Download at.molindo JAR files with all dependencies
molindo-utils from group at.molindo (version 3.0.0)
Simply utility methods used across other Molindo projects
spring-data-custom from group at.molindo (version 1.0.0)
spring-data extension for arbitrary backends
wicketstuff-merged-resources from group at.molindo (version 4.0.1)
Resource merging for Apache Wicket (http://wicket.apache.org),
see http://talk-on-tech.blogspot.com/2008/08/wicket-interface-speed-up-merging.html
aws-maven from group at.molindo (version 1.0.0)
Standard Maven wagon support for s3:// urls
esi4j from group at.molindo (version 3.0.2)
molindo-oss-dependencies from group at.molindo (version 6)
Group: at.molindo Artifact: molindo-oss-dependencies
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molindo-oss-pom from group at.molindo (version 6)
Base POM for Molindo OSS contributions
Group: at.molindo Artifact: molindo-oss-pom
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molindo-webtools from group at.molindo (version 1.0.0)
A series of simple tools for web development (crawler, log analyzer, ...)
Group: at.molindo Artifact: molindo-webtools
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molindo-maven-download from group at.molindo (version 1)
Simple POM to download artifacts from Maven repos
Group: at.molindo Artifact: molindo-maven-download
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helios-parent from group at.molindo (version 0.9.13)
A docker container orchestration system and deployment platform
Group: at.molindo Artifact: helios-parent
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helios-integration-tests from group at.molindo (version 0.9.13)
helios-api-documentation from group at.molindo (version 0.9.13)
molindo-mysql-collations from group at.molindo (version 1.0-alpha-1)
Java collations using MySQL charset XML files.
helios-tools from group at.molindo (version 0.9.13)
git-commit-id-plugin from group at.molindo (version 2.1.10-alpha-1)
git-commit-id-plugin is a plugin quite similar to
https://fisheye.codehaus.org/browse/mojo/tags/buildnumber-maven-plugin-1.0-beta-4 for example but as buildnumber
only supports svn (which is very sad) and cvs (which is even more sad).
This plugin makes basic repository information available through maven resources. This can be used to display
"what version is this?" or "who has deployed this and when, from which branch?" information at runtime - making
it easy to find things like "oh, that isn't deployed yet, I'll test it tomorrow" and making both testers and
developers life easier.
The data currently exported is like this (that's the end effect from the GitRepositoryState Bean):
"branch" : "testing-maven-git-plugin",
"commitTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:16:26 CET",
"commitId" : "787e39f61f99110e74deed68ab9093088d64b969",
"commitUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
"commitUserEmail" : "[email protected]",
"commitMessageFull" : "releasing my fun plugin :-) + fixed some typos + cleaned up directory structure + added
license etc",
"commitMessageShort" : "releasing my fun plugin :-)",
"buildTime" : "06.01.1970 @ 16:17:53 CET",
"buildUserName" : "Konrad Malawski",
"buildUserEmail" : "[email protected]"
Note that the data is exported via maven resource filtering and is really easy to use with spring -
which I've explained in detail in this readme https://github.com/ktoso/maven-git-commit-id-plugin
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