Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import{File, PrintWriter}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import{Interaction, PactMerge, PactSpecVersion, PactWriter, RequestResponseInteraction, Pact => PactModel}
* Globally accumulates Pacts, merges by destination file, and allows writing to File.
* This must be mutable, since there is otherwise no way to thread the state through
* whatever testing framework is in use.
* Ideally writing would happen only at the end of the full test suite, but it may be necessary
* to write each time, and synchronise on disk, such that the file read and write can not be done concurrently
* with another running test.
* This code has a way to go before it is fit for purpose.
object PactGenerator {
def defaultFilename[I <: Interaction](pact: PactModel[I]): String = s"${pact.getConsumer.getName}-${pact.getProvider.getName}.json"
def destinationFileForPact[I <: Interaction](pact: PactModel[I]): File = destinationFile(defaultFilename(pact))
def destinationFile(filename: String) = new File(s"${System.getProperty("pact.rootDir", "target/pacts")}/$filename")
def merge(pact: PactModel[RequestResponseInteraction]): PactGenerator = synchronized {
pactGen = pactGen merge pact
private var pactGen = new PactGenerator(Map(), Nil)
case class PactGenerator(pacts: Map[String, PactModel[RequestResponseInteraction]], conflicts: List[String]) extends StrictLogging {
import PactGenerator._
def failed: Boolean = conflicts.nonEmpty
def isEmpty: Boolean = pacts.isEmpty
def merge[I <: Interaction](pact: PactModel[RequestResponseInteraction]): PactGenerator = {
val pactFileName = defaultFilename(pact)
val existingPact = pacts get pactFileName
def directlyAddPact(p: PactModel[RequestResponseInteraction]) =
PactGenerator(pacts + (pactFileName -> p), conflicts)
existingPact.fold(directlyAddPact(pact)) { existing =>
val result = PactMerge.merge[RequestResponseInteraction](pact, existing)
if (result.getOk) {
} else {
PactGenerator(pacts, result.getMessage :: conflicts)
def writeAllToFile(pactVersion: PactSpecVersion): Unit = {
def createPactRootDir(): Unit =
new File(System.getProperty("pact.rootDir", "target/pacts")).mkdirs()
def writeToFile[I <: Interaction](pact: PactModel[I], filename: String): Unit = {
val file = destinationFileForPact(pact)
logger.debug(s"Writing pact ${pact.getConsumer.getName} -> ${pact.getProvider.getName} to file $file")
val writer = new PrintWriter(file)
try PactWriter.writePact[I](pact, writer, pactVersion)
finally writer.close()
require(!isEmpty, "Cannot write to file; no pacts have been recorded")
require(!failed, "The following merge conflicts occurred: \n" + conflicts.mkString("\n - "))
pacts foreach {
case (filename, pact) => writeToFile(pact, filename)