Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.http.auth
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.InternalApi
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awscredentials.Credentials
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awssigning.*
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awssigning.internal.isEligibleForAwsChunkedStreaming
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awssigning.internal.setAwsChunkedBody
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awssigning.internal.setAwsChunkedHeaders
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.auth.awssigning.internal.useAwsChunkedEncoding
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.client.LogMode
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.client.SdkClientOption
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.collections.get
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.http.HttpBody
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.http.operation.HttpOperationContext
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.http.request.HttpRequest
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.http.request.HttpRequestBuilder
import aws.smithy.kotlin.runtime.time.Instant
import kotlin.time.Duration
* AWS SigV4/SigV4a [HttpSigner] that signs outgoing requests using the given [config]
public class AwsHttpSigner(private val config: Config) : HttpSigner {
public companion object {
public inline operator fun invoke(block: Config.() -> Unit): AwsHttpSigner {
val config = Config().apply(block)
requireNotNull(config.signer) { "A signer must be specified for the middleware" }
return AwsHttpSigner(config)
public class Config {
* The signer implementation to use for signing
public var signer: AwsSigner? = null
* The credential scope service name to sign requests for
* NOTE: The operation context is favored when [AwsSigningAttributes.SigningService] is set
public var service: String? = null
* Sets what signature should be computed
public var signatureType: AwsSignatureType = AwsSignatureType.HTTP_REQUEST_VIA_HEADERS
* The algorithm to sign with
public var algorithm: AwsSigningAlgorithm = AwsSigningAlgorithm.SIGV4
* Indicates whether the payload should be unsigned _even_ in cases where it would otherwise be signable (e.g.,
* a replayable stream or byte buffer). Setting this value to `false` will _not_ allow signing a non-replayable
* stream.
public var isUnsignedPayload: Boolean = false
* The uri is assumed to be encoded once in preparation for transmission. Certain services
* do not decode before checking signature, requiring double-encoding the uri in the canonical
* request in order to pass a signature check.
public var useDoubleUriEncode: Boolean = true
* Controls whether or not the uri paths should be normalized when building the canonical request
public var normalizeUriPath: Boolean = true
* Flag indicating if the "X-Amz-Security-Token" query param should be omitted.
* Normally, this parameter is added during signing if the credentials have a session token.
* The only known case where this should be true is when signing a websocket handshake to IoT Core.
public var omitSessionToken: Boolean = false
* Controls what body "hash" header, if any, should be added to the canonical request and the signed request.
* Most services do not require this additional header.
public var signedBodyHeader: AwsSignedBodyHeader = AwsSignedBodyHeader.NONE
* If non-zero and the signing transform is query param, then signing will add X-Amz-Expires to the query
* string, equal to the value specified here. If this value is zero or if header signing is being used then
* this parameter has no effect.
public var expiresAfter: Duration? = null
* A predicate to control which headers are a part of the canonical request. Note that skipping auth-required
* headers will result in an unusable signature. Headers injected by the signing process cannot be skipped.
* This function does not override the internal check function (e.g., for `x-amzn-trace-id`, `user-agent`, etc.) but
* rather supplements it. In particular, a header will get signed if and only if it returns true to both the
* internal check and this function (if defined).
* The default predicate is to not reject signing any headers (i.e., `_ -> true`).
public var shouldSignHeader: ShouldSignHeaderPredicate = { _ -> true }
override suspend fun sign(signingRequest: SignHttpRequest) {
require(signingRequest.identity is Credentials) { "invalid Identity type ${signingRequest.identity::class}; expected ${Credentials::class}" }
val attributes = signingRequest.signingAttributes
val request = signingRequest.httpRequest
val body = request.body
// favor attributes from the current request context
val contextHashSpecification = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.HashSpecification)
val contextSignedBodyHeader = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.SignedBodyHeader)
val contextSigningRegion = attributes[AwsSigningAttributes.SigningRegion]
val contextSigningRegionSet = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.SigningRegionSet)
val contextUseDoubleUriEncode = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.UseDoubleUriEncode)
val contextNormalizeUriPath = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.NormalizeUriPath)
val contextSigningServiceName = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.SigningService)
// operation signing config is baseConfig + operation specific config/overrides
val signingConfig = AwsSigningConfig {
service = contextSigningServiceName ?: checkNotNull(config.service)
credentials = signingRequest.identity as Credentials
algorithm = config.algorithm
region = when {
algorithm == AwsSigningAlgorithm.SIGV4_ASYMMETRIC && !contextSigningRegionSet.isNullOrEmpty() -> contextSigningRegionSet.joinToString(",")
else -> contextSigningRegion
// apply clock skew if applicable
signingDate = attributes.getOrNull(AwsSigningAttributes.SigningDate)
?: ( + (attributes.getOrNull(HttpOperationContext.ClockSkew) ?: Duration.ZERO))
signatureType = config.signatureType
omitSessionToken = config.omitSessionToken
normalizeUriPath = contextNormalizeUriPath ?: config.normalizeUriPath
useDoubleUriEncode = contextUseDoubleUriEncode ?: config.useDoubleUriEncode
expiresAfter = config.expiresAfter
shouldSignHeader = config.shouldSignHeader
signedBodyHeader = contextSignedBodyHeader ?: config.signedBodyHeader
logRequest = attributes.getOrNull(SdkClientOption.LogMode)?.isEnabled(LogMode.LogRequest) == true
// SDKs are supposed to default to signed payload _always_ when possible (and when `unsignedPayload` trait
// isn't present). The only exception is when the customer explicitly disables signed payloads (via Config.isUnsignedPayload).
hashSpecification = when {
contextHashSpecification != null -> contextHashSpecification
body is HttpBody.Empty -> HashSpecification.EmptyBody
body.isEligibleForAwsChunkedStreaming -> {
if (request.headers.contains("x-amz-trailer")) {
if (config.isUnsignedPayload) HashSpecification.StreamingUnsignedPayloadWithTrailers else HashSpecification.StreamingAws4HmacSha256PayloadWithTrailers
} else {
config.isUnsignedPayload -> HashSpecification.UnsignedPayload
// use the payload to compute the hash
else -> HashSpecification.CalculateFromPayload
if (signingConfig.useAwsChunkedEncoding) {
val signingResult = checkNotNull(config.signer).sign(, signingConfig)
val signedRequest = signingResult.output
// Add the signature to the request context
if (signingConfig.useAwsChunkedEncoding) {
private fun HttpRequestBuilder.update(signedRequest: HttpRequest) {
signedRequest.headers.forEach { key, values ->
this.headers.appendMissing(key, values)
signedRequest.url.parameters.forEach { (key, values) ->
// The signed request has a URL-encoded path which means simply appending missing could result in both the raw
// and percent-encoded value being present. Instead, just append new keys added by signing.
if (key !in url.parameters) {
url.parameters.addAll(key, values)
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