au.csiro.variantspark.hail.methods.RFModel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Genomic variants interpretation toolkit
The newest version!
package au.csiro.variantspark.hail.methods
import au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.common.utils.{LoanUtils, Logging}
import au.csiro.variantspark.algo.{
import{BoundedOrdinalVariable, Feature, StdFeature}
import au.csiro.variantspark.external.ModelConverter
import au.csiro.variantspark.input.{
import au.csiro.variantspark.utils.HdfsPath
import is.hail.annotations.Annotation
import is.hail.backend.spark.SparkBackend
import{Interpret, MatrixIR, MatrixValue, TableIR, TableLiteral, TableValue}
import is.hail.stats.RegressionUtils
import is.hail.types.virtual._
import is.hail.utils.{ExecutionTimer, fatal}
import is.hail.variant._
import javax.annotation.Nullable
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization.writePretty
import org.json4s.{Formats, NoTypeHints}
import scala.collection.IndexedSeq
* Initial implementation of RandomForst model for hail
* @param inputIR MatrixIR with extracted fields of interests, currently it's assumed
* that the per sample dependent variable is named `e`
* while the dependent variable is named `y`
* @param rfParams random forest parameters to use
case class RFModel(backend: SparkBackend, inputIR: MatrixIR, rfParams: RandomForestParams,
imputationStrategy: Option[ImputationStrategy])
extends Logging with AutoCloseable {
val responseVarName: String = "y"
val entryVarname: String = "e"
// the a stateful object
// TODO: Maybe refactor to a helper object
// maintain the same key as in the original matrix
var key: IndexedSeq[String] = _
var keySignature: TStruct = _
var rfModel: RandomForestModel = _
var impVarBroadcast: Broadcast[Map[Long, Double]] = _
var splitCountBroadcast: Broadcast[Map[Long, Long]] = _
var inputData: RDD[TreeFeature] = _
def fitTrees(nTrees: Int = 500, batchSize: Int = 100) {
// TODO: This only allows to replace the current model with a newly fitted one
// We may want to be abel to the trees.
rfModel = ExecutionTimer.logTime("RFModel.fitTrees") { timer =>
backend.withExecuteContext(timer) { implicit ctx =>
val tv = Interpret.apply(inputIR, ctx, true)
val mv = tv.toMatrixValue(inputIR.typ.colKey)
// maintain the same key as in the original matrix
key = mv.typ.rowKey
keySignature = mv.typ.rowKeyStruct
// for now we need to assert that the MatrixValue
// is actually indexed by the locus
// TODO: otherwise I need some way to serialize and deserialize the keys
// which may be possible in the future
// one more reason to make this API work for genotypes only ...
require(keySignature.fields.size == 2,
"The key needs to be (for now): (locus<*>, alleles: array)")
s"The first field in key must be TLocus[*] but is ${keySignature.fields(0).typ}")
require(keySignature.fields(1).typ == TArray(TString),
s"The second field in key must be TArray[String] but is ${keySignature.fields(1).typ}")
lazy val rf: RandomForest = new RandomForest(rfParams)
val featuresRDD: RDD[Feature] =
RFModel.mvToFeatureRDD(mv, imputationStrategy.getOrElse(DisabledImputationStrategy))
inputData = DefTreeRepresentationFactory.createRepresentation(featuresRDD.zipWithIndex())
// These are currently obrained as doubles and converted to Int's needed by RandomForest
// This is because getPhenosCovCompleteSamples only works on Double64 columns
// This may be optimized in the future
val (yMat, cov, completeColIdx) =
RegressionUtils.getPhenosCovCompleteSamples(mv, Array(responseVarName), Array[String]())
// completeColIdx are indexes of the complete samples.
// These can be used to subsample the entry data
// but for now let's just assume that there are no NAs in the labels (and or covariates).
// TODO: allow for NAs in the labels and/or covariates
require(completeColIdx.length == mv.nCols,
"NAs are not currenlty supported in response variable. Filter the data first.")
val labelVector = yMat(::, 0)
// TODO: allow for multi class classification
if (!labelVector.forall(yi => yi == 0d || yi == 1d)) {
"For classification random forestlabel must be bool or numeric"
+ " with all present values equal to 0 or 1")
val labels =
// now we somehow need to get to row data
if (inputData.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE) {
val totalVariables = inputData.count()
logInfo(s"Loaded ${totalVariables} variables")
rf.batchTrainTyped(inputData, labels, nTrees, batchSize)
def oobError: Double = rfModel.oobError
def variableImportance: TableIR = {
ExecutionTimer.logTime("RFModel.fitTrees") { timer =>
backend.withExecuteContext(timer) { ctx =>
// the result should keep the key + add importance related field
val sig: TStruct =
keySignature.insertFields(Array(("importance", TFloat64), ("splitCount", TInt64)))
val brVarImp = importanceMapBroadcast
val brSplitCount = splitCountMapBroadcast
val mapRDD = inputData.mapPartitions { it =>
val varImp = brVarImp.value
val splitCount = brSplitCount.value { tf =>
RFModel.tfFeatureToImpRow(tf.label, varImp.getOrElse(tf.index, 0.0),
splitCount.getOrElse(tf.index, 0L))
TableLiteral(TableValue(ctx, sig, key, mapRDD))
def toJson(jsonFilename: String, resolveVarNames: Boolean) {
println(s"Saving model to: ${jsonFilename}")
implicit val hadoopConf: Configuration = inputData.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
implicit val formats: AnyRef with Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)
val variableIndex = if (resolveVarNames) {
val brVarImp = importanceMapBroadcast
.mapPartitions({ it =>
val impVariableSet = brVarImp.value.keySet
it.filter(t => impVariableSet.contains(t.index))
.map(f => (f.index, f.label))
} else {
Map.empty[Long, String]
.withCloseable(new OutputStreamWriter(HdfsPath(jsonFilename).create())) { objectOut =>
writePretty(new ModelConverter(variableIndex).toExternal(rfModel), objectOut)
def release() {
private def importanceMapBroadcast: Broadcast[Map[Long, Double]] = {
require(rfModel != null, "Train the model first")
if (impVarBroadcast != null) {
} else {
impVarBroadcast = backend.sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(rfModel.variableImportance)
private def splitCountMapBroadcast: Broadcast[Map[Long, Long]] = {
require(rfModel != null, "Train the model first")
if (splitCountBroadcast != null) {
} else {
splitCountBroadcast = backend.sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(
private def releaseModelState() {
if (impVarBroadcast != null) {
if (splitCountBroadcast != null) {
if (inputData != null) {
inputData = null
impVarBroadcast = null
rfModel = null
key = null
keySignature = null
override def close(): Unit = {
object RFModel {
def tfFeatureToImpRow(label: String, impValue: Double, splitCount: Long): Row = {
val elements = label.split("_")
val alleles = elements.drop(2).map(_.asInstanceOf[Annotation]).toIndexedSeq
Row(Locus(elements(0), elements(1).toInt), alleles, impValue, splitCount)
def mvToFeatureRDD(mv: MatrixValue, imputationStrategy: ImputationStrategy): RDD[Feature] = {
// toRows <==> to external rows as far as I understand
// which will allow the RDD to be used outside of the
// execution context (which is what we want here), imputationStrategy))
def rowToFeature(r: Row, is: ImputationStrategy): Feature = {
val locus = r.getAs[Locus](0)
val varName =
(Seq(locus.contig, locus.position.toString) ++ r.getSeq[String](1)).mkString("_")
val data = r
.map(g => if (!g.isNullAt(0)) g.getInt(0).toByte else Missing.BYTE_NA_VALUE)
StdFeature.from(varName, BoundedOrdinalVariable(3), is.impute(data))
def imputationFromString(imputationType: String): ImputationStrategy = {
imputationType match {
case "mode" => ModeImputationStrategy(3)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown imputation type: '" + imputationType + "'. Valid types are: 'mode'")
def optionFromNullable[J, S](jValue: J)(implicit conversion: J => S): Option[S] =
if (jValue == null) None else Some(conversion(jValue))
def pyApply(backend: SparkBackend, inputIR: MatrixIR, @Nullable mTryFraction: java.lang.Double,
oob: Boolean, @Nullable minNodeSize: java.lang.Integer,
@Nullable maxDepth: java.lang.Integer, @Nullable seed: java.lang.Integer,
@Nullable imputationType: String = null): RFModel = {
var rfParams = RandomForestParams.fromOptions(mTryFraction = optionFromNullable(mTryFraction),
oob = Some(oob), minNodeSize = optionFromNullable(minNodeSize),
maxDepth = optionFromNullable(maxDepth), seed = optionFromNullable(seed).map(_.longValue))
RFModel(backend, inputIR, rfParams, Option(imputationType).map(imputationFromString))