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An SQL connector from Simpli.
import java.util.*
* A Query Builder
* @author gil
open class Query {
var strSt = ""
private set
val paramsSt = ArrayList()
private var ifNotFulfilled = false
* shortcut for raw function
* Query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = ? AND other = ?", "abc", 123)
* SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
constructor(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) {
raw(str, *params)
* add raw string to the query
* Query().raw("SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = ? AND other = ?", "abc", 123)
* SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
open fun raw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) : Query {
ifNotFulfilled = false // reset the ifThen logic
str?.let {
strSt += " $str "
if (params.isNotEmpty()) {
return this
* simply adds "SELECT" in the query
* Query().selectRaw("column, other").raw("FROM table")
* SELECT column, other FROM table
open fun selectRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("SELECT $str", *params)
* select all columns
* Query().selectAll().raw("FROM table")
* SELECT * FROM table
open fun selectAll() = selectRaw("*")
* select the fields by name
* Query().select("column", "other").raw("FROM table")
* SELECT column, other FROM table
open fun select(vararg columns: String) = selectRaw(columns.joinToString())
* select counting for something
* Query().countRaw("column").raw("FROM table")
* SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table
open fun countRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = selectRaw("COUNT($str)", *params)
* select counting all
* Query().countAll().raw("FROM table")
open fun countAll() = countRaw("*")
* select counting the fields by name
* Query().count("column", "other").raw("FROM table")
* SELECT COUNT(column, other) FROM table
open fun count(vararg columns: String) = countRaw(columns.joinToString())
* simply adds "FROM" in the query
* Query("SELECT column").from("table")
* SELECT column FROM table
open fun from(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("FROM $str", *params)
* uses FROM with an inner query
* Query("SELECT column").from(Query("SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY other", "myinner")).raw("FROM table")
* SELECT column FROM ( SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY other ) myinner FROM table
open fun from(query: Query, name: String) = from("(").concat(query).raw(") $name")
* adds "WHERE" if there isn't any "WHERE" yet on the query. otherwise adds "AND"
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").where("column = ?", "abc").where("other = ?", 123)
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
open fun where(str: String?, vararg params: Any?): Query {
val word = if (!strSt.toUpperCase().contains("WHERE ")) "WHERE" else "AND"
return raw("$word $str", *params)
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, all of them needs to be true
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereAll {
* where("column = ?", "abc")
* where("other = ?", 123)
* }
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" AND other = 123)
open fun whereAll(callback: Query.() -> Unit): Query {
val innerQuery = WhereAllQuery()
return where("(").concat(innerQuery).raw(")")
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, only one of them needs to be true
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereSome {
* where("column = ?", "abc")
* where("other = ?", 123)
* }
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" OR other = 123)
open fun whereSome(callback: Query.() -> Unit): Query {
val innerQuery = WhereSomeQuery()
return where("(").concat(innerQuery).raw(")")
open class WhereAllQuery : Query() {
override fun where(str: String?, vararg params: Any?): Query {
val word = if (strSt.isEmpty()) "" else "AND"
return raw("$word $str", *params)
open class WhereSomeQuery : Query() {
override fun where(str: String?, vararg params: Any?): Query {
val word = if (strSt.isEmpty()) "" else "OR"
return raw("$word $str", *params)
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, all of them needs to be equal to the specified value
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereAllEq(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" AND other = 123 AND password = SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun whereAllEq(vararg value: Pair): Query {
val processed = fieldsQuestionsAndParams(*value)
val params = ArrayList()
processed.forEach{ params.addAll(it.params) }
return where("(${ { "${it.field} = ${it.question}" }.joinToString(" AND ")})",
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, all of them needs to be equal to the specified value
* val conditionsMap = mapOf(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereAllEq(conditionsMap)
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" AND other = 123 AND password = SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun whereAllEq(value: Map) = whereAllEq(*value.toList().toTypedArray())
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, only one of them needs to be equal to the specified value
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereSomeEq(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" OR other = 123 OR password = SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun whereSomeEq(vararg value: Pair): Query {
val processed = fieldsQuestionsAndParams(*value)
val params = ArrayList()
processed.forEach{ params.addAll(it.params) }
return where("(${ { "${it.field} = ${it.question}" }.joinToString(" AND ")})",
* adds a WHERE with multiple conditions, only one of them needs to be equal to the specified value
* val conditionsMap = mapOf(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").whereSomeEq(conditionsMap)
* SELECT column FROM table WHERE (column = "abc" OR other = 123 OR password = SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun whereSomeEq(value: Map) = whereSomeEq(*value.toList().toTypedArray())
open fun whereEq(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column = ?", param)
open fun whereNotEq(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column != ?", param)
open fun whereGt(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column > ?", param)
open fun whereLt(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column < ?", param)
open fun whereGtEq(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column >= ?", param)
open fun whereLtEq(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column <= ?", param)
open fun whereNull(column: String) = where("$column IS NULL")
open fun whereNotNull(column: String) = where("$column IS NOT NULL")
open fun whereBetween(column: String, p1: Any, p2: Any) = where("$column BETWEEN ? AND ?", p1, p2)
open fun whereLike(column: String, param: Any) = where("$column LIKE ?", param)
open fun whereIn(column: String, vararg param: Any?) = where("$column IN (${oddText(param.size, "?", ",")})", *param)
open fun whereNotIn(column: String, vararg param: Any?) = whereIn("$column NOT", param)
* simply adds "INNER JOIN" in the query
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").innerJoinRaw("othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey")
* SELECT column FROM table INNER JOIN othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey
open fun innerJoinRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("INNER JOIN $str", *params)
* add an inner join with the joining columns
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").innerJoin("othertable", "primarykey", "foreignkey")
* SELECT column FROM table INNER JOIN othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey
open fun innerJoin(otherTable: String, oneColumn: String, otherColumn: String) = innerJoinRaw("$otherTable ON $oneColumn = $otherColumn")
* simply adds "LEFT JOIN" in the query
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").leftJoinRaw("othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey")
* SELECT column FROM table LEFT JOIN othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey
open fun leftJoinRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("LEFT JOIN $str", *params)
* add a left join with the joining columns
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").leftJoin("othertable", "primarykey", "foreignkey")
* SELECT column FROM table LEFT JOIN othertable ON primarykey = foreignkey
open fun leftJoin(otherTable: String, oneColumn: String, otherColumn: String) = leftJoinRaw("$otherTable ON $oneColumn = $otherColumn")
* simply adds "GROUP BY" in the query
* Query("SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table").groupByRaw("column")
* SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table GROUP BY column
open fun groupByRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("GROUP BY $str", *params)
* adds group by of the columns
* Query("SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table").groupBy("column", "other")
* SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table GROUP BY column, other
open fun groupBy(vararg columns: String) = groupByRaw(columns.joinToString())
* simply adds "HAVING" in the query
* Query("SELECT COUNT(column) AS countt FROM table GROUP BY column").having("countt > 3")
* SELECT COUNT(column) AS countt FROM table GROUP BY column HAVING countt > 3
open fun having(str: String?, vararg param: Any?) = raw("HAVING $str", *param)
open fun havingEq(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column = ?", param)
open fun havingNotEq(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column != ?", param)
open fun havingGt(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column > ?", param)
open fun havingLt(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column < ?", param)
open fun havingGtEq(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column >= ?", param)
open fun havingLtEq(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column <= ?", param)
open fun havingNull(column: String) = having("$column IS NULL")
open fun havingNotNull(column: String) = having("$column IS NOT NULL")
open fun havingBetween(column: String, p1: Any, p2: Any) = having("$column BETWEEN ? AND ?", p1, p2)
open fun havingLike(column: String, param: Any) = having("$column LIKE ?", param)
open fun havingIn(column: String, vararg param: Any?) = having("$column IN (${oddText(param.size, "?", ",")})", *param)
open fun havingNotIn(column: String, vararg param: Any?) = havingIn("$column NOT", param)
* simply adds "ORDER BY" in the query
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").orderByRaw("column ASC")
* SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column
open fun orderByRaw(str: String?, vararg params: Any?) = raw("ORDER BY $str", *params)
* add order by with a string identifing if ASC or DESC
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").orderBy("column", "ASC")
* SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column ASC
open fun orderBy(column: String, order: String) = orderByRaw("$column $order")
* add order by with optional true for ASC and false for DESC
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").orderByAsc("column")
* SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column ASC
* Query("SELECT column FROM table").orderByAsc("column", false)
* SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column DESC
open fun orderByAsc(column: String, asc: Boolean? = true) = orderBy(column, if (asc != false) "ASC" else "DESC")
* adds limit with index and size
* Query("SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column ASC").limit(3, 20)
* SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY column ASC LIMIT 3, 20
open fun limit(index: Number = 0, size: Number) = raw("LIMIT ?, ?", index, size)
* adds insert into in the query
* Query().insertInto("table").raw("(column, other) VALUES (?, ?)", "abc", 123)
* INSERT INTO table (column, other) VALUES ("abc", 123)
open fun insertInto(str: String, vararg params: Any?) = raw("INSERT INTO $str", *params)
* easily adds the values of insert in the query
* Query("INSERT INTO table").insertValues(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* INSERT INTO table (column, other, password) VALUES ("abc", 123, SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun insertValues(vararg value: Pair): Query {
val processed = fieldsQuestionsAndParams(*value)
val params = ArrayList()
processed.forEach{ params.addAll(it.params) }
return raw("(${{ it.field }.joinToString(",")}) VALUES (${{ it.question }.joinToString(",")})",
* easily adds the values of insert in the query
* val insertMap = mapOf(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* Query("INSERT INTO table").insertValues(insertMap)
* INSERT INTO table (column, other, password) VALUES ("abc", 123, SHA1("ultrasecret"))
open fun insertValues(value: Map) = insertValues(*value.toList().toTypedArray())
* adds update to the query
* Query().updateTable("table").raw("SET column = ?, other = ? WHERE id = ?", "abc", 123, 1)
* UPDATE table SET column = "abc", other = 123 WHERE id = 1
open fun updateTable(str: String, vararg params: Any?) = raw("UPDATE $str", *params)
* easily adds the set of changes of update in the query
* Query("UPDATE table").updateSet(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* ).raw("WHERE id = ?", 1)
* UPDATE table SET column = "abc", other = 123, password = SHA1("ultrasecret") WHERE id = 1
open fun updateSet(vararg value: Pair): Query {
val processed = fieldsQuestionsAndParams(*value)
val params = ArrayList()
processed.forEach{ params.addAll(it.params) }
return raw("SET ${ { "${it.field} = ${it.question}" }.joinToString(", ")}",
* easily adds the set of changes of update in the query
* val updateMap = mapOf(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to 123,
* "password" to Query("SHA1(?)", "ultrasecret")
* )
* Query("UPDATE table").updateSet(updateMap).raw("WHERE id = ?", 1)
* UPDATE table SET column = "abc", other = 123, password = SHA1("ultrasecret") WHERE id = 1
open fun updateSet(value: Map) = updateSet(*value.toList().toTypedArray())
* adds delete from on the query
* Query().deleteFrom("table").raw("WHERE id = ?", 1)
* DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1
open fun deleteFrom(str: String, vararg params: Any?) = raw("DELETE FROM $str", *params)
* concatenate all queries
* Query("SELECT * FROM table").concat(Query("WHERE column = ?", "abc"), Query("AND other = ?", 123))
* SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
open fun concat(vararg queries: Query): Query {
queries.forEach { raw(it.strSt, *it.paramsSt.toArray()) }
return this
* utility function to tokenize
* Query().oddText(3, "?", ",")
* ?,?,?
open fun oddText(size: Int, text: String, separator: String) = List(size) { text }.toTypedArray().joinToString(separator)
* execute the callback only if the boolean is true, util to avoid breaking the Query chain
* Query("SELECT * FROM table").ifThen(compareColumn) {
* where("column = ?", "abc")
* }.where("other = ?", 123)
* compareColumn == true: SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
* compareColumn == false: SELECT * FROM table WHERE other = 123
open fun ifThen(bool: Boolean?, callback: Query.() -> Unit): Query {
if (bool == true) {
} else {
ifNotFulfilled = true
return this
* executes the callback only if the boolean is true and the previous ifThen (or letThen) was not fulfilled
* Query("SELECT * FROM table").ifThen(compareColumn) {
* where("column = ?", "abc")
* }.elseIf(compareOther) {
* where("other = ?", 123)
* }
open fun elseIf(bool: Boolean?, callback: Query.() -> Unit): Query {
if (ifNotFulfilled && bool == true) {
ifNotFulfilled = false
return this
* executes the callback only if the previous ifThen (or letThen) was not fulfilled
* Query("SELECT * FROM table").ifThen(compareColumn) {
* where("column = ?", "abc")
* }.elseThen {
* where("other = ?", 123)
* }
* compareColumn == true: SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc"
* compareColumn == false: SELECT * FROM table WHERE other = 123
open fun elseThen(callback: (Query) -> Unit) = elseIf(true, callback)
* execute the callback only if the variable is not null, util to avoid breaking the Query chain
* Query("SELECT * FROM table").letThen(columnSearch) {
* where("column = ?", columnSearch)
* }.where("other = ?", 123)
* columnSearch == "abc": SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = "abc" AND other = 123
* compareColumn == null: SELECT * FROM table WHERE other = 123
open fun letThen(param: T?, callback: Query.(T) -> Unit): Query {
param?.let {
callback(this, it)
} ?: run {
ifNotFulfilled = true
return this
* utility function to organize name and value pairs that may have an inner query
* Query().fieldsQuestionsAndParams(
* "column" to "abc",
* "other" to Query("SHA1(?)", 123)
* )
* [{ field: "column", question: "?", params: ["abc"] }, { field: "other", question: "SHA1(?)", params: [123] }]
open fun fieldsQuestionsAndParams(vararg value: Pair): List {
return {
if (it.second is Query) {
val query = it.second as Query
FieldQuestionAndParams(it.first, query.strSt, query.paramsSt)
} else {
FieldQuestionAndParams(it.first, "?", arrayListOf(it.second))
class FieldQuestionAndParams(val field: String, val question: String, val params: List)
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