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au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package au.csiro.variantspark.algo

import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.common.utils.FastUtilConversions._
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.common.utils.{Logging, Prof}
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.spark.SparkUtils._
import{DataBuilder, DataLike, Feature, StdFeature, VariableType}
import au.csiro.variantspark.metrics.Gini
import au.csiro.variantspark.utils.IndexedRDDFunction._
import au.csiro.variantspark.utils._
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.{Long2DoubleOpenHashMap, Long2LongOpenHashMap}
import it.unimi.dsi.util.XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.rddToPairRDDFunctions

/** Allows for a general description of the construct
  * Specify the 'indices', 'impurtity', and 'majoritylabel' these values will not be visible
  * outside the class
  * {{{
  * val subInfo = SubsetInfo(indices, impurtity, majorityLabel)
  * val subInfoAlt = SubsetInfo(indices, impurity, labels, nLabels)
  * }}}
  * @constructor creates value based on the indices, impurity, and majorityLabel
  * @param indices: input an array of integers representing the indices of the values
  * @param impurity: input the value of impurity of the data construct
  * @param classCounts: input the counts for each class
case class SubsetInfo(indices: Array[Int], impurity: Double, classCounts: Array[Int]) {

  val majorityLabel: Int = ArraysUtils.maxIndex(classCounts)

  /** An alternative constructor for the SubsetInfo class, use this if the majorityLabel has not
    * already been defined
    * Specify the 'indices', 'impurity', 'labels', and 'nLabels'
    * {{{
    * val subInfo = SubsetInfo(indices, impurity, labels, nLables)
    * }}}
    * @param indices: input an array of integers that contains the indices required
    * @param impurity: a value based on the gini impurity of the dataset sent in
    * @param labels: in put an array of integers that contains the labels of the values for each row
    * @param nLabels: specify the number of labels for that specific dataset
  def this(indices: Array[Int], impurity: Double, labels: Array[Int], nLabels: Int) {
    this(indices, impurity, FactorVariable.classCounts(indices, labels, nLabels))

  def length: Int = indices.length
  override def toString: String = s"SubsetInfo(${indices.toList},${impurity}, ${majorityLabel})"

/** Class utilized to give an insight into the split data
  * Specify the 'variableIndex', 'splitPoint', 'gini', 'leftGini', and 'rightGini'
  * @constructor creates information about the split that occured on a specifc variable
  * @param variableIndex: specifies the index of the variable that the dataset will
  *                     split on
  * @param splitPoint: specifies the point in the index of the exact split
  * @param gini: general gini value of the dataset
  * @param leftGini: the gini impurity of the left split of the dataset
  * @param rightGini: the gini impurity of the right split of the dataset
case class VarSplitInfo(variableIndex: Long, splitPoint: Double, gini: Double, leftGini: Double,
    rightGini: Double, isPermutated: Boolean) {

  /** Creates a list of the subsetInfos for the dataset split
    * @param v: input the specific data construct
    * @param labels: input an array of integer labels
    * @param nCategories: specify the number of categories of the dataset or 'columns'
    * @param subset: specify the SubsetInfo class touched on previously at
    *              [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]]
    * @return returns a tupple of the subset information
  def split(v: TreeFeature, labels: Array[Int], nCategories: Int)(
      subset: SubsetInfo): (SubsetInfo, SubsetInfo) = {
    (new SubsetInfo(subset.indices.filter( <= splitPoint), leftGini, labels, nCategories),
      new SubsetInfo(subset.indices.filter( > splitPoint), rightGini, labels, nCategories))
  def splitPermutated(v: TreeFeature, labels: Array[Int], nCategories: Int,
      permutationOder: Array[Int])(subset: SubsetInfo): (SubsetInfo, SubsetInfo) = {
    (new SubsetInfo(subset.indices.filter(i => <= splitPoint), leftGini,
        labels, nCategories),
      new SubsetInfo(subset.indices.filter(i => > splitPoint), rightGini,
        labels, nCategories))

/** Utilized to return a VarSplitInfo object
object VarSplitInfo {

  /** Applies the values obtained from the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitInfo]] class to
    *  create an [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]] object
    * @param variableIndex: input an index of where the variable split from
    * @param split: input a [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitInfo]] object
    * @return returns a [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]] object
  def apply(variableIndex: Long, split: SplitInfo, isPermutated: Boolean): VarSplitInfo =
    apply(variableIndex, split.splitPoint, split.gini, split.leftGini, split.rightGini,

/** Defines the trait for the case class [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DeterministicMerger]]
trait Merger {

  /** Operates a merging function utilizing two arrays of the
    * class [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a1: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a2: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return Returns an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
  def merge(a1: Array[VarSplitInfo], a2: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Array[VarSplitInfo]

/** Utilizes the Deterministic Decision Tree model found here:
  * [[]]
  * Extends the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.Merger]] class
case class DeterministicMerger() extends Merger {

  /** Operates a merging function utilizing two arrays of the
    * class [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a1: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a2: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return Returns the merged array a1
  def merge(a1: Array[VarSplitInfo], a2: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Array[VarSplitInfo] = {

    /** Takes the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]] from two seperate splits
      * and returns the value from either s1 or s2 based on the gini impurity
      * @param s1: input an [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
      * @param s2: input an [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
      * @return Returns either s1 or s2 based on the gini impurity calculation
    def mergeSplitInfo(s1: VarSplitInfo, s2: VarSplitInfo) = {
      if (s1 == null) s2
      else if (s2 == null) s1
      else if (s1.gini < s2.gini) s1
      else if (s2.gini < s1.gini) s2
      else if (s1.variableIndex < s2.variableIndex) s1
      else s2
    a1.indices.foreach(i => a1(i) = mergeSplitInfo(a1(i), a2(i)))

  *  UsedsMurmur3 hashing to create random ordering of variables
  *  dependent on the initial seed and split number.
  *  The assumption is that comparing the hashes of variable indexes will produce
  *  sufficently randomzized orderings given different seeds and split ids.
  *   @param seed: input a seed value to initialize the random number generator for rnd
case class RandomizingMergerMurmur3(seed: Long) extends Merger {

  def hashOrder(varIndex: Long, splitId: Int): Int = {
    MurMur3Hash.hashLong(varIndex, MurMur3Hash.hashLong(seed, splitId))

  def chooseEqual(s1: VarSplitInfo, s2: VarSplitInfo, id: Int): VarSplitInfo = {
    if (hashOrder(s1.variableIndex, id) < hashOrder(s2.variableIndex, id)) s1 else s2

  /** Operates a merging function utilizing two arrays of the
    * class [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a1: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @param a2: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return Returns the merged array a1
  def merge(a1: Array[VarSplitInfo], a2: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Array[VarSplitInfo] = {

    /** Takes the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]] from two seperate splits
      * and returns the value from either s1 or s2 based on the gini impurity
      * @note if the gini values of each split are equal then the value returns one at random
      * @param s1: input an [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
      * @param s2: input an [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
      * @return Returns either s1 or s2 based on the gini impurity calculation
    def mergeSplitInfo(s1: VarSplitInfo, s2: VarSplitInfo, id: Int) = {
      if (s1 == null) s2
      else if (s2 == null) s1
      else if (s1.gini < s2.gini) s1
      else if (s2.gini < s1.gini) s2
      else chooseEqual(s1, s2, id)
    a1.indices.foreach(i => a1(i) = mergeSplitInfo(a1(i), a2(i), i))

trait VariableSplitter {

  def initialSubset(sample: Sample): SubsetInfo

  /** Splits the subsets of the RDD and returns a split based on the variable of split index
    * @param varData: input an interator containing the dataset and an index
    * @param subsets: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]]
    * @param bestSplits: input an array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return returns a flattened iterator
  def splitSubsets(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], subsets: Array[SubsetInfo],
      bestSplits: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Iterator[(Int, (SubsetInfo, SubsetInfo))]
  def findSplitsForVars(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], splits: Array[SubsetInfo])(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Iterator[Array[VarSplitInfo]]
  def createMerger(seed: Long): Merger

/** This is the main split function
  * 1. specifies the number of categories based on the label input
  * 2. Finds the splits in the data based on the gini value
  * @param labels: input an array of labels used by the dataset
  * @param mTryFraction:  the fraction of variable to try at each split (default to 1.0)
  * @param randomizeEquality: default to false
case class StdVariableSplitter(labels: Array[Int], mTryFraction: Double = 1.0,
    randomizeEquality: Boolean = false)
    extends VariableSplitter with Logging with Prof {

  val nCategories: Int = labels.max + 1

  def initialSubset(sample: Sample): SubsetInfo = {
    val currentSet = sample.indexes
    val (totalGini, classCounts) = Gini.giniImpurity(currentSet, labels, nCategories)
    SubsetInfo(currentSet, totalGini, classCounts)

  /** Find the splits in the data based on the gini value
    * Specify the 'data' and 'splits' inputs
    * @param typedData: input the data from the dataset of generic type V
    * @param splits: input an array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @return returns an array [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitInfo]]
  def findSplits(typedData: TreeFeature, splits: Array[SubsetInfo], sbf: IndexedSplitterFactory)(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Array[SplitInfo] = {

    val splitter = sbf.create(typedData) { subsetInfo =>
      if (rng.nextDouble() <= mTryFraction) {
        val splitInfo = splitter.findSplit(subsetInfo.indices)
        if (splitInfo != null && splitInfo.gini < subsetInfo.impurity) splitInfo else null
      } else null

  def threadSafeSpliterBuilderFactory(): IndexedSplitterFactory = {
    // TODO: this should be actually passed externally (or at least part of it
    // as it essentially determines what kind of tree are we bulding (e.g what is the metric used
    // for impurity)
    // This should obtain a statefule and somehow compartmenalised impurity calculator
    // (Try trhead local perhaps here, but creating a new one (per partition) also fits the bill)
    new DefStatefullIndexedSpliterFactory(GiniImpurity, labels, nCategories)

  /** Returns the result of a split based on a variable
    * @param varData: input an Iterator of a tuple containing the dataset and indices
    * @param splits: input an Array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @return takes the varData and maps the value of the dataset
  def findSplitsForVars(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], splits: Array[SubsetInfo])(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Iterator[Array[VarSplitInfo]] = {
    profIt("Local: splitting") {
      val sbf = threadSafeSpliterBuilderFactory()
      val result = varData
        .map { vi =>
          val thisVarSplits = findSplits(vi, splits, sbf)
            .map(si => if (si != null) VarSplitInfo(vi.index, si, false) else null)

  /** Splits the subsets of the RDD and returns a split based on the variable of split index
    * @param varData: input an interator containing the dataset and an index
    * @param subsets: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]]
    * @param bestSplits: input an array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return returns a flattened iterator
  def splitSubsets(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], subsets: Array[SubsetInfo],
      bestSplits: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Iterator[(Int, (SubsetInfo, SubsetInfo))] = {

    val usefulSubsetSplitAndIndex = != null).zipWithIndex.toList
    val splitByVarIndex = usefulSubsetSplitAndIndex.groupBy(_._1._2.variableIndex)
    varData.flatMap { vi =>
      splitByVarIndex.getOrElse(vi.index, Nil).map {
        case ((subsetInfo, splitInfo), si) =>
          (si, splitInfo.split(vi, labels, nCategories)(subsetInfo))

  def createMerger(seed: Long): Merger =
    if (randomizeEquality) RandomizingMergerMurmur3(seed) else DeterministicMerger()


/** This is the main split function
  * 1. specifies the number of categories based on the label input
  * 2. Finds the splits in the data based on the gini value
  * @param labels: input an array of labels used by the dataset
  * @param mTryFraction:  the fraction of variable to try at each split (default to 1.0)
  * @param randomizeEquality: default to false
case class AirVariableSplitter(labels: Array[Int], permutationOrder: Array[Int],
    mTryFraction: Double, randomizeEquality: Boolean)
    extends VariableSplitter with Logging with Prof {

  lazy val permutatedLabels: Array[Int] =

  val nCategories: Int = labels.max + 1

  def initialSubset(sample: Sample): SubsetInfo = {
    val currentSet = sample.indexes
    val (totalGini, classCounts) = Gini.giniImpurity(currentSet, labels, nCategories)
    SubsetInfo(currentSet, totalGini, classCounts)

  /** Find the splits in the data based on the gini value
    * Specify the 'data' and 'splits' inputs
    * @param typedData: input the data from the dataset of generic type V
    * @param splits: input an array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @return returns an array [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitInfo]]
  def findSplits(typedData: TreeFeature, splits: Array[SubsetInfo], sbf: IndexedSplitterFactory,
      permutatedSbf: IndexedSplitterFactory, permSubsets: Array[Array[Int]])(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Array[VarSplitInfo] = {

    val splitter = sbf.create(typedData)
    val permutatedSplitter = permutatedSbf.create(typedData) {
      case (subsetInfo, permIndexes) =>
        val rnd = rng.nextDouble()
        if (rnd <= mTryFraction) {
          // check wheter to use informative or permutated labels
          val permutated = rnd > mTryFraction / 2
          val selectedSplitter = if (!permutated) splitter else permutatedSplitter
          val indices = if (!permutated) subsetInfo.indices else permIndexes
          val splitInfo = selectedSplitter.findSplit(indices)
          if (splitInfo != null && splitInfo.gini < subsetInfo.impurity) {
            VarSplitInfo(typedData.index, splitInfo, permutated)
          } else { null }
        } else null

  def threadSafeSpliterBuilderFactory(labels: Array[Int]): IndexedSplitterFactory = {
    // TODO: this should be actually passed externally (or at least part of it
    // as it essentially determines what kind of tree are we bulding (e.g what is the metric
    // used for impurity)
    // This should obtain a statefule and somehow compartmenalised impurity calculator
    // (Try trhead local perhaps here, but creating a new one (per partition) also fits the bill)
    new DefStatefullIndexedSpliterFactory(GiniImpurity, labels, nCategories)

  /** Returns the result of a split based on a variable
    * @param varData: input an Iterator of a tuple containing the dataset and indices
    * @param splits: input an Array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @return takes the varData and maps the value of the dataset
  def findSplitsForVars(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], splits: Array[SubsetInfo])(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Iterator[Array[VarSplitInfo]] = {
    profIt("Local: splitting") {
      val sbf = threadSafeSpliterBuilderFactory(labels)
      val permutatedSbf = threadSafeSpliterBuilderFactory(permutatedLabels)

      // TODO: [Performance] maybe there is not need to permutata all the splits up front

      val permSubsets = => ArraysUtils.permutate(s.indices, permutationOrder)) => findSplits(vi, splits, sbf, permutatedSbf, permSubsets))

  /** Splits the subsets of the RDD and returns a split based on the variable of split index
    * @param varData: input an interator containing the dataset and an index
    * @param subsets: input an array of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]]
    * @param bestSplits: input an array of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    * @return returns a flattened iterator
  def splitSubsets(varData: Iterator[TreeFeature], subsets: Array[SubsetInfo],
      bestSplits: Array[VarSplitInfo]): Iterator[(Int, (SubsetInfo, SubsetInfo))] = {

    val usefulSubsetSplitAndIndex = != null).zipWithIndex.toList
    val splitByVarIndex = usefulSubsetSplitAndIndex.groupBy(_._1._2.variableIndex)
    varData.flatMap { vi =>
      splitByVarIndex.getOrElse(vi.index, Nil).map {
        case ((subsetInfo, splitInfo), si) =>
          if (!splitInfo.isPermutated) {
            (si, splitInfo.split(vi, labels, nCategories)(subsetInfo))
          } else {
            (si, splitInfo.splitPermutated(vi, labels, nCategories, permutationOrder)(subsetInfo))

  def createMerger(seed: Long): Merger =
    if (randomizeEquality) RandomizingMergerMurmur3(seed) else DeterministicMerger()


object AirVariableSplitter {
  def apply(labels: Array[Int], seed: Long, mTryFraction: Double = 1.0,
      randomizeEquality: Boolean = false): AirVariableSplitter = {
    val rng = new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator(seed)
    val permutationOrder = labels.indices.toArray
    MathArrays.shuffle(permutationOrder, rng)
    AirVariableSplitter(labels, permutationOrder, mTryFraction, randomizeEquality)

/** Object utilized with the DecisionTreeModel class
object DecisionTree extends Logging with Prof {

  /** Returns the splitted subsets input through the indexedData param and outputs a list of
    * the Splitted Subsets
    * @param indexedData: input an RDD of the dataset plus indexes of type long
    * @param bestSplits: input an Array containing
    *                  the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]] class
    * @param br_subsets: input a Broadcast of Arrays containing
    *                  the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @param br_splitter: Broadcast of the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VariableSplitter]] class
    * @return Returns an indexed list of splited subsets
  def splitSubsets(indexedData: RDD[TreeFeature], bestSplits: Array[VarSplitInfo],
      br_subsets: Broadcast[Array[SubsetInfo]],
      br_splitter: Broadcast[VariableSplitter]): List[SubsetInfo] = {
    profIt("REM: splitSubsets") {
      val indexedSplittedSubsets = withBroadcast(indexedData)(bestSplits) { br_bestSplits =>
        // format: off
          .mapPartitions(it => br_splitter.value.splitSubsets(it, br_subsets.value,
        // format: on
        .foldLeft(Array.fill[SubsetInfo](indexedSplittedSubsets.size * 2)(null)) {
          case (a, (i, st)) =>
            a(2 * i) = st._1
            a(2 * i + 1) = st._2

  /** Returns an indexed
    * @param treeFeatures: input an RDD of tree features
    * @param br_splits: input a broadcast containing an array of
    *                 the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @param br_splitter: input a broadcast containing
    *                   the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VariableSplitter]] class of the dataset
    * @return Returns the indexedData variable that contains the indexed best splits
  def findBestSplits(treeFeatures: RDD[TreeFeature],
      br_splits: Broadcast[Array[SubsetInfo]], br_splitter: Broadcast[VariableSplitter])(
      implicit rng: RandomGenerator): Array[VarSplitInfo] = {
    val seed = rng.nextLong()
    val merger = br_splitter.value.createMerger(seed)
    profIt("REM: findBestSplits") {
        .mapPartitionsWithIndex {
          case (pi, it) =>
              br_splits.value)(new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator(seed ^ pi))

abstract class DecisionTreeNode(val majorityLabel: Int, val size: Int, val nodeImpurity: Double)
    extends Serializable {
  def isLeaf: Boolean

  def classCounts: Array[Int]

  def printout(level: Int)
  def impurityContribution: Double = nodeImpurity * size
  def traverse(f: SplitNode => Boolean): LeafNode = this match {
    case leaf: LeafNode => leaf
    case split: SplitNode => (if (f(split)) split.left else split.right).traverse(f)
  def toStream: Stream[DecisionTreeNode]
  def splitsToStream: Stream[SplitNode] =
  def leafsToStream: Stream[LeafNode] = toStream.filter(_.isLeaf).asInstanceOf[Stream[LeafNode]]

case class LeafNode(override val majorityLabel: Int, classCounts: Array[Int],
    override val size: Int, override val nodeImpurity: Double)
    extends DecisionTreeNode(majorityLabel, size, nodeImpurity) {
  val isLeaf: Boolean = true

  def printout(level: Int) {
    print(new String(Array.fill(level)(' ')))
    val nodeType = "leaf"
    println(s"${nodeType}[${majorityLabel}, ${size}, ${nodeImpurity}]")

  override def toString: String = s"leaf[${majorityLabel}, ${size}, ${nodeImpurity}]"

  def toStream: Stream[DecisionTreeNode] = this #:: Stream.empty

object LeafNode {
  def apply(subset: SubsetInfo): LeafNode =
    apply(subset.majorityLabel, subset.classCounts, subset.length, subset.impurity)

    * Create a tree leaf for a standard classifier tree with voting information onlu
    * @param majorityLabel
    * @param size
    * @param nodeImpurity
    * @return
  def voting(majorityLabel: Int, size: Int, nodeImpurity: Double): LeafNode = {
    LeafNode(majorityLabel, null, size, nodeImpurity)


case class SplitNode(override val majorityLabel: Int, classCounts: Array[Int],
    override val size: Int, override val nodeImpurity: Double, splitVariableIndex: Long,
    splitPoint: Double, impurityReduction: Double, left: DecisionTreeNode,
    right: DecisionTreeNode, isPermutated: Boolean = false)
    extends DecisionTreeNode(majorityLabel, size, nodeImpurity) {

  val isLeaf: Boolean = false

  def printout(level: Int) {
    print(new String(Array.fill(level)(' ')))
    val nodeType = "split"
        s"${nodeType}[${splitVariableIndex}, ${splitPoint}, ${majorityLabel},"
          + s" ${size}, ${impurityReduction}, ${nodeImpurity}]")
    left.printout(level + 1)
    right.printout(level + 1)
  override def toString: String =
    (s"split[${splitVariableIndex}, ${splitPoint}, ${majorityLabel}, ${size},"
      + s" ${impurityReduction}, ${nodeImpurity}]")

  def childFor(value: Double): DecisionTreeNode = if (value <= splitPoint) left else right

  def impurityDelta: Double = {
    val deltaAbs = impurityContribution - (left.impurityContribution + right.impurityContribution)
    if (isPermutated) -deltaAbs else deltaAbs
  def toStream: Stream[DecisionTreeNode] = this #:: left.toStream #::: right.toStream

object SplitNode {
  def apply(subset: SubsetInfo, split: VarSplitInfo, left: DecisionTreeNode,
      right: DecisionTreeNode): SplitNode =
    apply(subset.majorityLabel, subset.classCounts, subset.length, subset.impurity,
      split.variableIndex, split.splitPoint, subset.impurity - split.gini, left, right,

  def voting(majorityLabel: Int, size: Int, nodeImpurity: Double, splitVariableIndex: Long,
      splitPoint: Double, impurityReduction: Double, left: DecisionTreeNode,
      right: DecisionTreeNode, isPermutated: Boolean = false): SplitNode = {
    SplitNode(majorityLabel, null, size, nodeImpurity, splitVariableIndex, splitPoint,
      impurityReduction, left, right, isPermutated)


case class DecisionTreeModel(rootNode: DecisionTreeNode)
    extends PredictiveModelWithImportance with Logging with Serializable {

  def splitVariableIndexes: Set[Long] =

  def predict[T](indexedData: RDD[(T, Long)], variableType: VariableType)(
      implicit db: DataBuilder[T]): Array[Int] = {
    predict({ case (v, i) => (StdFeature.from(null, variableType, v), i) }))

  def predict(indexedData: RDD[(Feature, Long)]): Array[Int] = {
    val treeVariableData = indexedData.collectAtIndexes(splitVariableIndexes)
    Range(0, indexedData.size)
      .map(i =>
            .traverse(s => treeVariableData(s.splitVariableIndex).at(i) <= s.splitPoint)

  def printout() {

  def printoutByLevel() {
    def printLevel(levelNodes: Seq[DecisionTreeNode]) {
      if (levelNodes.nonEmpty) {
        println(levelNodes.mkString(" "))
        printLevel(levelNodes.flatMap(_ match {
          case t: SplitNode => List(t.left, t.right)
          case _ => Nil

  override def variableImportanceAsFastMap: Long2DoubleOpenHashMap = {
    rootNode.splitsToStream.foldLeft(new Long2DoubleOpenHashMap()) {
      case (m, splitNode) =>
        m.increment(splitNode.splitVariableIndex, splitNode.impurityDelta)

  override def variableSplitCountAsFastMap: Long2LongOpenHashMap = {
    rootNode.splitsToStream.foldLeft(new Long2LongOpenHashMap()) {
      case (m, splitNode) =>
        m.increment(splitNode.splitVariableIndex, 1L)

  def impurity: List[Double] =
  def variables: List[Long] =
  def thresholds: List[Double] =


/** Contains the object for the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTreeModel]] class
object DecisionTreeModel {

  /** Returns the resolved list of the split nodes and indices
    * @param indexedData: input an RDD of tuples with the valeus in the dataset and the index
    * @param splitNodes: input a list of tuples with the
    *                  [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitNode]] class and an index
    * @return returns a List of the resolved [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SplitNode]]
    *         class and it's index
  def resolveSplitNodes(indexedData: RDD[(DataLike, Long)],
      splitNodes: List[(SplitNode, Int)]): List[(DecisionTreeNode, Int)] = {
    val varsAndIndexesToCollect = splitNodes
      .asInstanceOf[List[(SplitNode, Int)]]
      .map { case (n, i) => (n.splitVariableIndex, i) }
    val varValuesForSplits = withBroadcast(indexedData)(varsAndIndexesToCollect) {
      br_varsAndIndexesToCollect =>
        indexedData.mapPartitions { it =>
          val varsAndIndexesToCollectMap =
          it.flatMap {
            case (v, vi) =>
              varsAndIndexesToCollectMap.getOrElse(vi, Nil).map {
                case (n, si) => (si,
    splitNodes.asInstanceOf[List[(SplitNode, Int)]] {
      case ((n, i), v) => (n.childFor(varValuesForSplits(v)), i)

  def batchPredict(indexedData: RDD[(DataLike, Long)], trees: Seq[DecisionTreeModel],
      indexes: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Int]] = {

    /** Takes the decision tree nodes and outputs the leaf nodes
      * Partitions the nodesAndIndexes variable and recursively iterates through each
      * model until a leaf node is reached
      * @param nodesAndIndexes: input a list of tuples of tuple
      * @return a list of tuples of tuple
    def predict(
        nodesAndIndexes: List[((DecisionTreeNode, Int), Int)]): List[((LeafNode, Int), Int)] = {
      val (leaves, splits) = nodesAndIndexes.partition(_._1._1.isLeaf)
      if (splits.isEmpty) {
        leaves.asInstanceOf[List[((LeafNode, Int), Int)]]
      } else {
        val (bareSplits, splitIndexes) = splits.unzip
        val transformedSplits =
          resolveSplitNodes(indexedData, bareSplits.asInstanceOf[List[(SplitNode, Int)]])
        leaves.asInstanceOf[List[((LeafNode, Int), Int)]] ::: predict(transformedSplits)

    val rootNodesAndIndexes = trees
      .flatMap { case (n, idx) => => (n, i)) }
    val leaveNodesAndIndexes = predict(rootNodesAndIndexes)

    val orderedPredictions = leaveNodesAndIndexes.sortBy(_._2).map(_._1).map(_._1.majorityLabel)
    val orderedPredictionsIter = orderedPredictions.toIterator => Array.fill(a.length)(

/** A Class to specify the parameters of the decision tree model
  * @param maxDepth: input the max value
  * @param minNodeSize: specify the minimum node size
  * @param seed: specify the seed for the random number generator
  * @param randomizeEquality: specify the randomization merger or the determinate merger
case class DecisionTreeParams(maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue, minNodeSize: Int = 1,
    seed: Long = defRng.nextLong, randomizeEquality: Boolean = false,
    correctImpurity: Boolean = false, airRandomSeed: Long = 0L) {

  override def toString: String = ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this)

/** Class for the Decision tree model
  * Specify the 'params' using the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTreeParams]]
  * {{{
  * val maxDepth = 5
  * val minNodeSize = 10
  * val seed = 1
  * val randomizeEquality = false
  * val params = DecisionTreeParams(maxDepth, minNodeSize, seed, randomizeEquality)
  * val model = DecisionTree(params)
  * }}}
  * @param params: input the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTreeParams]] class
  *              containing the main aspects of the model
class DecisionTree(val params: DecisionTreeParams = DecisionTreeParams(),
    val trf: TreeRepresentationFactory = DefTreeRepresentationFactory)
    extends Logging with Prof {

  implicit lazy val rnd: XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator =
    new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator(params.seed)

  implicit def toRepresenation(indexedFeatures: RDD[(Feature, Long)]): RDD[TreeFeature] =

  /** Basic training operation taking the in the data, the type, and the labels
    * @param indexedData: input an RDD of the dataset
    * @param labels: input an array of integers changed to an integer representation
  def train(indexedData: RDD[(Feature, Long)], labels: Array[Int]): DecisionTreeModel =
    train(indexedData, labels, 1.0, Sample.all(indexedData.first._1.size))

  /** Alternative train function
    * @param indexedData: input an RDD of the values of the dataset with the indices
    * @param labels: input an array of integers changed to an integer representation
    * @param nvarFraction: fraction of variable to test at each split
    * @param sample: input the [[au.csiro.variantspark.utils.Sample]] class that
    *              contains the size and the indices
  def train(indexedData: RDD[(Feature, Long)], labels: Array[Int], nvarFraction: Double,
      sample: Sample): DecisionTreeModel =
    batchTrain(indexedData, labels, nvarFraction, List(sample)).head

  /** Trains all the trees for specified samples at the same time
    * @param indexedFeatures: input an RDD of the values of the dataset with the indices
    * @param labels: input an array of integers changed to an integer representation
    * @param nvarFraction: fraction of variable to test for each split
    * @param sample: input the [[au.csiro.variantspark.utils.Sample]] class that
    *              contains the size and the indices
    * @return Returns a Sequence of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTreeModel]]
    *         classes containing the dataset
  def batchTrain(indexedFeatures: RDD[(Feature, Long)], labels: Array[Int], nvarFraction: Double,
      sample: Seq[Sample]): Seq[DecisionTreeModel] = {
    batchTrainInt(trf.createRepresentation(indexedFeatures), labels, nvarFraction, sample)

  /** Trains all the trees for specified samples at the same time
    * @param features: input an RDD of the internal tree feature representation
    * @param labels: input an array of integers changed to an integer representation
    * @param nvarFraction: fraction of variable to test for each split
    * @param sample: input the [[au.csiro.variantspark.utils.Sample]] class that
    *              contains the size and the indices
    * @return Returns a Sequence of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTreeModel]]
    *         classes containing the dataset
  def batchTrainInt(features: RDD[TreeFeature], labels: Array[Int], nvarFraction: Double,
      sample: Seq[Sample]): Seq[DecisionTreeModel] = {

    // manage persistence here - cache the features if not already cached
    withCached(features) { cachedFeatures =>
      val splitter: VariableSplitter =
        if (params.correctImpurity) {
            if (params.airRandomSeed != 0L) params.airRandomSeed else params.seed, nvarFraction,
            randomizeEquality = params.randomizeEquality)
        } else {
          StdVariableSplitter(labels, nvarFraction, randomizeEquality = params.randomizeEquality)
      val subsets =
      val rootNodes = withBroadcast(cachedFeatures)(splitter) { br_splitter =>
        buildSplit(cachedFeatures, subsets, br_splitter, 0)
      } DecisionTreeModel(_))

  private def summarize(subsets: List[SubsetInfo]): String = {
    s"#${subsets.size} => ${}"

  /** Builds (recursively) the decision tree level by level
    * @param indexedTypedData: input an RDD of tree features
    * @param subsets: input an Array containing the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.VarSplitInfo]]
    *               class
    * @param br_splitter: input a Broadcast of Arrays containing
    *                   the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
    * @param treeLevel: specify the current level of the tree being built
    * @return Returns a subset of the splits
  private def buildSplit(indexedTypedData: RDD[TreeFeature], subsets: List[SubsetInfo],
      br_splitter: Broadcast[VariableSplitter], treeLevel: Int): List[DecisionTreeNode] = {

    logDebug(s"Building level ${treeLevel}")
    logDebug(s"Initial subsets: ${summarize(subsets)}")
    logTrace(s"Initial subsets (details): ${subsets}")


    val subsetsToSplit = subsets.zipWithIndex.filter {
      case (si, _) =>
        si.length >= params.minNodeSize && treeLevel < params.maxDepth
    logDebug(s"Splittable subsets: ${summarize(}")
    logTrace(s"Splittable subsets (details): ${subsetsToSplit}")

    val (bestSplits, nextLevelSubsets) =
      findBestSplitsAndSubsets(indexedTypedData,, br_splitter)
    logDebug(s"Best splits: ${bestSplits.toList}")
    logDebug(s"Next level subsets ${summarize(nextLevelSubsets)}")
    logTrace(s"Next level subsets (details): ${nextLevelSubsets}")

    profPoint("Best splits and splitting done")

    val nextLevelNodes =
      if (nextLevelSubsets.nonEmpty) {
        buildSplit(indexedTypedData, nextLevelSubsets, br_splitter, treeLevel + 1)
      } else { List() }

    profPoint("Sublevels done")

    val (usefulSplits, usefulSplitsIndices) = != null).unzip
    val subsetIndexToSplitIndexMap = usefulSplitsIndices.zipWithIndex.toMap
    val result = {
      case (subset, i) =>
        // format: off
          .map(splitIndex => SplitNode(subset, usefulSplits(splitIndex),
            nextLevelNodes(2 * splitIndex), nextLevelNodes(2 * splitIndex + 1)))
      // format: on
    profPoint("building done")


  /** Finds the best split using the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.DecisionTree]]
    * class's findBestSplits function then broadcast to the bestSplits variable
    * @param treeFeatures: input an RDD of tree freatures
    * @param subsetsToSplit: input a list of [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]]
    * @param br_splitter: input a Broadcast of Arrays containing
    *                   the [[au.csiro.variantspark.algo.SubsetInfo]] class
  private def findBestSplitsAndSubsets(treeFeatures: RDD[TreeFeature],
      subsetsToSplit: List[SubsetInfo], br_splitter: Broadcast[VariableSplitter]) = {
    profIt("findBestSplitsAndSubsets") {
      val subsetsToSplitAsIndices = subsetsToSplit.toArray
      withBroadcast(treeFeatures)(subsetsToSplitAsIndices) { br_splits =>
        val bestSplits = DecisionTree.findBestSplits(treeFeatures, br_splits, br_splitter)
        (bestSplits, DecisionTree.splitSubsets(treeFeatures, bestSplits, br_splits, br_splitter))

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