All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

aQute.bnd.main.RepoCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package aQute.bnd.main;

import java.util.*;

import aQute.bnd.differ.*;
import aQute.bnd.header.*;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.*;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Verifier;
import aQute.bnd.service.*;
import aQute.bnd.service.RepositoryPlugin.PutResult;
import aQute.bnd.service.diff.*;
import aQute.bnd.service.repository.*;
import aQute.bnd.service.repository.SearchableRepository.ResourceDescriptor;
import aQute.bnd.version.*;
import aQute.lib.collections.*;
import aQute.lib.deployer.*;
import aQute.lib.getopt.*;
import aQute.lib.json.*;
import aQute.libg.cryptography.*;
import aQute.libg.glob.*;

public class RepoCommand {
	final static JSONCodec	codec	= new JSONCodec();

	@Description("Access to the repositories. Provides a number of sub commands to manipulate the repository "
			+ "(see repo help) that provide access to the installed repos for the current project.")
	@Arguments(arg = {
			"sub-cmd", "..."
	interface repoOptions extends Options {
		@Description("Add a File Repository")
		Collection filerepo();

		@Description("Include the maven repository")
		boolean maven();

		@Description("Specify a project")
		String project();

		@Description("Include the cache repository")
		boolean cache();

		@Description("Override the name of the release repository (-releaserepo)")
		Glob release();


	final bnd						bnd;
	final repoOptions				opts;
	final RepositoryPlugin			writable;
	final List	repos	= new ArrayList();

	 * Called from the command line
	 * @param bnd
	 * @param opts
	 * @throws Exception
	public RepoCommand(bnd bnd, repoOptions opts) throws Exception {
		this.opts = opts;
		this.bnd = bnd;

		// We can include the maven repository

		if (opts.maven()) {
			MavenRemoteRepository maven = new MavenRemoteRepository();
			maven.setProperties(new Attrs());

		// Repos given by the --repo option

		if (opts.filerepo() != null) {
			for (String r : opts.filerepo()) {
				bnd.trace("file repo " + r);
				FileRepo repo = new FileRepo();
				File location = bnd.getFile(r);

		// If no repos are set
		if (repos.isEmpty()) {
			bnd.trace("getting project repos");
			Project p = bnd.getProject(opts.project());

			if (p != null) {
			} else {
				Workspace w = bnd.getWorkspace((File) null);
				if (w != null) {
					System.out.println("Ws " + w.getBase());
		bnd.trace("repos " + repos);

		// Clean up and find first writable
		RepositoryPlugin w = null;
		for (Iterator rp = repos.iterator(); rp.hasNext();) {
			RepositoryPlugin rpp =;

			// Check for the cache
			if (!opts.cache() && rpp.getName().equals("cache")) {
			if (w == null && rpp.canWrite()) {
				if (opts.release() == null || opts.release().matcher(rpp.getName()).matches())
					w = rpp;
		this.writable = w;
		bnd.trace("writable " + w);

		List args = opts._();
		if (args.size() == 0) {
			// Default command
		} else {
			// Other commands
			String cmd = args.remove(0);
			String help = opts._command().execute(this, cmd, args);
			if (help != null) {

	 * List the repos
	@Arguments(arg = {})
	@Description("List the current repositories")
	interface reposOptions extends Options {}

	@Description("List the current repositories")
	public void _repos(@SuppressWarnings("unused") reposOptions opts) {
		int n = 1;
		for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {
			String location = "";
			try {
				location = repo.getLocation();
			catch (Throwable e) {
				// Ignore
			bnd.out.printf("%03d: %-20s %4s %-20s %s%n", n++, repo.getName(), repo.canWrite() ? "r/w" : "r/o",
					Descriptors.getShortName(repo.getClass().getName()), location);

	 * List the content of the repos
	@Description("List all artifacts from the current repositories with their versions")
	@Arguments(arg = {})
	interface listOptions extends Options {

		@Description("Do not list the versions, just the bsns")
		boolean noversions();

		@Description("Optional search term for the list of bsns (given to the repo)")
		String query();

		@Description("A glob expression on the source repo, default is all repos")
		Instruction from();

	@Description("List all artifacts from the current repositories with their versions")
	public void _list(listOptions opts) throws Exception {
		Set bsns = new HashSet();
		Instruction from = opts.from();
		if (from == null)
			from = new Instruction("*");

		for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {
			if (from.matches(repo.getName()))
		bnd.trace("list " + bsns);

		for (String bsn : new SortedList(bsns)) {
			if (!opts.noversions()) {
				Set versions = new TreeSet();
				for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {
					bnd.trace("get " + bsn + " from " + repo);
					if (from.matches(repo.getName())) {
						SortedSet result = repo.versions(bsn);
						if (result != null)
				bnd.out.printf("%-40s %s%n", bsn, versions);
			} else {
				bnd.out.printf("%s%n", bsn);

	 * get a file from the repo
	 * @param opts

	@Description("Get an artifact from a repository.")
	@Arguments(arg = {
			"bsn", "[range]"
	interface getOptions extends Options {
		@Description("Where to store the artifact")
		String output();

		boolean lowest();

		Instruction from();

	@Description("Get an artifact from a repository.")
	public void _get(getOptions opts) throws Exception {
		Instruction from = opts.from();
		if (from == null)
			from = new Instruction("*");

		List args = opts._();
		if (args.isEmpty()) {
			bnd.error("Get needs at least a bsn");

		String bsn = args.remove(0);
		String range = null;

		if (!args.isEmpty()) {
			range = args.remove(0);
			if (!args.isEmpty()) {
				bnd.error("Extra args %s", args);

		VersionRange r = new VersionRange(range == null ? "0" : range);
		Map index = new HashMap();

		for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {
			if (from.matches(repo.getName())) {
				SortedSet versions = repo.versions(bsn);
				if (versions != null)
					for (Version v : versions) {
						if (r.includes(v))
							index.put(v, repo);

		SortedList l = new SortedList(index.keySet());
		if (l.isEmpty()) {
			bnd.out.printf("No versions found for %s%n", bsn);

		Version v;
		if (opts.lowest())
			v = l.first();
			v = l.last();

		RepositoryPlugin repo = index.get(v);
		File file = repo.get(bsn, v, null);

		File dir = bnd.getBase();
		String name = file.getName();

		if (opts.output() != null) {
			File f = bnd.getFile(opts.output());
			if (f.isDirectory())
				dir = f;
			else {
				dir = f.getParentFile();
				name = f.getName();

		if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
			throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + dir);
		IO.copy(file, new File(dir, name));

	 * put

	@Description("Put an artifact into the repository after it has been verified.")
	@Arguments(arg = {
	interface putOptions extends Options {
		@Description("Put in repository even if verification fails (actually, no verification is done).")
		boolean force();

	@Description("Put an artifact into the repository after it has been verified.")
	public void _put(putOptions opts) throws Exception {
		if (writable == null) {
			bnd.error("No writable repository in %s", repos);

		List args = opts._();
		if (args.isEmpty()) {
			bnd.out.println("Writable repo is " + writable.getName() + " (" + writable.getLocation() + ")");

		nextArgument: while (args.size() > 0) {
			boolean delete = false;
			String source = args.remove(0);
			File file = bnd.getFile(source);
			if (!file.isFile()) {
				file = File.createTempFile("jar", ".jar");
				delete = true;
				try {
					IO.copy(new URL(source).openStream(), file);
				catch (Exception e) {
					bnd.error("No such file %s", source);
					continue nextArgument;

			bnd.trace("put %s", file);

			Jar jar = new Jar(file);
			try {
				String bsn = jar.getBsn();
				if (bsn == null) {
					bnd.error("File %s is not a bundle (it has no bsn) ", file);

				bnd.trace("bsn %s version %s", bsn, jar.getVersion());

				if (!opts.force()) {
					Verifier v = new Verifier(jar);

				if (bnd.isOk()) {
					PutResult r = writable.put(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)),
							new RepositoryPlugin.PutOptions());
					bnd.trace("put %s in %s (%s) into %s", source, writable.getName(), writable.getLocation(),
			finally {
			if (delete)

	@Arguments(arg = {
			"newer repo", "[older repo]"
	@Description("Show the diff tree of a single repo or compare 2  repos. A diff tree is a "
			+ "detailed tree of all aspects of a bundle, including its packages, types, methods, "
			+ "fields, and modifiers.")
	interface diffOptions extends Options {
		@Description("Serialize to JSON")
		boolean json();

		@Description("Show full diff tree (also wen entries are equal)")
		boolean full();

		@Description("Formatted like diff")
		boolean diff();

		@Description("Both add and removes")
		boolean all();

		@Description("Just removes (no additions)")
		boolean remove();

		@Description("Just additions (no removes)")
		boolean added();

	@Description("Diff jars (or show tree)")
	public void _diff(diffOptions options) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, Exception {

		List _ = options._();
		String newer = _.remove(0);
		String older = _.size() > 0 ? _.remove(0) : null;

		RepositoryPlugin rnewer = findRepo(newer);
		RepositoryPlugin rolder = older == null ? null : findRepo(older);

		if (rnewer == null) {
		if (older != null && rolder == null) {

		PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bnd.out, "UTF-8"));
		Tree tNewer = RepositoryElement.getTree(rnewer);
		if (rolder == null) {
			if (options.json())
				codec.enc().to(new OutputStreamWriter(bnd.out, "UTF-8")).put(tNewer.serialize()).flush();
			else, tNewer, 0);
		} else {
			Tree tOlder = RepositoryElement.getTree(rolder);
			Diff diff = new DiffImpl(tNewer, tOlder);
			MultiMap map = new MultiMap();
			for (Diff bsn : diff.getChildren()) {

				for (Diff version : bsn.getChildren()) {
					if (version.getDelta() == Delta.UNCHANGED)

					if (options.remove() == false && options.added() == false
							|| (options.remove() //
							&& version.getDelta() == Delta.REMOVED)
							|| (options.added() && version.getDelta() == Delta.ADDED)) {

						map.add(bsn.getName(), version.getName());

			if (options.json())
				codec.enc().to(new OutputStreamWriter(bnd.out, "UTF-8")).put(map).flush();
			else if (!options.diff())
			else, diff, 0, !options.full());

	private RepositoryPlugin findRepo(String name) {
		for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {
			if (repo.getName().equals(name))
				return repo;
		return null;

	@Description("Refresh refreshable repositories")
	@Arguments(arg = {})
	interface RefreshOptions extends Options {


	@Description("Refresh refreshable repositories")
	public void _refresh(RefreshOptions opts) throws Exception {
		for (Object o : repos) {
			if (o instanceof Refreshable) {
				bnd.trace("refresh %s", o);
				((Refreshable) o).refresh();

	@Description("Displays a sorted set of versions for a given bsn that can be found in the current repositories.")
	@Arguments(arg = "bsn")
	interface VersionsOptions extends Options {


	@Description("Displays a list of versions for a given bsn that can be found in the current repositories.")
	public void _versions(VersionsOptions opts) throws Exception {
		TreeSet versions = new TreeSet();
		String bsn = opts._().remove(0);
		for (RepositoryPlugin repo : repos) {

	 * Copy
	@Arguments(arg = {
			"source", "dest"
	interface CopyOptions extends Options {

		@Description("Do not really copy but trace the steps")
		boolean dry();

	public void _copy(CopyOptions options) throws Exception {
		List args = options._();
		Workspace ws = Workspace.findWorkspace(bnd.getBase());
		if (ws == null) {
			bnd.error("Cannot find a workspace from " + bnd.getBase());

		RepositoryPlugin source = ws.getRepository(args.remove(0));
		RepositoryPlugin dest = ws.getRepository(args.remove(0));

		if (source == null)
			bnd.error("No such source repository: %s", source);

		if (dest == null)
			bnd.error("No such destination repository: %s", dest);
		else if (!dest.canWrite())
			bnd.error("Destination repository cannot write: %s", dest);

		if (!bnd.isOk() || source == null || dest == null) {

		class Spec {
			DownloadBlocker	src;
			DownloadBlocker	dst;
			String			bsn;
			Version			version;
			public byte[]	digest;

		List sources = new ArrayList();

		// Get the repo contents, using background downloads

		for (String bsn : source.list(null)) {
			for (Version version : source.versions(bsn)) {
				Spec spec = new Spec();
				spec.bsn = bsn;
				spec.version = version;
				spec.src = new DownloadBlocker(bnd);

				File src = source.get(bsn, version, null, spec.src);
				if (src == null) {
					bnd.error("No such entry: %s-%s", bsn, version);
				} else {
					spec.dst = findMatchingVersion(dest, bsn, version);

		// Verify they all exist and are valid to download

		for (Spec spec : sources) {
			String reason = spec.src.getReason();
			if (reason != null) {
				bnd.error("Failed to find %s because: %s", spec.src.getFile(), reason);

			File src = spec.src.getFile();
			if (!src.isFile()) {
				bnd.error("Not a valid file %s", spec.src.getFile());
			spec.digest = SHA1.digest(src).digest();

		// See if we can prune the list by diffing
		ResourceRepository resources = null;
		if (dest instanceof ResourceRepository)
			resources = (ResourceRepository) dest;

		nextFile: for (Iterator i = sources.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Spec spec =;

			if (resources != null) {
				ResourceDescriptor rd = resources.getResourceDescriptor(spec.digest);
				if (rd != null)
					// Already exists
					continue nextFile;

			// TODO Diff

		if (!bnd.isOk())

		for (Spec spec : sources) {
			File src = spec.src.getFile();

			if (!options.dry()) {
				FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(src);
				try {
					PutResult put = dest.put(fin, null);
					if (put.digest != null) {
						if (!Arrays.equals(spec.digest, put.digest)) {
							bnd.error("Digest error in upload %s", src);
				catch (Exception e) {
					bnd.error("Exception %s in upload %s", e, src);
				finally {


	private DownloadBlocker findMatchingVersion(RepositoryPlugin dest, String bsn, Version version) throws Exception {
		Version floor = version.getWithoutQualifier();
		Version ceiling = new Version(floor.getMajor()+1, 0,0);
		VersionRange range = new VersionRange(true,floor, ceiling, false);
		SortedSet versions = dest.versions(bsn);
		if ( versions == null || versions.isEmpty())
			return null;
		for ( Version v : range.filter(versions)) {
			// First one is highest
			// TODO Diff
		return null;


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