au.csiro.variantspark.cli.ImportanceCmd.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package au.csiro.variantspark.cli
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.common.arg4j.{AppRunner, TestArgs}
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.common.utils.{CSVUtils, Logging, ReusablePrintStream, Timer}
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.spark.{SparkApp, SparkUtils}
import au.csiro.sparkle.common.args4j.ArgsApp
import au.csiro.variantspark.algo.{RandomForest, RandomForestCallback, RandomForestParams, _}
import au.csiro.variantspark.cli.args.{
import au.csiro.variantspark.cmd.EchoUtils._
import au.csiro.variantspark.cmd.Echoable
import au.csiro.variantspark.input.CsvLabelSource
import au.csiro.variantspark.utils.{HdfsPath, defRng}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option
class ImportanceCmd
extends ArgsApp with SparkApp with FeatureSourceArgs with ImportanceArgs with RandomForestArgs
with ModelOutputArgs with Echoable with Logging with TestArgs {
@Option(name = "-ff", required = true, usage = "Path to feature file",
aliases = Array("--feature-file"))
val featuresFile: String = null
@Option(name = "-fc", required = true, usage = "Name of the feature column",
aliases = Array("--feature-column"))
val featureColumn: String = null
// output options
@Option(name = "-of", required = false, usage = "Path to output file (def = stdout)",
aliases = Array("--output-file"))
val outputFile: String = null
@Option(name = "-on", required = false,
usage = "The number of top important variables to include in output."
+ " Use `0` for all variables. (def=20)",
aliases = Array("--output-n-variables"))
val nVariables: Int = 20
@Option(name = "-od", required = false,
usage = "Include important variables data in output file (def=no)",
aliases = Array("--output-include-data"))
val includeData: Boolean = false
@Option(name = "-sr", required = false, usage = "Random seed to use (def=)",
aliases = Array("--seed"))
val randomSeed: Long = defRng.nextLong
override def testArgs: Array[String] =
Array("-if", "data/chr22_1000.vcf", "-ff", "data/chr22-labels.csv", "-fc", "22_16051347",
"-ovn", "raw", "-on", "1988", "-rn", "1000", "-rbs", "250", "-ic", "-om",
"target/ch22-model.ser", "-omf", "java", "-sr", "13", "-v", "-io", """{"separator":":"}""",
"-ro", "-rmtf", "0.1")
override def run(): Unit = {
implicit val fs: FileSystem = FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
implicit val hadoopConf: Configuration = sc.hadoopConfiguration
logDebug(s"Running with filesystem: ${fs}, home: ${fs.getHomeDirectory}")
logInfo("Running with params: " + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this))
echo(s"Finding ${nVariables} most important features using random forest")
val dataLoadingTimer = Timer()
echo(s"Loaded rows: ${dumpList(featureSource.sampleNames)}")
val inputData = DefTreeRepresentationFactory
val totalVariables = inputData.count()
val variablePreview =
echo(s"Loaded variables: ${dumpListHead(variablePreview, totalVariables)},"
+ s" took: ${dataLoadingTimer.durationInSec}")
// if (isVerbose) {
// verbose("Representation preview:")
// inputData.take(defaultPreviewSize).foreach(f=> verbose(s"${f.label}:
// ${f.variableType}:${dumpList(f.valueAsStrings,
// longPreviewSize)}(${f.getClass.getName})"))
// }
echo(s"Loading labels from: ${featuresFile}, column: ${featureColumn}")
val labelSource = new CsvLabelSource(featuresFile, featureColumn)
val labels = labelSource.getLabels(featureSource.sampleNames)
echo(s"Loaded labels: ${dumpList(labels.toList)}")
echo(s"Training random forest with trees: ${nTrees} (batch size: ${rfBatchSize})")
echo(s"Random seed is: ${randomSeed}")
val treeBuildingTimer = Timer()
val rf: RandomForest = new RandomForest(RandomForestParams(oob = rfEstimateOob,
seed = randomSeed, maxDepth = rfMaxDepth, minNodeSize = rfMinNodeSize,
bootstrap = !rfSampleNoReplacement, subsample = rfSubsampleFraction,
nTryFraction = if (rfMTry > 0) rfMTry.toDouble / totalVariables else rfMTryFraction,
correctImpurity = correctImportance, airRandomSeed = airRandomSeed))
val trainingData = inputData
implicit val rfCallback: RandomForestCallback = new RandomForestCallback() {
var totalTime: Long = 0L
var totalTrees: Int = 0
override def onParamsResolved(actualParams: RandomForestParams) {
echo(s"RF Params: ${actualParams}")
echo(s"RF Params mTry: ${(actualParams.nTryFraction * totalVariables).toLong}")
override def onTreeComplete(nTrees: Int, oobError: Double, elapsedTimeMs: Long) {
totalTime += elapsedTimeMs
totalTrees += nTrees
s"Finished trees: ${totalTrees}, current oobError: ${oobError},"
+ s" totalTime: ${totalTime / 1000.0} s, "
+ s" avg timePerTree: ${totalTime / (1000.0 * totalTrees)} s")
s"Last build trees: ${nTrees}, time: ${elapsedTimeMs} ms,"
+ s" timePerTree: ${elapsedTimeMs / nTrees} ms")
val result = rf.batchTrainTyped(trainingData, labels, nTrees, rfBatchSize)
s"Random forest oob accuracy: ${result.oobError},"
+ s" took: ${treeBuildingTimer.durationInSec} s")
// build index for names
val allImportantVariables = result.normalizedVariableImportance(importanceNormalizer).toSeq
val topImportantVariables = limitVariables(allImportantVariables, nVariables)
val topImportantVariableIndexes =
val variablesToIndex = if (requiresFullIndex) {
} else {
val index = SparkUtils.withBroadcast(sc)(variablesToIndex) { br_indexes =>
.filter(t => br_indexes.value.contains(t.index))
.map(f => (f.index, f.label))
val varImportance ={
case (i, importance) => (index(i), importance)
if (isEcho && outputFile != null) {
echo("Variable importance preview")
.take(math.min(math.max(nVariables, defaultPreviewSize), defaultPreviewSize))
.foreach({ case (label, importance) => echo(s"${label}: ${importance}") })
val importantVariableData =
if (includeData) trainingData.collectAtIndexes(topImportantVariableIndexes) else null
if (outputFile != null) HdfsPath(outputFile).create() else ReusablePrintStream.stdout) {
writer =>
val header =
List("variable", "importance") ::: (if (includeData) featureSource.sampleNames else Nil)
case (i, importance) =>
List(index(i), importance) ::: (if (includeData) {
} else { Nil })
saveModel(result, index.toMap)
object ImportanceCmd {
def main(args: Array[String]) {