and the set of worked off clauses; it returns a set of new clauses, plus a set of clauses that should be discarded.
 * For example, [[StandardInferences.BackwardSubsumption]] is an inference rule: it returns no new clauses,
 * but the subsumed clauses in usable are returned as discarded.
 * Avatar splitting: Escargot employs the Avatar splitting regime [2].  Clauses are annotated with
 * propositional assertions, see [[gapt.proofs.resolution.ResolutionProof]] for the syntax.  We always have a propositional
 * model (avatarModel), and only consider clauses whose assertions are true in this model (called "active" here).
 * Clauses whose assertions are false in the model are stored in locked.  Whenever we derive an empty clause,
 * we call the SAT solver to obtain a model in which every empty clause has a false assertion.
 * If there is no such model, then we have found a proof!
 * [1] Weidenbach, Combining Superposition, Sorts and Splitting. Handbook of Automated Reasoning II, 2001
 * [2] Voronkov, AVATAR: The Architecture for first-order theorem provers. CAV 2014
class EscargotState(val ctx: MutableContext) {
  var termOrdering: TermOrdering = LPO()
  var nameGen = ctx.newNameGenerator
  var preprocessingRules = Seq[PreprocessingRule]()
  var inferences = Seq[InferenceRule]()

  def addIndex[T <: AnyRef](idx: Index[T]): Unit =
    workedOff = workedOff.addIndex(idx)

  private var clsIdx = 0
  def InputCls(clause: HOLSequent): Cls = InputCls(Input(clause))
  def InputCls(proof: ResolutionProof): Cls = { clsIdx += 1; new Cls(this, proof, clsIdx) }
  def SimpCls(parent: Cls, newProof: ResolutionProof): Cls = new Cls(this, newProof, parent.index)
  def DerivedCls(parent: Cls, newProof: ResolutionProof): Cls = { clsIdx += 1; new Cls(this, newProof, clsIdx) }
  def DerivedCls(parent1: Cls, parent2: Cls, newProof: ResolutionProof): Cls = { clsIdx += 1; new Cls(this, newProof, clsIdx) }

  /** Clauses that have been derived in the current iteration. */
  var newlyDerived = Set[Cls]()

  /** We have not yet used these clauses in inferences. */
  val usable = mutable.Set[Cls]()

  /** All inferences between these clauses have already been applied. */
  var workedOff = IndexedClsSet(this)

   * Locked clauses have assertions that are false in the current model,
   * or are subsumed by a clause whose assertion is true in the current model.
   * The optional clause is the assertion of the subsuming clause.
  val locked = mutable.Set[(Cls, Option[Set[Int]])]()

  /** This formula should always be unsatisfiable. */
  def stateAsFormula: Formula = And {
    (newlyDerived.view ++ usable ++ workedOff.clauses ++ ++ emptyClauses.values).map { c =>
      c.proof.assertions.toNegConjunction --> universalClosure(c.proof.conclusion.toFormula)
  } | And { (newlyDerived.view ++ usable ++ workedOff.clauses).map { c => universalClosure(c.proof.conclusion.toFormula) } }

  /** SAT solver instance */
  val solver = SolverFactory.newDefault()
  val drup = mutable.Buffer[RupProof.Line]()
  solver.setSearchListener(new SearchListenerAdapter[ISolverService] {
    override def learnUnit(p: Int) = drup += RupProof.Rup(Set(p))
    override def learn(c: IConstr) = drup += RupProof.Rup(c)

  /** Map from assertion atoms to SAT solver atoms */
  val atomToSatSolver = mutable.Map[Atom, Int]()
  val satSolverToAtom = mutable.Map[Int, Atom]()
  def intern(atom: Atom): Int =
      atom, {
        val i = solver.nextFreeVarId(true)
        satSolverToAtom(i) = atom
  def intern(assertions: HOLClause): Set[Int] =, -intern(_)).elements.toSet
  def deintern(i: Int): Atom =
  def deinternLiteral(i: Int): Formula =
    if (i < 0) -deintern(-i) else deintern(i)

  /** Current propositional Avatar model. */
  var avatarModel = Set[Int]()

  /** Empty clauses that have already been derived.  All assertions in the empty clauses are false. */
  var emptyClauses = mutable.Map[Set[Int], Cls]()

  /** Is the assertion of cls true in the current model? */
  def isActive(cls: Cls): Boolean = isActive(cls.ass)

  /** Is the assertion true in the current model? */
  def isActive(assertion: HOLClause): Boolean =

  /** Is the assertion true in the current model? */
  def isActive(assertion: Set[Int]): Boolean =

  /** Pre-processes the clauses in newlyDerived.  The result is again in newlyDerived. */
  def preprocessing() =
    for (r <- preprocessingRules)
      newlyDerived = r.preprocess(newlyDerived, workedOff)

  def trySetAssertion(assertion: Set[Int], value: Boolean) =
    for (a <- assertion) trySetAvatarAtom(if (value) a else -a)
  def trySetAvatarAtom(atom: Int) =
    if (!avatarModel(-atom)) avatarModel += atom

  /** Moves clauses from newlyDerived into usable and locked. */
  def clauseProcessing() = {
    // extend avatar model
    for (c <- newlyDerived)
      trySetAssertion(c.ass, c.clause.nonEmpty)

    for (c <- newlyDerived) {
      if (c.clause.isEmpty) {
        emptyClauses(c.ass) = c
        if (isActive(c.ass))
          usable += c // trigger model recomputation
      if (isActive(c)) {
        usable += c
      } else if (c.clause.nonEmpty) {
        locked += (c -> None)
    newlyDerived = Set()

  /** Performs inferences between given and workedOff, and adds given to workedOff. */
  def inferenceComputation(`given`: Cls): Boolean = {
    val inferred = mutable.Set[Cls]()
    var discarded = false

    for (r <- inferences if !discarded) {
      val (i, d) = r(`given`, workedOff)
      inferred ++= i
      for ((c, reason) <- d) {
        workedOff -= c
        if (c == `given`) discarded = true
        if (!reason.subsetOf(c.ass))
          locked += (c -> Some(reason))

    if (!discarded) workedOff += `given`
    newlyDerived ++= inferred


  var strategy = 0

  /** Chooses the next clause from usable. */
  def choose(): Cls = {
    strategy = (strategy + 1) % 6
    if (strategy < 1) usable minBy { _.index }
    else if (strategy < 3) {
      val pos = usable filter { _.clause.antecedent.isEmpty }
      if (pos isEmpty) choose()
      else pos minBy { cls => (cls.weight, cls.index) }
    } else if (strategy < 5) {
      val nonPos = usable filter { _.clause.antecedent.nonEmpty }
      if (nonPos isEmpty) choose()
      else nonPos minBy { cls => (cls.weight, cls.index) }
    } else {
      usable minBy { cls => (cls.weight, cls.index) }

  def switchToNewModel() = {
    avatarModel = solver.model().toSet

    for ((cls, reason) <- locked.toSet if isActive(cls) && reason.forall { !isActive(_) }) {
      locked -= (cls -> reason)
      usable += cls
    for (cls <- usable.toSeq if cls.clause.isEmpty) usable -= cls
    for (cls <- workedOff.clauses if !isActive(cls)) {
      workedOff -= cls
      locked += (cls -> None)
    for (cls <- usable.toSeq if !isActive(cls)) {
      usable -= cls
      locked += (cls -> None)

  def mkSatProof(): ResolutionProof =
    RupProof( => RupProof.Input( ++ drup :+ RupProof.Rup(Set())).toRes.toResolution(
      cls => {
        val p = emptyClauses(
        if (p.assertions.isEmpty) p else AvatarContradiction(p)

  var clausesForInduction = List.empty[HOLSequent]

  def axiomClause(section: ContextSection, axiom: Axiom): (Set[Cls], Map[HOLSequent, ResolutionProof]) = {
    val seq = axiom.formula +: Sequent()
    val ground = section groundSequent seq
    val cnf = structuralCNF(ground)(ctx)

    val cnfMap = => p.conclusion -> p).toMap
    val clauses =[Atom]))

    (clauses map InputCls, cnfMap)

  protected def handleEmptyClauses(): Option[ResolutionProof] = scala.util.boundary {
    if (!(usable exists { _.clause.isEmpty }))
      return None
    for (cls <- usable if cls.clause.isEmpty && cls.assertion.isEmpty)
    if (solver.isSatisfiable) {
      info(s"sat splitting model: ${
          solver.model().filter(_ >= 0).map(deintern).sortBy(_.toString).mkString(", ")
        }".replace('\n', ' '))
    } else {

  /** Main inference loop. */
  def loop(): Option[ResolutionProof] = {
    try {

      while (true) {

        handleEmptyClauses() match {
          case Some(p) => return Some(p)
          case _       =>

        if (usable.isEmpty)
          return None

        val `given` = choose()
        usable -= `given`

        val discarded = inferenceComputation(`given`)

        info(s"[wo=${workedOff.size},us=${usable.size}] ${if (discarded) "discarded" else "kept"}: ${`given`}".replace('\n', ' '))


    } catch {
      case _: ContradictionException =>

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