urldsl.language.Fragment.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A tiny library for parsing and creating urls in a type-safe way
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package urldsl.language
import urldsl.errors.{DummyError, FragmentMatchingError, SimpleFragmentMatchingError}
import urldsl.url.{UrlStringGenerator, UrlStringParserGenerator}
import urldsl.vocabulary.{Codec, FromString, MaybeFragment, Printer}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Represents the fragment (or ref) of an URL, containing an information of type T, or an error of type E.
* @tparam T
* type represented by this PathSegment
* @tparam E
* type of the error that this PathSegment produces on "illegal" url paths.
trait Fragment[T, E] extends UrlPart[T, E] {
import Fragment.factory
/** Extract the information contained in this fragment, as an instance of T.
* @param maybeFragment
* raw fragment information from the URL
* @return
* Right a T when the extraction was successful, and Left an error otherwise.
def matchFragment(maybeFragment: MaybeFragment): Either[E, T]
def matchRawUrl(url: String, urlStringParserGenerator: UrlStringParserGenerator): Either[E, T] =
/** Creates a fragment information from an instance of T.
def createFragment(t: T): MaybeFragment
/** Creates the Fragment string contained in the given instance of T. Automatically prepend # if non empty. */
def fragmentString(t: T, encoder: UrlStringGenerator = UrlStringGenerator.default): String =
/** Sugar when {{{T =:= Unit}}}. */
def fragmentString()(implicit ev: Unit =:= T): String = fragmentString(())
def createPart(t: T, encoder: UrlStringGenerator = UrlStringGenerator.default): String =
fragmentString(t, encoder)
/** By-map this fragment into a type U. */
def as[U](tToU: T => U, uToT: U => T): Fragment[U, E] = factory(
fragment => matchFragment(fragment).map(tToU),
(u: U) => createFragment(uToT(u))
def as[U](implicit codec: Codec[T, U]): Fragment[U, E] = as[U](codec.leftToRight _, codec.rightToLeft _)
/** Turns this fragment matching a `T` into a fragment matching an [[Option]] of T. It will return Some(t) if t could
* be extracted, and None otherwise.
* The failure that happened and led to an error does not matter: it will result in None, no matter what.
def ? : Fragment[Option[T], E] = factory(
matchFragment(_) match {
case Left(_) => Right(None)
case Right(value) => Right(Some(value))
case Some(t) => createFragment(t)
case None => MaybeFragment(None)
/** Adds an extra satisfying criteria to the de-serialized output of this [[Fragment]]. When the output of this
* [[Fragment]] does not satisfy the given predicate, the given error is returned instead.
* @param predicate
* criteria that the output has to verify
* @param error
* error happening when it's not the case
* @tparam E1
* new type of the error
* @return
* a new [[Fragment]] matching the same fragment information, but only when the predicate is satisfied
final def filter[E1 >: E](predicate: T => Boolean, error: MaybeFragment => E1): Fragment[T, E1] =
Fragment.factory[T, E1](
(maybeFragment: MaybeFragment) => matchFragment(maybeFragment).filterOrElse(predicate, error(maybeFragment)),
/** Sugar when `T =:= DummyError`. */
final def filter(predicate: T => Boolean)(implicit ev: E <:< DummyError): Fragment[T, DummyError] = {
// type F[+E1] = Fragment[T, E1]
// ev.liftCo[F].apply(this).filter(predicate, _ => DummyError.dummyError)
// we keep this ugliness below while supporting 2.12 todo[scala3] remove this
this.asInstanceOf[Fragment[T, DummyError]].filter(predicate, _ => DummyError.dummyError)
/** Returns a [[Fragment]] which outputs the contents of this [[Fragment]] when result is a [[Some]] and the specified
* `default` value otherwise. When generating the path, it will only generate paths corresponding to the [[Some]]
* case.
* @note
* This method is only available when `T =:= Option[U]`.
* @param default
* default value when output is empty
final def getOrElse[U](default: => U)(implicit ev: T =:= Option[U]): Fragment[U, E] =
factory[U, E](
(maybeFragment: MaybeFragment) => matchFragment(maybeFragment).map(ev(_).getOrElse(default)),
// (u: U) => createFragment(ev.flip(Some(u)))
// we keep the ugliness below while supporting 2.12 todo[scala3] remove
(u: U) => createFragment(Some(u).asInstanceOf[T])
object Fragment {
def factory[T, E](extractor: MaybeFragment => Either[E, T], generator: T => MaybeFragment): Fragment[T, E] =
new Fragment[T, E] {
def matchFragment(maybeFragment: MaybeFragment): Either[E, T] = extractor(maybeFragment)
def createFragment(t: T): MaybeFragment = generator(t)
/** Creates a fragment matching any element of type `T`, as long as the [[urldsl.vocabulary.FromString]] can
* de-serialize it.
* If the fragment is missing, returns an error.
def fragment[T, A](implicit
fromString: FromString[T, A],
printer: Printer[T],
fragmentMatchingError: FragmentMatchingError[A]
): Fragment[T, A] = factory[T, A](
case MaybeFragment(None) => Left(fragmentMatchingError.missingFragmentError)
case MaybeFragment(Some(fragment)) => fromString(fragment)
(printer.apply _).andThen(Some(_)).andThen(MaybeFragment.apply)
/** Creates a fragment matching any element of type `T`, as long as the [[urldsl.vocabulary.FromString]] can
* de-serialize it.
* If the fragment is missing, returns None.
final def maybeFragment[T, A](implicit
fromString: FromString[T, A],
printer: Printer[T],
fragmentMatchingError: FragmentMatchingError[A]
): Fragment[Option[T], A] = factory[Option[T], A](
case MaybeFragment(None) => Right(None)
case MaybeFragment(Some(fragment)) => fromString(fragment).map(Some(_))
(maybeT: Option[T]) => MaybeFragment(maybeT.map(printer.apply))
/** Imposes that the URL does not contain a Fragment. */
final def empty[A](implicit fragmentMatchingError: FragmentMatchingError[A]): Fragment[Unit, A] = factory[Unit, A](
case MaybeFragment(None) => Right(())
case MaybeFragment(Some(fragment)) => Left(fragmentMatchingError.fragmentWasPresent(fragment))
(_: Unit) => MaybeFragment(None)
implicit def asFragment[T, A](t: T)(implicit
fromString: FromString[T, A],
printer: Printer[T],
fragmentMatchingError: FragmentMatchingError[A],
classTag: ClassTag[T]
): Fragment[Unit, A] = factory[Unit, A](
case MaybeFragment(None) => Left(fragmentMatchingError.missingFragmentError)
case MaybeFragment(Some(fragment)) =>
fromString(fragment) match {
case Left(value) => Left(value)
case Right(decodedValue) =>
decodedValue match {
case value: T if value == t => Right(())
case _ => Left(fragmentMatchingError.wrongValue(decodedValue, t))
_ => MaybeFragment(Some(printer.print(t)))
lazy val dummyErrorImpl: FragmentImpl[DummyError] = FragmentImpl[DummyError]
lazy val simpleFragmentErrorImpl: FragmentImpl[SimpleFragmentMatchingError] =
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