aQute.bnd.classfile.ConstantPool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package aQute.bnd.classfile;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.osgi.annotation.versioning.ProviderType;
public class ConstantPool {
public static final int CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1;
public static final int CONSTANT_Integer = 3;
public static final int CONSTANT_Float = 4;
public static final int CONSTANT_Long = 5;
public static final int CONSTANT_Double = 6;
public static final int CONSTANT_Class = 7;
public static final int CONSTANT_String = 8;
public static final int CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9;
public static final int CONSTANT_Methodref = 10;
public static final int CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11;
public static final int CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12;
public static final int CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15;
public static final int CONSTANT_MethodType = 16;
public static final int CONSTANT_Dynamic = 17;
public static final int CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18;
public static final int CONSTANT_Module = 19;
public static final int CONSTANT_Package = 20;
final Object[] pool;
public ConstantPool(Object[] pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public int size() {
return pool.length;
public T entry(int index) {
return (T) pool[index];
public int tag(int index) {
Object entry = entry(index);
if (entry instanceof Info info) {
return info.tag();
} else if (entry instanceof String) {
return CONSTANT_Utf8;
} else if (entry instanceof Integer) {
return CONSTANT_Integer;
} else if (entry instanceof Long) {
return CONSTANT_Long;
} else if (entry instanceof Float) {
return CONSTANT_Float;
} else if (entry instanceof Double) {
return CONSTANT_Double;
} else {
return 0;
public String utf8(int utf8_index) {
return entry(utf8_index);
public String className(int class_info_index) {
ClassInfo classInfo = entry(class_info_index);
return utf8(classInfo.class_index);
public String moduleName(int module_info_index) {
ModuleInfo moduleInfo = entry(module_info_index);
return utf8(moduleInfo.name_index);
public String packageName(int package_info_index) {
PackageInfo packageInfo = entry(package_info_index);
return utf8(packageInfo.name_index);
public String string(int string_info_index) {
StringInfo stringInfo = entry(string_info_index);
return utf8(stringInfo.string_index);
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(pool);
public static ConstantPool read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int constant_pool_count = in.readUnsignedShort();
Object[] pool = new Object[constant_pool_count];
for (int index = 1; index < constant_pool_count; index++) {
int tag = in.readUnsignedByte();
switch (tag) {
case CONSTANT_Utf8 : {
pool[index] = readUtf8Info(in);
case CONSTANT_Integer : {
pool[index] = readIntegerInfo(in);
case CONSTANT_Float : {
pool[index] = readFloatInfo(in);
case CONSTANT_Long : {
pool[index] = readLongInfo(in);
// For some insane optimization reason, the Long(5) and
// Double(6) entries take two slots in the constant pool.
// See 4.4.5
case CONSTANT_Double : {
pool[index] = readDoubleInfo(in);
// For some insane optimization reason, the Long(5) and
// Double(6) entries take two slots in the constant pool.
// See 4.4.5
case CONSTANT_Class : {
pool[index] = ClassInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_String : {
pool[index] = StringInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_Fieldref : {
pool[index] = FieldrefInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_Methodref : {
pool[index] = MethodrefInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref : {
pool[index] = InterfaceMethodrefInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_NameAndType : {
pool[index] = NameAndTypeInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_MethodHandle : {
pool[index] = MethodHandleInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_MethodType : {
pool[index] = MethodTypeInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_Dynamic : {
pool[index] = DynamicInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic : {
pool[index] = InvokeDynamicInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_Module : {
pool[index] = ModuleInfo.read(in);
case CONSTANT_Package : {
pool[index] = PackageInfo.read(in);
default : {
throw new IOException("Unrecognized constant pool tag value " + tag + " at index " + index);
ConstantPool constant_pool = new ConstantPool(pool);
return constant_pool;
static String readUtf8Info(DataInput in) throws IOException {
String constant = in.readUTF();
return constant.intern();
static void writeUtf8Info(DataOutput out, String constant) throws IOException {
static Integer readIntegerInfo(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int constant = in.readInt();
return constant;
static void writeIntegerInfo(DataOutput out, Integer constant) throws IOException {
static Float readFloatInfo(DataInput in) throws IOException {
float constant = in.readFloat();
return constant;
static void writeFloatInfo(DataOutput out, Float constant) throws IOException {
static Long readLongInfo(DataInput in) throws IOException {
long constant = in.readLong();
return constant;
static void writeLongInfo(DataOutput out, Long constant) throws IOException {
static Double readDoubleInfo(DataInput in) throws IOException {
double constant = in.readDouble();
return constant;
static void writeDoubleInfo(DataOutput out, Double constant) throws IOException {
public interface Info {
int tag();
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
public static class ClassInfo implements Info {
public final int class_index;
public ClassInfo(int class_index) {
this.class_index = class_index;
static ClassInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int name_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new ClassInfo(name_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Class;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "ClassInfo:" + class_index;
public static class StringInfo implements Info {
public final int string_index;
public StringInfo(int string_index) {
this.string_index = string_index;
static StringInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int string_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new StringInfo(string_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_String;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "StringInfo:" + string_index;
public abstract static class AbstractRefInfo implements Info {
public final int class_index;
public final int name_and_type_index;
protected AbstractRefInfo(int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
this.class_index = class_index;
this.name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index;
public interface Constructor {
R init(int class_index, int name_and_type_index);
static R read(DataInput in, Constructor constructor) throws IOException {
int class_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
int name_and_type_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return constructor.init(class_index, name_and_type_index);
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public static class FieldrefInfo extends AbstractRefInfo {
public FieldrefInfo(int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
super(class_index, name_and_type_index);
static FieldrefInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return AbstractRefInfo.read(in, FieldrefInfo::new);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Fieldref;
public String toString() {
return "FieldrefInfo:" + class_index + ":" + name_and_type_index;
public static class MethodrefInfo extends AbstractRefInfo {
public MethodrefInfo(int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
super(class_index, name_and_type_index);
static MethodrefInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return AbstractRefInfo.read(in, MethodrefInfo::new);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Methodref;
public String toString() {
return "MethodrefInfo:" + class_index + ":" + name_and_type_index;
public static class InterfaceMethodrefInfo extends AbstractRefInfo {
public InterfaceMethodrefInfo(int class_index, int name_and_type_index) {
super(class_index, name_and_type_index);
static InterfaceMethodrefInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return AbstractRefInfo.read(in, InterfaceMethodrefInfo::new);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
public String toString() {
return "InterfaceMethodrefInfo:" + class_index + ":" + name_and_type_index;
public static class NameAndTypeInfo implements Info {
public final int name_index;
public final int descriptor_index;
public NameAndTypeInfo(int name_index, int descriptor_index) {
this.name_index = name_index;
this.descriptor_index = descriptor_index;
static NameAndTypeInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int name_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
int descriptor_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new NameAndTypeInfo(name_index, descriptor_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_NameAndType;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "NameAndTypeInfo:" + name_index + ":" + descriptor_index;
public static class MethodHandleInfo implements Info {
public static final int REF_getField = 1;
public static final int REF_getStatic = 2;
public static final int REF_putField = 3;
public static final int REF_putStatic = 4;
public static final int REF_invokeVirtual = 5;
public static final int REF_invokeStatic = 6;
public static final int REF_invokeSpecial = 7;
public static final int REF_newInvokeSpecial = 8;
public static final int REF_invokeInterface = 9;
public final int reference_kind;
public final int reference_index;
public MethodHandleInfo(int reference_kind, int reference_index) {
this.reference_kind = reference_kind;
this.reference_index = reference_index;
static MethodHandleInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int reference_kind = in.readUnsignedByte();
int reference_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new MethodHandleInfo(reference_kind, reference_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_MethodHandle;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "MethodHandleInfo:" + reference_kind + ":" + reference_index;
public static class MethodTypeInfo implements Info {
public final int descriptor_index;
public MethodTypeInfo(int descriptor_index) {
this.descriptor_index = descriptor_index;
static MethodTypeInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int descriptor_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new MethodTypeInfo(descriptor_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_MethodType;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "MethodTypeInfo:" + descriptor_index;
public abstract static class AbstractDynamicInfo implements Info {
public final int bootstrap_method_attr_index;
public final int name_and_type_index;
protected AbstractDynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, int name_and_type_index) {
this.bootstrap_method_attr_index = bootstrap_method_attr_index;
this.name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index;
public interface Constructor {
D init(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, int name_and_type_index);
static D read(DataInput in, Constructor constructor) throws IOException {
int bootstrap_method_attr_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
int name_and_type_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return constructor.init(bootstrap_method_attr_index, name_and_type_index);
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public static class DynamicInfo extends AbstractDynamicInfo {
public DynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, int name_and_type_index) {
super(bootstrap_method_attr_index, name_and_type_index);
static DynamicInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return AbstractDynamicInfo.read(in, DynamicInfo::new);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Dynamic;
public String toString() {
return "DynamicInfo:" + bootstrap_method_attr_index + ":" + name_and_type_index;
public static class InvokeDynamicInfo extends AbstractDynamicInfo {
public InvokeDynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, int name_and_type_index) {
super(bootstrap_method_attr_index, name_and_type_index);
static InvokeDynamicInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
return AbstractDynamicInfo.read(in, InvokeDynamicInfo::new);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic;
public String toString() {
return "InvokeDynamicInfo:" + bootstrap_method_attr_index + ":" + name_and_type_index;
public static class ModuleInfo implements Info {
public final int name_index;
public ModuleInfo(int name_index) {
this.name_index = name_index;
static ModuleInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int name_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new ModuleInfo(name_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Module;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "ModuleInfo:" + name_index;
public static class PackageInfo implements Info {
public final int name_index;
public PackageInfo(int name_index) {
this.name_index = name_index;
static PackageInfo read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
int name_index = in.readUnsignedShort();
return new PackageInfo(name_index);
public int tag() {
return CONSTANT_Package;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public String toString() {
return "PackageInfo:" + name_index;
protected int index(Class infoType, Predicate match, Supplier supplier) {
for (int index = 1, len = size(); index < len; index++) {
Object entry = entry(index);
if (infoType.isInstance(entry) && match.test(infoType.cast(entry))) {
return index;
return add(infoType, supplier);
protected int add(Class infoType, Supplier supplier) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Constant Pool is not writeable; trying to add entry of type " + infoType);
// CONSTANT_Integer
public int integerInfo(int constant) {
return index(Integer.class, other -> equalsInteger(constant, other), () -> constant);
public int integerInfo(Integer constant) {
int const_value = constant.intValue();
return index(Integer.class, other -> equalsInteger(const_value, other), () -> constant);
public int integerInfo(Byte constant) {
return integerInfo(constant.intValue());
public int integerInfo(Character constant) {
return integerInfo(constant.charValue());
public int integerInfo(Short constant) {
return integerInfo(constant.intValue());
public int integerInfo(Boolean constant) {
return integerInfo(constant.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);
private static boolean equalsInteger(int a, int b) {
return a == b;
public int longInfo(Long constant) {
long const_value = constant.longValue();
return index(Long.class, other -> equalsLong(const_value, other), () -> constant);
public int longInfo(long constant) {
return index(Long.class, other -> equalsLong(constant, other), () -> constant);
private static boolean equalsLong(long a, long b) {
return a == b;
public int floatInfo(Float constant) {
float const_value = constant.floatValue();
return index(Float.class, other -> equalsFloat(const_value, other), () -> constant);
public int floatInfo(float constant) {
return index(Float.class, other -> equalsFloat(constant, other), () -> constant);
private static boolean equalsFloat(float a, float b) {
return Float.compare(a, b) == 0;
// CONSTANT_Double
public int doubleInfo(Double constant) {
double const_value = constant.doubleValue();
return index(Double.class, other -> equalsDouble(const_value, other), () -> constant);
public int doubleInfo(double constant) {
return index(Double.class, other -> equalsDouble(constant, other), () -> constant);
private static boolean equalsDouble(double a, double b) {
return Double.compare(a, b) == 0;
public int utf8Info(String utf8) {
return index(String.class, utf8::equals, () -> utf8.intern());
// CONSTANT_String
public int stringInfo(String string) {
return index(StringInfo.class, other -> equalsStringInfo(string, other),
() -> new StringInfo(utf8Info(string)));
private boolean equalsStringInfo(String string, StringInfo stringInfo) {
return string.equals(entry(stringInfo.string_index));
// CONSTANT_Module
public int moduleInfo(String module_name) {
return index(ModuleInfo.class, other -> equalsModuleInfo(module_name, other),
() -> new ModuleInfo(utf8Info(module_name)));
private boolean equalsModuleInfo(String module_name, ModuleInfo moduleInfo) {
return module_name.equals(entry(moduleInfo.name_index));
// CONSTANT_Package
public int packageInfo(String package_name) {
return index(PackageInfo.class, other -> equalsPackageInfo(package_name, other),
() -> new PackageInfo(utf8Info(package_name)));
private boolean equalsPackageInfo(String package_name, PackageInfo packageInfo) {
return package_name.equals(entry(packageInfo.name_index));
public int classInfo(String class_name) {
return index(ClassInfo.class, other -> equalsClassInfo(class_name, other),
() -> new ClassInfo(utf8Info(class_name)));
private boolean equalsClassInfo(String class_name, ClassInfo classInfo) {
return class_name.equals(entry(classInfo.class_index));
public interface RefInfoFunction {
int index(String class_name, String name, String descriptor);
// CONSTANT_Fieldref
public int fieldrefInfo(String class_name, String name, String descriptor) {
return index(FieldrefInfo.class, other -> equalsAbstractRefInfo(class_name, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new FieldrefInfo(classInfo(class_name), nameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor)));
private boolean equalsAbstractRefInfo(String class_name, String name, String descriptor, AbstractRefInfo refInfo) {
return equalsClassInfo(class_name, entry(refInfo.class_index))
&& equalsNameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor, entry(refInfo.name_and_type_index));
// CONSTANT_Methodref
public int methodrefInfo(String class_name, String name, String descriptor) {
return index(MethodrefInfo.class, other -> equalsAbstractRefInfo(class_name, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new MethodrefInfo(classInfo(class_name), nameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor)));
// CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref
public int interfaceMethodrefInfo(String class_name, String name, String descriptor) {
return index(InterfaceMethodrefInfo.class, other -> equalsAbstractRefInfo(class_name, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new InterfaceMethodrefInfo(classInfo(class_name), nameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor)));
// CONSTANT_NameAndType
public int nameAndTypeInfo(String name, String descriptor) {
return index(NameAndTypeInfo.class, other -> equalsNameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor, other),
() -> new NameAndTypeInfo(utf8Info(name), utf8Info(descriptor)));
private boolean equalsNameAndTypeInfo(String name, String descriptor, NameAndTypeInfo nameAndTypeInfo) {
return name.equals(entry(nameAndTypeInfo.name_index))
&& descriptor.equals(entry(nameAndTypeInfo.descriptor_index));
// CONSTANT_MethodHandle
public int methodHandleInfo(int reference_kind, String class_name, String name, String descriptor,
RefInfoFunction refInfoFunction) {
return index(MethodHandleInfo.class,
other -> equalsMethodHandleInfo(reference_kind, class_name, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new MethodHandleInfo(reference_kind, refInfoFunction.index(class_name, name, descriptor)));
private boolean equalsMethodHandleInfo(int reference_kind, String class_name, String name, String descriptor,
MethodHandleInfo methodHandleInfo) {
return equalsInteger(reference_kind, methodHandleInfo.reference_index)
&& equalsAbstractRefInfo(class_name, name, descriptor, entry(methodHandleInfo.reference_index));
// CONSTANT_MethodType
public int methodTypeInfo(String descriptor) {
return index(MethodTypeInfo.class, other -> equalsMethodTypeInfo(descriptor, other),
() -> new MethodTypeInfo(utf8Info(descriptor)));
private boolean equalsMethodTypeInfo(String descriptor, MethodTypeInfo methodTypeInfo) {
return descriptor.equals(entry(methodTypeInfo.descriptor_index));
// CONSTANT_Dynamic
public int dynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, String name, String descriptor) {
return index(DynamicInfo.class,
other -> equalsAbstractDynamicInfo(bootstrap_method_attr_index, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new DynamicInfo(bootstrap_method_attr_index, nameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor)));
private boolean equalsAbstractDynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, String name, String descriptor,
AbstractDynamicInfo abstractDynamicInfo) {
return equalsInteger(bootstrap_method_attr_index, abstractDynamicInfo.bootstrap_method_attr_index)
&& equalsNameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor, entry(abstractDynamicInfo.name_and_type_index));
// CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic
public int invokeDynamicInfo(int bootstrap_method_attr_index, String name, String descriptor) {
return index(InvokeDynamicInfo.class,
other -> equalsAbstractDynamicInfo(bootstrap_method_attr_index, name, descriptor, other),
() -> new InvokeDynamicInfo(bootstrap_method_attr_index, nameAndTypeInfo(name, descriptor)));
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
int constant_pool_count = size();
for (int index = 1; index < constant_pool_count; index++) {
Object entry = entry(index);
if (entry instanceof Info info) {
} else if (entry instanceof String string_entry) {
writeUtf8Info(out, string_entry);
} else if (entry instanceof Integer integer_entry) {
writeIntegerInfo(out, integer_entry);
} else if (entry instanceof Long long_entry) {
writeLongInfo(out, long_entry);
// For some insane optimization reason, the Long(5) and
// Double(6) entries take two slots in the constant pool.
// See 4.4.5
} else if (entry instanceof Float float_entry) {
writeFloatInfo(out, float_entry);
} else if (entry instanceof Double double_entry) {
writeDoubleInfo(out, double_entry);
// For some insane optimization reason, the Long(5) and
// Double(6) entries take two slots in the constant pool.
// See 4.4.5
} else {
throw new IOException("Unrecognized constant pool entry " + entry + " at index " + index);
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