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package berlin.yuna.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
public class CsvRow extends ArrayList {
private static final UnsupportedOperationException IMMUTABLE_EXCEPTION = new UnsupportedOperationException("[" + CsvRow.class.getSimpleName() + "] is immutable");
* @param lines list of string to be transformed
* @return {@link CsvRow} with separate columns
public static CsvRow csvRowOf(final Collection lines) {
return new CsvRow(lines);
* @param lines list of list to be transformed
* @return {@link List} with separate columns
public static List csvRowListOf(final Collection> lines) {
* @param lines list of array to be transformed
* @return {@link List} with separate columns
public static List csvRowArrayOf(final Collection lines) {
* @param row input array to be transformed
* @return {@link CsvRow} with separate columns
public static CsvRow csvRowOf(final String... row) {
return new CsvRow(Arrays.asList(row));
* @param row input string to be split
* @return {@link CsvRow} with separate columns
public static CsvRow csvRowOf(final String row) {
return csvRowOf(row, validateSeparator(new char[]{}));
* @param row input string to be split
* @param separators delimiter to split the input
* @return {@link CsvRow} with separate columns
public static CsvRow csvRowOf(final String row, final char... separators) {
final List columns = new ArrayList<>();
splitRow(row, columns::add, separators);
return csvRowOf(columns);
* Validates the separator
* @param separators separator to validate
* @return separator for parameter or fallback ','
public static char[] validateSeparator(final char[] separators) {
return separators.length > 0 ? separators : new char[]{','};
* @return {@link List} from the {@link CsvRow}
public List toList() {
return new ArrayList<>((this));
* @param collection collection to be transformed to an array
* @return array from the collection. Null fallback = empty array
public static String[] toArray(final Collection collection) {
return collection == null ? new String[0] : collection.toArray(new String[0]);
* Returns the column value at the specified position in this {@link CsvRow}.
* @param index index of the column value to return
* @return the column value at the specified position in this list - fallback = null
public String get(final int index) {
return index < 0 || index >= this.size() ? null : super.get(index);
* Returns the column value at the specified position in this {@link CsvRow}.
* @param index index of the column value to return
* @return the column value as {@link Optional} at the specified position in this list - fallback = {@link Optional#empty()}
public Optional getOpt(final int index) {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.get(index));
* Returns the column value at the specified position in this {@link CsvRow}.
* @param index index of the column value to return
* @param separators Splits the CSV rows at the given separator
* @return the column value as {@link CsvRow} at the specified position - fallback = null
public CsvRow get(final int index, final char... separators) {
return index < 0 || index >= this.size() ? null : csvRowOf(super.get(index), separators);
* Returns the column value at the specified position in this {@link CsvRow}.
* @param index index of the column value to return
* @param separators Splits the CSV rows at the given separator
* @return the column value as {@link Optional} at the specified position - {@link Optional#empty()}
public Optional getOpt(final int index, final char... separators) {
return Optional.ofNullable(this.get(index, separators));
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public String set(final int index, final String element) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean add(final String element) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public void add(final int index, final String element) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean addAll(final int index, final Collection extends String> collection) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean addAll(final Collection extends String> collection) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean remove(final Object remove) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public String remove(final int index) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean removeAll(final Collection> collection) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean removeIf(final Predicate super String> filter) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public boolean retainAll(final Collection> collection) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public void replaceAll(final UnaryOperator operator) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public void removeRange(final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) {
* Not implemented cause of immutable object
public void clear() {
* @return array from the collection. Null fallback = empty array
public String[] toArray() {
return toArray(this);
protected CsvRow(final Collection collection) {
private static void splitRow(final String row, final Consumer result, final char... separators) {
final char[] splits = validateSeparator(separators);
int firstQuote = -1;
int lastQuote = -1;
int lastSeparator = -1;
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final char[] chars = row.toCharArray();
for (int index = 0; index < chars.length; index++) {
final char c = chars[index];
if (isQuote(c)) {
if (firstQuote == -1) {
firstQuote = index;
} else {
lastQuote = index;
} else if (isSeparator(c, splits)) {
lastSeparator = index;
if (lastSeparator != -1 && (firstQuote == -1 || (lastQuote != -1 && lastQuote < lastSeparator))) {
firstQuote = -1;
lastQuote = -1;
lastSeparator = -1;
private static boolean isQuote(final char c) {
return isSeparator(c, '\'', '\"');
private static boolean isSeparator(final char c, final char... separators) {
for (char s : separators) {
if (c == s) {
return true;
return false;
private static String replaceStr(final String input, final CharSequence target, final CharSequence replacement) {
return input.contains(target) ? input.replace(target, replacement) : input;
//TODO: move logic to parser to avoid the overhead
private static String normalizeColumn(final String column) {
String result = removeQuotes(column);
if (result != null) {
result = replaceStr(result, "\"\"", "\"");
result = replaceStr(result, "\\\"", "\"");
result = replaceStr(result, "''", "'");
result = replaceStr(result, "\\'", "'");
return result;
private static String removeQuotes(final String string) {
if (string != null) {
final String input = string.trim();
if ((input.startsWith("\"") && input.endsWith("\"")) || (input.startsWith("'") && input.endsWith("'"))) {
return input.substring(1, input.length() - 1).trim();
return input;
return null;